Thursday, March 31, 2016

Is Donald Trump In Danger?

Is Donald Trump In Danger?

This is Ray Mossholder.

Love him or hate him, any talk of assassinating Donald Trump is evil.

But stupid is as stupid does.

The headline on the front page of David Hodges’ website reads “The Trump Assassination Danger Zone Begins In September”.

He has even put a bloody picture on his front page of what Donald Trump would look like if he was shot dead.

The good thing is, most people don’t know who Dave Hodges is.

But everyone knows what the New York Times is.

That’s where columnist Ross Douthat wrote perhaps the stupidest newspaper article I’ve ever seen.

Ross was so proud of it that he tweeted afterwards “Good news guys. I figured out how the Trump campaign ends.”

And then he tweeted a link to a 1983 trailer of the 1983 movie The Dead Zone that shows an assassination attempt on a character played by actor Martin Sheen as he’s campaigning.

Thank goodness lots of Twitter followers have brains.

Douthat deleted his tweet the following day and apologized because of the huge backlash from those unfortunate enough to have read it.

For the New York Times to allow an article like that is not only totally irresponsible but incomprehensible.

Here’s a timeline:

December 2015 – Walmart puulls Rick Ross’s CD “Black Market” off its shelves after they discover Ross’s lyrics call for Trump’s assassination.

December 2015 – Social media begins to be flooded with “Assassinate Donald Trump”. It is still happening and Facebook calls it “free speech”.

March 3 – Emadeldin Elsayed, an Egyptian flight-school student goes online and threatens to kill Donald Trump. Headlines carry the story nationwide.

March 28 – (and I’m skipping a lot of other assassination threats and encouragement to kill him that has been made on the Donald) A tombstone was found in New York Central Park with Trump’s name on it.

Yesterday, March 30th, a rap song went viral on YouTube that carried the lyrics that the black group singing had a “chopper” which is an AK-47, in their trunk ready to kill Trump.

The teen in front was holding a shovel that presumably was meant to represent what they would use to bury the Republican frontrunner.

Donald Trump has been surrounded by security guards since last November. But no matter how watchful security guards are, it is tragically true that the president of the United States can be caught off guard and murdered.

And we live in the era of suicide bombers.

A beautiful day in Dallas turned into a nightmare on November 22, 1963, when President John Kennedy, riding in a convertible, was shot and killed, perhaps by more than one gun.

I watched that happen live on television. It was ghastly.

But John Kennedy wasn’t the first president to be assassinated while in office.

Abraham Lincoln, while serving as our sixteenth president, died at Ford’s Theater in Washington DC at the hand of actor John Wilkes Booth.

James Garfield, our twentieth president, was murdered less than four months after he took office. He spent another three months in the hospital before he died of his wounds.

Garfield’s killer was his speechwriter, Charles J Guiteau. Guiteau was subsequently hung two days before the first anniversary of the shooting.

William McKinley, our twenty-fifth president, died at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York, while attending the Pan-American Exposition.

McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist. He actually shot McKinley twice.

The first bullet actually ricocheted off either a button or an award medal on McKinley’s jacket and lodged in his sleeve.

But the second shot went straight into his stomach.

In fact, there have been more than twenty assassination attempts among 44 presidents.

Those presidents include Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.

Add to that the fact that George Washington was bled to death by his doctor; Zachary Taylor died of arsenic poisoning; and Warren G Harding also died of poisoning, perhaps at the hands of his wife.

So now I’m going to ask a no-brainer.

Can any person who is campaigning for president be assassinated?

Of course they can.

On June 5th, 1968, I had a bad case of the flu. So bad that I had to leave for home early from KEAR-fm in San Francisco where I was the news director.

When I got home, in spite of the flu, my wife and I watched Bobby Kennedy give a campaign speech.

I was still weaker and so I headed off for bed.

No sooner had I gotten into bed that my wife said “You’ve got to go back to the radio station. Bobby Kennedy has just been assassinated!”

I couldn’t believe it. I had just watched him speak.

I spent that fluish night updating his assassination every hour.

I’m convinced that had he not been assassinated, Robert Kennedy would have been elected president of the United States.

Until that awful night, Robert Kennedy had won every state that had already voted, including California.

It was directly following his victory speech in California that he was murdered.

With Bobby Kennedy gone, Richard Nixon became president of the United States instead.

On May 15th, 1972, in a campaign rally at the Laurel Shopping Center in Laurel, Maryland, former segregationist and Governor of Alabama, George Wallace was shot five times by a man who thought that would make him famous.

