Saturday, April 30, 2016

Minecraft with Larry, Chunk Challenge 1.9 Day 2

Chunk Challenge 1 9 (525.9 KiB, 1 downloads)

Minecraft with Larry, Chunk Challenge 1.9 Day 2

Hillary and the FBI. Is Ted Cruz really Lucifer? Trump"s Veep - Who?

Hillary and the FBI. Is Ted Cruz really Lucifer? Trump’s Veep – Who?

Ray has put together a thought-provoking potpourri of things you want to know about each candidate still running for president (and some who aren’t!.) Here are the answers to “Why is the FBI going so ssslllowwwllyyy if they really plan to charge Mrs. Clinton with computergate?

Ted Cruz says he is basically a stranger to former House Speaker John Boehner. Is this a case of “lyin’ Ted” or “lyin’ John?”

Is Bernie Sanders about to fold his tent and creep away?

If Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee, who will he choose as his running mate?

John Ray now for fun and prophet.

This is Ray Mossholder.

Shhhhhhhh! Tiptoe. Tiptoe. Have you wondered whether Hillary Clinton’s illegal and life-threatening emails are ever going to cause her any problems?

If they are, why on earth is the FBI walking on tip toes around her and around the whole situation?

I’ve mentioned it before – both Bill and Hillary Clinton are among the slipperyiest lawyers in the world today – both of them.

The fact that Bill doesn’t practice law anymore is because he has been stripped of that privilege because of his unlawful deeds.

But that doesn’t in any way affect his eel-like ability to wiggle out of anything from being removed from the presidency, in spite of impeachment, to being removed from his latest lover’s arms.

If the FBI under director James Comey doesn’t have all – and I mean ALL – of Hillary’s ducks in order, a charge against her would bring just another one of her unladylike belly laughs – a laugh bigger than Texas and Ted Cruz that means it will be Yuuuuuuuge.

That’s why Shhhhhhhh! Tiptoe. Tiptoe.

Step right up and be the next to buy a Cruz/Fiorina T-shirt. It’s possible they will only be sold this week because next week you may be asking “Who was Fiorina?” And you might be asking “What happened to Cruz?” It’s all up to the Hoosier state. Or, as the Canadians call it – “the hoser state”.

Indiana is where “The Music Man” came from. And I know 99% of all you millennial’s are now asking “Who was The Music Man?”

Winona Lake, Indiana, is where I once experienced my only evening with fireflies. I was out in the woods and it was like walking in a fairy land.

Fireflies are beautiful. So is Indiana. If you don’t believe me just ask Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, or even John Kasich who says he’s not running there; he has stepped aside so that Ted Cruz can beat Trump this week, except that Kasich has said he wants Indiana to vote for him. That’s all very confusing.

In spite of millions of his fans feeling the Byrne all across America, is Bernie just about to turn out the lights on his campaign? I ask because candidate Sanders has begun to clean house and let go several members of his campaign staff who had been serving him up until now.

True to his word, Bernie Sanders will remain all through this race and compete all the way to the June 7th California primary.

If he does end up defeated by his Democrat rival, he absolutely will not go quietly. Watch for his bucket list that he will be presenting to the Democrat elites in July at the Democrat convention.

If Ted Cruz loses to Donald Trump on the first ballot at the Republican convention, all he’ll get for all his running is a chance to sit down.

Former Speaker of the House, John Boehner, yesterday called Ted Cruz “Lucifer in the flesh”.

Boehner further said about Cruz “I get along with almost everyone, Republican or Democrat, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a (I can’t make out that last word, but it starts with a B).

Republican Congressman Peter King of New York quipped “Comparing Cruz with Lucifer is going to give Lucifer a bad name!”

Cruz, when hearing Boehner’s remark, told reporters “I haven’t spoken 50 words to John Boehner throughout his entire life. I’ve never worked with John Boehner. The truth of the matter is, I don’t know the man.”

But as candidate Trump would say “There goes lyin’ Ted again!” The Washington Post soon reported that the two men had been more than friends in the late 1990s. That’s when Ted Cruz represented John Boehner before the United States Supreme Court.

Boehner’s case before the Supreme Court – John Boehner vs. Jim McDermott – centered on McDermott, a Democrat in the House of Representatives from Washington state who illegally intercepted a telephone call that involved Boehner and other GOP leaders in December 1996. Boehner declared that McDermott had completely ignored wiretapping laws.

That case lasted for twelve years, but Cruz left the law firm representing Boehner within two years of the case beginning. I leave this question to you – Do you think that someone representing you before the United States Supreme Court wouldn’t have said more than fifty words to you in preparation?

Aside from the fact that John Boehner left his Speaker of the House with extremely low ratings from most of his colleagues, and in spite of the fact that John Boehner told Jay Leno on The Tonight Show in 2014 “Ted Cruz used to be my attorney a long time ago. Good guy. Not that I always agree with him, but he’s a good guy”; I ask you again – Do you think that someone representing you before the United States Supreme Court wouldn’t it said more than fifty words to you in preparation?”

The answer is obvious and if you have a mind sharp enough to argue before nine Supreme Court justices, you have a mind that would remember his relationship with Boehner. “

Or as I read somewhere “Be sure your sins will find you out”.

The candidate accused of being a riot-rouser, Donald Trump, is the victim of constant we just read the paper that Billy Graham thinks is going to die and I said rice it was in the city i.e. he thinks he’s going to die because in E it is been sick riots himself.

Today in Burlingame, California, Trump was driven up to the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel, and because of rioters, many of them paid rioters, he actually had to hop a fence in the back of the hotel to get in.

Although the Donald was a full hour late for his speech to the California Republican Party convention, the crowd inside knew what was happening and waited patiently for him to arrive.

He began his message by saying “That was not the easiest entrance I’ve ever made. It felt like I was crossing the border, but I got here.”

Wherever Trump speaks in California, you can count on a riot. Last night was no exception. Seventeen rioters were arrested outside the Orange County amphitheater out of hundreds, many waving Mexican or American flags.

Some of them smashed the window of at least one police cruiser and punctured the tires on a police sport utility vehicle. They also tried to flip a police car.

Many of the protesters chanted and held up signs that read “Make America Mexico Again.” That’s definitely their aim. They then they burned the American flag and burned Donald Trump in effigy.

The Republican frontrunner announced by tweet today that he now has over 1000 delegates pledged to him on the first ballot. He is well ahead in the polls in Indiana, which votes Tuesday, as well as Nebraska, Oregon, and California.

And that’s Yuuuuuuge!

Question: Does it matter if our presidents lie to us? Most people will answer that question by saying “Well, they all do it.”

But what they did life to us over and over and over and over again? Would you still answer “Well, they all do it?”

We already know Donald Trump’s mantra about “lying Ted”. Does that claim, backed up by some strong examples, cause you to be a big less likely to vote for him?

I ask this because Hillary Clinton has been caught in another lie. A big one.

While debating Bernie, she claimed that as Secretary of State she was responsible “for securing a massive reduction in Russia’s nuclear weapons through the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty in 2011.”

Now Hans Kristensen, a nuclear weapons expert, has told FactCheck that far from a “massive reduction, the treaty itself does not require destruction of a single nuclear warhead. Nor does it have any direct impact on how many nuclear warheads Russia and the United States may have in their stockpiles.”

