Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Should Hillary Clinton Be Indicted? – Ray

Should Hillary Clinton Be Indicted?

This is Ray Mossholder.

Hillary Clinton said one year ago today that she had no classified information in any of her emails, and that all her Secretary of State-related emails had already been turned over to the FBI.

A couple of weeks later, David Kendall, Hillary’s attack lawyer, wrote a letter to a Representative you might not have heard of before then – Trey Gowdy – saying that all issues concerning her server were over because it had been wiped clean.

Shortly after that, David Kendall wrote another letter – to a House investigative committee, headed by Trey Gowdy, repeating that there were no more emails from Hillary’s “tenure as Secretary of State on the server for any review, even if such review were appropriate or legally authorized.”

In that letter, Kendall went on to say there was nothing that Hillary did that was worth investigating – in other words, her lawyer was saying that any supposed scandal related Hillary’s emails was much ado about nothing.

Kendall continued by stating what Hillary had done was “not an arrangement that is unprecedented or unique, but was a normal procedure carried out by tens of thousands of agency officials and employees in the ordinary course of their duties.”

Very soon, much of the media began to brand what was happening in the House investigation was nothing but a Republican witch hunt – a totally vicious attempt to throw a Republican pile of dirt on Hillary’s campaign for president.

Of course, Hillary’s lawyer doesn’t lie anymore than Hillary does. But what a difference a year makes!

What David Kendall wrote to the House investigative committee has proven to be totally false.

The problem seems to have started with a BlackBerry – something of her own that she wanted to keep and use so that she could manage the massive amount of email she received every day from everyone from supporters to colleagues to her personal friends.

It was her first day in office as Secretary of State and she told the Diplomatic Security Bureau of her desire.

They said no. They were concerned about hackers in foreign intelligence services that could easily find a way to hack her phone, and once hacked, could listen to all her calls.

But Hillary’s aides, the closest to her being Cheryl Mills and Huma Abrdeen, were and still are BlackBerry addicts. They tried every way they knew to fulfill their boss’s request.

As you’ve probably seen on television, an angry Hillary Clinton is not a pretty sight.

On February 17, 2009, Security Bureau members, technology specialists and national intelligence representatives met with Hillary to discuss how they could at all accommodate her.

Donald Reid, the Bureau’s senior coordinator for security infrastructure explained “The issue here is one of personal comfort for Hillary”.

No conclusion satisfied Hillary that day and the legal ban continued on her BlackBerry. Hillary, nevertheless continued to use it.

The server connected with her BlackBerry was in the basement of her home. It was totally vulnerable.

It was, surprisingly, The New York Times that broke the story about Mrs. Clinton’s email usage a year ago.

Almost immediately, the Associated Press exposed the use of her server.

From that time on, it is been all over the media.

There are several lawsuits from private groups against Hillary for violation of the Freedom of Information Act.

Hillary Clinton’s emails were not private at all.

The moment that was realized, the FBI became involved. In July of 2015, they recovered all but thirty thousand of her emails and then discovered a huge amount of classified material on Hillary’s “homebrew” server.

They recognized immediately that the way she had used her server had no precedent, was absolutely unique and had put many lives in stark danger.

All through the FBI investigation, Hillary Clinton has declared herself innocent of all wrongdoing.

In fact, Hillary points to her years as Secretary of State with pride and declares she has the whole world in her hands.

That just might be true. Considering the many millions of dollars our enemy nations have sent to the Clinton Foundation, she seems very much in touch with the whole world.

The biggest thing voters should think through is if they think those running for president who receive money from lobbyists know that they owe the lobbyists something big in return when they get into office, how much more does Hillary Clinton owe those same enemy countries of ours?

Nevertheless, have you been wondering, like I have, if Hillary Clinton is going to be indicted for her mishandling of emails while she was Secretary of State?

Well, this week I’ve done more than wonder. I’ve spent many hours doing research on everything that has unraveled so far with computergate that you, as a voter choosing the next president of the United States, should be fully made aware of.

The question I intend to answer because of what I’ve found is: “Should Hillary Clinton be indicted?”

Phrased another way “Should Hillary Clinton be elected to the highest leadership role in the world for the next four years as President of the United States?”

It is just possible Barack Obama was looking for a basketball player who would make a good challenge for him on the court. James Comey is 6 foot 8.

President Obama knew James Comey had also given a lot of money to John McCain and Mitt Romney in their separate failed bids to be president.

