Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Day America Dropped The Atom Bomb And Why


The Day America Dropped The Atom Bomb And Why

The Day America Dropped The Atom Bomb And Why

The Day America Dropped The Atom Bomb And Why

Monday, May 30, 2016

President Ronald Reagan Responds To President Barack Obama


President Ronald Reagan Responds To President Barack Obama

This is Ray Mossholder. In 1983, then President Ronald Reagan gave a speech over television to the entire nation, a speech that came to be known as his “Star Wars” speech. In it he explained why America must have a strong military power that includes having nuclear bombs because both the military and the bombs are so important to America’s security. As you hear this message you will see what a polar opposite President Reagan was when compared to President Barack Obama who has during his eight year reign, shrunk our military to less than its strength just prior to the Second World War. Because of President Obama’s speech in Hiroshima where he spoke of the necessity for all nations to destroy any supply they have of nuclear weapons. Listen to President Reagan’s response to that idea and to the shrinking of our military.

President Reagan began by answering a question and then carried on with his message to America. He began…

There is no logical way that you can say let’s spend X billion dollars less. You can only say, which part of our defense measures do we believe we can do without and still have security against all contingencies? Anyone in the Congress who advocates a percentage or specific dollar cut in defense spending should be made to say what part of our defenses he would eliminate, and he should be candid enough to acknowledge that his cuts mean cutting our commitments to allies or inviting greater risk or both.

  • The defense policy of the United States is based on a simple premise: The United States does not start fights. We will never be an aggressor. We maintain our strength in order to deter and defend against aggression — to preserve freedom and peace.

    Since the dawn of the atomic age, we have sought to reduce the risk of war by maintaining a strong deterrent and by seeking genuine arms control. Deterrence means simply this: Making sure any adversary who thinks about attacking the United States or our allies or our vital interests concludes that the risks to him outweigh any potential gains. Once he understands that, he won’t attack. We maintain the peace through our strength; weakness only invites aggression.

    This strategy of deterrence has not changed. It still works. But what it takes to maintain deterrence has changed. It took one kind of military force to deter an attack when we had far more nuclear weapons than any other power; it takes another kind now that the Soviets, for example, have enough accurate and powerful nuclear weapons to destroy virtually all of our missiles on the ground. Now this is not to say that the Soviet Union is planning to make war on us. Nor do I believe a war is inevitable — quite the contrary. But what must be recognized is that our security is based on being prepared to meet all threats.

    There was a time when we depended on coastal forts and artillery batteries because, with the weaponry of that day, any attack would have had to come by sea. Well, this is a different world and our defenses must be based on recognition and awareness of the weaponry possessed by other nations in the nuclear age.

    We can’t afford to believe that we will never be threatened. There have been two world wars in my lifetime. We didn’t start them and, indeed, did everything we could to avoid being drawn into them. But we were ill-prepared for both — had we been better prepared, peace might have been preserved.

    The Soviet Buildup For 20 years, the Soviet Union has been accumulating enormous military might. They didn’t stop when their forces exceeded all requirements of a legitimate defensive capability. And they haven’t stopped now.

  • Some people may still ask: Would the Soviets ever use their formidable military power? Well, again, can we afford to believe they won’t? There is Afghanistan, and in Poland, the Soviets denied the will of the people and, in so doing, demonstrated to the world how their military power could also be used to intimidate.

    The final fact is that the Soviet Union is acquiring what can only be considered an offensive military force. They have continued to build far more intercontinental ballistic missiles than they could possibly need simply to deter an attack. Their conventional forces are trained and equipped not so much to defend against an attack as they are to permit sudden, surprise offensives of their own.

  • What if free people could live secure in the knowledge that their security did not rest upon the threat of instant U.S. retaliation to deter a Soviet attack, that we could intercept and destroy strategic ballistic missiles before they reached our own soil or that of our allies? I know this is a formidable, technical task, one that may not be accomplished before the end of this century. Yet, current technology has attained a level of sophistication where it’s reasonable for us to begin this effort. It will take years, probably decades of effort on many fronts. There will be failures and setbacks, just as there will be successes and breakthroughs. And as we proceed, we must remain constant in preserving the nuclear deterrent and maintaining a solid capability for flexible response. But isn’t it worth every investment necessary to free the world from the threat of nuclear war? We know it is.

President Ronald Reagan Responds To President Barack Obama

President Ronald Reagan Responds To President Barack Obama

Memorial Day 2016 What"s It All About?


Memorial Day 2016 What’s It All About?

Memorial Day 2016 What’s It All About?

Memorial Day 2016 What"s It All About?

What Did President Obama Really Say In Hiroshima? (Breitbart)


What Did President Obama Really Say In Hiroshima? (Breitbart) The news media has followed the spoonfed Pablum from the White House that President Obama did not apologize for America dropping two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 when he gave his message to Japan with the huge crowd watching and a far larger crowd viewing it on television on Friday, the eve of Memorial Day weekend.

It’s true that our president did not directly apologize for America’s bombings, but he might as well of for all the things he said about America and why we dropped those bombs. Obama’s reasoning couldn’t have been more wrong.  Breitbart news has the truth through its gifted Senior Editor at Large, Joe Pollack. Ray will share it with you right now.

What Did President Obama Really Say In Hiroshima? (Breitbart)

What Did President Obama Really Say In Hiroshima? (Breitbart)

Lest We Forget – Gallipoli – an ANZAC remembrance by Milton Gillie


Lest We Forget – Gallipoli – a remembrance by Milton Gillie

This is Ray Mossholder. America is my homeland and I am 100% true blood American. There will never be  a doubt in me about that. But there are two other countries I have spent so much time in and that I deeply love – Australia and New Zealand. They are both amazingly beautiful countries with beautiful people in them and I will never forget my precious friends across the sea.

On this Memorial Day it seems fitting to share with you an article written by our Reach More Now correspondent in Australia – Milton Gillie. He sent me this earlier this year, but I could think of no time more appropriate than this weekend to present it to you. 

Warx it is in his party and is finishing itPart way through this article I’m inserting the final scene from the movie “Gallipoli” and the beginning of the battle Milton describes in what he’s written

Milton begins…

April 25th in Australia & New Zealand is ANZAC day. We commemorate the day in 1915 when the Australian & New Zealand Army Corps from which the name ANZAC is derived stormed the beach in Turkey as part of the English operation to attempt to capture the Gallipoli peninsula.

Today right across our countries their will be dawn services and marches followed by remembrance services.