Do you think we should stop her from telling that whopper, or is that one of the qualifications for president of the United States?

Comedy Central is feeling so sure that Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee, that they are trying to help him.

They have listed 16 possible vice presidential choices for the Donald: 75-year-old Chuck Norris (because Bernie Sanders proves age doesn’t matter even when it comes to the highest office in the land.)

85-year-old Clint Eastwood. Who will ever forget Clinton’s soliloquy at the 2012 Republican convention? Sitting in a chair, Clint all but asked Barack Obama “Are you feeling lucky, punk? Evidently our president was, but staring down Clint Eastwood isn’t an easy thing to do.

66-year-old Caitlin Jenner, that is if Hillary doesn’t choose her as her running mate. When he was a man, Jenner proved he could win a race.

Adam Sandler who is only 49 and could continue as president for decades.

60-year-old Kelsey Grammer. If “The Apprentice” put Donald Trump in the drivers seat, how much could the long-running “Frasier” do for Frasier?

John Voigt, he is 66 and just like all these others, a dyed in the wool Republican who believes fully in conservatism.

61-year-old Bruce Willis who told Bill O’Reilly in 2007 that he is an out and out conservative. He said “You know, small government, yes. Less taxes, yes. Less government intrusion, yes.”

Sylvester Stallone. He’s Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s age, 69. Any conservative who could play Rocky Balboa and take the punches he took, is definitely able to take on the Democrat nominee.

And finally, punk rocker Alice Cooper. If Cooper was running for vice president, he could easily attract many of those who have felt the Byrne until now.

Evidently his Satanic look on stage is just for show. He is a born-again Christian.

He became addicted to golf in the 80s when he stopped drinking alcohol.

Trump and Cooper have played golf together, although he told Q magazine that Trump cheated during their round. So that remark may disqualify the punk rocker for being “lying Cooper”.

And there may be someone else Mister Trump has in mind that wasn’t mentioned here. Maybe.

For example, it is now reported in reliable circles that Marco Rubio is warming up to Donald Trump. This week he made the statement “Donald Trump has really improved during his campaign.”

If the Donald should come into July’s National Republican convention just short of the 1,237 delegates that he will need so that he can win on the first ballot, and if he needed the delegates still pledged to Marco Rubio, is it possible that Mister Trump could say “Little Marco has become Big Marco during my campaign” and negotiate Rubio’s delegates into a Trump/Rubio Republican presidential ticket? Stranger things than that have happened, and as the old saying goes “Politics makes strange bedfellows!”

But besides the possibility of Rubio, who else really has the possibility of becoming Trump’s vice presidential pick?

At the top of the possibilities are retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson; New Jersey Governor Chris Christie; Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin; Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich; Ohio Senator Rob Portman; “Morning Joe” Scarborough who has a really well viewed morning show on MSNBC and is a former Republican Congressman from Florida; Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions who sits on three key Senate committees – Judiciary, Armed Services, and Budget – and is the only senator who has yet endorsed Donald Trump; or someone else.

This is Ray Mossholder at the Campaign 2016 news desk in Fort Worth, Texas. The smart money is now on Donald Trump becoming the Republican presidential nominee and Hillary Clinton becoming the Democrat presidential nominee. May the best man win!

Hillary and the FBI. Is Ted Cruz really Lucifer? Trump’s Veep – Who?

Hillary and the FBI. Is Ted Cruz really Lucifer? Trump"s Veep - Who?

Friday, April 29, 2016

Left Behind MARATHON – THE REGIME Chapters 1 thru 3

Left Behind MARATHON – THE REGIME Chapters 1 thru 3

Satan has taken Nicolae Carpathia through the same wilderness experience that Jesus went through with him. Forty days later he finds himself back in his own room. He has begun the devilish training he will need as the Antichrist. Ray picks the story up here.

Left Behind MARATHON – THE REGIME Chapters 1 thru 3

Left Behind MARATHON – THE REGIME Chapters 1 thru 3

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 25-26

Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 25-26

Rayford Steele is now married to Irene and has a carload of unexpected bills. Two of the largest drains are his own parents who are both in an Alzheimer’s clinic which Rayford pays for. There daughter Chloe is seven. Now they are about to have a son and Rayford has finally reached his goal of becoming an airlines captain. That will bring their bills under control.  

In Romania, the Antichrist – Nicolae Carpathia –is becoming a young adult. Conscienceless and evil, he is ruthless. No one dares to say no to him about anything.

Ray picks the story up at this point. Join him now.

Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 25-26


Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 25-26

Genesis: Abram, What Trusting God Can Do

Genesis: Abram, What Trusting God Can Do

Once again that great author Dr. Clovis Chapelle tells us briefly about Abraham. And once again he tells it like it should be told.

Ray says “This Methodist pastor who wrote far more than eighty years ago, catches wonderful moments about Bible characters that I have never read anywhere before. It’s a treat for my eyes to share this with the viewers.” Ray starts now.



Genesis: Abram, What Trusting God Can Do

Genesis: Abram, What Trusting God Can Do

Genesis: God"s Got the Whole World in His Hands

Genesis: God’s got the whole world in His hands

Dr. Clovis Chapelle died more than eighty years ago, but he left some of the greatest writings on the Bible that exist today. Ray says “Everything he wrote was rich with revelation and thought provoking mindgrabbers to the max. Any study of Genesis would be incomplete without it.” Join Ray now.

Genesis: God’s got the whole world in His hands



Genesis: God"s Got the Whole World in His Hands

Worldwide News From Ray April 26, 2016

Worldwide News From Ray April 26, 2016

How well is the Cruz/Kasich blockade doing to stop Donald Trump?

The Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times are on the auction block.

President Obama is sending 250 more troops to Syria.

And a married couple has started on the finish line.

All this and more as Ray brings you the headline news right now.

The Associated Press

1. Trump and Clinton look to pad their leads as 5 states head to the polls

On Tuesday, five states — Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, and Maryland — vote in Republican and Democratic primaries. Donald Trump is widely expected to win all five states, though a quirk in how Pennsylvania apportions its 71 GOP delegates means 54 of them will be free to support any candidate at the convention. Democrat Hillary Clinton is expected to beat Sen. Bernie Sanders in most of the states. Clinton and Sanders will be vying for 384 delegates, while Trump and rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich will be fighting over 172 delegates.

2. Breaking Christian News

President Obama is sending 250 Special Ops forces to assist in fight against Isis

President Obama says “They are not going to be leading the fight on the ground, but they will be essential in providing the training and assisting of local forces as they continue to drive I ISIL back.”

3. New Cruz-Kasich alliance to stop Trump already falling apart

Following the news that Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and John Kasich would be coordinating their efforts to prevent frontrunner Donald Trump from becoming the Republican presidential nominee, it appears that their plan is already falling apart. The plan is for Kasich to cede the pivotal Indiana primary to Cruz and for Cruz to return the favor in Oregon and New Mexico. But even as Cruz said in Indiana on Monday that “Kasich has decided to pull out of Indiana to give us a head-to-head contest with Donald Trump,” Kasich told a rally in Philadelphia that his supporters in Indiana “ought to vote for me.” And Cruz told allies in private talking points not to endorse tactical voting.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is more than 2 million votes ahead of Mitt Romney during Mitt’s 2012 presidential bid.

