Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Hobbit Chapter 7 Strange Dwellings

The Hobbit Chapter 7 Strange Dwellings
Bilbo wakes up to ride an eagle. Gandalf is about to introduce him and the dwarves to a huge man who can turn himself into a bear or a bear who can turn him self into a huge man? Even Gandalf doesn’t know.

Meanwhile, Gandalf is going to leave them all, maybe forever.

…Here’s Ray to make it all come alive.

The Hobbit Chapter 7 Strange Dwellings

The Hobbit Chapter 7 Strange Dwellings

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Lights! Camera! Action! – Many Years Ago

Lights! Camera! Action! – Many Years Ago

Lights! Camera! Action! – Many Years Ago

Lights! Camera! Action! – Many Years Ago

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 13 thru 15

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 13 thru 15
How would you like Noah to come and speak to your group? That’s what’s about to happen now in the Millennium.

Buck and Chloe’s son, Kenny, is falling in love.

And thousands are receiving Christ in Egypt.

Ray picks the story up here. Join him now.

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 13 thru 15

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 13 thru 15

Monday, June 27, 2016

Brexit – The Movie

Brexit – The Movie
This film is the best and most honest presentation of the European Union that I have yet seen. Though it is about England’s national referendum that decided England should leave the EU, it is an outstanding presentation of how globalization works. Most of the things revealed about the European Union in this film could as easily be said about the United Nations and the kinds of closed meetings with foreign leaders that President Obama and earlier presidents have been entangled with. I urge you to watch this documentary. – Ray

Brexit – The Movie




Brexit – The Movie

The European Union Question: Globalization or Individual Rights?

The European Union Question: Globalization or Individual Rights?
Do you know who Boris Johnson is? He just led his nation of England in the vote to leave the European Union. He very well may be the next Prime Minister of England. While stockmarkets in many parts of the world and 401(k)s in America have nosedived since that vote, Boris is going to answer why Brexit was the very best decision. Ray will report on this now.

The European Union Question: Globalization or Individual Rights?

The European Union Question: Globalization or Individual Rights?

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Why I Have Endorsed Donald Trump For President – Ray

Why I Have Endorsed Donald Trump For President – Ray

Donald Trump’s presidential qualifications  .  .  .

Obama is against Trump… Check

The Media are against Trump… Check

The establishment Democrats are against Trump… Check

The establishment Republicans are against Trump… Check

The Pope is against Trump… Check

The UN is against Trump.. Check

The EU is against Trump… Check

China is against Trump… Check

Mexico is against Trump… Check

Soros is against Trump… Check

Black Lives Matter is against Trump… Check

Move On is against Trump… Check

Koch Brothers are against Trump… Check

Bushes are against Trump … Check

Planned Parenthood is against Trump….Check

Hillary & Bernie are both against Trump … Check

Illegal aliens are against Trump … Check

Islamic terrorists are against Trump … Check

Kasich & Cruz are against Trump … Check

Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump.. Check


It seems to me, Trump MUST BE the Best Qualified Candidate we could ever have.

If you have so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES— all SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him at the same time!!

Most of all, it will be the People’s Choice…


He’s not a Lifetime Politician…Check

He’s not a Lawyer…..Check

He’s not doing it for the money…Check

He’s a Natural Born American Citizen born in the USA from American parents. . .

Bonus points . . !

Whoopi says she will leave the country…

Rosie says she will leave the country…

Sharpton says he will leave the country…

Gov. Brown says California will build a wall…

Cher says she will leave the country…

Cyrus says she will leave the country…

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail….

Hillary may go to jail…..

The budget will be balanced in 8 years….

Americans will have first choice at jobs…..

You will not be able to marry your pet….

You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify… (Not a criminal, etc.)

Only live registered U.S. citizens can vote….

You can have and keep your own doctor…..

You can say whatever you want without being called a racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic, etc….


Come to think of it, we have no place to go, but UP!

Why I Have Endorsed Donald Trump For President – Ray

Why I Have Endorsed Donald Trump For President – Ray

England"s Mourning After Pill. Millions Find It Very Hard To Swallow.

The Mourning After Pill. Millions Find It Hard To Swallow.
The EU is angry with England and definitely shaken. England is a nation divided today. Trillions of dollars have been lost worldwide in just 24 hours. Other countries are considering leaving the EU too. And George Soros is highly upset over all that happened Thursday. All this as the world turns. Here’s Ray with the important details. 

The Mourning After Pill. Millions Find It Hard To Swallow.


England"s Mourning After Pill. Millions Find It Very Hard To Swallow.

Friday, June 24, 2016

England Votes To Leave The European Union. Why Should I Care?

England Votes To Leave The European Union. Why Should I Care?

The majority of voters in England have shocked the world by voting to leave the EU. Ripple effects are already rocking several nations. Ray will explain exactly what’s happening now and how it could affect you. Join Ray now.

England Votes To Leave The European Union. Why Should I Care?

England Votes To Leave The European Union. Why Should I Care?





I watched a demonstration on the internet for this delicious coleslaw. I did my best to copy down what I saw them doing because they never mentioned how much cabbage, radishes, oil, etc. to use.  Believe me, it was worth the effort.  Ray and I both loved the tangy-peanuttyness.


For Cabbage:

Cabbage, sliced thin (about 4 cups)         4 or 5 Red Radishes, sliced thin

1 Mango, diced fine                                       1 Lime, juiced

Salt & Pepper, sprinkles                               Olive oil, small drizzle

Rice Vinegar, small splash

For Sauce:

2 Cloves Garlic, chopped fine                   About 1/3 cup onion, chopped

1 Tbs. Fresh Dill, chopped*                      2 Tbs. Fresh Cilantro, chopped*

1 Tbs. Honey                                                Juice of 2 lemons

2 Tbs. Peanut Butter                                 2 drizzled circles of Toasted Sesame Oil

Sprinkle of Salt                                            Small splash of water



Slice cabbage  and Radishes. Put in serving bowl.  Cut up mango into small bits and add to cabbage mix. Pour over juice of lime then sprinkle on salt and pepper. Add a sprinkle of olive oil and another of Rice Vinegar.  Stir together to coat cabbage, cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Prepare sauce and stir to blend.  Put in a jar and refrigerate until ready to serve.  Add sauce only to the cabbage mix you plan to eat that day.  Reserve the rest for another day because you will really enjoy it just as much then….

