Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Iraqis Believe America and ISIL are United Special Report by Ray 9/23/14


A free service of Jesus Christ is Lord Ministries

News written and delivered by Ray Mossholder

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Hello America. Hello world.

From the headquarters of reachmorenow.com in Fort Worth, Texas, this is Ray Mossholder and this is a special report: Iraqis Believe America and ISIL are United

Suddenly Syria has broken into the news again as the American military has begun striking ISIL there. I’ll get to that story today in my very next news report. But as important as it is, another story related to it is even more important. It’s a story with a question mark and it comes posed and unanswered from the New York Times. I thank my friend Hal Lindsey for leading me to it.

Here’s the banner for this story: Suspicions Run Deep in Iraq That C.I.A. and the Islamic State Are United. The article is written by David D. Kirkpatrick and appeared in this past Saturday’s edition of the New York Times.

The Central Intelligence Agency’s accuser is Bahaa al-Araji, a Deputy Prime Minister in the new Iraqi government who, also on Saturday, at a demonstration that was called by the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr to warn against American ground troops returning to Iraq. Deputy Sadr bluntly stated “We know about who made Daesh.” (Daesh is Arabic shorthand for the Islamic State.)

When an American reporter asked al-Sadr if he believed the C.I.A. made ISIL, al-Sadr answered “I don’t know. I am one of the poor people.” He spoke in fluent English and got back into his chauffeur-driven SUV as he said “But we fear much. Thank you.”

What may be simply a conspiracy theory is prevalent in both Iraq and Iran. In a speech last week, al-Sadr was much more blunt. He told an audience of a few thousand that included more than thirty members of Parliament, and repeated to journalists afterward, that the C.I.A. created and trained ISIL.

The usually snail-like moves from President Obama when it comes to anything regarding the American military was actually a literal jumping of the gun by him. He had said many times that those air strikes would only follow the installation of the new Iraqi government. But then he failed to wait for that to happen before he ordered the airstrikes by our American military to begin.

There is no Defense Minister yet chosen for the new government, obviously a key role with Iraq being split apart by war. Nor is there a Minister of the Interior keeping track of who controls what now in a nation being so terribly torn apart. Even nominees for these vital positions haven’t yet been confirmed because the Sunnis and the Shiites can’t even agree on who should be nominated. There is a strong belief among both groups that nominations like these are still at least a month away.

Saturday’s demonstration in Baghdad had just one purpose – to warn the United States not to put boots back on the ground in Iraq. The all-consuming reason they are warning America of this is a simple one. America isn’t trusted.

Haider al-Assidi, one of those who was among the massive demonstrators, said “The Islamic State is a clear creation of the United States, and the United States is trying to intervene again in Iraq using the excuse of the Islamic State.” He said Shiite volunteers and militias had already been going after ISIL without America’s help. He warned “These same forces will stop America’s boots from being here. The main reason Obama is saying we will not invade again is because he knows the Islamic resistance and he does not want to lose a single soldier.”

Also on Saturday, the leader of all ISIL, Abu al-Baghdadi, responded to all this by saying “The conspiracies of Jews, Christians, Shiites and all the tyrannical regimes in the Muslim countries have been powerless to make the Islamic State deviate from its path. The entire world saw the powerlessness of America and its allies before a group of believers. People now realize that victory is from God, and it shall not be aborted by armies and their arsenals.”

There is a great division in the minds of Saturday’s protesters. They welcome American military airstrikes, but are in absolute opposition to American military returning for ground warfare.

The protesters were not only against American boots but had much negative to say about Iraq’s former Prime Minister Nuri Kamal Al Malicki. One of them, Omar al-Jabori, who grew up in a majority Shiite part of Baghdad although he is a Sunni, said about Malicki, “He did not just exclude and marginalize the Sunni people; he ignored the Shiite people too. He gave special help to his family, his friends, people close to him. He did not really help the Shiite people, as many people think. Still, it is obvious to everyone that the Islamic State is a creation of the United States and Israel.”

Now, let’s suppose what Iraq and Iran believe is true. To use an analogy from Hollywood: Why would the Frankenstein monster want to rise up and kill Doctor Frankenstein rather than his enemies? Has ISIL simply become a bad robot?

And why would President Obama fully risk his lifelong reputation or the C.I.A. risk theirs by working hand-in-glove today with the most evil empire in the world? Are they masochists, treasouness, or under satanic control? In spite of the C.I.A. forever lives in a cloak-and-dagger world, their partnering with America’s Number 1 enemy would be WAY over the top of anything America has known since Benedict Arnold.

There is no question that the United States military under President Obama’s directions originally trained ISIL in Syria while our military was training Syrian rebels. The question is, once ISIL even began to emerge from the others, why weren’t they singled out and immediately stopped? Certainly there must have been red lights flashing as ISIL grew from those being trained and blended into the crowd and the force of more than thirty thousand terrorists that group alone has grown into.

I am going to conclude this special report with the writing of Stephen Cook in Australia. Since he poses questions that I can’t answer, maybe you can. But I know of nothing that underlines why the Sunnis or the Shiites or even the Iranians would believe that the C.I.A and ISIL are partners in destruction, no matter how far-fetched this conspiracy theory may be.