Again, the Associated Press

4. Federal judge upholds North Carolina’s controversial voter ID law

U.S. District Judge Thomas Schroeder upheld a sweeping North Carolina voter law Monday, dismissing challenges by the Justice Department, the NAACP’s North Carolina chapter, the League of Women Voters, and several named voters. North Carolina’s law, passed by Republicans after the Supreme Court struck down parts of the Voting Rights Act in 2013, requires voters to show one of six forms of ID and does away with same-day voter registration, voting out of precinct, and a week of early voting, electoral tools that critics of the law say black voters use disproportionately to cast their ballots. Gov. Pat McCrory (R), who’s running for re-election this fall, welcomed the ruling, while the NAACP vowed to appeal.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

5. Cleveland to pay $6 million to settle Tamir Rice lawsuit

The city of Cleveland said Monday it will pay $6 million to settle a lawsuit with the family of Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old who was fatally shot by police in 2014 while playing with a toy gun. The settlement awaits approval from a U.S. district judge. A grand jury declined to press criminal charges against Timothy Loehmann, who shot Rice, and his partner, Frank Garmback. The U.S. Department of Justice is also conducting a review of Rice’s death, which contributed to the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement in drawing attention to police brutality against black people.

Chicago Sun-Times

6. Alleged Dennis Hastert victim files $1.8 million lawsuit

A former student of Dennis Hastert’s, known as Individual A in a federal indictment of the former House speaker, filed a lawsuit Mondaydemanding $1.8 million. The alleged victim of Hastert’s sexual abuse argues he didn’t receive all of the $3.5 million his former wrestling coach agreed to pay him in compensation for hiding the abuse from decades ago. After pleading guilty to hush money charges, Hastert is set to be sentenced tomorrow.

The Agence France–Presse

7. Canadian hostage killed by militants in the Philippines

A Canadian hostage was killed by Islamic militants in the Philippines, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Monday. Trudeau said he was “outraged” by the “cold-blooded murder” of John Ridsdel, who was kidnapped at a marina near Davao on Sept. 21, 2015, along with three others. Militants from the Abu Sayyaf Islamist terrorist group released a video six weeks later showing the men and asking for $21 million each for their release. Several more videos were released, and in the most recent one, Ridsdel announced his captors planned to kill him on April 25 if they did not receive a ransom of $6.4 million. Trudeau said Canada is working with the Philippines to find and hold Ridsdel’s killers responsible and release the remaining hostages.

Source: AFP

The New York Times

8. Gannett offers $815 million to buy Tribune Publishing

The Gannett Company decided to take its bid to buy Tribune Publishing Group public on Monday after the owner of The Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times reportedly rebuffed its initial private offer. Gannett, which owns USA Today, is offering to buy Tribune Publishing for $815 million, including its debt. The deal, which is for $12.25 a share, would be a 63 percent premium on its closing stock price on Friday, which was $7.52. Tribune Publishing assured Gannett in a statement Monday morning that it would respond “as quickly as feasible.”

The New York Times

9. Court reinstates Tom Brady’s Deflategate suspension

A U.S. appeals court moved Monday to reinstate the four-game suspension issued to New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady over his alleged role in deflating footballs in a 2015 playoff game against the Indianapolis Colts. A U.S. district court had previously nullified the NFL’s suspension, arguing Commissioner Roger Goodell didn’t have the authority to suspend Brady under the terms of the league’s collective bargaining agreement with players. “We hold that the commissioner properly exercised his broad discretion under the collective bargaining agreement and that his procedural rulings were properly grounded in that agreement and did not deprive Brady of fundamental fairness,” Monday’s 2-1 ruling read.

From Vocativ

Hackers with a pro-ISIS group calling themselves the United Cyber Caliphate distributed a “kill” list on Monday that appears to include dozens of U.S. government personnel, Vocativ discovered.

The list features 43 names of people linked to the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security and the departments of defense, energy, commerce and health and services. It also identifies the U.S. embassies in Santiago and Kathmandu—as well as the Department of the Navy in Gulfport, Mississippi—as targets. It includes someone who appears to have worked for Australia’s Department of Defence.

And finally… From Yahoo

It’s hoped that a couple who married uniquely yesterday will be able to keep up with each other all through their marriage.

Lynette Beedle and Stephen Kejka married at the starting line of the Pro Football Hall of Fame marathon in Canton, Ohio.

They wore matching blue running suits. Lynette wore a short white veil and Stephen wore a bowtie.

More than 3000 were on hand to witness their winning and then run the half marathon.

Neither Lynette and Stephen placed first at the end of the race, but all 3000 said those two were the biggest winners of all.

Worldwide News From Ray April 26, 2016

Worldwide News From Ray April 26, 2016

Chunk Challenge In Minecraft With Larry - lardog

New Series From Larry “Lardog” on YouTube. This is a fun family friendly video series that everyone can watch. I am working hard to provide a place were people can do gaming and be relatively safe. I have provided a “World Download” so you can play the same game as me and let me know the creative spin you put on it. Email me with the video or screenshot of your world so I can share it with everyone! Have fun! Click Here For The World Download.


You can subscribe to my channel here…RMN Sub


Chunk Challenge In Minecraft With Larry - lardog

Larry"s Minecraft Page

Larry Banner Minecraft

Thanks for checking out my minecraft page on Reach More Now. Please subscribe to my channel “Lardog” on YouTube.

Join me for my newest series Chunk Challenge. You can watch me build a world from a single chunk! If you want to try it yourself click the download below and it will download the zip file to your computer. Add the file to your saves folder in Minecraft. To do that on a PC, open “run” then type “%appdata%” without the quote marks! Click on and open “.minecraft” then “saves”.  Go back to the download and “extract all” now you should have a folder by the same name of the download but not “ziped”. Right click on the folder and copy it. Now go back to the minecraft/saves folder and paste it in the folder. Launch mincraft and you will see it as a game. Have fun and tell me what you did.

Chunk Challenge Download

Chunk Challenge 1 9 (525.9 KiB, 0 downloads)

Check out my ongoing world called “One Dot Nine”

Or my ongoing world “SKY BLOCK”

Larry"s Minecraft Page

Monday, April 25, 2016

Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 22-24

Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 22-24
Melina Carpathia, Nicolae’s mother, Is dead. Nicolae is in the school of the occult and being spoiled rotten, getting everything he wants. Nicolae will become the Antichrist.

Rayford’s in college at Purdue, torn between one of the cutest girls on campus and one of the nicest girls on campus. Ray picks the story up here. Join him now.

Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 22-24

Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 22-24

The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible: Promise of a Nation

The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible: Promise of a Nation

God got together with honest Abe and through him and his wife who was way past menopause, they populated the world, especially the Jewish world. God gave Abram the promise of a nation and God always keeps His promises. Join Ray for this magnificent devotional written by Kenneth Boa and John Allen Turner.

God got together with honest Abe and through him and his wife who was way past menopause, they populated the world, especially the Jewish world. God gave Abram the promise of a nation and God always keeps His promises. Join Ray for this magnificent devotional written by Kenneth Boa and John Allen Turner.



