Monday, June 1, 2015

Are the Left Behind series and The Mystery of the Shemitah biblical?

Are the Left Behind series and The Mystery of the Shemitah biblical?

This is Ray Mossholder with a question – Are the biblical parts of Left Behind and Left Behind – The Kids, fiction too, or are they truly biblical? For the answer to that question go to a posting on or reach more now YouTube and read the article posted thanks to that is called “What does the Bible say will happen just before Christ returns?” It’s by Dr. Roger Barrier. On simply go to the front page and look up. You’ll find the categories. Just click Bible studies and wallah, Dr. Barrier’s article will be there.

The truth is we don’t know whether the rapture – the initial coming of Christ for all Christians – will happen before the tribulation, 3 1/2 years into the tribulation, or at the end of the tribulation. If Christ comes at the end it will be the only coming of Christ since He came to live on Earth, minister His love to the multitude, was crucified and rose again two thousand years ago.

Biblical scholars who have concentrated on the end times argue from what each of them has discovered, settling on pre, mid, or post and believing that they have an inside track on the truth about when Christ will return. Some of the most outstanding biblical scholars regarding the end times are divided by different conclusions in their opinions about Christians and the tribulation.

The majority of Americans do believe in the pre-tribulation rapture that Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins write about in their books. Since they have sold many millions of their books throughout America and around the world, it may be because of those books that people have assumed Christ will rapture His people before the tribulation.

As for me and my house, we are divided on this issue. I am one who does believe in the pre-tribulation rapture, but Georgia honestly declares she just doesn’t know. And Larry believes Christ will not come until the end of the tribulation.

Both Larry and my first mentor was a pastor who is to this day respected internationally for his scholarship, Dr. Jack Hayford. He believes in the mid-trib rapture… that Christ will come halfway through and save all Christians from the last three years which are called “The Great Tribulation”, the most hideous 3 1/2 years that this world will ever know.

Even with Dr. Hayford’s stated belief, he says he hopes he is wrong about it. Both he and Georgia have the same attitude. They’re hoping no Christian alive at Christ’s coming will ever have to go through any part of the tribulation.

Now let me ask you another question: What are the odds that Christian Rabbi Jonathan Cahn in his book The Mystery of the Shemitah is right about a great financial collapse in America, and perhaps globally, that will take place on September 28th of 2015?

Remember that the Christian Rabbi is NOT predicting the second coming of Christ at that time. But Jonathan Cahn has done extremely accurate biblical research on dates that fully correspond to world calamities and to America’s financial collapses in the past more than a century that have repeated themselves every seven years and can’t be denied. They include 9/11 and the huge stock market crash on September 11th, 2008.

Milton Peely, reach more now’s news correspondent in England, sent me the following article tonight that does lend much strength to what Cahn is saying in The Mystery of the Shemitah. Allow me to read it to you:

It’s from Pravda.Ru…..

Brussels, Belgium, is going to bring about new steps in order to cope with the debts of European bank reserves. It decided not to undertake any further reforms to tackle the existing economic problems but rather to get rid of all its nation’s cash.

To maintain the euro, they must maintain the banks. But the bank reserves consist of debts of all member states. As governments become insolvent as in Greece, the banking system is undermined. The only way to prevent the banking collapse is to prevent people from withdrawing cash. Hence, we see this trend surfacing in all the mainstream press to get the people ready for what is coming after 2015. We can even evidence this approach in major parts of Germany.

There will be no ability to buy or sell anything without government approval. That is where we are going and this may be the major event that erupts after 2015. The European banking system may face a totalitarian regime.

– See more at:


Also from Pravda.Ru…..

Denmark is going to be the first one to ban cash transactions. The government has already declared it as part of cost-saving measures. It is directed at taxes securing and preventing banks from complete collapse that is possible due to bank runs.

People should be ready because they won’t be able to pay in cash in stores, restaurants and petrol stations within the territory of their country in the near future. Other measures will be also be considered in order to prevent capital flight from other countries. Otherwise, there may be major capital disturbances unless all nations abolish cash simultaneously.

This appears to be the big issue that is likely to unfold with the European Common Market turning point at the end of September 2015.

totalitarian regime will lead to the total control of money by the state. No ability to buy or sell anything without government approval will be provided.

Freedom of movement and travel will be restricted in Rome, if you owe money to the state.

– See more at:

Notice that this second article says that the European Common Market cashless announcement will come at the end of September. Will September 28th of this year be the day when our government announces it is abolishing cash? We wait to see.

Christians, it’s way past time to pray. But even Jonathan Cahn says that our merciful Lord can still hear our prayers and perhaps postpone that which seems inevitable. Jonathan says he hopes he is wrong. But God’s math as clearly seen in The Mystery of the Shemitah has been absolutely flawless.

A cashless society and the control already in place of a one world government deciding which citizens can buy or sell, are two major pieces of what Revelation says are direct signs Jesus Christ is ready to return. Please be ready for Him so that you won’t be left behind.

Are the Left Behind series and The Mystery of the Shemitah biblical?

Are the Left Behind series and The Mystery of the Shemitah biblical?

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