The English commanders completely stuffed up the operation, landing the soldiers on the wrong beach. Instead of landing at the planned beach where they could make a realistic assault on the Turkish position they were landed on a beach beneath a fortress like cliff above them filled with fortified bunkers and machine guns. Many never even made it to the beach.

This is Ray. if you have the stomach for it, let me show you visually what happened. This is really what Memorial Day represents in America. Our  military has been sometimes caught in the same kinds of death traps. This scene is from one of the most powerful movies I’ve ever seen – Mel Gibson and a tremendous cast in Gallipoli…

The campaign was a slaughter as the task of taking the land above the cliff was next to impossible.   On the allied side over 44000 died during the campaign with another 97000 being injured.  The Turks suffered even heavier casualties with 86000 dead and another 165000 injured.  

It lasted from April 25th to the following January 8th when the commanders, having accepted defeat, withdrew all surviving personnel.  

The withdrawal being one of the greatest war time successes.  Elaborate devices were set up in the trenches that periodically fired rifles at the Turkish position fooling them into believing the area was still occupied.  Unlike the landing when so many were killed by machine gun fire before they even made it to shore, not a single life was lost in the withdrawal.

Despite the overwhelming odds a division of the ANZACs achieved their goal and captured one of the posts on the peninsula.  No other posts were taken by any forces involved in the campaign.

It is recognized as the single event that shaped our nation and forged the belief that we are a nation.  Prior to that we still saw ourselves as an English colony despite Federation actually having taken place on Jan 1st 1901.

It was also the first time that heroic deeds by our soldiers that have become legendary in our folklore, took place on behalf of our nation.

The highest military award that can be received in the British Commonwealth countries is the Victoria cross.  It is the equivalent of the US Medal of Honor.

Nine Australians and one New Zealander were awarded Victoria Cross for this campaign, 7 of these coming from the Battle of Lone Pine between 6th to 9th August 1915.  In all 39 were awarded to all troupes under the British command for the campaign.

Many of the Victoria Cross winners actually died in action for which they receive the award.  Indeed our most well known war hero John Simpson Kirkpatrick was a medic who for 21 days on the campaign took his donkey under enemy fire to retrieve the injured and bring them back to safely before he was shot and killed.

Every school child in Australia is taught the story of Simpson and his donkey,  Statues of both exist an more than one memorial site around the country.

The deeds of Albert Jacka who singlehandedly routed a Turkish attack who had overrun his bunker and killed all the other solders in that bunker, before he drove them out, were so legendary that in the 1930’s he was probably one of the most well known Australian, although not so well today.

There were many others whose deeds were just as great, some who were recognized other who got no recognition.  

In the WW2 Kokoda campaign, which was one of the most important campaigns of the war against the Japanese there were a number of recommendations for the Victoria Cross to be awarded, yet only 1 was.  Reading eye witness reports from the campaign, its hard to believe that there were not about a dozen awarded.

But whether they rise to such heights or whether unknown, every single person who served our country is recognized today and honored. For the vast majority of our nation they are given due recognition on this day.  

Sadly although it a small minority there are more and more instances of disrespect to our service people.  This year police manged to foil a plot to carry out a terror attack on a march.  This is the second time it’s happened.  This year it was a 16 year old boy who was found with explosives that were intended to kill and maim those marching.

The scripture tells us that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend.  Many have done so and we must continue to honor them, lest we forget.

In September 1914 poet Robert Laurence Binyon wrote For the Fallen.  Perhaps no greater tribute has been written to honor those who gave their life in service for their country. Verse four of the poem is used every single Anzac day to help us honor our fallen soldiers.

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.

Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres,
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.

They went with songs to the battle, they were young,

Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.

They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;

They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the go
ing down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labor of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England’s foam.

But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
As the stars are known to the Night;

As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain;
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.


Lest We Forget – Gallipoli – an ANZAC remembrance by Milton Gillie

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Worldwide News and Campaign 2016 with Ray May 29, 2016


Worldwide News and Campaign 2016 with Ray May 29, 2016

Worldwide News and Campaign 2016 with Ray May 29, 2016


Worldwide News and Campaign 2016 with Ray May 29, 2016

100 Year Old Ray


100 Year Old Ray
This is the shortest Larry and Ray Show we’ve ever recorded.
100 Year Old Ray

100 Year Old Ray


100 Year Old Ray

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Can You Trust The Answers From Snopes? Snopes.com Got Snoped!


Can You Trust The Answers From Snopes? Snopes.com Got Snoped!
Do you ever use Snopes.com to check up on something you’ve heard from someone or from some item from the news? 300,000 people use it for that purpose. Even CNN, Fox News, and members of governments at times check for accuracy from Snopes. But how reliable is Snopes? Who is behind Snopes? How is every question written to Snopes answered so quickly? I think you will be shocked when you find out the truth. Join Ray now to hear it.

Can You Trust The Answers From Snopes? Snopes.com Got Snoped!

Can You Trust The Answers From Snopes? Snopes.com Got Snoped!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Donald Trump Has Narrowed His Vice President Choice To 3


Donald Trump Has Narrowed His Vice President Choice To 3

On the very day Donald Trump has clinched his Republican presidential nomination, American Liberty Report has announced Donald Trump’s choices for Vice President. It will be one of just three people. Ray will tell you who they are and give you an analysis of each of them. Join Ray now.

Donald Trump Has Narrowed His Vice President Choice To 3

Donald Trump Has Narrowed His Vice President Choice To 3

Thursday, May 26, 2016

16 Steps To A Happy New You #12 Infatuation or love?


16 Steps To A Happy New You #12 Infatuation or love?
Rejection by someone you really care about is one of the greatest pains known to humans. If you are going through that or have gone through it, the memories of happy times usually don’t know how to stop. That’s why I’m about to give you the twelfth step in becoming a happy new you. I taught Singles Plus Seminars all over the states and overseas. I even wrote the book “Singles Plus”. Ready to laugh while you learn? Join me now – Ray

16 Steps To A Happy New You #12 Infatuation or love?



16 Steps To A Happy New You #12 Infatuation or love?

Donald Trump Officially Has More Than Enough Delegates To Win


Donald Trump Officially Has More Than Enough Delegates To Win

Fox News has officially declared that Donald Trump has enough delegates pledged to him to give him the Republican nomination for president at their convention in July. Ray has the story from Fox News. Join him right now.