The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible: Promise of a Nation


The 52 Greatest Stories of the Bible: Promise of a Nation

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 19-21

Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 19-21

Melina, who chose to surrender to the devil and rejected Christ, has now discovered her mentor, Viviana Ivanova, and Melina’s ex-husband planned the destruction of her life.

She is in tremendous pain where her young son, Nicolae (who will become the Antichrist) bit her on her arm. A cabdriver has come to take her to the doctor, but now she now knows that even the doctor was a part of the elaborate scheme to kill her. Ray picks the story up at this point.

Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 19-21

Left Behind MARATHON THE RISING Chapters 19-21

The Journey: Chapter 8 Heading In The Right Direction

The Journey: Chapter 8 Heading In The Right Direction

Dr. Billy Graham says “A baby isn’t meant to stay a baby forever, and neither is a new Christian.”

I remember, especially in grammar school, how I felt when somebody called me “a baby”. Because I was the youngest in my class, that put me in the bottom of the pecking order. The description sadly fitted me well. High school changed that.

But the real transformation came when I was thirty years old and received Christ as my Savior. From that time on, absolutely no one would feel the need to call me “a baby” again. Growing in Christ has been the greatest adventure of my life.

Join me now for a powerful chapter of Dr. Billy Graham’s book “The Journey, Living by Faith in an Uncertain World.” It really hit home with me. – Ray

The Journey: Chapter 8 Heading In The Right Direction

The Journey: Chapter 8 Heading In The Right Direction

Campaign 2016: Another Super Tuesday Straight Ahead

Campaign 2016: Another Super Tuesday Straight Ahead

This is Ray Mossholder.
The next five states, all voting Tuesday, will undoubtedly make clear who can be taken seriously as their parties presidential nominee.
And here’s what the candidates are doing……

Donald Trump told his huge rally in Bridgeport, Connecticut, “You know, being presidential’s easy – much easier than what I have to do. When I’m out here talking to people, I’ve got to be different. Here, I have to rant and rave. I have to keep you people going. Otherwise, you’re going to fall asleep on me, right?……
Everything I say I’m going to do, folks, I’ll do, including building a wall along the southern border.”
The Donald has a new chief adviser, Paul Manafort. Thursday he met with top Republican officials (i.e. the good old boys) and told them that Mister Trump is known for his over-the-top persona and brashness. Manafort said “the part that he’s been playing is now evolving.”
Reports are that the Republican leadership is now bracing itself for what very well may be the inevitable – the nomination of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention this July in Cleveland.

Meanwhile, the Democrat frontrunner said Trump is trying to tone down and manipulate his positions because he wants the vote of both parties.
Hillary Clinton warned “Trump wants to go after every one of the rights we have. What he and Ted Cruz say about the world is not only offensive, it’s dangerous.”
At a roundtable event in New Haven, Rhode Island, she promised that if she is the president, women will get equal pay for equal work. She then paused and said “Equal pay – we shouldn’t be talking about it in 2016. It is almost embarrassing.”
Hillary didn’t go on to say that both she and President Obama have kept women working the same jobs as men at a much lower average.
Instead, Hillary said “It is way past time that we have a raise in the nationwide minimum wage above $7.25 an hour.”

Bernie Sanders was in Baltimore, Maryland, and he never runs out of a loud crowd of young people at his feet. Oh, and there was a woman cheering there too whose name you may know – Monica Lewinsky.
As in every speech, Bernie attacked big banks and described how he and Hillary Clinton disagree on everything from the minimum wage, which he believes should be fifteen dollars an hour across the nation as the lowest wage allowable.
Sanders also attacked Hillary’s support of “disastrous free trade agreements.” He said “The issue of free–trade agreements aren’t sexy, but we are seeing corporation after corporation shut down in the United States, throwing millions of workers out in the street, people who are earning a living wage.”
On Sunday’s NBC Meet The Press, explained in his own thinking why Hillary Clinton is ahead in the political race.
He said “Poor people don’t vote. That’s just a fact. That’s a sad reality of American society. And that’s what we have to transform.”

This coming Tuesday, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Rhode Island and Connecticut will all be voting in primaries.
Ted Cruz calls this Super Tuesday “a pivotal day”.
Even so, Cruz spoke to a crowd of about 1000 at the Boone County Fairgrounds in Lebanon, Indiana, this past Tuesday.
Indiana doesn’t vote until next month, but Cruz has his best shot there because of his evangelical roots.
Cruz promised the Hoosiers that he would protect religious liberty if he is president. He also warned that Donald Trump won’t.

Yesterday, with the wheeling and dealing allowed by the Karl Rove-ites, Ted Cruz won 19 of the 20 delegates available in Maine.
Donald Trump got the other delegate.
But that was just the beginning of a Cruz landslide. He also won 65 of the 94 delegates in Kentucky (and it’s possible that he one more than that, but 25 of the delegates haven’t revealed their choice yet.)
He got 1 of the 3 delegates in South Carolina’s sixth Congressional District. The other two delegates would not commit themselves but both leaned towards John Kasich.
Cruz won all 9 delegates in three Minnesota Congressional Districts.
And Utah gave Cruz 36 out of 37 national delegates. The one delegate who didn’t pledge for Cruz is at this moment uncommitted.
All of that looks great to Ted Cruz fans sitting in the stands and cheering loudly for him as he moves up toward the horse at the front of the pack.
But their enthusiasm may be short-lived.
Even though Cruz knows how to work the Republican system, polls show Donald Trump can still handily win the race.

There are 15 states left to vote, including Super Tuesday’s five states.
Even with all the good news for Cruz, Donald Trump has a Campaign 2016: Another Super Tuesday Straight Ahead lead and a great opportunity to win the roses.
Not only did the Donald bring to the eye of his needle 195 delegates in New York this past week, but he is ahead in the polls in all of the remaining 15 states, including far ahead in sunny California which, in itself, would give him 172 more delegates on June 7th.

Before Tuesday’s votes, remembering that it takes 1257 delegate votes for a first ballot nomination at the Republican convention –
Donald Trump has 845 delegates, Ted Cruz 559 delegates, Marco Rubio (who isn’t even running anymore) has 171 delegates, and John Kasich has 148.
There are also 57 uncommitted delegates; 9 delegates pledged to Doctor Ben Carson; 4 delegates pledged to Jeb Bush; and 1 delegate each pledged to Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, and Rand Paul.

This is Ray Mossholder from the Campaign 2016 news desk in Fort Worth, Texas, reminding you that “it ain’t over till it’s over”.

Campaign 2016: Another Super Tuesday Straight Ahead

Campaign 2016: Another Super Tuesday Straight Ahead

Saturday, April 23, 2016

How To Forgive Ourselves Totally Chapter 10 The Family Secret

How To Forgive Ourselves Totally Chapter 10 The Family Secret 

If you really believe Romans 8:28 then, if you are a Christian you know that we have been promised by God not only to give us the happiest Kingdom in Heaven, but to take everything that happens in our life and end up making good out of it ALL. Not just the good things. Not just the bad things. But ALL things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.”

