Soul Harvest, Chapter 12
Two missing wives – Amanda and Chloe. Two husbands missing them and urgently wanting to find them. Rayford Steele is too busy to look because by Christ’s orders he is flying the fanciest plane in the world for the Antichrist (Carpathia) and reluctantly doing whatever he asks. Buck Williams, on the other hand, along with Tsion Ben Judah, are in Minneapolis and are heading for a hospital where Chloe is supposed to be. Ken Ritz has flown them there and is now driving them to the hospital. Ken is still feeling very sick from the injuries he sustained during God’s earthquake. Ray picks the story up at this point.
Rayford Steele enjoyed a hunger for the Word of God from the day he had received Christ. He found, however, that as the world began to get back to speed following the disappearances, he became busier than ever. It became increasingly difficult to spend the time he wanted to in the Bible.
His first pastor, the late Bruce Barnes, had impressed upon the Tribulation Force how important it was that they “search the Scriptures daily.” Rayford tried to get himself in that groove, but for weeks he was frustrated. He tried getting up earlier but found himself involved in so many late-night discussions and activities that wasn’t practical. He tried reading the Bible during breaks on his flights, but that caused tension between him and his various copilots and first officers.
Finally he hit upon a solution. No matter where he was in the world, regardless of what he had done during the day or evening, sometime it would be going to bed. Regardless of the location or situation, before he turned out the light, he would get his daily Bible study in.
Bruce headed first been skeptical, urging him to give God the first minutes of the day rather than the last. “You have to get up in the morning too,” Bruce had said. “Would you rather give God your freshest and most energetic moments?”
Rayford saw the wisdom in that, but when it didn’t seem to work, he went back to his own plan. Yes, he had at times fallen asleep while reading or praying, but usually he was able to stay alert, and God always showed him something.
whileSoul Harvest, Chapter 12
Soul Harvest, Chapter 12
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