Donald Trump Officially Has More Than Enough Delegates To Win

Donald Trump Officially Has More Than Enough Delegates To Win

Many Dead People Still Vote (CBS2/KCAL9/David Goldstein)


Many Dead People Still Vote (CBS2/KCAL9/David Goldstein)

Our Lord promises eternal life in Heaven, but not eternal voting by His believers. So something is rotten in Denmark. Well, not in Denmark exactly, but in Los Angeles County. That’s where dead people still vote. And in lots of other states throughout America too. How is this possible? Ray is about to share an article by investigative reporter David Goldstein that will explain it. Join Ray now.

Many Dead People Still Vote (CBS2/KCAL9/David Goldstein)



Many Dead People Still Vote (CBS2/KCAL9/David Goldstein)

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 29 thru 31


Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 29 thru 31
Ray is about to read the next to last time in the second prequel leading up to the rapture in the series Left Behind By Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins. Join Ray now.

Ray: raymossholder@gmail.com http://holyhugsray.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ray.mossholder

Larry: larrymjackii@gmail.com https://twitter.com/LarryJack2 http://larryjack.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/LarryJackII

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 29 thru 31

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 29 thru 31

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray May 25, 2016


Worldwide News With Ray May 25, 2016
Trump wins in Washington state and so does Hillary.

The big heads of the Democratic Party are talking about giving the Democratic National Committee Chairman the boot.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is expanding his government to be more right-wing.

The EU is bailing Greece out again.  

78-year-old Bill Cosby doesn’t seem funny anymore.  

The Obama’s have picked out a new home.  

All this and much more as Ray brings us up to date with what’s happening. Join him now.

Worldwide News With Ray May 25, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray May 25, 2016

Should We Change The Way We Elect Our President? (KQED)


Should We Change The Way We Elect Our President? (KQED)
Someone really did their homework on this report from KQED the public media for northern California.

Question: when we cast our vote for president are we actually voting for the president we choose?

Question: How many delegates does a presidential nominee get if they were the popular vote in a state?

Question: Are we still following the U.S. Constitution in the way we vote?

Check your answers as Ray shares the truth about the coming presidential election. Join him now.

Should We Change The Way We Elect Our President? (KQED)


Should We Change The Way We Elect Our President? (KQED)

John 3:16 and the Newspaper Boy


John 3:16 and the Newspaper Boy
This is the story of what happens on an extremely cold winter night when a boy begins a journey that will never end. I rewrote this story from an email sent to me by my precious friend Janice Marallo.

It was the coldest night of the year. A twelve-year-old newspaper boy shivered intensely in the lightly falling snow. He had stopped selling newspapers to the very few people on the street more than an hour ago. Hardly anyone was passing by.

The homeless boy didn’t have a blanket. He had crawled inside a cardboard box, his home for several months now. In the summer it wasn’t so bad. But now that it was winter he wished he had any house to go into and get warm.

A policeman walked by and the boy called out “Sir, could you help me? I’m freezing. Do you know any place warmer where I could sleep tonight?”

The policeman smiled and said “Yes, son, I do. Do you see that big brown house?” When the boy nodded, the policeman said “Go to the door of that house and knock on it. When someone comes to the door just say ‘John 3:16’ and they will let you in.”

The boy thanked the policeman and still feeling the biting, stinging cold he did just what the policeman told him.

A little old lady who looked like somebody’s grandma came to the door after he knocked. He said to her “John 3:16”.

Quickly she threw the door open and welcomed him inside.

The house was warm, better than any warmth he had ever felt. It was a cheery house, and the old lady was even cheerier.

He went into the living room with her and she sat him down in the most comfortable cushioned rocker he’d ever felt.

He thought to himself “John 3:16. I don’t understand what that means, but it sure has thawed me out”.

The lady asked, “Why aren’t you home and in bed this time of night? Aren’t your parents worried about you?”

“My mom and dad were killed in a car wreck. They didn’t have any money to have someone take care of me when they were gone so I’ve been on the streets selling newspapers ever since.”

“Are you hungry?” she asked him.

“Oh, yes ma’am. It’s been three days since I ate half a sandwich. But I don’t want to be any trouble to you.”

The lady smiled a warm smile and said “Why, you’re no trouble at all. I can already see we can become good friends. Let me get you something more than half a sandwich.” A few minutes later the lady returned with what looked to the boy like a feast.

As he ate he thought again “John 3:16. Whatever it means, it fills me up like nothing else I’ve ever tasted.”

The lady and the boy talked together for awhile, deeply enjoying each other’s company.

Finally, she led him upstairs to the bathroom where a huge bathtub was filled with warm water.

He told her “I don’t think I’ve ever had a real bath before. The last time I had water to wash myself it came from a fire hydrant that the maintenance guys were flushing out. I just stood in front of it and got wet. Even that felt good. But now I can’t believe that I’m going to get into a real bathtub.” She left him there with a washcloth, soap, a towel and a bathrobe.

As he lay back his head, soaking in the warmth of the amazing water, he thought “John 3:16. I don’t understand it, but it sure makes me clean.”

The robe itself felt wonderful from the moment he put it on. The lady was waiting outside the door and led him to a bedroom with a beautiful featherbed. She pulled the covers up around his neck and kissed him good night.

Just before she went out the door of the bedroom the boy shouted “I don’t remember anybody ever kissing me before. Thank you.”

The boy slept long hours of relaxed peace and comfort that he had also never known before in his whole life.

After breakfast the next morning of waffles, bacon and eggs with real maple syrup, they sat down together in the front room again.

In the bathtub, the bed, and while eating a breakfast like he’d never seen before except in dreams, he pondered over what John 3:16 meant.

“It must be something wonderful because it’s totally changed my life.”

That was even more true when the lady asked “Would you like to move in here and live with me? I’d love to have a boy like you.”

Tears fell from him when she asked him that. He jumped from the rocker and hugged her. Then he said “Are you sure I wouldn’t be too much trouble for you?”

She laughed and said “The Lord answered my prayers. YOU are His answer to me. I already love you, so if you can put up with a little old lady, let’s do this.”

Quickly, the boy thought once again “John 3:16. It’s the answer to prayer, but I still don’t understand what it means.”

And then the lady picked up her Bible while asking him “Do you remember what word you said that opened the door to this house for you?”

He answered “Yes, I do ma’am. It was John 3:16”.

“That’s right” she smiled, “But do you know what John 3:16 means?”

He answered “No, I don’t. The first time I heard that code was from the policeman last night. But I’d sure like to know what it means.”

