During the past three years, 300,000 people from Muslim countries have come to the United States. White House insiders say President Obama plans to make an executive decision to grant some form of amnesty to some six million illegal aliens in this land. His decision will send a loud and clear message to multiplied millions more people in Mexico and Central America to come to this land.
Wednesday October 8, 2014
The Bill Keith Report
News And Commentary
Greetings to our readers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 133 foreign countries.
Your comments are welcome!
If you believe the information in this edition of The Report is worthwhile, please tell your friends about it.
A Texan wrote:”A bad day in Texas is better than a good day in Washington, D.C.”
Muslims on American Food Stamps demand the food meets Islamic requirements.
Convoluted Reasoning:Global warming is so bad that predictions call for a colder, snowier winter.
Why are Americans so fat if they are so poor?
Nashville, Tennessee, Public Schools – 20 percent of students are from Mexico and Central America.
Las Vegas, Nevada, Public Schools have 85 thousand students who speak 83 different languages other than English.
During the past three years, 300,000 people from Muslim countries have come to the United States.
Insanity on the Horizon? White House insiders say President Obama plans to make an executive decision to grant some form of amnesty to some six million illegal aliens in this land. His decision will send a loud and clear message to multiplied millions more people in Mexico and Central America to come to this land.
Hundreds of Schools Reject Federal Lunch Mandate
First lady Michelle Obama is trying to force America’s schools to serve healthier lunches but many of those schools have rejected her choice of food because the children won’t eat it, according to Gary DeMar in Eagle Rising.
“Hummus is too fatty, pretzels are too salty, even hard-boiled eggs and yogurt don’t make the cut,” DeMar wrote.
The problem arose when thousands of school children began throwing their lunches in the trash. The situation became so critical that officials in Illinois’ second largest school district decided to forfeit nearly $1 million in federal lunch assistance to serve students something they will eat.
“Who elected her (Michelle Obama) food boss?” DeMar asked. “Liberals are playing both ends…Thy want to raise our taxes to care for the poor because we are told that nearly 25 percent of the nation’s population goes to bed hungry each night and at the same time they want to control what we eat because they claim we are too fat…”
Comment: Last week I reported that under the federal guidelines — with the threat of losing federal lunch program funds — school vending machines are not allowed to have any items with more than 200 calories. Yet a White House vending machine sells giant Honey Buns with 590 calories, 17 grams of fat and 30 grams of sugar.
A National Disgrace
Back in August, an al-Qaeda terrorist, dressed as an Afghan soldier, killed Army Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene, the highest-ranking American soldier killed in combat since Vietnam.
His family and friends paid their last respects to this hero during his burial at Arlington National Cemetery. His wife Susan saluted her late husband as his remains were removed from a horse-drawn caisson during the burial service. 1st Lt. Matthew Greene saluted his grandfather, Harold Greene.
Sadly, neither the President, the Vice President nor Secretary of Defense Chuck Hegel attended the ceremony and no one from the White House was there to represent them.
The President was playing golf at the Vineyard Gold Club on Martha’s Vineyard and the Vice President was in the middle of the third day of a week’s vacation.
Comment: It’s sad that the President and others failed to attend the funeral of this national hero. Actually it’s a shame. He deserved a lot better.
To date, the President has not commented on the General’s death.
But I remember that the White House sent three members of the President’s staff to the funeral of Michael Brown, the young black man who was killed in Ferguson, Missouri.
Gallup Poll: Solid Majority Favor Prayer in Schools
Americans all across the land overwhelmingly favor allowing schoolchildren to pray in the public schools, according to a new Gallup poll.
A solid majority of 61 percent favor daily prayer in the nation’s classrooms. Thirty-seven percent are opposed.
Some 75 percent of the people also favor religious expressions during school graduation ceremonies and 77 percent believe school facilities should be available to religious groups for after-school meetings.
Comment: When the American people speak on an issue, one would think the elected officials in Washington would listen. But if you believe that, then keep on dreaming. What has happened to this country? Liberal politicians, the ACLU, and left-leaning judges have ambushed the nation and the people no longer matter. How much longer are we going to remain silent and let these groups continue to lead us down the Primrose Path of their making?
Letter to the President from an ER Doctor in Mississippi
Dear Mr. President:
During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient whose smile revealed an expensive, shiny gold tooth, whose body was adorned with a wide assortment of elaborate and costly tattoos, who wore a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and who chatted on a new cellular telephone equipped with a popular R & B ring tone.
While glancing over her patient chart, I happened to notice that her payer status was listed as “Medicaid.” (A completely free healthcare program provided by our government).
During my examination of her, the patient informed me that she smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and somehow still has money to buy pretzels and beer.
You and our Congress expect me and our taxpayers to pay for this woman’s healthcare? I contend that our nation’s healthcare crisis is not the result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather, it is the result of a “crisis of culture,” a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on luxuries and vices while refusing to take care of one’s self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. It is a culture based on the irresponsible credo that “I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me.”
Once you fix this “culture crisis” that rewards irresponsibility and dependency, you’ll be amazed at how quickly our nation’s healthcare difficulties will disappear.
