Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Not since Sleeping Beauty woke up has there been such a paradigm shift as that which is happening at the White House this morning as they appear to be waking out of a dream into a nightmare caused by America’s response to ISIL. The flood of mail, emails, phone calls, faxes, and carrier pigeons that said “bury ISIL before they bury us” seems to have put a hot coal on the presidential seat.



A free service of Jesus Christ is Lord Ministries

News written and delivered by Ray Mossholder

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Hello America. Hello world.

From the headquarters of reachmorenow.com in Fort Worth, Texas, this is Ray Mossholder and this is the news.


Not since Sleeping Beauty woke up has there been such a paradigm shift as that which is happening at the White House this morning as they appear to be waking out of a dream into a nightmare caused by America’s response to ISIL. The flood of mail, emails, phone calls, faxes, and carrier pigeons that said “bury ISIL before they bury us” seems to have put a hot coal on the presidential seat.

Suddenly the government who all this week didn’t even know how to pronounce the word “war,” appears – and I stress “appears” because it is appearance and not performance that has been the hallmark of our government for the past six years – “appears” to be taking the gloves off, but still leaving the boots at home. Since military advisers say it will be impossible to stop ISIL with airstrikes alone and they must have the boots, I will still use the word “appearance” until President Obama shows us his stuff.

I have said that if I were of an age to do it, I would not want to go to any battle area in the world. I absolutely identify with that kind of deep reluctance. But I’m also extremely aware that to win a war like this one against ISIL on foreign lands and not on our own, will take the boots along with the bombs and missiles.

If we don’t supply the man and womanpower to protect this nation, some other country will have to do it who will most likely be far less trained than we are; and certainly not nearly as interested in defending America as we are, if we can even find that nation. The grave danger will then persist that ISIL won’t be exterminated; and the word “grave” for all ISIL’s enemies worldwide will be more than a play on words.

At any moment in history, war should be an extreme very last resort. It generally takes the young, both men and women, who have only just begun to fulfill their dreams after spending nearly all their life in school. Other young who are working hard to finish school so that they can begin fulfilling their dreams too. Those who chose not to go to college but do have a job, or are spending their lives playing video games where they shoot at enemies around the clock, but don’t at all want to shoot at real peple.

And a couple of things to keep in mind as we begin whatever President Obama is going to lead America to do to shrink and step on ISIL, is that President Obama has already shrunk a large part of the United States military, and stepped on their pay and their benefits.

And we’re not talking about returning only to Iraq. but to Syria, and most likely Lebanon, and possibly even Israel. All that could be happening soon. That would leave our dwarfed military fighting battles overseas while we could be struck by ISIL here at home. Many seasoned veterans continue to predict we will be struck before the end of this year.

What must be going on in the minds of President Obama, his cabinet, the Pentagon, the Defense Department, Homeland Security, the CIA, the FBI, and all other agencies meant to be protecting our nation at home and abroad,  is whether or not we have enough boots on the ground in America to defend this great nation if it is invaded.

The word “draft” brings a sickening feeling to everyone in Western countries, most of all Americans.  Americans hate draft boards. Every American knows someone they care deeply about who is of a draftable age; most know far more than one. A military draft is something parents, grandparents, husbands, wives, and children, hate – perhaps as much as they hate ISIL unless they really focus on what ISIL is doing – beheading, plundering, torturing, burying children alive along with people of every age, raping and selling women into slavery; and that ISIL fully plans to do that in America as quickly as they can – murdering everyone who doesn’t bow their knee to Allah just like they are doing today in Iraq and Syria.

Gone is the possibility that patriotism will bring the multitude needed without a draft. American-born citizens almost all find the very name “Iraq” despicable. They want no more bodybags or servicemen and servicewomen returning as so many have, so terribly torn apart physically or mentally that they have lost any purpose in life.

Meanwhile, in many parts of America there is no feeling of patriotism whatsoever. Several large cities as well as country towns are full of foreigners who did not come to America to fight but to find safety and who speak no English at all.

I said last night that I would not want to be President Obama. For two presidential campaigns his promise has been to bring our troops home from all battlefields; not ever to send them to one. That certainly would be a major reason he was elected twice. And now America faces probably the greatest human enemy we have ever known.

Our president’s final decisions at this crisis hour will undoubtedly decide your future, and the future of all Americans, and all decent people on this planet. Pray for President Obama and all who surround him, to have God show them what on Earth to do.

Ray Mossholder



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