Saturday, March 12, 2016

Here"s Why Riots Aimed At Donald Trump Will Continue

 Here’s Why Riots Aimed At Donald Trump Will Continue

This is Ray Mossholder.

Donald Trump is now facing the fact that the greatest threat to his campaign – is not voters who don’t vote for him, but staged riots to stop his rallies.

This afternoon, a large enthusiastic Trump rally was interrupted when a protester from the audience tried to get on stage and up close to the Republican frontrunner. As he was hauled away, he kept his middle finger pointing at the audience.

The incident took place at an airport just outside Dayton, Ohio.

Secret Service agents immediately stepped on stage and stopped the would be attacker.

You can will bet Trump’s rival candidates are doing everything they can to blame Donald Trump for all of this, including last night’s organized mob riot inside the University of Illinois. That rally had to be canceled because of the mob attack on Trump supporters.

Tuesday could be doomsday for Marco Rubio and John Kasich. The pressure to win in the states that most represent them – Florida for Senator Rubio and Ohio for Governor Kasich – are crucial to their continuing with any believability from the voters in other states. Even now, neither of them could outright win the nomination without a brokered convention.

Marco Rubio today said about the violence “This is frightening. Leadership has never been about taking people’s anger and getting them to vote for you.”

Rubio also said he is getting second thoughts about whether he could vote for Trump if Trump is the Republican nominee.

Even the candidate who most refused to enter into the food fights aimed at Trump in all twelve of the Republican debates– John Kasich – today took advantage of last night’s riot. Kasich said “Donald Trump is creating a toxic environment. I hope he’ll knock this off and stop trying to divide us.”

In evaluating statements of this kind, it is obvious that the cancellation of Donald Trump’s rally last night wasn’t the Donald’s fault. He, of course, wanted the rally to be held.

But mob violence is mob violence, and Donald Trump was forced to cancel his Chicago rally in order to try to keep his supporters safe.

Of course, the candidate who could benefit most from any negative media reports against Trump is Senator Ted Cruz. And, as always, he was the most vocal of all.

Cruz, referring to a recent Trump rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, where a 78-year-old supporter allegedly punched a 23-year-old black protester, said “Any campaign that disrespects the voters, and a campaign that encourages violence, creates an environment that encourages demonstrations. This is not going to be the last incident. This is not how our politics should occur.”

Donald Trump has said that because of the size of his rallies, he often has no idea that someone is being ushered out because of their loud or violent protest.

About this Chicago riot, Trump told Greta Van Susteren on her Fox News program last night that he had arrived in Chicago two hours earlier and about 25,000 people were trying to enter the area. He said “I don’t want to see people get hurt, so I decided to postpone the rally. What we did was intelligent; a very good decision.”

The Donald made his decision after speaking with law enforcement authorities. He later told Sean Hannity, also on Fox, “Our First Amendment rights have been violated. I have the right to speak and my supporters have a right to listen. But we did the right thing.”

Here’s how Fox News described what happened:

Hours earlier, Donald Trump supporters and opponents stood calmly in a line together waiting to get inside. Police horses and barricades kept the bulk of the demonstrators across the street.

Trump opponents were protesting what they called his divisive comments, particularly about Muslims and Mexicans.

Tensions outside rose only after news of the cancellation spread.

It is known that the protesters had planned to riot just as Donald Trump came on stage.

At one point, nearly 20 officers who had been manning barricades suddenly bolted for an intersection across a street bridge over a freeway – where protesters shouted at and jostled with police already there.

An officer was seen walking from the intersection with blood on his head. Police spokesman said later that he couldn’t provide details.

Ilya Sheyman, the executive director of, a Communist website sponsored by George Soros, and who failed in his attempt to become a member of the Illinois Congress, took credit for all the violence last night.

He has promised continued violence and disruption at Trump political events that lead up to the Republican convention in July. That convention will be held in Cleveland.

The cries of “We want Bernie! We want Bernie!” unmistakably identified who the rioters were.

Ja’Mal D Green, who is well known as Bernie Sanders often assigned representative, was a major leader in last night’s riot. He said “It was a win.”

Sheyman said when the riot ended last night “Mister Trump and the Republican leaders who support him and his hate filled rhetoric, should be on notice after tonight’s events.”

On the George Soros website, Sheyman wrote “To all of those who took to the streets of Chicago, we say thank you for standing up and saying enough is enough. To Donald Trump, and the GOP, we say, welcome to the general election.”

George Soros donated 1.46 million dollars to start the organization MoveOn. And Linda Pritzker, part of the family that owns Hyatt hotels, gave MoveOn 4 million dollars to move MoveOn forward.

And the rally cry that went up last night and will continue for as long as Donald Trump continues is “Vote 4 Trump, You get jumped.”

I’ll conclude with some of my own thoughts about this:

What happened last night that stopped the Trump rally, and the death threats he continually receives, is typical of socialist and communist governments.

It is very obvious that President Obama will do nothing to stop such riots. MoveOn consists of lobbying groups that always support Obama’s plans and policies.

Surprisingly, Hillary Clinton’s first response after midnight last night was to take the high ground. She never mentioned Donald Trump once as she said “The divisive rhetoric we’re seeing should be a grave concern to us all.

“We all have our differences, and we know many people across the country feel angry. We need to address that in together.”

Hillary then referred to the tragic massacre in Charleston, South Carolina, where nine African-American churchgoers were shot dead.

She pointed to the magnificent response of the church to the shootings and said “The families of these victims came together and melted hearts in the statehouse and the Confederate flag came down. That should be the model we strive for to overcome painful divisions in our country.”

Hillary isn’t always that nice. While campaigning she often says Trump is full of “bluster and bigotry.”

And this morning she joined the other Republican candidates in attacking Trump. She said “The ugly, divisive rhetoric we’re hearing from Donald Trump and the encouragement of violence and aggression is wrong. It is dangerous. If you play with matches, you’re going to start a fire you can’t control. That’s not leadership. That’s political arson.”

After Benghazi, no one should know more about political arson than Hillary Clinton.

And finally….Dorothy Liggett has finally graduated from high school. The 93-year-old Fairlawn, Ohio, lady was given a surprise ceremony Wednesday; the day she turned 93.

Superintendent David James of the Akron Public Schools, hand-delivered the diploma to Mrs. Liggett after her daughter wrote to James about her mother.

Superintendent James said after reading the letter “I felt terrible for the way Mrs. Liggett was treated all of those years ago and wanted to do what we could to make it up to her.

“To have invested thirteen years in school, to have been a good student and still not receive a diploma because of her being married, was simply wrong.”

When John Huston received his draft order into the United States Army Air Corps during World War II, he and Dorothy ran away to Kentucky and got married.

One day, Dorothy Liggett forgot to bring her gym clothes to school, and the coach told her to go to study hall instead.

Dorothy responded “No, I’m married. I’m going home.” The coach went to the principal of the high school and told her Dorothy was now Mrs. Huston.

The school did not allow anyone married to attend it and Dorothy was expelled.

But all was well that ended well, and Dorothy can now apply for college.

This is Ray Mossholder from the Campaign 2016 news desk of Reach More Now in Fort Worth, Texas, with this important reminder: Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 AM this Sunday. Just remember this old saying and you’ll be fine. “Spring forward, Fall backward.” Set your clocks forward one hour tonight before you go to bed and you won’t miss church or anything else in the morning. … I always aim to be helpful!

Here’s Why Riots Aimed At Donald Trump Will Continue

Here"s Why Riots Aimed At Donald Trump Will Continue

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