*I didn’t have fresh dill or cilantro so I used tubes of Gourmet Garden Dill and Cilantro paste.

I couldn’t find a picture of coleslaw without carrots in it so just make believe those orange pieces are the mango…..


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray June 23, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray June 23, 2016

The United States Supreme Court has blocked President Obama on immigration.

England is voting stay or leave.

Democrat congresspeople are sleeping on the job.

Gunman killed in a movie theater in Germany.

Thousands of people are fleeing California.

White people are quickly diminishing in America.

North Korea is more dangerous than ever.

Washington state hospitals must now abort babies as well as deliver them.

A third police officer not guilty in the Freddie Gray case.

Marco Rubio changes his mind.

Two Congressman headed for prison.

Boeing signs $25 billion contract with Iran.

This and several more stories are ready with Ray for you. Join him now.

Worldwide News With Ray June 23, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray June 23, 2016

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 10 thru 12

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 10 thru 12
Rayford, Mac McCullum, Chaim Rosenzweig, and Rabbi Ben Judah are having a private meeting with the Old Testament king of Israel, David. He is assigning them to minister to Egypt. Join Ray as we tune in on them.

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 10 thru 12

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 10 thru 12

The View From Here With Ray June 22, 2016

The View From Here With Ray June 22, 2016
After this edition I’m going to rename this My View From Here. That’s because this is how I see things that are going on especially in America, but worldwide too. This time the issues include are about questions like:

“Are we in the end times?”

Obama and the shrinking of our military.  

Donald Trump’s brand-new commission.

Murders in Orlando.

All-girls Academy commanded to stop using the word “girls”.

A fifth grade teacher in Oregon gets $60,000 paid to it from the district because it is offended as a transgender.

The amazing statement made by a woman United States Supreme Court Justice in 1975.

England’s EU vote on Thursday.

The startling statement made by the next president of the EU.

All that and more as I share my view from here. Join me. – Ray

The View From Here With Ray June 22, 2016

The View From Here With Ray June 22, 2016

Proverbs 2:1-6 Love Letters from Solomon and Ray

Proverbs 2:1-6 Love Letters from Solomon and Ray
Solomon this time has words for us about the booze we choose or drinking from the well that will really quench our thirst. I had a philosophy in college after the second time I got drunk and for a second time and was so sick I wished I would die, That I wasn’t ever going to drink alcohol again. I wasn’t a Christian at that time but I realized as a non-Christian that I wanted to feel the fullness of whatever sin I was committing. I’m not at all proud of thinking that way then but it still was better than going blotto and losing control of my mind.

Whoever you are, I really believe you are going to enjoy what I’d like to share with you right now. – Ray

Proverbs 2:1-6 Love Letters from Solomon and Ray



Proverbs 2:1-6 Love Letters from Solomon and Ray

Faith, Sex, and Freedom (Dr. Robert George, Princeton University)

Faith, Sex, and Freedom (Robert George)

Faith, Sex, and Freedom (Robert George)

Faith, Sex, and Freedom (Dr. Robert George, Princeton University)

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Many Years Ago – The Dating Game

Many Years Ago – The Story of the Ugly Duckling Revisited!

Have you ever watched the old television program “The  Dating Game?” Well, at Pepperdine College I had my own version of that. Wait’ll you hear about it! But before I could get into that game something else happened that made it all possible. As Solomon wrote “Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.” And that’s just what I was in college. As vain as a peacock. Here, let me tell you about it. – Ray

Many Years Ago – The Story of the Ugly Duckling Revisited!


Many Years Ago – The Dating Game

Worldwide News With Ray and Campaign 2016 June 21

Worldwide News With Ray and Campaign 2016 June 21
An attempt to assassinate Donald Trump

Deadly heat wave in the Southwest

Paul Ryan forces President’s hand

Supreme Court legalizes stop and search by the police and makes no decision on gun control

England may be changing it’s majority about Brexit

Star Trek star killed in freak accident

Olympic stars already being mugged in Rio

The Cleveland Cavaliers are celebrating…

Professional football player trapped in bathroom.

Ray has these stories and more for you right now

Worldwide News With Ray and Campaign 2016 June 21




Worldwide News With Ray and Campaign 2016 June 21

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Hobbit Chapter 6 Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire

The Hobbit Chapter 6 Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire
Bilbo has escaped, at least temporarily, from Gollum. But emerging from the cave he’s now lost like a white rabbit in a snowstorm. So hungry he could eat an uncooked cow, he’s going to soon face DANGER with a capital D that will make Gollum seem tame…Here’s Ray to tell you all about it.

Ray Mossholder:


The Hobbit Chapter 6 Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire


The Hobbit Chapter 6 Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire

Sunday, June 19, 2016

C. C. Mossholder is my Dad – Ray

C. C. Mossholder is my Dad – Ray
It’s Father’s Day and I’m going to tell you what my own dad was like. I titled this C. C. Mossholder IS my Dad because he is still very much alive in Heaven.

I would have never chosen a different dad if I had the pick of dad’s from all over America. Yet his story isn’t a happy one in many ways. Nevertheless, I got my sense of humor, my love to sing and my “good looks” from my dad!

This story is kind of like reading a book except that I’m telling it to you out of 79-year-old memories. You’ll never get a closer look at my dad than this until I introduce him to you when we are in Heaven. If you’d like to hear about him, join me now. – Ray

Ray Mossholder:


C. C. Mossholder is my Dad – Ray


C. C. Mossholder is my Dad – Ray

Proverbs 1:20-33 Love Letters from Solomon and Ray

Proverbs 1:20-33 Love Letters from Solomon and Ray
Have you ever called someone a “wiseguy?” Well, if he really was wise that’s a compliment. But the difference between knowledge and wisdom are like the difference between night and day. In this love letter, the Holy Spirit is actively shouting in the streets for you to hear Him. Join Ray now and see if you’d like to do that.