At 79, I have a real advantage over most people. I know just how true Romans 8:28 is. In spite of the fact that I really have wanted to do good all my life, I look back on some of the dumbest decisions a guy could have made, some of the most scarring sins I’ve committed, some of the biggest mistakes I never should’ve made, and am in awe that God has turned ALL of it to good.

One of the greatest authors of all, RT Kendall, has written two books that I’ve been sharing with you to give you the power to forgive others and to forgive yourself. Let’s finish his second book now. He’s going to focus on Romans 8:29.


How To Forgive Ourselves Totally Chapter 10 The Family Secret

How To Forgive Ourselves Totally Chapter 10 The Family Secret

How Reliable Are Political Polls?

How Reliable Are Political Polls?
There are Barbershop poles, Peppermint candy striped poles, telephone poles, Poles in Poland, and political polls, just to name a few. Of the ones named here, which is the least reliable? And why? Ray has the answers. Listen to him now.

How Reliable Are Political Polls?


How Reliable Are Political Polls?

Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 16–18 THE RISING

Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 16–18 THE RISING
Marilena has been told by her son’s teacher that she needs to teach him humility. The teacher points out how super intelligent Nicolae is at nine years old, but that he is also the most manipulative child she has ever seen. “It’s as if Nicolae believes that the whole world was made just for him.” Schooled in the occult, Nicolae will grow up to be the Antichrist. Ray picks up the story at this point. Join him now.


Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 16–18 THE RISING

Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 16–18 THE RISING

Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 13-15 THE RISING

Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 15-17 THE RISING
Marilena has rejected Christ in order to worship Lucifer so that he will give her a baby. Her full name is Marilena Carpathia and her baby is Nicolae Carpathia who will grow up to be the Antichrist. When Nicolae Is ready for school, Reisch Planchette, a master in the devil’s work, comes to dinner. Marilena has never liked him. But Viv Evans, who lives with Marilena, and Reisch insist that Nicolae must not go to public school, but to the school of the occult. Ray picks the story up at this point.

Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 15-17 THE RISING

Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 13-15 THE RISING

Friday, April 22, 2016

Prince Is Dead and the World of Music Grieves

Prince Is Dead and the World of Music Grieves
The music legend Prince was found dead in his studio elevator yesterday morning. Shockwaves have gone around the world since that moment. Prince might be compared with James Brown, Michael Jackson or Jimi Hendrix. But the truth is, he was in a class of his own. Here’s Ray with the story.

Prince Is Dead and the World of Music Grieves


Prince Is Dead and the World of Music Grieves

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson. Who was she?

Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson. Who was she?
The United States Treasury Department has announced that in 2020, Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson on America’s twenty dollar bills. Who was Harriet Tubman? Does she deserve such an honor? Ray says she absolutely does and right now he’s going to tell you why. Join him.

Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson. Who was she?

Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson. Who was she?

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: Chapter 2 – WARNING

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: Chapter 2 – WARNING
I am back full force after the first week of being sidelined in four years. That’s how long Reach More and Reach More Now YouTube have been going. I could do very little last week, but a whole lot is coming this week. So let’s go back to our morning devotional – and take a look at what happened after life began on this planet. Join me now. – Ray 

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: Chapter 2 – WARNING

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: Chapter 2 – WARNING

The Bill Keith Report: Are "America"s Chickens Coming Home To Roost?"

The Bill Keith Report: Are “America’s Chickens Coming Home To Roost?”

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Bill Keith Report and Commentary

with Ray Mossholder reporting

Is Anyone Fed Up?

When there are 91.8-million men and women no longer in the American work force.

When there are 50 million Americans in poverty.

When there are 47 million on food stamps?

When the U. S. Supreme Court makes sodomy the law of this land.

When the national debt in the near future will approach $21 trillion.

When there have been 50 million unborn babies killed through abortions.

When some public schools teach all about transgenders but the kids are not learning math and science.

When the Castros of Cuba lecture our president on how bad the people in this country are, and the president does not defend us.

When Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran laughs at the U.S. and calls us “the Great Satan” right after Obama gave him $150 billion.

When we provide all kinds of welfare for illegal in this land but can’t take care of our veterans.

When the Huey, Dewey and Louie politicians in Washington – both democrats and republicans – are about to sink the ship of state.

Is anyone fed up, yet?

Private Jets Used to Deport Illegal Aliens

             Costs Taxpayers $300,000 Each Day

     Exclusive! The Daily Mail – the Obama administration uses PRIVATE JETS to fly aliens back to their home countries and it costs U. S. taxpayers $300,000 a day. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spent $116 million last year on alien’s transportation.

     According to the Daily Mail, more than 40 percent of those deported were convicted criminals of which 1,000 were identified as tied to organized crime or gang members.

     ICE once chartered a Boeing 767-300 to transport one alien back to Nigeria.

     A taxpayer’s rights group called the private jet expenditure “insane” and an “outrageous waste of tax dollars.”

     According to ICE, the average cost of every illegal alien in 2015 was $12,213. The cost included identification of the aliens, taking them into custody, placing them in detention centers, processing them through immigration courts and their subsequent removal, many by private jets.

     Comment: Just when we think the illegal alien problem can’t get worse, we read the obscene news that they are being returned to their homelands by private charter jets. This is just another example of the Obama administration gone beyond the pale of reason. And we tax payers have to pay for it.

     Then I think of our homeless veterans and the 21 veterans who commit suicide every day and can’t get access to VA hospitals. And I ask myself, “Am I dreaming or is this America?”

North Carolina, Transgenders and John Kasich

     When the North Carolina legislature passed the “bathroom law” and it was signed into law by the governor, transgenders across the land – and their fellow travelers – went into apoplexy. They literally freaked out.

     Major companies such as Levi Strauss and Starbucks, Apple, Twitter, Google, Face Book, Wells Fargo, Barnes & Noble, Kellogg, City Bank, Hilton, American Airlines and some 70 others have come out against the North Carolina law and in favor of transgenders having access to any bathroom they desire.

     Enter Gov. John Kasich, Republican presidential hopeful. He said if he had been governor of North Carolina, he would not have signed the bill into law. In other words, Mr. Kasich thinks it’s okay for transgenders to wander in and out of bathrooms at will. Kasich also refused to take a stand for traditional marriage when the U. S. Supreme Court made same-sex marriage the law of the land.

     Comment: Has this country gone insane? Have we become a fallen generation? Do we no longer have any morals/convictions about anything?

     What about parents who have little  nine-and–ten-year old girls who are at an airport, or a movie theater, museum or restaurant and the girls want to use the bathroom. So they go to the ladies room but whoa! There’s a grown man in their dressed like a woman revealing his “ying yang” around the room. So what is the little girl supposed to do or what are her parents supposed to think? I wonder if the Levi Strauss or Starbucks executives who want transgender males to be able to enter women’s restrooms where there are little girls have even thought about such a scenario? Or are they and the 70-plus other corporation executives so morally corrupt they don’t even care?

 Obama to Bring Thousands More Syrians into U.S.

      A flood of Muslim refugees from Syria are expected to arrive in this country by the end of this fiscal year on September 30, according to World Net Daily. The State Department expects to bring an average of 358 each week into this land. President Obama has promised to bring 10,000 to this country.