Carefully she read John 3:16 to him and it was the first time he had ever heard it.

She read “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

The boy looked puzzled. He told her “That sure is pretty. But I haven’t got a clue about what it means.”

“Let’s talk about it” the lady said. “But know this now. John 3:16 wasn’t just the key that gave you entrance into my house last night, but that same key will get you into Heaven.”

As the two of them talked, she answered questions by going to other verses of the Bible to make it even clearer what John 3:16 means.

Moment by moment, verse by verse, it was as if this sweet little lady was turning lights on for him and John 3:16 kept becoming clearer and clearer to the boy.

When almost an hour had passed the lady asked him “Now do you understand the meaning of John 3:16?”

He answered “I think so, but I’m not sure. I think it means Christ died for me to take away my sins if I only believe in Him”.

The lady said “That’s exactly what it means”.

The boy said “I’ve got to be truthful. I know what John 3:16 means now, but how can I believe Christ chose to die for me when all my life I’ve felt worthless.

And why, oh why, would any loving father send His only Son to die in agony on the cross that I should have been on instead?”

The lady took the boys hand and said “At times, I’ve wondered that very same thing. Father God would have been in total agony as He watched his only begotten Son die on that cross to pay for every sin you and I have ever committed or will commit.

“But there’s never any use to ask God why He does anything He does or anything He has ever done. He tells us in Isaiah 55 “His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.”

He said “I sure wish I was smart, but I don’t understand how we can get close to Him if he doesn’t even think like us.”

She smiled and said “Let me put it another way. Can you climb into any other person’s mind and understand fully what that other person is thinking, why they are thinking it, how they feel when they think it, and can you talk them out of doing anything they are thinking about if they refuse to listen?”

The boy honestly answered no.

She asked him “Have you ever heard of Dr. Albert Einstein and Einstein’s theory of relativity?”

The boy said “I think somewhere I heard about him, but I don’t know anything about his theory.”

“Neither do I, son. His ways weren’t my ways and his thoughts sure weren’t my thoughts. And he was just a man.”

The boy gasped and said “I see it! I don’t have to know the whys of God, I just have to know God.”

The lady smiled widely and said “That’s it. As thrilling as it is to read the Scriptures throughout this whole Bible, it will never be WHAT you know, but WHO you know, that will get you into Heaven.

And son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for you and me, and for the whole world, invites you to believe in Him. Only then will you ever realize your real worth.

It was Jesus Christ who said in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to Father God except through Me. Would you like to ask Him to be your God right now?”

There in the living room while the snow was falling hard outside the boy prayed and asked Christ to be his one and only God and Savior.

Several years later, one afternoon in this same man’s office, he was thinking again, as he did so often, about that precious lady who led him to Christ and gave him a real home to live in. He paused from what he was doing and almost like prayer said “One of these days we’ll be together again eternally. I can hardly wait.”

John 3:16 and the Newspaper Boy

John 3:16 and the Newspaper Boy

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Minecraft: #1 Chunk Challenge with Lardog


World Download: http://reachmorenow.com/minecraft-with-larry/

Minecraft 1.9 How-To tutorials, in survival mode, Live Streams and always Family Friendly.

Minecraft is a game about placing blocks to build anything you can imagine. At night monsters come out, make sure to build a shelter before that happens.

Music:EDM Detection Mode by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1500026

Artist: http://incompetech.com/









Minecraft: #1 Chunk Challenge with Lardog

3 – High School Daze – Many Years Ago (Ray)


Death and Life at Campbell High School – Many Years Ago (Ray)

Many people look back at their childhood and say “Those were the good old days”. I really can’t say that because so many parts of my life were “the good old days” and yet I’m living the very best part of my life right now.

But let me take you back there and show you what it was like to be a kid growing up in San Jose, California In the early 50’s. I do love those memories, probably because I’ve stopped thinking about any bad times. But I will tell you about one really bad time when I was a junior in high school that began A magnificent journey.

Join me if you’d like to hear about my highs and lows while I was in high school, including how I learned to kiss! – Ray

Death and Life at Campbell High School – Many Years Ago (Ray)




3 – High School Daze – Many Years Ago (Ray)

Worldwide News With Ray May 24, 2016


Worldwide News With Ray May 24, 2016
Bernie Sanders warns the Democratic convention may be “messy”. 

Nero is declared “Not Guilty”. Ray was wrong in one of last night’s news stories. He’ll correct that story now.

It’s not only Hillary who is being investigated by the FBI, but now Virginia
Governor Terry McAuliffe is under FBI investigation too.  

Grannies in China have danced their way into Guinness Book of World Records.

Here’s Ray with these stories and more. 



This is Ray Mossholder

CBS News

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders told The Associated Press yesterday that the Democratic National Convention in July could get “messy” if the party makes it more inclusive, as he has asked, but that’s OK. “So what? Democracy is messy,” Sanders said. The comments came as Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s campaign declined an invitation to a Fox News debate with Sanders ahead of California’s June 7 primary, saying her “time is best spent campaigning.”

The New York Times

A judge on Monday acquitted Baltimore police officer Edward Nero on charges of second-degree assault, misconduct, and reckless endangerment in connection with the death of Freddie Gray, a black man who suffered a fatal spinal injury in police custody last April. The judge said there was no credible evidence that Nero, who played a minor role in Gray’s detention, intended for any crime to be committed. Six officers have been charged in the case, which touched off citywide protests last year.


Greece on Tuesday began evacuating hundreds of people from the Idomeni refugee camp near the Macedonian border, where thousands of people have been stranded since countries to the north began blocking migrants from traveling deeper into Europe. Macedonia closed its border in February. Police vehicles and buses are moving migrants to better equipped facilities to the south, near the city of Thessaloniki. Riot police were sent to the scene, but the relocations began smoothly.

The New York Times


The Transportation Security Administration has replaced its top security official, Kelly Hoggan, in a shake-up as it faces a backlash over long lines at airport checkpoints. Hoggan received $90,000 in bonuses over 13 months starting in late 2013 even though a report said auditors were able to get fake weapons past screeners 95 percent of the time in covert tests. As part of the shake-up, the TSA will also add new leaders in Chicago to improve screening at O’Hare Airport, where travelers have spent hours in lines.