Proverbs 1:20-33 Love Letters from Solomon and Ray





Proverbs 1:20-33 Love Letters from Solomon and Ray

This Couple Needs Marriage Counseling! - Happy Father"s Day

This Couple Needs Marriage Counseling! – Happy Father’s Day – The Man’s Song

This Couple Needs Marriage Counseling! – Happy Father’s Day

This Couple Needs Marriage Counseling! - Happy Father"s Day

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Skit Guys – What"s It Like To Be A Dad?

The Skit Guys – What’s It Like To Be A Dad?
My kids and grandkids are my legacy. It doesn’t matter what else I’ve done. And time goes by incredibly fast while your kids grow up and leave the nest. All three of mine and my spiritual daughters and my spiritual son Larry, are a thrill to me. And so are my grandkids. Each of them is changing the world with God. I couldn’t ask for more. The father in this skit brought back some precious memories to me. I hope it does the same for you. Watch this video and enjoy it. Happy Father’s Day to all dads everywhere.

The Skit Guys – What’s It Like To Be A Dad?

The Skit Guys – What"s It Like To Be A Dad?

Happy Father"s Day Weekend – Love In Any Language

Happy Father’s Day Weekend – Love In Any Language
These are commercials but you wouldn’t know it unless you saw the end of each of them. These are beautiful tributes to fathers in the Orient. Have a box of Kleenex handy while you watch. You very well may need them. Take a look and see what I mean. – Ray

Happy Father’s Day Weekend – Love In Any Language

Happy Father"s Day Weekend – Love In Any Language

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 7-9

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 7-9
Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins are giving us a very creative and imaginary Millennium. The death of a 100-year-old unbeliever is followed by deaths all over the world of other 100-year-old unbelievers. Now comes an audience for Rayford, Tsion, Chaim, Mac, and Bruce Barnes with King David of Israel. Why does he want to meet with them? Ray is about to tell you. Join him now.

Ray Mossholder:


Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 7-9


Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapters 7-9

Jihad In America - Are You Prepared? John Guandolo

Jihad In America – Are You Prepared? John Guandolo
What is the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood? What is the truth about jihad? According to our own FBI, America is infiltrated in all fifty states by radical Islam terrorists.

John Guandolo is a former FBI agent who kept discovering things he didn’t want to realize about what’s really going on in the government, and why we need to know. He is carrying information that explains why the FBI today (June 17, 2016) said that we have more of the Orlando shooter terrorists in all fifty states than we have FBI agents. Much more than that, the San Bernardino murders and the Orlando massacre are just the beginning of what now will continue throughout America until the terrorists are stopped.

You may not want to hear this information and you have every right not to listen. But this is the beginning of a number of information pieces that you will find on because we believe that you should be absolutely aware of what is happening. Your life and your family’s life could depend on it.

So here is Jihad in America and the biggest question is are you prepared?

Jihad In America – Are You Prepared? John Guandolo

Jihad In America - Are You Prepared? John Guandolo

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Presidential Race Until This Minute (YouGov and Ray)

The Presidential Race Until This Minute (YouGov and Ray)
They are off and running – Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Who is ahead at this moment? Well, if you believe the lamestream media, Hillary is ahead of Donald by double digits. But is she really? YouGov, one of the top two respected survey companies in the world, will tell us the truth. Join me now to know where those two candidates are at this moment. Also learn why the “Never Hillary” and “Never Trump” American voters are saying that. Take a real look at where the presidential race is at this minute. – Ray

Presidential Race Until This Minute (YouGov and Ray)

The Presidential Race Until This Minute (YouGov and Ray)

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapter 6

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapter 6
It is the first death in the Millennium where people die at the age of 100 if they haven’t received Christ by then. Buck is going to give a challenging message to the multitude of people who will be coming to the funeral. Ray says “I can’t imagine this ever happening in the Millennium. I simply don’t think it will. But I have said before about Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins that they are such awesome writers that even a work of pure fiction is great to read or hear.” Join Ray now to hear it.

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapter 6


Left Behind KINGDOM COME Chapter 6

The Hobbit Chapter 4 Up The Hill and Under The Hill

The Hobbit Chapter 4 Up The Hill and Under The Hill
Bilbo Baggins is a lllloooooonnnnnnggggg way from his Hobbit hole. He is fully into an adventure and hobbits don’t like adventure. They like comfort. And there is nothing comfortable about what is happening to him now. He has escaped being eaten, falling off a cliff, but is just about to enter into the worst place that he’s been in so far. The dwarves are just as miserable about what’s happening. Thank God for Gandalf. … Join Ray now for the fun in Chapter 4.

Ray Mossholder:


The Hobbit Chapter 4 Up The Hill and Under The Hill

The Hobbit Chapter 4 Up The Hill and Under The Hill

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Ch 5

Left Behind KINGDOM COME Ch 5
Due to overwhelming request, Ray is going to continue reading Kingdom Come, the final book in the Left Behind series. Rayford, Buck, Irene, Chloe and Ramey are in the Millennium and it isn’t really heavenly there. Christ is reigning for 1000 years. This is what is leading up to Heaven.

Ray says “This book is the only one of the series that I have an impossible time believing will ever happen. But many many people have written and asked if I would finish the last book. I’m glad to do it for them.” Join Ray now for the last book in the Left Behind series.

Ray Mossholder:


Left Behind KINGDOM COME Ch 5


Left Behind KINGDOM COME Ch 5

The View From Here#2 –Guns, Orlando and Donald Trump

The View From Here#2 –Guns, Orlando and Donald Trump
Ray takes a penetrating look at the heart of such issues as the deaths of Muhammed Ali, Christina Grimmee and 50 in a gay club in Orlando to 17 things important to know about the shooter. … Ray lists best Internet websites for reliable news and the worst ones. … He will conclude tonight by endorsing Donald Trump. join Ray now.