     “The Obama administration’s scripted answer for anyone who questioned its ability to screen Syrian ‘refugees’ was that they are the ‘most thoroughly vetted’ of all immigrants, going through an arduous process that takes 18 to 24 months to complete,” WND reported.

     According to WND, the Obama administration will expedite the process and will cut the screening period from 18-24 months down to three months.

     Comment: Time after time, issue upon issue, President Obama is on the wrong side of history – and the wrong side of reason.

     The influx of thousands of these refugees into Europe has create chaos in every country they have entered. Some have been identified as terrorists who disguised themselves as immigrants in order to gain free access to the various countries.

     The directors of our FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA have told the president there is no way possible to keep terrorists from infiltrating the Syrian immigrants coming to this land. But Obama will not listen to them.

     Will it take another 9/11 catastrophe or some similar terrorist attack for him to wake up and realize that the security of the American people should come first and it is far more important than bringing more Muslims into America?

Hypocrisy in High Places

     For nearly eight years we have heard President Obama and Hillary Clinton chide the business leaders of America for the salary discrimination against women and we’ve repeatedly heard their mantra “equal pay for equal work.”

     But voila! The Daily Caller reports that male executives at the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation earn 38 percent more than women executives, according to the foundation’s latest IRS tax filings.

     Then we learned last year that women staff members in the White House earn considerably less than the men working there.

     So it’s the old political adage: “Don’t do as I do, but do as I say.”

That’s a clear picture of the Barack/Hillary political philosophy.

Franklin Graham: The End of the American Dream

      Franklin Graham, son of the legendary Billy Graham, said the American dream has ended.

     Speaking at a pastors’ conference at the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida, he said the American dream ended and Barack Obama’s second term was the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.

     “A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the ‘forever needy,’ the chronically unemployed, illegal aliens and other ‘fellow travelers’ have ended Norman Rockwell’s America,” he said.

    “You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs, to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.”

     Graham said the conservative American people have “surrendered our culture, our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.”

Planned Parenthood Approves Sex-Selection Abortions

     Planned Parenthood is opposed to a bill before the congress that would ban sex-selection abortions that primarily target unborn baby girls, Life News reports. The idea is that if the parents want a boy instead of a girl, they can have an abortion and get rid of the girl.

     Meanwhile, a congressional panel will investigate Planned Parenthood’s profiting from selling aborted baby parts.

     Life News also reported that after an abortion killed a woman in a botched abortion, the baby’s organs were harvested and sold for profit.

     Comment: Nothing in this land is more evil than allowing doctors to kill unborn babies and then for the Supreme Court to say it is legal.

Hooray for the Little Sisters of the Poor

     A group of courageous Catholic nuns are fighting a David Vs. Goliath battle with President Obama. His Justice Department filed suit against the order to force them to provide health insurance that would include abortion-inducing drugs. But the Sisters said no.

     The Obama administration planned to fine the Sisters $70 million if they refused to comply with the order. So they took the president to court and the Supreme Court recently heard their appeal which is pending.

     The Sisters say the law would force them to violate their religious beliefs and conscience and they will not comply.

     Comment: It’s amazing that Obama is so agenda-driven that he would bully a group of charitable Catholic sisters into an egregious violation of their religious convictions just to further his obsession with abortion.

     The Little Sisters care for the elderly in 31 countries around the world.

Obama Has Issued 680,000 Green Cards to Muslims

     President Obama’s run-away immigration policy is set to accept more Muslims over the next five years than the entire population of Washington, D.C., according to the Washington Examiner.

     “Figures from the Department of Homeland Security show that the president has already issued 680,000 green cards (for work in this country) to Muslim nations over the past five years,” the Examiner reported. “Unless Congress changes his policy, that number will be repeated in the next five years.

This is Ray Mossholder. Thanks Bill for another powerful commentary. It’s strong proof that the human small “g” god in this world today is named Barack Obama. And everyone can see his power at work to fulfill the dreams of our president’s mentor Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the vitriolic hate of America that our president was trained to believe from him for twenty years.

Obama is in the henhouse of the highest office in the land to make sure that “America’s chickens come home to roost”. I dread the next nine months under his high-handed bleedership as he dictates America’s future. And Hillary Clinton is waiting in the wings to continue exactly where he leaves off.

Thanks again Bill for the truth you share each and every month.

The Bill Keith Report: Are “America’s Chickens Coming Home To Roost?”

The Bill Keith Report: Are "America"s Chickens Coming Home To Roost?"

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Plot Twist - God Is Working For You!

The Plot Twist - God Is Working For You!

New York Values Trump and Hillary

New York Values Trump and Hillary
Donald Trump has already made his victory speech less than an hour after polls closed in New York. 128,000 votes have gone missing in Brooklyn, Bernie Sanders birthplace. Join Ray for the details right now.

New York Values Trump and Hillary

New York Values Trump and Hillary

Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 10–12

Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 10–12
Christ has spoken to Marilena and promised that if she will resist the devil, he will flee from her. Marilena’s mentor, Viviana Ivanova, a psychic fully committed to the devil, has more and more control over her. In the midst of this, the devil himself has spoken to Marilena and promised her a baby – something Marilena wants more than anything else in life. She has just made her decision to reject the Lord instead of the devil. Ray picks the story up at this point.

Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 10–12

Left Behind MARATHON Chapters 10–12

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Chapter 11 Graduation

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Chapter 11 Graduation
Reach More Now – Willie is valedictorian and stuns everyone with his message strongly approved by his four closest friends, and secretly by Principal Herkshire and janitor Bozznobber. There’s a lot more that happens in this wonderful final chapter that you are going to want to hear. Listen now.

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Chapter 11 Graduation

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Chapter 11 Graduation

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Applebee"s

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Applebee’s

Following the miracles that happened after Bo Branders spoke, the five real friends have gone to Applebee’s to celebrate. Tracey has still more miracles for the boys after she carefully explains what has happened to them.

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Applebee’s

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Applebee"s

Monday, April 11, 2016

Genesis 5 thru 11 Noah, the Tower of Babel, Abram

Genesis 5 thru 11 Noah, the Tower of Babel, Abram
It is hard for those who aren’t Jewish to understand why strange names at the beginning of time was so important that they were written in the Bible. But to the Jews, their lineage is still terribly important.

When sin began to spread like wildfire throughout the then known world, God had to stop it or it would be like Isis everywhere. If you saw the wretched movie “Noah” you’ll see how twisted it was in its un-biblical approach to this true hero’s story. Praise God that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

The Tower of Babel proves that always always always people want to make a name for themselves and to be like God, not in His goodness, but in His power. God alone maintains His sovereignty over mankind and the whole Earth.

Join Ray now in the continuing story of life’s very beginning as breathed by the Holy Spirit.

Ray Mossholder:


Genesis 5 thru 11 Noah, the Tower of Babel, Abram

Genesis 5 thru 11 Noah, the Tower of Babel, Abram

Genesis 1 thru 4 In The Beginning

Genesis 1 thru 4 In The Beginning

This is the beginning of a lifelong project to bring you the entire Bible. Since it will be my lifetime, at 79 I can’t guarantee it will ever be completed by me. But I will give it my best shot. I plan to give you a new section every day. And when I leave for Heaven, someone else may finish it for me.