The Washington Post

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Georgia prosecutors improperly kept African-Americans off the jury that convicted a black Georgia death row inmate, Timothy Tyrone Foster, for the murder of an elderly white woman. Foster’s lawyers used Georgia’s public records law to obtain the prosecutors’ notes, and found that black potential jurors had been marked with a “B” and highlighted in green. The 7-to-1 ruling clears the way for a likely new trial. Justice Clarence Thomas, the court’s only African-American, was the lone dissenter.

In a correction from my news report last night: BBC News


Green Party-backed independent candidate Alexander Van der Bellen was declared the winner of Austria’s presidential runoff election on Monday. The weekend vote was too close to call until the last ballots were counted. Van der Bellen’s victory blocked the Freedom Party’s Norbert Hofer from becoming the European Union’s first far-right leader. Hofer’s anti-immigrant rhetoric fueled his popularity but prompted comparisons with the rise of the Nazis, which Hofer said was “completely absurd.”


From CNN
The FBI is investigating whether Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, accepted illegal contributions to his 2013 campaign. McAuliffe was the chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 2000 to 2005. He also co-chaired Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and once served on the board of the Clinton Global initiative. Federal officials are looking at overlapping donors to the foundation and McAuliffe’s campaign, including those by Chinese politician Wang Wenliang.

From The Los Angeles Times

fter a man was beaten by a mob of teenagers in San Francisco, left sprawled unconscious on the ground, police said two bystanders walked up to him and stole his wallet and other belongings.

Police are looking for the six boys and girls, described as 15 and 18 years old, in connection with the assault that left the man in a coma.

San Francisco police spokesman Carlos Manfredi told KPIX-TV: “Glass bottles were used, but it was mostly punching and kicking that led to his brain injuries,” 



From the Associated Press

Five people were killed Monday when a skydiving plane crashed on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. The pilot, two instructors, and two tandem jumpers were believed to have been on the plane. Four people were pronounced dead at the scene of the crash, and the fifth was pronounced dead after he was rushed to a hospital. The plane, a single-engine Cessna, caught fire after hitting the ground. National Transportation Safety Administration investigators are trying to determine what caused the crash.


10. Report: NFL officials tried to influence brain research
NFL officials “improperly attempted to influence” a federal government study on brain disease in football players, according to a congressional report released Monday. In 2012, the NFL pledged $30 million to the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health for unconditional use toward research on medical conditions in athletes.

The report says the NFL tried to pressure the Institute to transfer a $16 million study on football and brain disease from league critic Robert Stern to more NFL-friendly researchers.


And finally from Yahoo News

Move over millennial’s, grandma wants to dance!

It’s common for elderly women and some who are middle aged to dance in parks, plazas and other public places in the cities of China. Now these oldies but goodies have really done something big.

31,697 women in Beijing, Shanghai and four other cities performed choreographed dance movements together for more than five minutes yesterday. That fully qualified them for their place in Guinness Book of World Records.

The Chinese women use dancing for exercise and making friends. There is only one complaint that is made by many who are trying to get their own work done. “Their music is too loud!”

This is Ray Mossholder from the Reach More Now news desk in Fort Worth, Texas. I may just fly to China and see if the ladies will allow a man to dance with them.


Worldwide News With Ray May 24, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray May 24, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray May 23, 2016


Worldwide News With Ray May 23, 2016

President Obama is in Vietnam opening trade with them.

Dallas Maverick owner Mark Cuban offers himself to either Hillary or the Donald as their vice president.

Iran says they could destroy Israel in 8 minutes.

Austria as a new president and he is right wing.

Saturday’s Preakness brought a lot of tears.

Have you heard the story about three mayors who enter an elevator? You’ll hear it all right now if you join Ray as he goes live.

This is Ray Mossholder

1. President Obama is in Vietnam today and has announced the total elimination of our embargo against communist our former enemy. He says such a move will normalize relations with Vietnam and eliminate a “lingering vestige of the Cold War”.


Obama said the United States is eager to boost trade with the middle-class of Vietnam. He is pushing for a twelve nation Transpacific Trade  Agreement that Congress doesn’t want to pass and that faces strong opposition from all the 2016 presidential candidates.

2. Mullah Achtar Monsouron, the leader of the Taliban in Afghanistan, was killed Saturday in an airstrike. His killing its feared will bring a halt to the peace talks that had been going on between Afghan leaders and the Taliban.

3. Dallas Maverick’s owner Mark Cuban said Sunday on “Meet The Press) he has zero interest in being a third-party candidate. But then added that he would “absolutely” consider being either Donald Trump’s or Hillary Clinton’s Vice President.

Cuban also said that maybe he will run for president in 2020 or 2024.

4. The Church of Scotland has voted 339 to 215 to allow its gay ministers to marry. The vote also means church ministers will now be able to register same-sex civil partnerships or solemnize same-sex marriages themselves.

In a confusing statement, leaders of the Church of Scotland said that this new law within their church “doesn’t compromise the Church’s traditional view of marriage as a union between one man and one woman”.

5. Ahmad Karimpour, a senior advisor to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards elite al-Quds Force, told the semi–official Fars News Agency reporters yesterday that if the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei gave the order to destroy Israel, the Iranian military could do it in eight minutes.

Khamenei has continually threatened that Iran will annihilate Israel.

6. In an unrelated story, this past Thursday Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon abruptly resigned. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t disappointed. In fact, it fit in with the Prime Minister’s changing of his guard.

On the way to the door after Yaalon resigned, he hollered at Netanyahu that as defense minister he had lost faith in the Prime Minister’s decision-making and in his morals.

All of this is happening at a moment when Israel is coming very close to the end of a ten year 30 billion dollar package from the United States. It is the largest amount of money we give to any foreign country and Netanyahu is asking America to raise that figure to 40 billion dollars for the next decade.

The Prime Minister says if Obama doesn’t give Israel that money, he is certain the president who replaces him will.

7. At least 65 people have been killed during several explosions in Syria, in Tartus and Jableh. Both cities are strongholds of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The killings involved two car bombs that exploded several minutes apart in jampacked bus stations in both cities. And in Jableh, a hospital and the electric company were struck. The Islamic State has claimed they carried out the “successful” killings and destruction.

8. Austrian Freedom Party presidential candidate Norbert Hofer has emerged victorious from Sunday’s run-off election against the Green Party candidate Alexander van der Bellen by a vote of 51.9% to 48.10% – a vote sending shockwaves all over Europe.

The European Union will see its first-ever far-right head of state. Polling showed a tight race between Hofer and Greens-backed Alexander Van der Bellen, who ran as an independent. Then the majority broke through.