Starner Jones, MD
Doctor Starner Jones
Congress Takes Another Vacation
Last week I reported that a couple of months ago Congress took a five-week vacation then returned to Washington for eight days during which time they accomplished virtually nothing.
But voila! They are on vacation again until after the November 5 congressional elections.
When they return, the will work for a few days and get ready for their Christmas vacation.
Comment:We Americans are a bunch of suckers to stand by and watch these men and women in Congress disgrace their offices and try to beguile the taxpayers by telling us how hard they work.
Each member of Congress receives $286,000 in salary and benefits. That is $7,944 per week or $1,134 per day.
Wake up Americans! Come November 5, let’s throw them out of office and see if we can start all over with men and women of character.
Work? What work?
A Mystery: Why Did Eric “Let ‘em Go” Holder Resign?
Eric “Let ‘em Go” Holder has been one of the most enigmatic attorney generals in recent history. Not since President Richard Nixon’s AG John Mitchell (who used his office to support Nixon’s political agenda), has the AG’s office been used so often to promote President Obama’s political agenda.
Several polls show that Holder’s approval rating with the American people is down to 23 percent. He is clearly one of the most unpopular men in Washington.
Some believe he resigned so that the President would have time to choose his successor and have him cleared through the democratic senate before the November 5 election, should the Republicans take over the senate.
Others believe one of the U. S. Supreme Court justices’ retirement may be imminent and Obama could appoint Holder — again, while there is a democratic majority in the senate, the body that must approve the appointment.
One of his first acts a AG was to release several Black Panthers who had been convicted of threatening voters in Philadelphia with clubs and night sticks during the 2008 presidential election.
He turned them loose and word around the Justice Department was that he would not prosecute blacks.
Next, he refused to defend the federal law that defined marriage as between one man and one woman.
He also told a meeting of state attorneys general it would be okay not to enforce the marriage laws in the 38 states that had such laws.
Earlier this year, “Let ‘em Go” Holder released 39,000 illegal alien criminals from federal penitentiaries including murderers, rapists, kidnappers and those who had committed other serious crimes. Now they are back on the streets of America.
He repeatedly filed lawsuits against states that wanted to introduce voter ID laws for all voters. He said it would discriminate against Hispanic and black voters.
He refused to enforce the laws that require illegal aliens to be deported back to their native lands and, hence, millions have come to the U.S. and are receiving various forms of welfare, food stamps, and other services.
Finally, he has refused to allow the IRS (under his jurisdiction) to turn over emails and other documents to a congressional investigating committee that would shed groups and refused to grant them tax-exempt status before the 2012 presidential election. However, they granted the tax exemption to dozens of liberal groups.
Holder leaves behind a bitter legacy of deceit, lawlessness, cover-ups and bad decisions such as giving 2,500 assault weapons and other guns to drug cartels in Mexico. All he ever said about the gun transfer was that he didn’t know anything about it and would look into it. We’ve heard nothing more.
President Obama’s Blueprint for America
What is President Obama’s blueprint for America. Some believe he has a secret agenda, a dangerous plan to create a one-party nation. And he may well be on the way to doing just that.
Dick Morris,author and former advisor to President Bill Clinton, in his new book Power Grab believes this country is at a crossroads. He told Newsmax that the American people can choose a strong constitutional government or endorse the President’s dream: a nation ruled by the democrats with a leftist progressive blueprint for the future.
According to Morris, to implement his secret agenda, the President must do the following:
Execute a giant power grab such as Obamacare that creates a permanent class of people dependent on the government.
Enact “comprehensive immigration reform” which is the President’s name for amnesty for millions of illegal aliens that will vote democrat giving the democrats total control of government for the next 100 years.
Capture the control of state-run education systems by using the Common Core curriculum.
Control private business by giving the EPA governing power in the name of climate change that will affect the lives of all Americans. Note: Current EPA regulations are 38 times longer than the Bible.
Block energy independence that will slow down economic growth and lead to more dependency on government.
Do away with all efforts to reform welfare and keep millions looking to government as their source for everything. That’s why there is a determined effort to get more and more people on food stamps.
Give more authority and control of our nation to the United Nations a body that wants to confiscate all guns from gun owners.
“Obama is a left-wing president who is desperately determined to impose his radical agenda to transform our democratic government and free market economy into his socialist-style ideal before leaving office in 2016,” Morris wrote. “He’s a president who is obsessively fixated on keeping the left in permanent power by turning our two-party system into a one-party monopoly….He is close to achieving his goal.”
Do you see a pattern here?
Comment: Morris is right on target. Otherwise, why would nothing be done about the 11 million illegal aliens that have come into this land and the 100,000 children? Why hasn’t he approved the Keystone Pipeline? Why has the EPA shut down so many coal mines? Why would he support a United Nations Resolution that would require the citizens of all signatory nations to turn in their guns? Why would he advertise in Mexican consulates that when the illegals arrive in the U.S., food stamps will be waiting for them? Why would he continue to push Obamacare when the vast majority of the American people are opposed to it?
Yes, Dick Morris may be right on target.
This is Ray Mossholder for Bill Keith. God bless America… please.
The Bill Keith Report News And Commentary: What Is Our President Doing?
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