Monday, June 22, 2015

What if the Supreme Court sanctions same-sex marriage?

What if the Supreme Court sanctions same-sex marriage?

From Whistleblower magazine:

Many defenders of traditional marriage – universally recognized as the fundamental institution of civilization, and ordained by God in the biblical book of Genesis – and wondered if there is an old terrier motive behind the relentless campaign to institute “same-sex marriage.”

Is it really only about winning the legal right for two people of the same gender to marry, be faithful and monogamous and raise a family? A prominent lesbian journalist, in a moment of candor, has insisted the answer is no. The ultimate aim, according to author Masha Gessen, is to diminish and eventually destroy the institution of marriage and radically redefine the “traditional family.”… “Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what were going to do with marriage once we get there,” she said.

Also from Whistleblower magazine (an article from Canada):

Supporters of same-sex marriage in the U.S. who insist legalization will have no impact on traditional marriage or the rights of religious believers would be wise to look to the country’s northern neighbors, who have 11 years of experience from which to draw some very disturbing lessons.

A study by Bradley W. Miller, an associate professor of law at the University of Western Ontario, found ominous implications for the U.S., particularly for people of faith who speak out in defense of traditional marriage or take a stand in the marketplace.

“Any statement of disagreement with same-sex civil marriage is thus considered a straightforward manifestation of hatred toward a minority sexual group,” Miller says in an analysis for the Witherspoon Institute publication Public Discourse.”

From Dr. Erwin Lutzer, the pastor of the famous Moody Bible Church in Chicago, answering the question “You’ve written a book on same-sex marriages. How would you describe it?”

Dr. Lutzer: “First and foremost, I’ve attempted to aim at redemption, not rancor. we must lower our voices in this debate, speaking with respect and dignity. We must never speak of homosexuality as if it was the one sin worthy of the eternal flames.

Second, this is a book written with the same compassion for the gay community that we should have for all who share this hurting planet. Yes, the Bible does condemn homosexuality, but it also condemns a host of other sins that are rampant in the best of our churches. If we can only shout and homosexuals across a chasm, be assured we will hear only the echo of our own voice.”

What if the Supreme Court sanctions same-sex marriage?

What if the Supreme Court sanctions same-sex marriage?

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