Friday, November 28, 2014

What does the Bible say to people in terrible pain? Ravi Zacharias

While many millions of people are experiencing the sheer joy of the Christmas season that Christ fully intends with their families or alone, there are millions of people on this planet going through physical, emotional, or spiritual agony that never seems to stop. How could a “loving” God allow that? Christians would say it is the devil who is doing that to people – 2 Corinthians 4:3–4. But those verses are written to people who don’t know Christ as their Savior. Why would it be happening to people who to people who do know Christ as their Savior too. If the devil is a conquered enemy who Christ defeated at the cross ( why is he allowed to continue with such hideous power? (0)

What does the Bible say to people in terrible pain? Ravi Zacharias

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