Rioters in Ferguson, Missouri — rioting over the death of Michael Brown — unwittingly burned down the Brown family’s church.
Rioters in Ferguson, Missouri — rioting over the death of Michael Brown — unwittingly burned down the Brown family’s church.
At Nelson Mandela’s funeral
Darren Wilson
During President Obama’s speech on immigration he used “I”, “Me,” and “My,” 91 times.
Twenty percent strongly support Obama’s executive action on amnesty for five million illegals.
A grand jury cleared Police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. However, Obama said officer Wilson wasn’t really innocent and that America could never be absolved of its past racial sins and that the only solution would be to give him (Obama) more power.
One in three Americans put off seeking medical treatment in 2014 due to high costs, according to a Gallup Poll reported by the Daily Caller. The Caller reminds us that President Obama said that because of Obamacare, medical costs would be more affordable for everyone.
Obamacare offers business firms $3,000 incentive to hire illegals over native-born American workers.
It’s Your Money: Criminals in federal and state prisons and their accomplices filed $1 billion in fraudulent tax returns in 2012, according to a report by the IRS auditor. And they received the money.
A Marquette University professor told a student: If you don’t support gay marriage, drop my class.
Question: Isn’t Marquette a Catholic Jesuit university?
Political Drama: Some say “No” and Some Say “Yes”
TEA PARTY — REPUBLICANS — CONSERVATIVES Are accused of being the PARTIES OF NO! Are so accused by liberals/progressives, and the major news media. That is true:
They say no to BIG GOVERNMENT!
Yes, Republicans, many Independents, Tea Party patriots and we Conservatives can proudly say NO to those things we believe step-by-step take away our individual freedoms and endanger this land.
But never forget we say YES to less government, lower taxes, the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, limited and controlled immigration, a strong military, and support of Israel.
Turmoil in Toyland?
Can it be true? Are Obamanistas now questioning their blind support of the President? It appears so.
Both Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton — two of Obama’s strongest supporters — now are backing away from the failed policies of his administration.
“Whether out of frustration or political necessity, some…are distancing themselves from Mr. Obama as 2016 approaches,” the Washington Times reported.
The Vice President made it clear last week that he was “ticked off” about the way the President forced Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel out of the Pentagon. He and Hagel were former colleagues in the U. S. Senate.
Observers believe the rift between Obama and Hagel was due to Obama’ micromanagement of national security policy, according to the Times.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton strongly criticized Obama’s foreign policy and said a principle of foreign policy is, “Don’t do stupid stuff.”
Earlier, a Clinton aide criticized Obama’s handling of ISIS and other Middle Eastern crises saying the President was too passive and that Hillary Clinton “would have taken a more aggressive approach,” the Times reported.
The Ferguson Riot: Why Were Troops Not Deployed?
Ferguson Rioters destroyed 20 businesses, burned police cars, looted stores, stopped traffic as the residents of that city were scratching their heads asking: With 1,000 National Guard troops, local police officers, sheriff’s deputies, state police and 100 FBI agents — why couldn’t they protect the people of Ferguson and their property?
The National Guardsmen were there but were ordered to stand down and not confront the rioters.
But who gave the order?
We do know that Attorney General Eric Holder told the police to exercise restraint but sent no such message to the rampaging rioters and pillagers.
Now Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder asks: “Did the White House stop the National Guard from intervening?”
The Lieutenant Governor said he believes the order for the Guard to stand down may have come from the Obama administration.
“If you are going to have the National Guard deployed and a state of emergency declared and then hold them back, I say the governor owes the people of Missouri a lot of explanations,” he told Fox News.
“We see the National Guard rolling this morning…where were they last night?” National and Global News reported. “Why were they not in there at the first sign of an overturned police car or a smashed police car window with a show of force that would have stopped this?”
Comment: This certainly is a mystery. One thousand National Guard troops were in Ferguson but they stood by and watched as the riot rampage destroyed buildings, as the rioters pillaged stores and burned police cars.
This raises a question: Can the public — in Ferguson or anywhere — count on the police and the National Guard to protect them? If we look at the Ferguson experience, the answer is no.
affordable care act be
As the Jonathan Gruber saga continues, it appears that he may be the only one in Washington telling the truth.
Gruber, the MIT economist under fire for suggesting the Obama administration tried to deceive the public about the Affordable Care Act, on several occasions warned that the costs would increase.
“While President Obama campaigned on a promise that his universal health care plan would lower premiums, his controversial adviser and plan architect (Gruber) was privately warning…that Obamacare was poised to massively increase insurance costs for average residents, internal documents show,” the Times reported.
Obama Makes GQ List of The 25 Least Influential People Mexico,
For the second year in a row, President Obama has made the GQ Magazine list of the least influential people, according to Newsmax.
Addressing the President directly, the magazine asked: “Why are you still on Martha’s Vineyard? Missouri is BURNING. Putin is conquering Europe…Are you even President anymore?”
“When Obama got blasted for golfing shortly after ISIS beheaded journalist James Foley, he said, ‘I should’ve anticipated the optics."”
The magazine noted people have observed “the majority of this man’s presidency watching bad things, then hearing a thoughtful speech about how we gotta make sure the bad things never happen again, and then watching as nothing gets done.”
Comment: GQ is correct. That is Obama’s modus operandi as sure as sin follows temptation. He acknowledges the problem, says something should be done, then does nothing. And the American people forget. Take for instance, the 68,000 children from Central America who came into the U.S. Nothing was done to stop the flow of children. Take for instance, the border, now that he has granted amnesty to five million, hundreds of thousands more are on their way here. Yet nothing is being done to secure the border.
Letter to President: Man Wants to Move Family to Mexico*Reported by Fox News
Dear Mr. President:
I’M planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and would like to ask you to assist me.
We’re planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and we’ll need your help to make a few arrangements.
We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws.
I’m sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, the President of Mexico, that I’m on my way over?
Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:
1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking Government bureaucrats for all services I might need…
3. Please print all Mexican Government forms in English.
4. I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bilingual) teachers.
5. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
7. I will need a local Mexican driver’s license so I can get easy access to government services.
8. I plan to fly the U. S. flag from my housetop, put U.S. flag decals on my car and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I don’t want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.
9. I would like to have a nice job without paying any taxes… so tell the president of Mexico that I wanted to pay three thousand dollars to the business that will hire me at a good wage.
10. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family or about the strain we might place on their economy.
11. I want to receive free food stamps.
12. Please enroll me into the Mexican Social Security program so that I’ll get a monthly income in retirement.
I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all the people who walk over to the U.S. from Mexico. I’m sure the president of Mexico won’t mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.
The church burned down? Holy smoke! The Bill Keith Report
The Church Burned Down! Holy Smoke! The Bill Keith Report
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