The Bill Keith Report
News And Commentary
August 22, 2014
Greetings to Bill Keith’s readers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 61 foreign countries.
Something very new is beginning with this news report and commentary written by my great friend and journalist, Bill Keith. Bill has asked me to read his commentary to you and I am so honored to do it. Bill is the author of many books and I’ll be telling you about each of them in future Bill Keith reports.
Bill calls me his mentor and I call Bill my mentor; we are mutual admiration society. I want to thank Dorothy Baker who first introduced me to Bill’s writings. Thanks Dorothy for bringing the three of us together.
Bill Keith is a keen observer of what is happening to our nation and like my newscasts, tells it like it is. We have no ax to grind with Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Or Independents, including our President. But we are both totally in love with this nation of ours, and when anyone tramples on it, you are going to hear from us.
It’s an extreme honor to begin reading to you these reports. In fact, I will be going back to our archives to retrieve all of Bill’s reports and put everything relevant to today together, in case you missed any of them, and bring them to you again so that I share with you Bill’s powerful newscasts.
So, from the headquarters of in Fort Worth Texas, this is Ray Mossholder, at this is the bill Keith Report And Commentary:
If you believe the information in this edition of The Report is worthwhile, please pass it on to your friends and contact your congressional representatives about the issues.
Question for Report readers: If an ISIS/Al Qaeda/Taliban terrorist crosses the Rio Grande into our land carrying a nuclear device the size of a grapefruit and takes out one of our cities, will President Obama blame President George W. Bush?
The Killing in Ferguson, Missouri: Rush to Judgment
When a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown, it was a shot that reverberated all across the land. Whenever a young black man is killed or when dozens of blacks are killed by other blacks in Southside Chicago, New York City and most of the larger cities in this land – it is unfortunate.
When a white police officer shoots a black, the reaction by politicians and race hustlers is as sure as sin following temptation. They arrive on the scene, make fiery speeches, fire up the crowd and at least inadvertently encourage them to riot, knock out the windows of department stores, burn buildings, and throw Molotov cocktails — incendiary gasoline bombs — at police.
All of this is a rush to judgment before they know the details of exactly what happened. Before the investigation is complete. Before the coroner’s report.
Race hustlers like the Reverend Al Sharpton and Reverend Jesse Jackson were some of the first ones on the scene. They went to Ferguson to wage a war on the police and did their best to rev up the crowd. They convicted the police officer before they ever heard his side of the story. Jackson even tried to take up an offering. The people booed his effort. No one knows what he was going to do with the money.
Enter Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, another who couldn’t resist a rush to judgment before all the facts were in. He said the police officer should be prosecuted. Later he tried to retract his statement.
So you have the governor, Jackson, Sharpton and hundreds of rioters taking the law into their own hands, condemning the police officer before he was given due process. The case now has gone to a grand jury.
The hustlers and the crowd also called for St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch to step down. The reason is that his father was a policeman killed by a black man.
Comment: On August 11, a black police officer shot and killed a 20-year-old white man in Salt Lake City, Utah. However, the news media did not think it was a story so most didn’t even cover the incident. Compare that to the news frenzy in Ferguson where a white officer shot and killed an unarmed black man.
Is this just a coincidence or is the mainstream news media guilty of race-baiting to further their own agenda that continues to hold on to the worn-thin concept that most police officers have racial animosity toward blacks and are bad and the black man must be a victim. That is pure nonsense.
Now we must let the rule of law prevail and the governor, Sharpton and Jackson should shut up and let the proper authorities carry out a thorough investigation and determine if there is culpability.
Immigration: Bad News for President Obama
A survey of 1,001 likely voters found that 65 percent of the American people believe the illegal immigrant children should be sent home. They say that would be a signal to tens of thousands of others who plan to come to the U.S. Only 22 percent said they should be kept here away from danger in their home countries, the Washington Times reported.
By next year, a total of 250,000 illegal immigrant children are expected flood into this land.
