Left Behind Book 3 Chapter 3 – Nicolae
“Call it a hunch, Rayford, but I put something in here just for you.”
Rayford and Earl were finished in the cockpit. He trusted Earl. He knew that if Earl thought he could fly this thing, then he could. He still was going to insist on his and his temporary first officers taking off, staging, and landing before he risked flying anyone else. It wouldn’t have bothered Rayford to crash and kill himself along with the Antichrist, but he didn’t want to be responsible for innocent lives, particularly that of his own wife.
“So, what did you do for me, Earl?”
“Just look at this,” Earl said. He pointed to the button that allowed the captain to speak to the passengers.
“Captain’s intercom,” Rayford said. “So what?”
“Reach under your seat with your left hand and run your fingers along the side edge of the bottom of your chair,” Earl said.
“I feel a button.”
“I’m a step back into the cabin now,” Earl said. “You mash the normal intercom button and make an announcement. Wait for a count of three, and then push that button under your seat. Make sure your headphones are still on.”
Rayford waited until Halliday had left and latched the cockpit door. Rayford got on the intercom. “Hello, hello, hey Earl yada yada yada.” Rayford counted silently to himself, then pushed the button under his seat. He was amazed to hear through his earphones Earl Halliday speaking in just above a whisper. “Rayford, you can tell I’m speaking in lower than even conversational tones. If I did my job right, you can hear me plain as day from all over this plane. Every one of the speakers is also a transmitter and leads back to only your headphone jack. I wired it in such a way that it is undetectable, and displaying has been gone over by Global Community’ s best bug finders. If it’s ever detected, I’ll just tell them I thought that was what they wanted.”
Rayford came hustling out of the cockpit. “Earl, you’re a genius! I’m not sure what I’ll hear, but it has to be an advantage to know what’s going on out here.”
Left Behind Book 3 Chapter 3 – Nicolae
Left Behind Book 3 Chapter 3 – Nicolae
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