Candidates from both centrist parties were eliminated in April in the first round of voting, the first time that’s happened since World War II.

The losing candidate’s platform stood for “direct democracy, nonviolence, ecology, solidarity, feminism and self-determination”. The winning candidate opposed all these things.

Hofer ran on a platform of “Austria first,” and is against forced multiculturalism, globalization and mass immigration.

Hofer stunned the media and many of the people in Austria by carrying a Glock gun very openly in all of his rallies, calling it the “natural consequence” of immigration.

University of Linz Economics Professor Frederich Schneider explained what Hofer’s victory means for Austria and in many parts of Europe. Professor Schneider said “The shift to the right comes from the refugee crisis on one side and from the euro crisis on the other, from the dissatisfaction with the European Union.”

Hofer winning Austria’s presidency absolutely signals that drastic changes will be made to current Austrian policies. It is a historic moment in Austrian politics.”

In another evaluation of Hofer’s victory, Arnold Kammel, the director of the Austrian Institute for European Policy and Security in Vienna said “The victory of Mr. Hofer will be some kind of sign for this kind of anti–establishment, anti-traditional party movements in Europe that have been on track of taking over the current politics, which have posed some challenges not only from Austria, but for Europe as well.”

Previous to Austria, there have also been far right advances in France, Sweden, Holland, Finland, Norway and Greece, who have a feeling of being taken over by illegal aliens and to have many other complaints about what is happening when the left leads.

90,000 aliens entered their border this year, all of them intending to stay – that’s more than 1% of Austria’s 8 point 6 million population. Hofer has promised the people “You will be surprised what can be done by a president.”

9. Abdel Fatah el-Sissi, the president of Egypt, has sent a submarine that belongs to Egypt’s Oil Ministry to the side of the tragic air crash of EgyptAir Flight-804 in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea to search for the cockpit voice and flight data recorders that would be contained in its black boxes.

The final words of the pilot sounded extremely normal and not at all rattled. He said “This is 0-7-2-5 Padova control.(Then he said something unintelligible) 8-0-4. Thank you so much. Good day, er, good night.”

There are signs that smoke had come from the lavatory and permeated the plane. But we’ll just have to wait to see what actually happened.

10. Just in case you didn’t hear this over the weekend, it is no exaggeration to say that when Nyquist was beaten by Exaggerator at Saturday’s Preakness, and millions of dollars were lost. Of course, millions of dollars may have been won as well.

In fact, Nyquist wasn’t even second; he was third. Cherry Wine was second.

Tragically, in earlier races at Preakness Saturday, two horses died. One was the winner of the first race, Homeboykris. No one knows why, including the veterinarians who examined her, but she keeled over on her way back to the barn.

Then during the fourth race the four-year-old filly Pramedya broke her left front cannon bone and had to be euthanized on the track.

Jockey Daniel Centeno broke his collarbone when Pramedia fell.

And finally… Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Three mayors walk into an elevator…and then what happened? Well, this actually did happen last Thursday night and for forty minutes it was no joke.

The mayor of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Bill Peduto, along with the mayor of Millvale and the mayor of Leetsdale, stepped onto a Westin Hotel in Allegheny. The door closed and nothing happened. They just stood there looking at each other in great wonder.

Mayor Peduto said “It really wasn’t that bad. We all liked each other so we just stood there and waited. There were others with us in the same elevator and they joined in the conversation.”

Finally, one of the other passengers was able to make a cell phone connection that led to the summoning of a maintenance crew and first responders who used walkie-talkies.

The mayor said “The biggest thing that happened besides getting help was that we took a great selfie to honor the occasion.”

This is Ray Mossholder from the Reach More Now news desk in Fort Worth, Texas, as the world turns.

Ray: raymossholder@gmail.com http://holyhugsray.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ray.mossholder

Larry: larrymjackii@gmail.com https://twitter.com/LarryJack2 http://larryjack.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/LarryJackII

Worldwide News With Ray May 23, 2016






Worldwide News With Ray May 23, 2016

The Apostle Paul who wanted to suffer like Christ


The Apostle Paul who wanted to suffer like Christ
Was the apostle Paul really a masochist? Did he love pain? How could he want to suffer like Christ if these things weren’t true? What is behind the stranger sounding request ever made in the Bible? Would you like to suffer? Are you suffering this minute? Join Ray as he brings the answers that he and the man who died before Ray was born, Reverend Clovis Chapelle, will share with you right now.

The Apostle Paul who wanted to suffer like Christ

The Apostle Paul who wanted to suffer like Christ

Monday, May 23, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray May 23, 2016


Worldwide News With Ray May 23, 2016

President Obama is in Vietnam opening trade with them…Dallas Maverick owner Mark Cuban offers himself to either Hillary or the Donald as their vice president…Iran says they could destroy Israel in 8 minutes…Austria as a new president and he is right wing… Saturday’s Preakness brought a lot of tears… Have you heard the story about three mayors who enter an elevator? You’ll hear it all right now if you join Ray as he goes live.

Worldwide News With Ray May 23, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray May 23, 2016

Washington DC – The Incarnation of Evil – The Bill Keith Report


Washington DC – The Incarnation of Evil – The Bill Keith Report

Investigative journalist Bill Keith brings us another vital commentary about what the heck is going on from the White House in just these past few weeks. The military, America’s morals, Christianity and so much more is under attack not from terrorists but from President Obama himself and his cronies. Stay informed and awake. Ray will read Bill’s report right now.

Ray: raymossholder@gmail.com



Larry: larrymjackii@gmail.com




Washington DC – The Incarnation of Evil – The Bill Keith Report

Washington DC – The Incarnation of Evil – The Bill Keith Report

Sunday, May 22, 2016

You Are Not Who You See In The Mirror


You Are Not Who You See In The Mirror – Chapter 5: 7 Biblical Truths You Won’t Hear In Church by David A. Rich

 Ray continues to share deep truths from David A Rich’s magnificent book “7 Biblical Truths You Won’t Hear In Church”. Ray says “David Rich is right on the money. I remember seeing the movie ‘The Bishop’s Wife’. Whitney Houston was radiant and I said to my wife as we left the theater “You have just seen a superstar born”. I was ecstatic over what she would become. I still admire so much about her, but you know the rest of the story.”

How about you? Who do you see when you look in the mirror? Well, whatever you see – what you think is good or bad – isn’t the real you.

Join Ray now to hear him share this with you.