In spite of the week just past – a tragic week with the death of Mohammed Ali, a dedicated Muslim,

the senseless shooting of “Voice” star Christina Grimmee

The Islamist terrorist and hate crime massacre in an Orlando gay bar.

President Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s blatant attack on gun control.

Trump’s response if the people in the crowd were carrying guns.

17 things we’ve now learned about the shooter in the Orlando gay club:

#1 According to the Director of the FBI, Mateen had “links to al-Qaida, Hezbollah, and the Islamic State”.

#2 Mateen’s father has openly expressed support for the Taliban on YouTube.

#3 Despite those links to terror organizations, Mateen was allowed to work “as a security guard at a local courthouse“.

#4 Mateen wasn’t directly hired by the courthouse. Instead, he was officially an employee of the largest security services company in the world

The Orlando nightclub terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS worked almost a decade for a major Department of Homeland Security contractor, raising alarms that ISIS sympathizers and agents have infiltrated the federal agency set up after 9/11 to combat terrorists.

Officials say Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, an Afghan-American who held two firearms licenses and a security officer license, was employed by the security firm G4S Secure Solutions USA Inc. since Sept. 10, 2007. The Jupiter, Fla.-based company merged with the Wackenhut Corp. after 9/11 and assumed federal contracts.

#5 It turns out that this U.S. subsidiary of G4S is a company that works very closely with “the Department of Homeland Security, the US Army, and federal and local law enforcement.”

#6 Mateen’s ex-wife says that he would repeatedly beat her while they were married.

#7 He started to become radicalized after separating from his first wife. While they were together, she said that he didn’t show much interest in religion.

#8 He made pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and 2012.

#9 He claimed to personally know the Boston Marathon Bombers.

#10 According to the FBI, Mateen has “been on the radar before“, he was interviewed by them three separate times, and they conducted a 10 month investigation of his activities in 2013.

#11 He is being described as “unhinged and unstable” by his former coworkers.

#12 Mateen once declared that he hoped to martyr himself someday, and the FBI knew all about this.

#13 Despite everything that the federal government knew about Mateen, he was still permitted to legally buy guns just last week.

#14 In an odd twist, it also turns out that Mateen was a registered Democrat.

#15 A respected Islamic scholar was urging Muslims in Orlando to “get rid” of homosexuals just a couple of months before this shooting took place

Farrokh Sekaleshfar – a British-born doctor and Muslim scholar – has gained a following by urging Muslims to ‘get rid of’ homosexuals.

And in April, he took his speech titled ‘How to deal with the phenomenon of homosexuality’ to the Husseini Islamic Center in Sanford, just outside Orlando, Florida.

Two months later, 29-year-old Omar Mateen carried out the worst massacre in US history by opening fire on a gay club in the same city.

#16 Hillary Clinton’s State Department shut down an investigation of the mosque that Mateen attends because it “unfairly singled out Muslims“.

#17 Just moments before the attack, Mateen reportedly called 911 to swear his allegiance to ISIS.

The lame stream media coverage of events and the presidential race

Yellow journalism

We are the most informed people on the planet and perhaps the least knowledgeable.

Worst for reporting falsely – The Washington Post, The New York Times, And the Huntington Post, and The Week

Best on the web – The Drudge Report, WND, Breitbart News, The Most Important News, and CBN

I am beginning tonight to read the rest of Kingdom Come

I endorse Donald Trump for president

The View From Here#2 –Guns, Orlando and Donald Trump

The View From Here#2 –Guns, Orlando and Donald Trump

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A U.S. One Dollar Bill Is Far More Powerful Than You May Think

A U.S. One Dollar Bill Is Far More Powerful Than You May Think

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of conspiracy theories. We have more than enough that is really happening in and to America not to have to invent or have to pay any attention to or help spread such theories.

One of the conspiracy theories I’ve recurrently heard and seen throughout my long lifetime has always made me wonder whenever it was shown to me how our forefathers could have been so sneaky and so evil when they designed America’s currency. I thought that way because I was always taught by anyone who liked to stun people (“I know something you don’t know”) that the United States one dollar bill has many terrible hidden meanings that glorify The New World Order, the Freemasons, and many many other demonic organizations and evil things including the devil himself. Hogwash!

Come with me through this study of the dollar bill that restores its real meaning to the symbols that are used. I thank my precious friend Janice Marallo for sending me this article. I think you’re going to enjoy it. It should definitely Will and in change your paradigm on this subject.

 If it’s possible for you to hold a one dollar bill in your hand while I share this with you, please do that. Otherwise just scroll down and you’ll quickly see what I’m saying.

In God We Trust

On the rear of the One Dollar bill, you will see two circles. Together, they comprise the Great Seal of the United States.The First Continental Congress requested that Benjamin Franklin and a group of men come up with a Seal. It took them four years to accomplish this task and another two years to get it approved.
If you look at the left-hand circle, you will see a Pyramid.

Notice the face is lighted, and the western side is dark. This country was just beginning. We had not begun to explore the west or decided what we could do for Western Civilization.

The Pyramid is uncapped, again signifying that we were not even close to being finished. Inside the Capstone you have the all-seeing eye, an ancient symbol for divinity. It was Franklin ‘s belief that one man couldn’t do it alone, but a group of men, with the help of God, could do anything.

‘IN GOD WE TRUST’ is on this currency.

The Latin above the pyramid, ANNUIT COEPTIS, means, ‘God has favored our undertaking.’

The Latin below the pyramid, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, means, ‘a new order has begun.’

At the base of the pyramid is the Roman numeral for 1776. (MDCCLXXVI) “The New Order” was the formation of the United States government and our Constitution. It had nothing to do with a one world government. That wasn’t at all their thought as they designed America’s money. They wanted to come under the power of no other government but our own and had no thought at all of giving up that government to anyone else or to any other country.

If you look at the right-hand circle, and check it carefully, you will learn that it is on every National Cemetery in the United States .

It is also on the Parade of Flags Walkway at the Bushnell, Florida National Cemetery , and is the centerpiece of most heroes’ monuments.