I love the Bible. It makes total sense in a world that doesn’t. I love truth, and the Word of God IS truth. Every few days I will take one day to share teachings from all that I have just read.

I chose the Amplified Bible because it is a favorite of mine and knowing that I am reading this literally “into all the world,”I am fulfilling the Lord’s assignment to do this. The Amplified Bible should make it clearer to understand in every nation.

Here we go. We are beginning in the beginning:

Genesis 1 thru 4 In The Beginning

Genesis 1 thru 4 In The Beginning

Sunday, April 10, 2016

World Leaders Shaken: The Panama Papers Are Not For Training Your Puppy

World Leaders Shaken: The Panama Papers Are Not For Training Your Puppy

Iceland’s Prime Minister has already resigned since the discovery of the Panama Papers a week ago. 11.5 million hidden top secret documents exposing 214,000 offshore companies that date back to the early 1970s and going forward has been completely exposed.

Which leaders are shaking most? Vladimir Putin, David Cameron, even Hillary is involved. The fallout of this revelation hasn’t even begun to unravel. Here’s Ray with the report. Join him now.


This is Ray Mossholder.

What have we here? The Panama Papers. This is far better than finding gold eggs at an Easter egg hunt.

Just think of this: 11.5 million hidden top secret documents exposing 214,000 offshore companies, dating back to the early 1970s and going forward until now has been completely exposed.

Zillionaires from government leaders to movie stars to others of the rich and famous have been caught with both hands and one foot in the cookie jar.

An anonymous whistleblower with the extremely creative name of “John Doe” began sending batches of these documents to a German newspaper whose name I’m not going to try to pronounce.

Oh, all right, I’ll try to pronounce the newspaper’s name just for you – Suddeutsche Zeitung. I knew you’d want to know.

John Doe also sent this note: “My life is in danger. We will only chat over encrypted lines. No meeting ever.”

The first batch included the government leaders, at least at that moment in 2015, of five nations – Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iceland, and Argentina. That was the tip of the iceberg. Very soon government leaders from forty other nations were exposed to have hidden their treasures not in a vault, not in a sock, not in a piggy bank, not buried in their backyard, but with a Panamanian corporate service provider with yet another name only a mother could love – Mossack Fonseca.

One of the major names found among the papers was David Cameron, Prime Minister of England. Since that moment, England’s PM has taken so many different positions about it that he is now being invited as a candidate for “Dancing With The Stars”.

Maybe it would be more accurate to say that David Cameron is making so many excuses about his involvement in the Panama Papers that he sounds like Richard Nixon just before the Watergate scandal broke.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is the dictator of a Communist nation and holds maximum power, unlike Cameron, and will most likely dodge the bullet over being found out. The Panama Papers show him to be hand in glove with Bank Roossiya in a money-laundering scheme that involves at least $2 billion (how many rubles is that?) through banks and offshore companies. Putin’s close associate Sergey Roldugin, a buddy since childhood, an orchestra conductor and classical cellist, appears to have acted as a frontman to keep Putin’s name off the records, and is taking the heat. Putin is denying he is connected with this and, of course, we believe him. Right?

Here’s another name that has been prominent in the news – Ukraine’s pro-Western President Petro Poroshenko. Documents found in the Panama Papers show that in 2014, Poroshenko “scrambled to find a copy of a home utility bill for him to complete the paperwork to create a holding company in the British Virgin Islands.” All kinds of excuses are being made by a Poroshenko’s spokesman today. Well, uh, um, it depends on what the word is is.

And it was a cold day in Iceland when the name Sigmundur Gunnlaugson was discovered in the Panama Papers. It soon showed Iceland’s Prime Minister and his wife had hidden millions of dollars of investments in his country’s banks in an offshore company. Ironically, Gunnlaugson was elected as Prime Minister after Iceland had financially collapsed. That’s not to say that Gunnlaugson wasn’t generous. It was also discovered that a few years ago he sold half of his hidden money to his wife for just one dollar! Ah, love! With a gotcha look at these papers from the people of Iceland, Gunnlaugson’s head was the first to roll of all the world leaders. He has resigned over the scandal.

Recently, I read in one of the comments written to me by a viewer, concern over Bernie Sanders and his socialist position. The writer stated: “I am worried about Sanders being elected president of the United States. Socialism is so close to communism that there are very few differences. Both systems seek a classless society in which wealth is redistributed through centralization of power by the state which is controlled by one party. They systematically silence opposition through control of the media, education system and the seizing of firearms. Initially, industries seeking favoritism join with the state to assist with control but ultimately end up being controlled themselves. The state controls the healthcare and welfare systems the masses rely upon.”

I quote that because of the family of still another Communist president – Xi Jinping – who has prided himself for cracking down on corruption in China. Evidently, he hasn’t included the members of his own family. They were front and center in the Panama Papers. According to Mossack Fonseca, along with keeping it all in the family, Xi has “serviced enough Middle East royalty to fill a palace. He also fulfilled the Wheel of Fortune desires of two kings – Mohammed VI of Morocco and King Salman of Saudi Arabia – with luxury yachts

Among other families and associates of former world leaders were names linked with Hosni Mubarak, the former president of Egypt, Muammar Qaddafi, the former leader of Libya, oh, and one other who is still in power – Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Remember him?                                         

Oh, and we can’t leave Hillary Clinton out. Hillary’s campaign manager, John Podesta and his brother Tony have ties to Russia’s largest bank – Sberbank – a major player. Less than a month ago, their Podesta Group lobbying firm accepted this huge bank as a client. Tony Podesta bundles campaign donations for Mrs. Clinton and is listed as a lobbyist for Russia’s bank. All this sounds like a cozy arrangement if you think both Russia and Hillary is our friend.

Half of the oober-rich companies exposed were in the British Virgin Islands, while Hong Kong contained the most affiliated banks, law firms and middlemen.

In spite of how it looks, not everybody involved is in trouble. Secretly hiding your millions away whether you are a wealthy tycoon or an offshore business is legal. So if you want to keep your fifteen gold bars safe, you can do it that way. Just thank me for letting you know.

Investigative reporters, however, are pouring over these documents like milk over Cheerios. They are searching for illegal operations, drug and sex trafficking, fraud and tax evasion.

That newspaper whose name I tried to pronounce eventually received from John Doe 2.6 terabytes of data. Deluged by the secret information, they called for the US-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists which includes 400 journalists at 107 media organizations in 76 different countries.

Less than one week ago, 149 of these secret documents were no longer secret. The Consortium published them last Sunday, April 3rd. They have also vowed to publish a full list of companies involved early next month.

Here’s some more about names: the formal title of the oober-rich money hideaway is “offshore financial center”. It’s less formal name is “a tax haven for the rich”. And this includes both the legitimately rich and Mafia–type crooks, hoodlums, and the scum of the earth.

These tax heavens, er, tax havens woo their customers from other countries and ask nothing or at most, extremely little, about whoever wants to do business with them. They also offer very low taxes – not at all what they would pay in their own country for their riches – companies pay 35% in America. It is for the purpose of escaping their own countries taxes that Sugar Daddies and Sugar Mommies make much of their money seemingly disappear in offshore financial centers.

