Thursday, December 12, 2013


Peter’s sermon that brought three thousand Jews to their Messiah, the first Christians or, more accurately, Messianic Jews, presented and glorified Christ in many ways. These truths and many other truths that they heard about the Christ would in later years be amplified by the Book of Hebrews.

The Book of Hebrews in the Bible is full of Old Testament truths brought forward and put in their proper place by what the coming of Jesus Christ, His Earthly life, death and resurrection, meant then, now, and eternally. The author of Hebrews is unknown. The heart of the entire Book is written from a Jewish perspective, yet every Christian needs to know and understand what it tells us. It exalts Jesus Christ and gives Him His rightful place of the eternal High Priest, the highest position of power and authority over the entire Jewish nation forever (Hebrews 7.)

Given Christ’s place as highest ruler eternally makes Him equal to God and the Holy Spirit. it is astounding that Christians, no matter how lowly, no matter how sinful, are urged that “since we have a High Priest who has passed through the Heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession” (Hebrews 4:14.) Both the Hebrew and Greek word for “confession” means “Say the same thing.” In this case, say the same thing about yourself that God does. “Christ came to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15) so you fully qualify to remain saved NO MATTER WHAT YOU’VE DONE!

The next verses of Hebrews 4 continues to astound: “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.” The last thing on Earth lost people would think; sadly the last thing on Earth far too many Christians think, is that God “sympathizes” with Christians when they sin. BUT HE DOES!

He who remained perfect and “without sin” all His Earthly life defeated temptations of every kind and never sinned even once, did that as a man, not as God. He had emptied Himself of His God-power (Philippians 2:5-8) before He was born a baby. He lived His whole life as a man He did that to show all humans that they CAN always overcome sin. But HE FULLY KNEW THE SEDUCING SPIRITS OF TEMPATION and how hideously strong they are. He knows there is a real devil and hosts of demons dedicated to discredit any Christian’s walk. He knows there are millions of people who hate Him and all of His followers, they too are dedicated to bringing Christians down.

Christ “sympathizes” with His “saints.” “Saints” is a word used over and over again by the writers of the New Testament to describe what every Christian is in God’s mind (Romans 8:27, Ephesians 2:19.) They are His “saints” even when they yield to temptation and are sucked under by the tide of it. He knows that sin “steals, kills and destroys” (John 10:10a) and makes the Holy Spirit inside the sinning Christian “grieve” (Ephesians 4:30.) Sin does terrible, often irreparable, damage to the “abundant life” He came to bring to all of His “saints” (John 10:10b.)

Hebrews 4:16 concludes “Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace (absolutely undeserved favor and kindness”) to help in time of need.” The Christian life is to be life without fig leaves. Trying to hide from God is a useless effort. Instead, boldly and with full confidence NO MATTER WHAT YOU’VE DONE call 911 in Heaven and let God deliver you or get you through whatever mess you’re in.

Galatians 5:22-29 underlines everything Peter preached in Acts 3. Here are two of the verses from it: “But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe” (V. 22.) “And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise” (V. 29.)

Jesus Christ is the only connection to God the Father who will ever exist (John 14:6.) Miss Him and you miss Heaven. And here’s the magnificent truth — God loves you and like a loving father whose baby falls when it tries to walk, or whose kid gets into trouble, He is ready to be there for them. God — the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – is always ready to be there for any who dare ask Him to be. I write this with personal firsthand knowledge.


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