Slightly modified, it is the seal of the President of the United States , and it is always visible whenever he speaks, yet very few people know what the symbols mean.

The Bald Eagle was selected as a symbol for victory for two reasons:

First, he is not afraid of a storm; he is strong, and he is smart enough to soar above it.

Secondly, he wears no material crown. We had just broken from the King of England. Like most Americans today it had no desire at all for globalization.

Also, notice the shield is unsupported. That meant this country can now stand on its own.

At the top of that shield there is a white bar signifying Congress, a unifying factor. We were coming together as one nation.

In the Eagle’s beak you will read, ‘ E PLURIBUS UNUM’ meaning, ‘from many – one.’

Above the Eagle, we have the thirteen stars, representing the thirteen original colonies, and any clouds of misunderstanding rolling away Again, we were coming together as one.

Notice what the Eagle holds in his talons. He holds an olive branch and arrows. This country wants peace, but we will never be afraid to fight to preserve peace. The Eagle always wants to face the olive branch, but in time of war, his gaze turns toward the arrows.

An (untrue) old-fashioned belief says that the number 13 is an unlucky number. This is almost a worldwide belief. You will almost never see a room numbered 13, or any hotels or motels with a 13th floor. But think about this:

America, which relies on God (not a number) to direct and lead, boldly chose:

13 original colonies,

13 signers of the Declaration of Independence ,

13 stripes on our flag,

13 steps on the pyramid,

13 letters in ‘Annuit Coeptis’,

13 letters in ‘ E Pluribus Unum,’

13 stars above the eagle,

13 bars on that shield,

13 leaves on the olive branch,

13 fruits, and if you look closely,

13 arrows.

And finally, notice the arrangement of the 13 stars in the right-hand circle.You will see that they are arranged as a Star of David.

This was ordered by George Washington who, when he asked Haym Solomon, a wealthy Philadelphia Jew, what he would like as a personal reward for his services to the Continental Army, Solomon said he wanted nothing for himself, but he would like something for his people.The Star of David was the result. Few people know it was Solomon who saved the Army through his financial contributions…then died a pauper. Haym Solomon gave $25 million to save the Continental Army, money that was sorely needed to help realize America’s freedom and independence from England .

Therein lies America ‘s Judeo-Christian beginning.

Most American children do NOT know any of this.

They are not taught the truth about the one dollar bill and its meaning because their history teachers don’t know this. They were not taught this, but many were taught what I had always thought was the corruption on America’s dollar bill!

On America ‘s Freedom:

Too many veterans gave up  far too much to let the meaning fade now.

Many veterans came home to an America that didn’t care at all what they had sacrificed for us.

Too many veterans in every war we’ve been in never came home at all. They served and they died for you and  me.

I hope you’ll invite your friends to come to Reach More Now and see for themselves what the truth is about the UNITED STATES DOLLAR BILL, and exactly what it stands for.

America is at a critical juncture. Let’s do whatever we can to save her while never, ever forgetting it is in God we trust!

A U.S. One Dollar Bill Is Far More Powerful Than You May Think

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Students Speak Out About Trump University

Students Speak Out About Trump University

The recent press attacks upon Trump University have not been an accurate representation of the professionally run school that provided a quality real estate education. While the press has taken selected portions of documents and testimony and spun them in order to further their agenda of attacking Mr. Trump’s business record, the true story is best told by the students who attended Trump University and used the information they learned to become successful real estate investors and entrepreneurs. The students on this video are representative of the many students who were overwhelmingly satisfied with Trump University. Rather than listen to the media spin, listen to the hard-working students who can attest first-hand to the truth about Trump University

Students Speak Out About Trump University

Students Speak Out About Trump University

Should America Remain A Part of the European Union?

Should America Remain A Part of the European Union?

A week from now England is going to drop out of the European Union according to national polls in that country that show the withdraw vote is 10% stronger than the stay vote. President Obama went to England to support Prime Minister David Cameron by speaking to the English people in his attempt to keep Britain a part of the EU. But the backlash of Obama’s visit showed also in the polls that his message to England actually turned the Brits negative by another 24%.

England’s removal from the EU will make global waves. Several other countries that are at this moment a part of the EU are on the edge of leaving this world organization. England’s withdrawal will give them a strong signal that it is time for them to leave too. Expect the global stock market to drop sharply after the results of England’s vote is announced next week.

For a full look at why so many people in England want their country severed from the EU, watch this short video. If you want to examine this problem further, Google European Union Wikipedia.

This brief video cuts to the core of the issues involved. After seeing it, ask yourself if you think America should continue to have anything to do with the European Union.

Should America Remain A Part of the European Union?

Should America Remain A Part of the European Union?

Monday, June 13, 2016

How And When To Change Your Mind by Milton Gillie

How And When To Change Your Mind by Milton Gillie
How defensive do you get when someone challenges your idea about something? Most people get very defensive at that point. What are they defending? They are defending their paradigm. Milton Gillie has written one of the most important articles I’ve ever read on this subject: How and When to Change Your Mind. Join me now and I’ll share it with you. – Ray

How And When To Change Your Mind by Milton Gillie

How And When To Change Your Mind by Milton Gillie

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 39 to 42

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 39 to 42
Ray now concludes the second prequel to the rapture – THE REGIME.

Nicolae Carpathia Will soon become the Antichrist and is frustrated at this moment because he is downright bored.

Rayford will have nothing to do with Christ and either will Chloe. Irene and Ramey love the Lord.  

Cameron “Buck” Williams is about to go to Israel to interview Chaim Rosenzweig just as Russia attempts to annihilate Israel.

Ray picks the story up at this point.

Ray Mossholder:


Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 39 to 42



Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 39 to 42

The Hobbit Chapter 3 A Short Rest

The Hobbit Chapter 3 A Short Rest
Bilbo Baggins is having an adventure or two or three. He was almost eaten by trolls in Chapter 2. But now he’s back on the trail with Gandalf and the others. Where are they headed? Ray is just about to tell you.

