Monday July 13, 2015
The Bill Keith Report
News And Commentary
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Headlines Here and There Around the Nation
Black Judge Refuses to Marry Same-Sex Couple
Record 93,000 Not in Labor Force
138 Unaccompanied Children Cross Border Every Day
Army to Cut 40,000 More Troops
ISIS Crucifies Dozens for Breaking Ramadan Fast
Episcopalians Vote to Allow Same-Sex Marriages in Churches
DC Residents Want to Rename Washington, D.C.
There Are Some 200 Sanctuary Cities in 32 States
It’s Official: Latinos Now Outnumber Whites in California
Bernie Sanders: Unemployment 10.5 percent, Double What Obama Says It Is
Obama’s Phony Job Recovery
Left-wing liberals/progressives are joyfully praising the so-called “Obama Job Recovery” and talking about each month’s increased job numbers.
However, these numbers do not show how many Americans have dropped out of the job market because they can’t find jobs. Presently there are some 92 million workers who are unemployed and real employment is currently at a 38 percent low — the lowest since the days of the Carter administration, TPNN reports.
Bill O’Reilly Explains Race and Racial Political Issues: Please Watch
Jonathan Cahn: End of Christian America
Best-selling author Jonathan Cahn says that the Supreme Court ruling legalizing homosexual marriage in all 50 states marks the formal end to Christian America, World Net Daily Reports.
Cahn — author of the New York Times bestseller The Harbinger — said, “Barring a ‘miracle of God,’ the die has been cast.”
Several years ago Cahn warned that America was facing the judgment of God if it did not reject secularism and return to its Judeo-Christian roots.
Cahn also predicted that many who consider themselves “Christian” will stray away from biblical doctrine and seek to blend in with the ways of today’s culture, according to WND.
“He said the world has entered what the apostle Paul called the ‘falling away’ or the apostasy,” WND reported. “This period…will be similar to the period at the beginning of the age, when pagan Rome viciously persecuted the followers of Jesus.”
Cahn added: “But just as the early Church in the Book of Acts was marked by its ‘dynamic, revolutionary, counter-culture faith,’ the last-days remnant that refuses to conform to the decaying moral structure of modern culture will also be marked by these same dynamic characteristics.”
There Are 54 Major Changes in Obamacare
There have been 54 major changes in Obamacare, all by executive action without the approval of congress, according to Forbes Magazine.
“Many of these changes will impact your healthcare, your family and your businesses,” Forbes reported.
One of the most recent changes gave the IRS power to levy a $36,500 fine per year per employee working for any company that does not comply to the Obamacare rules.
Comment: The Obama administration is perhaps the most lawless in the history of this republic, or at least second only to that of President Andrew Jackson. The Constitution clearly states that all laws passed must go through Congress. But Obama has shown total disregard for the law as it relaes to both Obamacare and immigration, the Defense of Marriage Act (which Obama refused to enforce), drug enforcement and Sanctuary Cities which are in violation of federal immigration laws.
National Outrage: Illegal Murders California Woman
Last week, an illegal alien living in San Francisco murdered a young woman by the name of Kate Steinle who was taking a stroll on the waterfront with her father.
The alleged murderer — Juan Lopez-Sanchez — had previously been deported five times but returned to San Francisco, a sanctuary city that refuses to turn illegal aliens over to federal authorities. Hence, authorities protected Sanchez-Lopez to keep him from being deported.
This terrible murder clearly reveals the Obama administration’s failure to control the border to keep convicted felons from reentering this land.
As a matter of fact, more than 347,000 convicted criminal aliens have been turned loose into the neighborhoods of America, according to Vision to America.
Center for Immigration Studies noted in March of this year that 168, 680 convicted criminals were allowed to remain in the U. S.
Another 179,018 criminals with deportation cases pending also remained at large, Vision to America pointed out.
In 2013 the Obama administration released 36,007 criminal aliens who had nearly 88,000 convictions, Vision to America said. “Those convictions included 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, and 1,075 aggravatged assault convictions.
Comment: Illegal aliens account for 3.4 percent of the U. S. population, but they represented 36.7 percent of federal criminal convictions in 2014. But thousands are turned loose to steal, kill and destroy again.
Judge Orders Obama Officials to Appear in Court for Violation of Amnesty Injunction
A federal judge in South Texas has ordered top officials in the
Department of Homeland Security to appear in his court in Brownsville to show why they should not be held in contempt for violating his injunction against President Obama’s executive amnesty order, theDaily Caller reports.
Judge Andrew Hanen called the Obama administration’s response to his Feb. 16 injunction “unacceptable” and “unprofessional,” the Callerreported. He also stated that he is “shocked and surprised at the cavalier attitude the Government has taken” toward the injunction.
The Caller noted that the issue is the feds’ failure to explain why they issued 2,000 work permits to illegal aliens even after the judge’s injunction was in place.
Comment: At last some good news! This courageous judge is holding the Obama administration accountable for the amnesty granted to some five million illegal aliens.
Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Says Obama Is “Dead Wrong” on Global Warming
Nobel Science Laureate Dr. Ivar Giaever says President Obama is wrong on global warming, according to the Daily Caller.
“I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem,” Giaever, who won the Nobel for physics in 1973, said.
“Giaever ridiculed Obama for stating that ‘no challenge poses a greagter threat to future generations than climate change.’ The physicist called it a ‘ridiculous statement’ and that Obama ‘gets bad advice’ when it comes to global warming,” the Caller reported.
“I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong,” Giaever said.
Donald Trump on Illegal Aliens and Rape. Is it True?
Billionaire Donald Trump who last week announced his candidacy for president created a firestorm when he said that the border with Mexico should be controlled because child rapists and other criminal elements are coming into the U.S.
Although the mainstream news media — and a host of Latino activist groups — attacked him for his statement, the U. S. Border patrol supports his rapists’ claims.
According to the Patrol, thee have been 40 cases of sex abuse by illegal aliens this year and most of those involved children and minors.
On April 27, 2015, agents in Edinburg, Texas, arrested four aliens from San Salvador for crimes that included sexual assault, sodomy of a girl, sexual solicitation, indecency with a child, and possession of obscene material.
On Jan. 27, 2015, agents in Calexico, California, arrested a Mexican national convicted for attempting to have sex with a minor three-years-old.
Feb. 26, 2015, agents in Tucson, Arizona, arrested five aliens all convicted sex offenders for sexual cfrimes against minors.
Comment: Regardless of what you or I personally think of Donald Trump — and even concerning his candidacy for president — he told the truth about the illegal aliens and their criminal activity. Yet the mainstream media has no desire to hear the truth and neither do the Latino organizations. It is just not politically correct to say anything negative about illegal aliens or African Americans. You can criticize evangelical Christians — but not illegals. You can criticize Catholics — but not illegals. You can criticize conservatives — but not illegals or blacks. That’s the land we live in today.
Bill Keith: 7/13/2015 Obama"s Job Reports
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