Monday, March 21, 2016

Why Do People Hate Donald Trump?

Why Do People Hate Donald Trump?\

This is Ray Mossholder.

Marco Rubio is not a presidential candidate any longer.

The brutal fact for him is that the majority of Floridians have made their voice known at the ballot box. They want Donald Trump as their president.

Hold your nose or wiggle your toes, most of America so far in the 2016 Republican campaign like and want it to be Donald Trump who replaces Barack Obama.

Unbelievably, the Republican elites who have controlled the Republican Party for decades, instead of being delighted and fully backing the Republican frontrunner, are spending millions of dollars trying to stop him.

John Kasich has absolutely no way that he could gain enough delegates to be nominated on the first ballot at the July Republican Convention in Cleveland.

Kasich is a moderate who leans left. He is for now the Republican elites poster boy.

Ah, but the Karl Rove-ites are hoping against hope that no one will win on the first ballot. And the second ballot or tenth is automatically, according to the rules they play by, oli oli oxen free free free!

After the delegates have voted their state’s will for the highest office in the land, on the second ballot they can vote for whoever they want to – John Kasich, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, or you name it.

At the time of the second ballot or any further ballots, America’s voters will not decide who will be president. The delegates will.

And the Republican elites who control the Republican Party, have left John Kasich in the marathon even though legitimately at this point it should only be a two-man race.

Ted Cruz would have to win 80% of all of the state delegates in the coming states that have not yet voted.

There is no doubt he may win some of that many, but it would be a miracle if he won 80% or more.

All the polls say Ted Cruz will win Utah on Tuesday. And all the polls say Donald Trump will win Arizona.

Any vote that takes even one vote away from Ted Cruz, will hurt his chances, however slim even now, to reach his 80% goal.

And that’s why the Republican good old boys have left Kasich in the race. They believe Kasich can garner enough votes in the remaining states to stop America’s top two favorites – Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

The direct answer to why they are doing this to Ted Cruz instead of getting behind him is because no one in the Senate likes Ted’s personality.

He is arrogant, a legalistic constitutionalist, and a professed Christian. And the elites don’t like him.

I would also add that Ted Cruz confuses me because, Christian or not, he has injected highly dishonest tactics in his attempt to win.

Doctor Ben Carson was the first that I know of to find Ted underhanded. Voters who received Robocalls all over Iowa saying that Ben was about to suspend his campaign and that the one called should vote for Cruz so their vote would count, never knew better until after they’d voted. Cruz won in Iowa, but how many of his votes were because of this dirty trick. And it didn’t stop there.

Cruz and his campaign staff did television ads in Nevada with a phony photoshopped picture of Marco Rubio looking adoringly at President Obama while the president looked back at him as if to say “You’re a fool.” That must have been believed by many Nevada viewers who never learned otherwise until after they had cast their vote

Those in charge of the Republican Party never blinked over these crooked things Cruz did.

Had there been a different candidate, one not running against Donald Trump, he would undoubtedly have been called to attention by them for such dishonest actions. But they’re not about to say anything to help Trump in this election cycle.

However it is exactly the crooked paths of Ted Cruz that confuses me about his Christian testimony.

How far are the Republican kingpins willing to go? Mitt Romney should be enough to show you.

Mitt has made Robocalls in state after state telling anyone who would listen to vote for Kasich and absolutely not for Donald Trump.

Is it any wonder that Utah plans to follow their Mormon leader and not vote for the Donald on Tuesday?

And the Republican elites continue to tell the media how violent a man Donald Trump is, in spite of the fact that it is really those who want to stop him by creating most these dustups who are the violent. Not Trump.

Whose violence stopped the Trump rally in Chicago that at least 20,000 people wanted to attend? It certainly wasn’t Trump.

It is dirty politics at its worst. And it is being performed before your eyes by relatively a handful of men and women who believe they know far better than the rest of us, you and I, do about who should be our next president.

Several of them have gone so far as to say that they would cross party lines and vote for Hillary Clinton, if America chooses Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton, who strongly threatens America with a track record of failed leadership.

Scandal-ridden, full of wicked decisions that have cost many lives, and at this very moment under investigation by the FBI; her presidency, she promises, will complete the job that Barack Obama has been pursuing into his eighth year as president.

What does that mean, since Obama has done everything he could to turn America into the third class nation he believes it should be.

Hillary has vowed to continue Obama’s legacy.

So why would any Republican leader say that they would vote for a person with Hillary’s baggage rather than for Trump?

It’s because if Donald Trump becomes president he won’t owe them a penny, and he is the only candidate who can refuse, as president, to come under their control.

He has paid his own way and not drained any money from us, the taxpayers, in order to help prove how serious he is about wanting to make America great again.

America, as much as I love it, has become far less great under the power of our current president .

He has weakened us severely in the eyes of foreign leadership all over the world and their people with his speeches and personal conversations with leadership in country after country apologizing for the American way…

Making a treaty with Iran that at any time may come back to bite our nation HARD.

Creating division with Israel and favoring all Muslims while belittling Christians and Christianity.

Other powerful nations laugh at our president, calling him “Draw a line in the sand Obama”.

Always leading from behind, he impresses only organizations and the people who flock to them like MoveOn, Black Life Matters, Anonymous, the Socialists, the Communists, far leaning leftists, and other radical organizations and people who are in line with these groups who seek to take all power away from America and end all vestiges of democracy.

Our president has weakened us severely at home, spending money as if we had an ocean full of it – spending more money than all of our former Presidents from George Washington to George W. Bush COMBINED. And your children and grandchildren will pay heavily for it. So will you. So will I.

Our president has divided America into sides forever angry with each other. He leans heavily on the truth that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and either can a nation.

And the Republican elites would far rather vote for Hillary and help her continue that goal rather than lose their precious power to control presidents in office and our nations biggest decisions.

They believe they know so much better about these things than you and I do; that Americans do.

Don’t blame only Hillary and Bernie for what they are doing, because the Karl Rove-ites are every bit as much to blame.

Either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz would make a far better president than Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

And because America right now it is $19 trillion in debt and that debt keeps growing by the second, I believe we need a man who has already dealt wisely with billions of dollars. Donald Trump is that man.

This is the first of the commentaries I will be doing until I’m not  able to do them any further.

This is Ray Mossholder from the Reach More Now news desk in Fort Worth, Texas. I hope you’ll join me for my next edition.

Why Do People Hate Donald Trump?

Why Do People Hate Donald Trump?

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