Friday, June 5, 2015

Happy 4th of July. What"s this celebration all about? -Ray

Happy 4th of July. What’s this celebration all about? -Ray

Few Americans today really understand the roots that brought about this celebration with fireworks every Fourth of July. That’s not because most Americans don’t care. It’s because this is no longer being taught in most schools across America, universities included. I learned the full answer when I was in elementary school.

There are many who defend their ignorance by asking, “Why should I care about the roots? What difference does it make? The moment I hear that the roots are more than 200 years old, I could care less. I live in the 21st century.” Well, in most places throughout this country the Fourth of July is a holiday where businesses are closed and we Americans are free to spend the day at picnics, fireworks demonstrations, barbecuing, or doing whatever else they’d like to do. Don’t you think it would be worthwhile to understand why all this freedom is given to you every Fourth of July?

I know that patriotism in America has been all but stopped because it might offend someone. The American flag can be spit on, torn in shreds or burned because the United States Supreme Court says all that is okay. And “the home of the brave and the land of the free” has been replaced today with “the home of the caved and the land of the ME ME ME.”

Nevertheless, I have hope in my heart that you are one of the rare individuals who does want to know why the Fourth of July celebrations will be happening again this year. A lot of men died more than 200 years ago so that you can have this holiday. Here are the facts from history…… –Ray

Happy 4th of July.  What’s this celebration all about? -Ray



Happy 4th of July. What"s this celebration all about? -Ray

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