Part of the reason for that is that Comey is rich. Still another big reason for that is that James Comey is a Republican – a dyed in the wool Republican.

So why would President Obama appoint a dedicated Republican as the director of the FBI if it wasn’t that Barack wanted to improve his basketball skills?

Our president may have wanted him on the basketball court, but didn’t he know that James Comey might take Hillary Clinton to a court of Justice?

It was in 1913 that President Obama appointed James Comey to office. It goes without saying that being the Director of the Federal Bureau of investigation is a highly vital as well as prestigious position.

Comey’s assignment was well-deserved. He has been a tremendously successful prosecutor who is famous for bringing down high profile individuals for obstruction of justice and lying to the FBI.

James Comey has been doing that for more than forty years. His current focus of investigation is Hillary Clinton.

On January 22, 2009, one day after she became Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton signed what is called a “Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement”.

That agreement outlined criminal penalties and blocked any future government emails from “any unauthorized disclosure” of classified information.

To make it even clearer, every official email Hillary handled as Secretary of State was to be Top Secret.

Almost any American knows the name “Benghazi.”

On the very significant day of September 11th in 2012, only a few weeks before President Obama was elected for a second four years in office, a highly coordinated terrorist attack was launched against America’s Embassy compound in Benghazi, Libya.

The terrorists that night tortured and murdered our United States Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens. They also killed Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, plus two CIA contractors, Tyrone Woods and Glenn Doherty.

Only a few hours after their murders, Hillary sent a note from her personal, unclassified email server to her daughter Chelsea. It read “two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Qaeda like group.”

On the night of the murders, Hillary Clinton said directly to Libya’s president “Ansar as-Sharia is claiming responsibility.”

Although extremely clear videos of the attackers were shot while the terrorists burned our embassy down, only one man has ever been arrested for the attacks. He is Ahmed Abu Khatallah, al-Queda’s senior leader in Benghazi.

But Hillary, nor anyone else in the Obama administration, then told America what she told Chelsea, that an organized “Al Qaeda-like group” had been responsible for the four men being murdered.

Instead, a spin was put on the whole massacre in order to keep President Obama looking strong, since he and Joe Biden had been constantly boasting during their second campaign that they had Al Queda, and all the other groups like them, on the run. So, the Obama administration were all taught to tell the same lie. Namely, that a bunch of wild Libyans had been angered by a YouTube video that they belived dishonored Mohammed and so they attacked our Embassy compound and killed our four men.

That was what everybody who surrounded the highest office in the land was told to tell America.

And President Obama was reelected.

The private email Hillary sent Chelsea on her personal unclassified email server about the terrorists sat silently on her computer for several years.

Just a very few months into Obama’s second term, James Comey was appointed Director of the FBI.

Republicans were delighted to confirm one of their own to hold that high office.

Comey took to his job like a duck to water.

His track record is amazing. James Comey began his career as the Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division of the US Attorneys office for the Southern District of New York.

In that distinguished role, among other notable victories, he helped prosecute the Mafia kingpins – the Gambino family.

In 2003, Comey led the Department of Justice in convicting Martha Stewart for obstruction of justice and she did prison time.

He told told the New York Times “This criminal case is about lying – lying to the FBI, lying to the Security Exchange Commission and lying to investors. He said “Martha Stewart is being prosecuted not for who she is, but because of what she did.”

As I’m speaking, Hillary Clinton could at any moment be indicted by the FBI for releasing Top Secret classified information which the federal government defines as “information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.”

Any disclosure of Top Secret information is a serious criminal matter that would cause normal Americans to face prosecution and substantial jail time for perpetrating – putting national security in jeopardy, putting many lives in grave danger, and lying to the FBI.

That’s exactly what former four-star General David Petraeus, a distinguished hero in Aghanistan, was charged with when he “leaked” classified information to his mistress and biographer. For that, Petraeus was stripped of his four stars, put on 2 years probation and fined a hundred thousand dollars.

Twenty-two of Hillary’s emails included “operational intelligence” that involves espionage sources and methods. and that lives have been put at risk by Hillary’s mishandling of this information.

More and more classified Top Secret information has been retrieved from Hillary’s bathroom server – information that Hillary denied was on any of her servers at all.

Most countries with any power have spies. America is no exception. Every country with spies in other countries does everything they can to keep those spies from being found out.

But Hillary ignored doing that. Her emails included the true names of undercover Central Intelligence officers.