Igor Angelini, the head of Europols Financial Intelligence Group, has said that the shell companies operating like the treasure house for so many of the rich in this world today “play an important role in large-scale money-laundering activities, corruption and the transfer of bribe money.”

The Tax Justice Network is called Panama and is not only the oldest but are the best-known tax havens in the Americas. It has, according to The Conversation been “the recipient of drugs money from Latin America, plus ample other sources of dirty money from the United States and elsewhere.” Panama has done everything it could to keep all of the money they receive written with invisible ink. It’s their dirty little secret, and now it’s no longer a secret at all.

In all, Mossack Fonseca has been working with more than 300,000 companies including Deutsche Bank, HSBC, UBS, etc. I won’t even begin to read the list to you because I would still be reading it when you have to go to bed.

Forty governments have now been identified including Australia, New Zealand, China, Egypt, France, Greece, India, North Korea, Pakistan, South Africa, Spain, and Syria. There are some big name people who have been discovered in the expose’. Two of these include Prime Minister David Cameron and Vladimir Putin from you know where.

Mossack Fonseca doesn’t seem to have had any favorites. While the United States has sanctions against Rami Makhlouf, Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s cousin, they were taking very good care of him.

North Korean banker, Kim Chol Sam and British banker Nigel Cowie, totally ignored international sanctions on North Korea and continued to do big business with North Korea’s arms dealer “Korea Mining and Development Trading Corporation”. Mossack Fonseca was instrumental in helping to expand North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. British banker Cowie said he wasn’t aware that these transactions were illicit. He was getting a big bang out of hydrogen bombs.

Here’s a name you’ll recognize – Jackie Chan. The linked documents show that Jackie is a shareholder with six different companies based in the British Virgin Islands. And here’s another – Simon Cowell. Again, they obviously didn’t want to pay all their taxes, but then, who does?

One name absolutely missing from this yugggge list is Donald Trump. He’s saving his money to make America great. But with all these other people remember the Panama Papers are not for training your puppy.

This is Ray Mossholder – a name that was also not found there. But if they do find it, I’ll let you know.

World Leaders Shaken: The Panama Papers Are Not For Training Your Puppy




World Leaders Shaken: The Panama Papers Are Not For Training Your Puppy

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Left Behind MARATHON – THE RISING Chapters 7-9

Left Behind MARATHON – THE RISING Chapters 7-9

Marilena is slowly being seduced by the devil because of her great desire to have a baby and the promise from him to her that it can happen. Marilena is having the same experience humans have had throughout the centuries. Giving themself to the occult is giving themself away to a hellish life here and a hellish life forever. We will see that Christ would deliver her out of this and we will soon see who she ultimately chooses to follow. Ray picks the story up at this point.

Left Behind MARATHON – THE RISING Chapters 7-9

Left Behind MARATHON – THE RISING Chapters 7-9

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Rise And Fall Of Practically Everything by Bill Keith: Ch 6 "Who"s In Charge?"

The Rise And Fall Of Practically Everything by Bill Keith: Ch 6 “Who’s In Charge?”

War correspondent, legislator, and author of more than 42 books, Bill Keith tells it like it is. This book was published in 2011 and things in government have only gotten worse. You need to know what’s happening, and this book will tell you the truth. Join me now as I’m honored to read it.

The Rise And Fall Of Practically Everything by Bill Keith: Ch 6 “Who’s In Charge?”

The Rise And Fall Of Practically Everything by Bill Keith: Ch 6 "Who"s In Charge?"

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: The Creation "Lights! Camera! Action!"

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: The Creation “Lights! Camera! Action!”

Kenneth Boa and John Alan Turner continue to bring us two an up close and personal look at the Garden of Eden to begin our day. Is work a curse? Take a look at what God thinks.

Is married sex a curse? It can be if the husband and wife haven’t gotten their instructions from Song of Solomon.

What could you be doing single or married to enjoy life far more than you do now?

Ray will share all this with you now.

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: The Creation “Lights! Camera! Action!”

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: The Creation "Lights! Camera! Action!"

Donald Trump Is Thumped In Wisconsin; Dirty Tricks Ahead

Donald Trump Is Thumped In Wisconsin; Dirty Tricks Ahead

Ted Cruz clobbered Donald Trump in Wisconsin Tuesday night. Many millions of Americans cheered. So where does the presidential race go from here? Has the Donald lost his momentum? Or was this just a very lucky night for Ted, not to be repeated? Well, nevermind. The Republican Party chairman and his elite big-wig Party friends are working hard so that whoever you vote for won’t count. And it’s different, but very similar, with the Democrats. Ray has it all for you right now.

Donald Trump Is Thumped In Wisconsin; Dirty Tricks Ahead


Donald Trump Is Thumped In Wisconsin; Dirty Tricks Ahead

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Chapter 9 The Biggest Surprise of All

Five Real Friends Chapter 9 The Biggest Surprise Of All

The fifth friend (and you’d never guess who it is) joins the other four because of something you’d never suspect.

The San Francisco Giant second baseman is going to speak and four of the five friends will never be the same. Join Ray and Georgia now for all the fun.

Five Real Friends Chapter 9 The Biggest Surprise Of All

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Chapter 9 The Biggest Surprise of All

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Left Behind MARATHON – THE RISING Chapters 4 - 6

Left Behind MARATHON – THE RISING Chapters 4 – 6
The first three chapters of THE RISING have focused on Rayford as a boy, star athlete, cutest boy in the class, fastest runner, but totally confused about the Christian faith. 

Marilena Titi, before she became the mother of the Antichrist. She has been caught up in the occult and being led down the road to hell by her mentor, Viviana Ivinsova, a spirit guide. Ray picks the story up at this point.

Left Behind MARATHON – THE RISING Chapters 4 – 6

Left Behind MARATHON – THE RISING Chapters 4 - 6

The Journey by Dr. Billy Graham Ch 7 Can We Be Sure?

The Journey by Dr. Billy Graham Ch 7 Can We Be Sure?

One of the greatest problems some Christians have is to continue struggling with their salvation. If you are in a condemning, legalistic church, you very well may have what I call “infernal insecurity”. You’ll still get to Heaven because Christ has saved you, but the journey will be a hard one here until you believe Him and what he has done for you.

Remember: There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” And if you have had a moment in your life where you opened your heart to Christ, the Holy Spirit came into you and will never leave. Billy Graham says that a whole lot better than I do. So let’s hear from his book right now. – Ray

The Journey by Dr. Billy Graham Ch 7 Can We Be Sure?

The Journey by Dr. Billy Graham Ch 7 Can We Be Sure?

7 Biblical Truths You Won"t Hear In Church: 2 – Dead People Can"t Help Themselves

7 Biblical Truths You Won’t Hear In Church: 2 – Dead People Can’t Help Themselves

“Dead People Can’t Help Themselves” is the title of the third chapter in David Rich’s powerful book that goes beyond the surface of things to bring you deeper into God’s truths. And right off the bat, David is going to answer a question biblically that you might not have ever thought had a biblical answer. It’s the question “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Join me now to get the answer and many more answers beside. – Ray

7 Biblical Truths You Won’t Hear In Church: 2 – Dead People Can’t Help Themselves

7 Biblical Truths You Won"t Hear In Church: 2 – Dead People Can"t Help Themselves