Friday, November 6, 2015

DESECRATION Chapter 1 (Left Behind)

DESECRATION Chapter 1 (Left Behind)

Rayford Steele slept fitfully and awoke tangled in a prickly woolen blanket, knees drawn to his chest and fists balled under his chin. He bolted from the cot and peered out of his tiny makeshift quarters near Mizpe Ramon in the Negev Desert.

The sun cast an eerie, orange glow, but it would soon grow harsh and yellow, shimmering off rock and sand. The thermometer would exceed 100°F by noon – another typical day in the United Carpathian States.

Engaged in the riskiest endeavor of his life, Rayford had cast his lot with God and the miracle of technology. There was no hiding a jerry–rigged airstrip on the desert floor – not from the stratospheric cameras of the Global Community. Ridiculously vulnerable, Rayford and his Ragtime team of flying rebels – having arrived by the dozens from around the globe – were at the mercy of the most audacious ruse imaginable.

His comrade in the enemy’s lair had planted evidence in the Global Community database that the massive effort at Mizpe Ramon was an exercise of the GC’s. As long as GC Security and Intelligence personnel bought the great “lie in the sky,” Rayford and his extended Tribulation Force would continue what he called Operation cop Eagle. The name was inspired by the prophecy in Revelation 12:14: “The woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.”

Dr. Tsion Ben Judah, spiritual mentor of the Tribulation Force, taught that the “woman” represented God’s chosen people; the “two wings,” land and air; “her place,” Petra – the city of stone; “a time,” one year – thus “a time and times and half a time” to be three and a half years; and the “serpent,” Antichrist.

The Tribulation Force believed that Antichrist and his minions were about to attack Israeli Christ–followers and that, when they fled, Rayford and his recruited fellow believers, would serve as agents of rescue.

DESECRATION Chapter 1 (Left Behind)

DESECRATION Chapter 1 (Left Behind)

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