According to Polling Company, Inc., voters also take a dim view of President Obama’s plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegals already in this land. Some 74 percent believe he should work with Congress to solve the immigration problem. Only 21 percent said he should deal with the issue through executive order.
Comment: Everyone recognizes that the President is a brilliant man. But we question his judgment and common sense. For instance, if he grants amnesty to five million illegals — against the will of the American people — which he is threatening to do, the people will be so incensed they will turn on the democrats and hence the republicans will hold on to a majority of the House of Representatives and take over the Senate. Certainly unintended consequences.
The Emperors of Washington
The Report has documented case after case of how the Ruling Elite, i.e., Emperors of Washington, levy exorbitant taxation on the common folks yet pay little attention to them or how their money is spent. They say to the taxpayers, “Let the cash register ring, ka-ching, ka-ching, keep that money coming.” But then care little what we think.”
Case in point — U. S. Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia lives only 60 miles from Washington, D.C. Yet he travels home almost exclusively via charter planes that cost $4,400 per round trip. And guess what? He sends the bill to the taxpayers. Why? Because he considers himself one of the elected elite.
“There are as many as six commercial flights a day between D.C. and Charleston, West Virginia, the city Rockefeller flies to and from,” The Washington Times reports. “A round-trip ticket for the one-hour flight costs as little as $206.”
According to the Times, Rockefeller’s 32 trips in the past three years cost the taxpayers $141,408 for the chartered planes. For one trip from February 28 to March 1 of this year, airfare for the senator from Washington DC to Charleston and return cost $9,657. Again, paid for by taxpayers.
Comment: Elected officials in Washington have no shame. They act like they are anointed rather than appointed. And Senator Rockefeller is not alone in the abuse of taxpayers’ dollars. Both democrats and republicans are guilty and have been guilty in the past.
When, under heaven, will there be a taxpayer revolt where the people will say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?”
The Emperors of Washington vs. WE THE PEOPLE
In recent years the federal government has moved closer and closer to a dictatorship and total control of the lives of the American people.
The emperors in Washington are not at all concerned how the people of this land feel about national issues.
If they were concerned, we would never have had the Affordable Care Act forced upon us to the detriment of the best healthcare system in the world.
If they were concerned, they would stop the hordes of illegal aliens coming across our southern border with Mexico. Some estimate we already have 20 million here and millions more on the way.
If they were concerned, they would stop the reckless spending — that could bankrupt this nation — and balance our budget. President Clinton did it back in the ’80s.
If they were concerned, they would stop downsizing our military and keep our nation strong.
If they were concerned, they would stop criticizing Israel — our only friend in the Middle East — and calling the relationship with the Palestinians “apartheid” as John Kerry said. President Obama would quit yelling at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He has never yelled at the Palestinian/Hamas leaders.
And on and on it goes, and where it stops nobody knows.
Welfare and the Vanishing American Dream
Earlier this week, the U. S. Census Bureau announced there were 109,631,000 Americans on federally funded welfare as of the fourth quarter of 2012, CNS reported.
The American Dream has virtually disappeared for these people.
That number represents 35.4 percent of all the 309,467,000 people living in the United States.
During the past five years, the feds have spent $3.7 trillion on 80 different welfare programs.
However, this does not include the cost of Social Security and Medicare, unemployment and veterans benefits. When these are added to those receiving welfare benefits, there were153,323,000 — almost half of the American people — receiving some type of federal benefits at the end of 2012.
Food Stamp Fraud: Will It Never End?
Food stamp recipients are selling their benefits on the Internet in exchange for money, rent and even for art, according to a federal investigators’ report.
So says the Washington Times that reports various states that oversee the program manage to catch just a fraction of the fraud in the sprawling program.
“In one (Internet) online posting from Jacksonville, Florida, someone was asking for $100 cash in exchange for $228 in food stamps,” The Times reported. “One ad from Raleigh, North Carolina, offered 10 days of cooking and cleaning services in exchange for food stamps. A Charlotte, North Carolina poster said he would trade food stamps for beer, and a Houston ad proposed exchanging food stamps for a catalytic converter.”