The Hobbit Chapter 3 A Short Rest

The Hobbit Chapter 3 A Short Rest

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Terrorist murders 50 in Orlando. Death Toll Will Rise.

Terrorist murders 50 in Orlando. Death Toll Will Rise.
It was a nightmare in real life. The largest mass murder in American history except for wars took place early this morning in an Orlando gay club. The FBI says it was both a terrorist with connections to ISIS and a hate crime. Here’s Ray with a full report.

Ray Mossholder:


Terrorist murders 50 in Orlando. Death Toll Will Rise.

Terrorist murders 50 in Orlando. Death Toll Will Rise.

Worldwide News With Ray June 11, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray June 11, 2016
“The Greatest” is gone…Christina Grimmie is too.

Love Field turns ugly.

Millions are coming to a stinking Paris next week.

Many in England are saying EU PU!

Three politicians in Alabama are in trouble.

Bristol Palin becomes Bristol Meyer.  

San Francisco car burglaries are currently astronomical.  

If you think same-sex marriage is shocking, wait till Ray tells you what Canada’s Supreme Court has just passed into law.  

There are unrecognized heroes in New York right now.  

Have you ever heard of a bicycle rustler?

Ray is ready to share these stories with you right now.

Worldwide News With Ray June 11, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray June 11, 2016

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Worldwide News and Campaign 2016 With Ray June 9, 2016

Worldwide News and Campaign 2016 With Ray June 9, 2016
President Obama is telling Bernie Sanders enough is enough. 

Israel has closed its borders to Palestine.

There’s a huge hole in downtown Ottawa.

Trump says he doesn’t need $1 billion to win in November. Hillary says she does.

Many American pastors sense a new calling.

Judge who gave a light sentence for rape is now being guarded.

A totally innocent teenager has just spent eight years in prison.

Isis continues to slaughter the innocent.

Lebron James says the Cavaliers are back on track.

A new kind of roadkill!

Ray will share all these stories with you if you join in right now.




Worldwide News and Campaign 2016 With Ray June 9, 2016


Worldwide News and Campaign 2016 With Ray June 9, 2016

The Bill Keith Report: A Defiant America

The Bill Keith Report: A Defiant America
Absolute danger at America’s airports.  

Is a gorilla’s life just as sacred as a human life?

Whoops! Hundreds more veterans dying at home because of administrative errors.

America’s economy. Figures never lie unless liars figure.

Chicago is like a second Iraq.  

Thugs continually paid to stop Donald Trump.

Iran is holding America hostage.

Obamacare: A huge document that continually grows more expensive and far more dangerous.

If America can’t tell a boy from a girl, how do we know that Hillary Clinton really is a woman?

Bill Keith has another penetrating report for Ray to share right now.

The Bill Keith Report: A Defiant America






The Bill Keith Report: A Defiant America

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hillary Crowned, Trump Too, and Bernie Sanders Is Far From Through!

Hillary Crowned, Trump Too, and Bernie Sanders Is Far From Through!

Hillary Clinton is now the first American woman in history to become a major parties presumptive nominee. However, that title will be removed by Bernie Sanders if he gets his way. Meanwhile, Donald Trump will soon be giving America information about Hillary’s many scandals that might actually knock the crown right off her head. Here’s Ray with much more.

Hillary Crowned, Trump Too, and Bernie Sanders Is Far From Through!

Hillary Crowned, Trump Too, and Bernie Sanders Is Far From Through!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Trying To Live For Jesus Will Only Frustrate You!

Trying To Live For Jesus Will Only Frustrate You!
From 7 Biblical Truths You Won’t Hear In Church, once again David A. Rich blows many a Christian’s theory about what God wants from us once we receive Christ.

Why does David say that living to please Christ is a totally frustrating way to live? The reason he says it is because it IS a totally frustrating way to live. So, how should a Christian live? Ray will share the answer with you if you join him now.

Ray Mossholder:


Trying To Live For Jesus Will Only Frustrate You!

Trying To Live For Jesus Will Only Frustrate You!

The Ugly Duckling Is Transformed! – Many Years Ago

The Ugly Duckling Is Transformed! – Many Years Ago

My parents scrimped and saved to put me through Pepperdine College. It was years later that it became Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. My school was at seventy-ninth and Vermont in Los Angeles.

I entered Pepperdine with a huge inferiority complex and left there with a head several sizes too big. In between those years I got a first-class education, made a zillion friends, and kept getting honors I honestly felt I didn’t deserve. (But I loved getting each and every one of them.) I am so thankful for those years.

Join me now so that I can tell you about one of the most stunning moments in my entire life. It happened during my freshman year. 

The Ugly Duckling Is Transformed – Many Years Ago

The Ugly Duckling Is Transformed! – Many Years Ago

Trump vs. Hillary in November? Maybe not!

Trump vs. Hillary in November? Maybe not!
The Associated Press yesterday declared Hillary Clinton is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party. They did this ahead of this very Super Tuesday with six states yet to vote including the huge delegate rich state of California. That is grossly unfair, especially since the AP counted superdelegates as if they were already in Hillary’s handbag. What is Bernie Sanders going to do about this?

And what about the FBI criminal investigation of Hillary? Could she still be indicted this far into the campaign?

Ray has the answers. Join him now.

Trump vs. Hillary in November? Maybe not!

Trump vs. Hillary in November? Maybe not!

Monday, June 6, 2016

The Hobbit Chapter 2 Roast Mutton

The Hobbit Chapter 2 Roast Mutton

The Hobbit
Bilbo Baggins went to bed with a large party going on in his house that was made up of dwarves and Gandalf, the Wizard. They were drinking Bilbo’s booze and eating his cupboards full of food.

They are preparing for a long and dangerous adventure and hobbits like Bilbo aren’t interested in adventure. Nevertheless, they want Bilbo to come with them as their “burglar”. But hobbits, including Bilbo, like a life of ease and they don’t like dangerous things at all. So that’s why Bilbo went to bed. He wanted to be out of their sight and he slept late on purpose, hoping they would all be gone. … Ray picks the story up at this point. Join him now.

