Horsemen of Terror: Chapters 1 to 5 Left Behind the Kids
After fleeing New Babylon, Judd helped his girlfriend, Nada, and her brother, Kasim, unite with their family in Jerusalem. Once there, Judd was overjoyed to see the return of Mr. Stein, who told true and amazing stories of miracles God performed while he was ministering in Africa.
Judd is worried because he hasn’t heard from Nada, but he realizes why when his friend Sam returns from being questioned by the Global Community police. Sam sadly tells him Nada and her whole family have been arrested and are being held in a GC jail.
Meanwhile, Vicki, Darrion, Shelley, and Conrad, have escaped a Global Community police trap in Johnson City, Tennessee, and returned to Illinois. But believers around the country who hear about Vicki’s teaching , ask her to visit them. Finally, Vicki agrees and sets out on a cross country trip with Conrad and Shelley. Vicki continues to have great success on this trip too. Believers are inspired by her message while many others receive the mark of the true believer.
While in Arizona, Vicki shares the testimony of Buck Williams and afterword she is approached by a middle–age man who introduces himself as Buck Williams brother, Jeff Williams.
Though they knew it was risky, The Young Tribulation Force have turned the schoolhouse into a hospital for people suffering from locust stings. The locus are gone now but the kids are about to experience the worldwide appearance of the Horsemen of Terror. Don’t miss a minute of this with Ray.
Vicki Byrne stared at the man. She couldn’t believe he was actually Buck William’s brother.
“I live with my dad not far from here,” Jeff said. “We’ve tried to keep the business going, but it’s been tough.”
“Dad owns a trucking company. We bring fuel into the state, mostly from Oklahoma and Texas. At least we used to. With everything that’s happened, we’re just scraping by.”
Jeff explained that he had worked his way up in the family business and now handled the day-to-day operations. “Dad always thought Buck would come back and help us out, but he went away to school and we haven’t seen much of him since. He wasn’t here when mom died….”
As others left the house, Jeff moved toward the door. “Better get back. Nice talking to you.”
“Wait,” Vicki said. “You must have come here for a reason.”
“I heard about this church from a guy. This is only my 2nd time.”
“Do you have any other family?”
Jeff looked away and took a deep breath. “A wife and 2 children. They’re gone.”
“I’m so sorry,” Vicki said.
“My wife was picking up our kids at a retreat in the mountains. There was an accident. Her car flipped. The state police never found her body, just her clothes.”
“The night of the disappearances?”
Jeff nodded. “They found a late night snack burning on the stove and 100 sets of pajamas, but my kids were gone. I took the four-wheel-drive up there to see for myself. Then I went to the cabin where all those kids were.”
Jeff sat and put his face in his hands. “Thought it was over this. I told Dad I was finally moving on, but hearing you brought it all back.”
“What was your wife like?” Vicki asked.
“Sharon and I had our problems before the kids came along. We even split up for awhile but get back together after she got religion. She really changed. Losing her and the kids has been the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through.”
Horsemen of Terror: Chapters 1 to 5 Left Behind the Kids
Horsemen of Terror: Chapters 1 to 5 Left Behind the Kids
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