Ray: raymossholder@gmail.com



Larry: larrymjackii@gmail.com




You Are Not Who You See In The Mirror



You Are Not Who You See In The Mirror

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 26 thru 28


Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 26 thru 28
Ray continues with the final book of the Left Behind series – THE REGIME. This is the second prequel by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins that leads to the rapture and the whole rest of the story.

Nicole Carpathia is being groomed by Leonardo Fortunato (who
will become the false prophet of Revelation) to become the Antichrist.

Cameron Williams is grieved over his mother’s death.  

Irene Steele is trying desperately to get her husband saved, but Rayford would rather fly away from that.  

Ray picks the story up at this point. Join him now.

Ray: raymossholder@gmail.com http://holyhugsray.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ray.mossholder

Larry: larrymjackii@gmail.com https://twitter.com/LarryJack2 http://larryjack.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/LarryJackII

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 26 thru 28

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 26 thru 28

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Genesis 25:7 thru 26:35 Isaac and Rebekah (Amplified Bible)


Genesis 25:7 thru 26:35 Isaac and Rebekah (Amplified Bible)
Isaac and Rebekah have a beautiful love story in Genesis 24, but Rebekah was unable to have a baby. The Jewish people at that time would have believed God had put a curse on her because that’s what barrenness of a wife meant in their minds. When she finally did become pregnant, she suffered physically during her pregnancy. When she prayed and asked God why she was suffering, he told her that up fight it already started between her coming to children.

Isaac made the common mistake of giving favored to one son over the other. In the home where either a husband or wife does this is going to increase the friction between the children with each other. Jacob and Esau grew up this way.

A birthright was sacred. It was given to the eldest son in each family. To trade it for a bowl of stew showed how unconcerned Esau was about godly things.

Join Ray now for this passage of the Old Testament.

Ray: raymossholder@gmail.com



Larry: larrymjackii@gmail.com




Genesis 25:7 thru 26:35 Isaac and Rebekah (Amplified Bible)

Genesis 25:7 thru 26:35 Isaac and Rebekah (Amplified Bible)

Grade School Daze – Many Years Ago #2 by Ray Mossholder


Grade School Daze – Many Years Ago #2 by Ray Mossholder
Ready to laugh? Ray Is about to share treasured and we can not so treasured moments from his growing up years.

Learn why Ray reads aloud with such great feeling today.

Learn why his fourth grade teacher kept him after school week after week.

Learn how his seventh-grade teacher threw a student out his classroom window and kicked another one all the way down a classroom aisle!

Join Ray now.

Grade School Daze – Many Years Ago #2 by Ray Mossholder

Grade School Daze – Many Years Ago #2 by Ray Mossholder

Friday, May 20, 2016

Left Behind MARATHON THE REGIME Chapters 21 thru 25


Left Behind MARATHON THE REGIME Chapters 21 thru 25
Ray is about to read four chapters in the final prequel to the rapture.

Leon Fortunato continues to guide Nicolae Carpathia (soon to be the Antichrist). Nicolae is absolutely self-centered, extremely rich, and is running for a place in the Romanian government.  

Cameron Williams is in final exams at Princeton. He’s had to borrow money from his new boss to try to get home in time to see his mother who is dying. He’s really had to humble himself to borrow the money.  

Rayford is dragging his heels and terribly frustrated over his zealous Christian wife, Irene. He does NOT want to go to a new church where he will for the first time hear the gospel preached.

Ray picks the story up at this point. Join him to hear it now.

Left Behind MARATHON THE REGIME Chapters 21  thru 25


Left Behind MARATHON THE REGIME Chapters 21 thru 25

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Buy Houses NOT More Courses….


I have worked with Kent Clothier while Ray and I have built Reach More Now. If you are in the Real Estate business check this out. Thank’s Larry.
Kent ClothierDear Friend,

Let’s face it, there is a lot of “noise” out there in the market today.

“Buy this!”….”No, Buy This!!”

It’s pretty exhausting and more times than not, buying more courses and “stuff” does not lead to buying more houses.

In my experience, most people are a little “stuck” and need a good shove in the right direction and need to be led away from the noise and confusion.

That’s why I’m really excited about my web training this week. (Click here)

Because most people (beginners and seasoned pros) do not realize just how simple this business can be with the right tools and knowledge. It’s one of the most elegant and eye-opening realizations, when you have that “ah ha” moment and it all just clicks.

Now this is not “theory”.

I am going to walk you thru a step-by-step process on how you can use the web access a private and completely “untapped” source of “off-market” deals that are virtually untouched.

I am then going to show you how to quickly put these deals under contract and “flip” or assign these properties to CASH BUYERS that are anxiously waiting in the wings.

I have mastered this process and this will be EYE OPENING and a shocking “wake up” call for most of you.

This really can be SIMPLE (not easy)…if you turn off the noise and pay attention to the REAL PEOPLE getting REAL RESULTS.

This is your chance to do that, click below and register for the training:
Webinar Training

See you on the call,

P.S. I think it is important that you know this….what you are going to see and learn on this call is EXACTLY what I use in my own business.
Get registered

Buy Houses NOT More Courses….

Many Years Ago #1 – Ray was born at a very early age


Many Years Ago – Ray Mossholder from birth through college #1
The memories of my childhood are warm and beautiful until the fourth grade. That’s when I found out what the word “bullies” meant.

My Dad was a nurseryman; my Mom was a homemaker who often helped Dad with his nursery, but most of all she helped me. During the first ten years of my life she was my closest friend. And I had a dad who loved me too. They weren’t Christians, but they were people of good morals. I thank God for that and know that I was very fortunate.

I had no athletic talent whatsoever. I was often the laughing stock during Physical Education. I hated that. But the one gift that I did have was the gift that brought me approval and applause. I began acting in major players at the age of 5. I loved that.

Here’s the ten video story of Ray Mossholder. Oh, that’s me!

Many Years Ago – Ray Mossholder from birth through college #1

Many Years Ago #1 – Ray was born at a very early age

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 19 thru 21


Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 19 thru 21
Nicolae Carpathia is being prepared by his coach Leon Fortunato to become the Antichrist. Neither know at this moment that that is what he will become. 

Cameron Williams mother is dying and he is trying to get home to see her while taking his exams at Princeton and being without the money for the flight.  

Rayford Steele hates going to church and his wife Irene who is a deeply committed Christian wants him and their daughter Chloe to try a new church. Both Rayford and Chloe are dragging their heels.