The Hobbit Chapter 2 Roast Mutton

The Hobbit Chapter 2 Roast Mutton

Trump, Clinton, Sanders – There"s Never Been A Bigger Super Tuesday!

Trump, Clinton, Sanders – There’s Never Been A Bigger Super Tuesday!
After all the primaries, millions and millions of dollars, debate after debate, one by one the candidates dropping out, it all comes down to this Super Tuesday. If Bernie or if Hillary wins California the result of it will be extremely different. If Bernie wins he will undoubtedly go to the Democratic convention with his angry Army. If Hillary wins, I predict you’ll see a new Bernie will graciously step aside and let the Queen be corinated. After that she will come forth to thump Trump! Or will she lose her crown to him? Or to the FBI?

Who is Gary Johnson and how is it that if you’ve never heard his name in connection with this election, you will now MAYBE. His name will definitely be on the ballot in all fifty states.

And what does the fat lady have to do with all this? Ray has all the answers. Join him now.

Ray Mossholder:


Trump, Clinton, Sanders – There’s Never Been A Bigger Super Tuesday!

Trump, Clinton, Sanders – There"s Never Been A Bigger Super Tuesday!

The Hobbit Chapter 1

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray June 5, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray June 5, 2016

Fire or floods – it depends on where you live. 

Bernie Sanders is fighting mad.

Every citizen in Switzerland could be rich soon.

President Obama is working to empty our prisons.

Dr. Albert Einstein was wrong!

You’ll hear these stories and many more if you join Ray right now.

Ray Mossholder:





Worldwide News With Ray June 5, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray June 5, 2016

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapter 38 Part 2

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapter 38 Part 2
Cameron Williams is interviewing the president of the United States.

Irene Steele is realizing more and more a real division between her and her daughter Chloe. Rayford is no help because he is running from Christ too.

Meanwhile Nicolae Carpathia (soon to be the Antichrist) Is extremely popular in the government of Romania.

Ray picks the story up at this point. Join him now.

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapter 38 Part 2

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapter 38 Part 2

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 36 thru 38 Part 1

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 36 thru 38 Part 1
Time is moving towards the rapture, but just like us, no one knows it. Nicolae Carpathia is still being groomed by Leon Fortunato to become the Antichrist. Irene Steele is still trying to woo Rayford to change churches. And Cameron Williams (Buck) is quickly advancing with higher and higher recognition as an outstanding journalist. Ray picks the story up at this point. Join him now to hear it.

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 36 thru 38 Part 1

Left Behind THE REGIME Chapters 36 thru 38 Part 1

Worldwide News With Ray June 4, 2016

Worldwide News With Ray June 4, 2016I

This is Ray Mossholder with the news.

The Donald Trump of the boxing world is dead. Muhammed Ali died last night in a Phoenix hospital. Ali continually boasted throughout his boxing career that he was “the greatest” and he was the heavyweight champion of the world three times to prove it.

In 1984, Ali was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. It totally took over his body but never his mind. Few men in their lifetime did more for charities than Ali did.

Mohammed Ali’s career took off with a giant leap as a Golden Gloves champion and an even greater leap when he won gold as a heavyweight in the 1960 Olympic games in Rome.

In 1964, he was a 7 to 1 underdog when he fought and KO’d Sonny Liston to become the youngest heavyweight champion in history, at the age of 22.

Like Trump and his mantra of “I’m the greatest,” “America needs me”, and his famous word “Yuuuggge”; Ali vowed “I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee” “I’m the greatest” and instead of turning Americans off, most Americans loved him all the more.

Even joining the Nation of Islam didn’t cause his fan base to wither. They stayed faithful and continued to grow even as he became close friends with Malcolm X and refused to be drafted to fight in Vietnam.

His first time of being knocked out didn’t come from another boxer but from the law that for three years stripped him of his boxing title and made it illegal for him to fight in any of the fifty states because of his objections to the Vietnam War. The United States Supreme Court unanimously overturned his conviction in 1971.

In 1974 came boxing’s “Rumble in the Jungle” fight in which he wore out George Foreman by continually moving away from him until Foreman was exhausted. Billed as “The Fight of the Century” Ali was restored to his heavyweight title. He lost his title again in 1978 to Leon Spinks only to gain it back again seven months later in a rematch.

When he won Olympic gold, everyone knew him as Cassius Clay. He was born in Louisville, Kentucky. Tomorrow the mayor of Louisville has ordered all plaques in the city to be hung at half mast.

Can you believe that primary season ends today? You’ve heard of the Final Four in college basketball. Well, this will be the final five in the presidential horse race. California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota all hope to fill their ballot boxes with the stream of eager voters.

I predict Donald Trump will win the Republican race in all five states. Wow, I sure have gone out on a limb with that prediction, haven’t I? Well for a long time during the primaries it was highly questionable whether the Donald would get enough delegates to win on the first ballot at the Republican convention in July – something he absolutely had to do to insure he would be the Republican presidential nominee. Now there is no doubt. His bragging rights will come by winning millions of votes and far more delegates that will be added to his more than sufficient number to become the Republican nominee.

On Thursday, Paul Ryan finally endorsed him. And he even met with Karl Rove. The elite are getting aboard the Trump Express.

And if all goes as Hillary Clinton has planned, she will have won enough delegates, counting her Super delegates, to receive the crown and be declared the Democrat presidential nominee.

Hillary is favored to win in California, but it could be a squeaker. One poll has Sanders beating Clinton. If that happened it would be a real disgrace for the lady. I’ll follow this closely and be back after all the votes are counted.

Tragedy has once again struck the Fort Hood Army base in Texas. During what should have been a routine training session, a truck carrying twelve soldiers overturned in the flash–flooded waters they were in. Five soldiers are dead, four have been hospitalized and are in stable condition. And four more are still missing.

Parts of Texas have been struck with severe weather conditions that has included flooding in recent days.

On the same day as the tragic accident with the soldiers, a Navy Blue Angels pilot was killed in a training crash. And, in another incident, an Air Force Academy graduation in Colorado Where President Obama was speaking to the graduates, after a flyover, a pilot escaped by parachute while his plane crashed.