Wallace wasn’t killed but the bullets lodged in his spinal column left him paralyzed and in constant pain for the rest of his life.

That happened during his fourth attempt to be president. George Wallace was the frontrunner in the Democratic race at the time of his shooting.

Many millions of dollars are being spent to kill the campaign success of Donald Trump.

Everyone from Communist billionaire George Soros and Bill Ayers to the Republican Party elites, no matter who American voters want, there is a large gang of ooberr-rich people who wants to stop Trump because they know they can’t ever control him.

I can only urge you not to drink their Kool-Aid.

Let’s take a hard look at the complaints being made about Donald Trump and his campaign.

Donald Trump has a HUGE mouth that is full of insults, verbal attacks, and disgusting slurs. And what he doesn’t say verbally, he tweets.

I’ll give you that for a minute. But only for a minute.

The news media has been saying whatever it has wanted to say nonstop for many years.

So have our movies and are television.

The most-watched YouTube channels on Earth are channels that say whatever they want, no matter how crude, no matter how rude, and no matter how disgusting.

If I remember right, there’s something called the First Amendment that allows that in America.

So along comes Donald Trump. He says what he believes and what millions and millions of Americans believe. It’s refreshing.

And I’ve done a great deal of research before saying this.

If there is an American that is misquoted and lied about more than Donald Trump, I don’t know who he or she would be.

Yes, the things he says are often not politically correct. Hurray! Political correctness stifles learning because of the thought police.

Our universities are teaching its students what is right and what is wrong. And God help the students who try to disagree.

When five-year-olds are sent home from school because they playfully reshape their graham cracker to look like a gun that goes bang bang,

When boys and girls are told they aren’t necessarily boys and girls, they might be girls who are built like boys or boys who are built like girls,

When New York hospitals no longer list whether a child is male or female but instead ask their parents which they want it to be,

Etc. etc. etc.

It isn’t Donald Trump who bothers me, but those who enforce their Brave New World beliefs on everyone.

Remember when Ted Cruz said that Donald Trump was full of “New York values”? He is.

New Yorkers say things like “I’d like to punch him in the mouth!”

If you’re from some other state, you might not understand how that would be acceptable language for a president.

But it’s honest. It’s not spoken by someone who draws lines in the sand and then does nothing about what they swear they’ll do.

Donald Trump won’t need a Teleprompter. He’ll speak for himself.

The ones who complain that he is crude and rude also say that he is cruel and vindictive.

They point out that time he said John McCain is not a hero in his eyes.

But remarks about their Senator sure didn’t seem to bother Arizona. Trump won in that state by a landslide.

If you want someone who can be controlled by the same–old same–old political elites, don’t vote for Donald Trump.

Millions upon millions of voters have been applauding him with their votes in primaries and caucuses.

And if you really want to avoid hearing what’s crude or rude, sell your TV set and never go to another movie.

He is PG-13 at most, not R-rated.

To me, he is a new stranger in town that America has desperately needed – a walking talking can of aroma-therapy.

Am I telling you to vote for Donald Trump?

Am I telling you Donald Trump will make a great president?

The answer is no on both counts.

I don’t know what kind of president he would be.

But I don’t know what kind of a president Ted Cruz would be either.

I DO know John Kasich would be under the control of the good old boys of the Republican Party.

And unless you hate America, neither Hillary Clinton nor Bernie Sanders should get your vote.

Either one of them would bankrupt America. Hillary by robbing us blind and lying to us constantly.

And Bernie like Robin Hood, bankrupting whoever he considers to have too much money so that he can look like Santa Claus to the one percenters.

You would be caught in the middle and under either Hillary, who wants to keep doing what Barack Obama is doing, or smiling grandpa Bernie,

the land that I love will very soon turn into a third class country.

Finally, are you waking up to the fact that it’s the Party bosses and the delegates at the conventions, not you, who will choose the next president of the United States, no matter who you voted for?

That is, unless the person you vote for wins on the very first ballot.

So, as Hillary would say – “Vote for me and vote often!”

Is this the most unusual campaign season America has ever seen? No, it isn’t.

With the candidates involved are among the most unusual.

Not one of the five isn’t without strong enemies as well as strong supporters.

But only Donald Trump has the oober-rich spending many millions of dollars to stop him.

It is always most fun to shoot at a moving target.

All of the candidates to some degree are in danger because they’re running.

And all of America is in danger if the wrong candidate wins.

This is Ray Mossholder from the studio news desk of Reach More Now in Fort Worth, Texas. Stay safe.

Is Donald Trump In Danger?

Is Donald Trump In Danger?

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