Ray picks the story up at this point.

Ray: raymossholder@gmail.com http://holyhugsray.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ray.mossholder

Larry: larrymjackii@gmail.com https://twitter.com/LarryJack2 http://larryjack.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/LarryJackII

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 19 thru 21

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 19 thru 21

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Republican Party Leadership"s Dirty War Against Donald Trump


The Republican Party Leadership’s Dirty War Against Donald Trump

Ray’s commentary probes the work by the Republican Party bosses, the Washington Post, and the rest of the Hillary loving news media to keep Donald Trump from becoming our next president. Ray reveals the lengths all these entities are going to in attempting to replace the man who has received more Republican votes than any other Republican candidate in history. Join Ray now for this story.

Ray: raymossholder@gmail.com



Larry: larrymjackii@gmail.com




The Republican Party Leadership’s Dirty War Against Donald Trump

The Republican Party Leadership"s Dirty War Against Donald Trump

Don"t Worry About The Electoral College Math…yet


Don’t Worry About The Electoral College Math…yet
Harry Eaton of the polling website FiveThirtyEight answers the question that must be on millions of American voters minds already – what if the finish to the presidential race in November is too close to call? I have searched the Internet to find the best answer to that question. And though I will make a couple of comments while I read it, it is an excellent article for those who are concerned. Join me while I share it. – Ray

Don’t Worry About The Electoral College Math…yet

Don"t Worry About The Electoral College Math…yet

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Journey by Billy Graham Ch. 9 Preparing For The Long Haul


The Journey by Billy Graham Ch. 9 Preparing For The Long Haul 
If you remember seeing the 1936 Berlin Olympics then you must be older than I am because I was born in 1937. Americans who weren’t there to watch had to be satisfied by listening on radio, and I have older friends who did hear an announcer broadcast all four races that Jesse Owens won for four Olympic gold medals and made Adolf Hitler as angry as the Furor could get (and that’s REALLY angry!) I’m about to tell you about it and a whole lot more as I read the ninth chapter of Dr. Billy Graham’s wonderful book “The Journey”. Join me now.

Ray: raymossholder@gmail.com



Larry: larrymjackii@gmail.com




The Journey by Billy Graham  Ch. 9  Preparing For The Long Haul

The Journey by Billy Graham Ch. 9 Preparing For The Long Haul

The 10 Commandments Were Not Given To Be Kept Part 2


The 10 Commandments Were Not Given To Be Kept Part 2
David A. Rich says this better than anyone I’ve heard on the difference between Old Testament Law and New Testament grace. For those of you who have heard Part 1 of this message, Ray will continue it here. If you haven’t heard Part 1, Ray recommends that you hear it and then hear this one. Ray will record this live at 7 AM Central time this morning.

The 10 Commandments Were Not Given To Be Kept Part 2

The 10 Commandments Were Not Given To Be Kept Part 2

Genesis 12 thru 25:9 Amplified Bible


Genesis 12 thru 25:9 Amplified Bible
Ray continues reading the Amplified Bible and the story of Abraham and Sarah, a couple who had their names changed as a reward from God for the trust they had in Him.

Ray says “No other supposedly holy book presents realistic pictures of real people like these two. As obedient to God as Abraham was, few men were as sinfully wicked as he was at moments. As one godly woman said to me “If my husband gave me away to some king so that he could add me to his harem EVEN ONCE, I would shoot my husband!” Then she laughed because she realized that would make her a murderous. She concluded the thought by saying “I guess I wouldn’t shoot him, but I’d sure find a way to get even!” …

Join Ray now as he reads this amazing true story.

  Genesis 12 thru 25:9 Amplified Bible

Genesis 12 thru 25:9 Amplified Bible

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Georgia and Chorizo Sweet Potatoes


Georgia and Chorizo Sweet Potatoes



When I have brain fog and can’t think of anything I want to cook for dinner, I check what I have on hand that needs to be served up soon and go on line to search for recipes. Thank You, God, for the internet!  This recipe caught my attention. It is so easy, so tasty and we really loved it!  I just love simple recipes.


4 sweet potatoes                                     2 Tablespoons butter

1 pound Chorizo (pork or beef)                Medium small white onion, diced

4 cloves garlic, minced                            ½ teaspoon sea salt

¼ teaspoon pepper



Peel and dice sweet potatoes and put them in slow cooker.

Heat butter in a pan, add onions and sauté until soft. Add garlic and continue cooking for a minute or two, then remove casing from chorizo and add to pan. Stir everything together and cook until meat is lightly browned. Next spread this mixture over sweet potatoes in slow cooker.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Cover and cook on high 3 to 4 hours.  When done, just mash a little bit to blend and serve.


Georgia and Chorizo Sweet Potatoes

Georgia and Chorizo Sweet Potatoes

Georgia and Her One Pot Stroganoff


Georgia and Her One Pot Stroganoff

Oh boy, did we enjoy this recipe. It is simple, uses only one pot, and the only complaint we had was that there wasn’t enough!  So make any adjustments you want to fit your family’s appetites. I found this recipe on the internet at www.tasteandtellblog.com. I used 93%/7% beef.




3 tablespoons olive oil                             8 oz. mushrooms, sliced

salt and pepper                                        ½ cup diced onion

2 cloves garlic, minced                            1 pound ground beef

2 teaspoons paprika                                 4 cups low-sodium beef broth

8 oz. dry rotini                                         ½ cup sour cream

fresh parsley




Place 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a good sized pot and heat over medium temperature. Add the mushrooms and cook until they are tender, about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper then remove mushrooms to a bowl and set aside.


Heat about 2 tablespoons more olive oil in the same big pot. Add the onion, season with salt and pepper and cook about 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in the garlic, cook another minute then stir in the ground beef. Cook until browned and cooked through, probably another 5 minutes. Sprinkle paprika over the top and stir to combine.


Pour in the beef broth and the pasta and bring to a light boil. Cover the pot, turn heat to medium-low and continue to cook, stirring often until al dente, about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the mushrooms and sour cream.


Serve with sprinkles of chopped fresh parsley on top.


Georgia and Her One Pot Stroganoff

How To Stop Being Bored


How To Stop Being Bored
Once again Ray teams with a man who was dead before Ray was born. He was a Methodist minister named Clovis Chapelle. And Ray says “I really mean it. Follow these directions and boredom in your life will be a thing of the past.” Join Ray now.

How To Stop Being Bored


How To Stop Being Bored