That killer who took the life of UCLA professor William Klug in a murder suicide was a former doctoral student. And Klug wasn’t his only target.

Mainak Sarkar, the shooter, had a “kill list” with three names on it. Sarkar had killed another person before he killed the professor. She was Ashley Hasti, who died in her Minnesota home. The details of why she was singled out is yet to be discovered.

The third targeted victim was still another professor who was off campus at the moment. Klug’s death occurred because Sarkar believed Klug had stolen his computer code and given it to someone else. Later in the day, this was checked out and found to be untrue. Professor Klug was a Christian with a wife and two children.



I want you to listen to how the Wall Street Journal joined with the lamestream media in attempting to make Donald Trump look really really bad. Here’s their story. And then I’m going to comment on it

Donald Trump believes that the judge presiding over civil lawsuits against Trump University should be disqualified based on his ancestry,telling The Wall Street Journal that U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel has “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the litigation since he is “of Mexican heritage” and a member of the La Raza Lawyers Association, a nonprofit that supports Latino lawyers. The presumptive Republican nominee has vowed to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, and said Curiel’s background must be mentioned because “I’m building a wall. It’s an inherent conflict of interest.” Curiel was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrant parents. Trump has also called Curiel a “hater of Donald Trump” and a “total disgrace.”

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Even zoos live and learn. That horrible incident with its gorilla and a three-year-old boy at the Cincinnati zoo has created a new look in the gorilla pen.

The Zoo will reopen its Guerrilla World exhibit Tuesday. They have added a higher barrier railing that is about 6 inches higher, with netting and not gaps like the old one had.

When you consider the fact that the boy fell 15 feet into the guerrillas enclosure and that that fall itself could have killed him, there were a lot of angels at work undoubtedly protecting him. His mom and dad are Christians and the accident is still under investigation.

But about those angels? At any moment that gorilla could of crushed that child’s head like a coconut. Zoo officials took no chances. They shot and killed the gorilla. Many were angered by what they did, but there was no time to do anything else. Black lives matter, and so do all human lives.

The Golden State Warriors got off to a great start last night with a 104-89 victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Warriors are tough to reckon with. Six of their players scored in double digits. Shaun Livingston scored twenty points, a personal postseason best for him.

LeBron James needed backup support from the rest of his team to win. Last night they just weren’t able give it to him. However, LeBron scored twenty-three points, twelve rebounds, and nine assists. What an All-Star he is.

Game two will take place on Sunday.

And finally… If you’re in the market for a grave, you might consider going to Hungary. That’s where the National Grave Digging competition will be held later this year in Slovakia.

Here’s all the dirt on this: Judges give the prize to the fastest gravediggers who can make the best looking finished grave mound.

All contestants are given shovels, rakes, axes and pickaxes to dig graves 2 feet 7 inches wide (0.8 meters). No two teams use the same technique.

As grave as this situation is, it certainly is something to write home about.

Worldwide News With Ray June 4, 2016



Worldwide News With Ray June 4, 2016

Friday, June 3, 2016

Does Donald Trump Start Riots? -The View From Here with Ray #1

Does Donald Trump Start Riots? -The View From Here with Ray #1 
Something new beginning today is a new style I will often be using to present news of all kinds. Some people would call it an opinion piece. I call it “The View From Here”.

Each time I do “The View From Here” I will be focusing on a story from the news and I will give you my perspective on it. This first one has to do with the riot that took place last night in my hometown – San Jose, California, outside a Donald Trump rally. There are a lot of riots accompanying Trump’s rallies. So I’m asking the obvious question – Does Donald Trump Start Riots?

News stories have always fascinated me. When I was growing up I never expected that I would ever be a radio news director in San Francisco (of all places!) for four years during the Vietnam War. And though God called me to a ministry that left that occupation to others, I have never stopped analyzing news. It is a real passion of mine. It’s not because I’m a newshound, but because I really care, and always have, about what’s happening in and to our country.

On Reach More Now I have read newscasts from the more than hundred news sources I study, written newscasts and commentaries, and tried to help you know what’s going on with the presidential race. So see what you think of this new approach to news stories that I’m testing tonight. Please let me know your response by writing a comment to me.

Take a look now.

Ray Mossholder:


Does Donald Trump Start Riots? -The View From Here with Ray #1

Does Donald Trump Start Riots? -The View From Here with Ray #1

Do You Want a President Bernie Sanders To Do These Things?

Do You Want a President Bernie Sanders To Do These Things?

Do You Want a President Bernie Sanders To Do These Things?


Do You Want a President Bernie Sanders To Do These Things?

What Really Happened With Hillary"s Emails?

What Really Happened With Hillary’s Emails?

What Really Happened With Hillary’s Emails?

What Really Happened With Hillary"s Emails?

Do You Want a President Hillary Clinton To Do This?

Do You Want a President Hillary Clinton To Do This?

Do You Want a President Hillary Clinton To Do This?

Do You Want a President Hillary Clinton To Do This?

Do You Want Hillary Clinton To Do These Things?

Do You Want Hillary Clinton To Do These Things?

Do You Want Hillary Clinton To Do These Things?

Do You Want Hillary Clinton To Do These Things?

What Really Happened At Trump University?

What Really Happened At Trump University?
The recent press attacks upon Trump University have not been an accurate representation of the professionally run school that provided a quality real estate education. While the press has taken selected portions of documents and testimony and spun them in order to further their agenda of attacking Mr. Trump’s business record, the true story is best told by the students who attended Trump University and used the information they learned to become successful real estate investors and entrepreneurs. The students on this video are representative of the many students who were overwhelmingly satisfied with Trump University. Rather than listen to the media spin, listen to the hard-working students who can attest first-hand to the truth about Trump University.

What Really Happened At Trump University?

Do You Want a President Donald Trump To Do These Things?

Do You Want a President Donald Trump To Do These Things?

Do You Want a President Donald Trump To Do These Things?

Do You Want a President Donald Trump To Do These Things?