Stephen Cook is a radio talkshow host on the Gold Coast of Australia. My thanks to Milton Peely in England for sending me this.

Stephen writes ” The rise of ISIS has been nothing short of phenomenal, and it is turning out to be the next mysterious enemy that the U.S. will be fighting for many years to come. However, before we plunge into another trillion-dollar war, can we get some questions answered by those in power?


In all the speeches by politicians and the discussions in the corporate media, what is missing is a true analysis of the origins of ISIS. Obama gives moving speeches on the grave threats of ISIS, but forgets to mention that ISIS is a splinter group of the rebels fighting Assad in Syria – the same rebels that the U.S. and its allies have been funding for many years now.


The official story keeps talking about us supporting “moderate rebels,” which makes little sense. Does John Kerry send out a questionnaire for them to fill out a personality test?


It’s impossible to figure out who these people are and what their motives are. There are more fighting groups in Syria than you can count with two hands. They are also from all over the world – including paid-for mercenaries from Chechnya and Libya – and some are affiliated with Al Qaeda, even the groups that Senator John McCain has visited. These “moderate rebels” have committed heinous crimes, including beheadings and the use of chemical weapons. And as the article in the New York Times points out, these rebels are as extreme Islamist and non-secular as they come in that part of the region.


With a blind philosophy of “an enemy of an enemy is a friend,” the U.S. and its allies are indiscriminately pouring in arms and money to the rebels. Israel is even providing medical assistance to the rebels. There have also been many claims in alternative media that Israel trained and funded ISIS; that ISIS is an acronym for “Israel Secret Intelligence Services” Qatar is sending in boat loads of weapons and money; Saudi Arabia has been funding the rise of Wahhabism – Extreme Islam, version 2.0 – in Syria for over a decade now.


The simplistic narrative of good rebels versus bad rebels doesn’t even hold water anymore since the “moderate rebels” just signed a truce with ISIS. Any weapons sent to the moderate rebels can also end up with ISIS, as it has done in the past.


Thus, before we spend hundreds of billions of dollars more on this mess, can we first figure out who the rebels are and how ISIS started? Who are our allies that are funding the rebels and what can we do to stop adding fuel to the fire?


Here is Washington’s logic: ISIS is attacking Iraq, so we will send arms to the crazy rebels in Syria. Really? How about arming the Iraqi government, or would that be too logical?


Iraq has about 800,000 professional military soldiers, active and reserve. How come we never hear about the Iraqi soldiers fighting ISIS? Wouldn’t that be the first priority of the Iraqi government? Isn’t it also strange that we never hear about any ISIS militants being captured?


How come the NSA has not been able to snoop on ISIS who is so active on twitter and other social media? NSA can listen in on leaders of Germany and Brazil, but they can’t intercept the cell phones and internet communications of ISIS?


How come a ragtag bunch of rebels can just swoop in on a country and simply take over a land larger than the U.K.? Where do these people get their food, and where do they sleep at night? At Sheraton Hotels? Isn’t it strange that it’s been so hard to fight them?


Hundreds of westerners have somehow figured out a way to contact ISIS and join them, but the CIA couldn’t send a few undercover agents to join ISIS and report on their locations and activities? And if ISIS is so smart, would they be so naïve to accept random westerners?


And the stories about 16-year-olds from the U.S. joining ISIS is so incredible. How many teenagers have passports or even can get the money or credit cards to buy plane tickets? Don’t they need their parents’ approval for flying alone, and that too in international flights?


Several pictures show these ISIS lunatics driving a whole bunch of pickup trucks like ducks in a row. How hard is it to have some drones or fighter jets get rid of them in a single attack?


Finally, what’s the real reason to spend so many years trying to get rid of Assad? It’s all quite preposterous when contrasted to the fact Syria was a secular and a stable country for decades . For many years, Assad and his British wife were quite popular in the western social circles. He met with the Prime Minister and the Queen of England, the President of France, the Pope, American politicians – including Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry, and so on. Diane Sawyer of ABC News schmoozed with Mrs. Assad and the Vogue magazine had a glowing article about her, titled “A Rose in the Desert.”


Is it that Syria refused to allow a pipeline from Qatar? Is it that Syria decided to align itself with Iran and Russia? Is it that Syria started selling oil in Euros and not in U.S. dollar anymore? Is it that there is oil found in Syria’s Golan Heights that Israel wants to exploit (this makes even more sense when you consider that Dick Cheney – along with a Murdoch and a Rothschild – is in the board of Directors of Genie Energy that acquired the right to drill oil in this region).


Or, is it true, as General Wesley Clark revealed, that the neocons have wanted to take over Libya, Syria and Iran, one way or another? And all that is unfolding is just an elaborate geopolitical drama – fueled by the war propaganda of corporate media – to fulfill the neocon dreams of global domination enumerated in the Project For the New American Century?


Americans have the right to know why we are spending trillions of dollars on perpetual wars abroad when we are witnessing a shaky economy, crumbling infrastructure, declining wages, dwindling middle class, rising poverty and astronomical inequality at home.”



When you consider the shape this world is in, it is no longer a compliment to be told by someone that they think the world of you.


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So until the next newscast this is Ray Mossholder, praying for you my friend. Have a miraculous day!

Iraqis Believe America and ISIL are United Special Report by Ray 9/23/14

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