Worse, if things could be worse than that, Hillary exposed names of people working closely with the CIA, but not part of its paid staff. The danger she put them in can’t be overstated. And every time she did it as our Secretary of State she was in total violation of United States Federal Law.

Jack Kiriakou, a former CIA officer, was recently released from two years in prison for his disclosure of classified information which, in part, exposed the name of an Agency colleague who was working undercover.

If Hillary is indicted, it won’t be for who she is, but because of what she did.

CIA officials have said Hillary’s emails also included the names of foreigners who are on the CIA payroll.

About this, a senior Intelligence Community official said “It’s a death sentence. If we’re lucky, only agents, not our officers, will get killed because of this.”

You know, it makes me scratch my head and wonder, how any person who did that, whether they were running for president or not, could use the fact that they were Secretary of State as proof that they know how to do things overseas or at home.

At the very least from what she’s done, Hillary Clinton has blown the cover of many undercover agents overseas, careers have been threatened, and she has made many American secret agents and foreigners working with them absolute targets for the terrorists.

I’m asking you whether you are Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Independent, is the person who did these things the person you really want in office as the next president of the United States?

It is possible that America is about to see another Watergate kind of showdown.

If the Department of Justice Attorney General Loretta Lynch overrules an FBI recommendation to indict the Democratic frontrunner, a “new Watergate” certainly could erupt that would give Hillary Clinton the strong possibility of doing time.

And knowing what we all know about Hillary’s kind of “What difference does it make?” attitude, she won’t go gently into the night.

Joseph DiJenova, formerly the District of Columbia’s United States Attorney has said “The FBI is going to make a recommendation that people be charged and then Loretta Lynch is going to have to make the decision of a lifetime.…

I believe that the evidence the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless Lynch agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an Attorney General. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable.”

When the Watergate scandal broke on October 20, 1973, Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, Attorney General Elliott Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus resigned in protest, thoroughly disgusted with the lies President Nixon had been telling to keep the break-in secret.

There is absolutely no doubt that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a BlackBerry as her private email account and a home–brew server that she kept in her New York basement so that she could conduct official business while serving as America’s chief diplomat between 2009 and 2013.

Several, not just one, of her closest aides also used Hillary’s private server. Federal laws forbid this, but the laws were completely ignored.

The federal law requires government officials to strictly use government computers and government email accounts when conducting official business.

Hillary knew that and had sworn to agree with it.

Further, federal law demands that all government officials carefully, and in total privacy, preserve all official business.

When the discovery concerning Hillary’s emails came to light, Hillary absolutely denied that she had handled classified information on her computer.

But this immediately proved to be a lie.

In fact, more than a thousand of her emails were soon found to be classified.

That number is significant because as a Secretary of State who previously had had 25 years or more of handling classified emails, she knew what she was doing and that it was fully against the law.

In 2009, Hillary signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement that in part states “Sensitive Compartmented information that involves or derives from intelligence sources or methods that is classified or is involved in a classification determination…”

The truth is that Hillary Clinton and several of her closest aides read information “derived from intelligence sources or methods” nearly every day.

Another statement in the document she signed in 2009 reads “Nothing in this agreement constitutes a waiver by the United States of the right to prosecute me for any statutory violations.”

In short, Hillary Clinton is is far more guilty than Martha Stewart or David Patreus ever was.

Hillary, not Martha, carelessly put many human lives in grave danger because she has always lived beyond the law and didn’t care.

You may believe that I have been extremely harsh with this report. But not only do you need to know these things when you are voting, but they can all be proven without a shadow of a doubt.

And remember: Hillary successfully annihilated 30,000 emails the CIA or no one else will ever have access to.

One frustrated and furious Pentagon counterintelligence official said “everybody is mad as hell right now. The worst part is that Moscow and Beijing have that information, but the United States Intelligence Community maybe never will.”

So, will Hillary Clinton be indicted for what she’s done, knowing that she should be?

Well, remember that former President Clinton and Hillary are both very shrewd lawyers, and that Hillary is running for the highest office in the land. Both the Clinton’s have always lived way beyond the law.

As Bill famously said in defense of himself during his unsuccessful impeachment “It depends on what the word is is”.

This is Ray Mossholder at the Special Report news desk in Fort Worth, Texas. I’ll be back with more of Campaign 2016 soon.

Should Hillary Clinton Be Indicted?

Should Hillary Clinton Be Indicted? – Ray

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