Also, a Worcester, Massachusetts, ad proposed up to $3,000 in electronic benefit food stamps transfers in exchange for works of art.
Comment: Add these fraudulent uses of food stamps to a long list of previous and egregious ways people use their government stamps that are intended to keep people from going hungry. In times past we have reported the EBT (food stamp) cards have been used in casinos, strip joints, bars and for cigarettes and booze.
But no one in Washington does anything about it! Our leaders act like they don’t even care.
And I wonder where is the outrage among WE THE PEOPLE who have become silent on the government’s cavalier waste of our hard-earned tax money.
Houston’s Transgender Ordinance Goes to Court
A cultural scenario of major proportions is being played out in Houston, Texas.
Back in 2010, Annise Parker, a practicing lesbian, was elected mayor of Houston. She certainly had the right to run for the office and the people had the right to elect her.
Although she could have been an outstanding mayor and represented all the people, little by little she began to impose a homosexual agenda on the people of Houston.
She urged the City Council to pass a pro homosexual/lesbian/
transgender ordinance which Christians in the city believed to be a violation of their rights and religious convictions.
The ordinance permitted transgenders to enter the public bathrooms of their choice. For instance, a man dressed as a woman could enter the women’s restroom.
Also, the ordinance exacts a penalty for any so-called act of discrimination. For instance, if a Christian photographer would be asked to take pictures at a same-sex wedding and refused as an act of conscience, he could be prosecuted and fined. Or, if a hotel owner on moral grounds refused to rent the ballroom for a same-sex wedding, he could be prosecuted and fined.
After the ordinance passed, the people of Houston — primarily led by a courageous group of black pastors — began a petition drive to get the necessary signatures for the city to put the ordinance to a vote of the people.
However, Houston’s City Attorney, appointed by the mayor, pulled a cheap trick. He threw out most of the signatures even though the people had three times the number of signatures necessary to allow the people to vote on the ordinance.
A judge — who apparently saw what was going on — gave the people an injunction against the radical ordinance and the mayor agreed not to enforce the ordinance until it can be determined in court.
Meanwhile, the New York Division of Human Rights has fined Cynthia and Robert Gifford $13,000 for standing by their conviction that marriage is between one man and one woman. Hence, they declined to rent out their family farm for a gay wedding, according to Texas Values. The NY Division told them that special rights for homosexuals trump religious liberty and private property rights.
Comment: The Houston transgender ordinance has ramifications for cities all across the land. If the strong, well-funded homosexual/lesbian lobby prevails, they will be encouraged to present ordinances to cities across Texas and other states.
The VA Dilemma — How Bad Was It?
Some 47,786 veterans died waiting to see doctors for treatment in the VA Hospitals, according to the VA’s own records of deceased servicemen and women released this week.
Now that the initial crisis is past, consider the magnitude of the problems and the duration.
“By July 2012, the backlog of veterans whose applications were in so-called pending status had grown to 848,699, according to an internal VA analysis. VA’s backlog of pending health care applications had festered for more than a decade…” wrote Brad Schrade of The Atlanta Constitution.
Congress has passed new legislation and it has been signed into law to fix the problem and the fix involves a generous appropriation of new money, according to The Weekly Standard.
Comment: It seems unfathomable to me that the VA problem existed for a decade — as thousands of veterans died waiting to see a VA doctor and get treatment — and no one, democrat or republican, President Obama or President Bush, no one did anything to solve the problem. No senator, no congressmen, no one. This is a shameful black mark on the history of this erstwhile great land. Our heroic veterans deserved better.
The Report has asked this question from time to time: Can the federal government effectively run anything? There’s the VA fiasco. The Post Office is broke. AMTRAK operates at a deficit. There’s $50 billion annual fraud in Medicare. Billions lost to food stamp fraud.
I ask the question again: Is the federal bureaucracy so large that it has become unmanageable — by either democrats or republicans?
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