The Bill Keith Report
News And Commentary
August 8, 2014
Greetings to our readers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 59 foreign countries.
If you believe the information in this edition of The Report is worthwhile, please pass it on to your friends and contact your congressional representatives about the issues.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Update: U.S. Government sends Illegal Children to Hawaii, Alaska, Virgin Islands
A number of unaccompanied minors who entered the U. S. illegally have been relocated and released in states and countries where most Americans could never afford to take their families on vacations — Virgin Islands, Hawaii and Alaska, according to Breitbart News.
More than 30,000 unaccompanied minors have been set free in Texas, Virginia, California, Massachusetts, Arizona and other states; some were set free in the far-away locations.
“It is unclear why the…minors would be released on the Virgin Islands. It takes more than five hours to fly there from McAllen, a border city in South Texas,” Breitbart points out. “That is a significantly longer trip than the flight to Central America, where almost all of the minors are migrating from.”
The news agency also says that money appears to be no object for the federal government “with regards to flying illegal immigrants to cities across the U.S. The Department of Homeland Security has requested $87 million to provide transportation for the immigrants who are most often flown via charter planes.”
Comment: So the insanity continues — with taxpayer money. While a vast majority of Americans want the children sent home, DHS is spending millions getting them settled in the U.S. Question: If the government can fly these children as far away as Alaska, Hawaii or the Virgin Islands, why can’t they fly them home?
Seventy Percent of Americans Say: No More Illegals
Seventy percent of the American people believe illegal aliens threaten traditional U. S. beliefs, culture and economy, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.
It’s clear that WE THE PEOPLE want to stop the hordes of illegals coming into this land and we want it stopped now.
“The findings suggest immigration could join Obamacare — the healthcare insurance overhaul — and the economy – - as hot button issues that encourage more Republicans to vote in November’s congressional election,” the Reuters News Agency said.
The poll also revealed that a vast majority of the people oppose further amnesty by the President or by Congress.
Comment: This current polling data is crystal clear that the American people are fed up with our government and its failure to control our border with Mexico. However, as usual, nobody in Washington — the President, Congress, the Supreme Court — listens to the people anymore.
Obama’s Amnesty: Disastrous to Blacks?
A black leader says President Obama’s plan to legalize millions of immigrants would be “disastrous” to African-American job seekers, the Washington Examiner reports.
“President Obama’s much-rumored executive order granting legal status to potentially millions of immigrants will be…a slap in the face to others proceeding through the tedious legal immigration process,” said Peter Kirsanow, a black commissioner on the 8-member U. S. Commission on Civil Rights. He also pointed out that “giving legal status to undocumented workers will pave the way for them to take the few jobs that blacks, especially African-American men, need.”
In a letter to the President, he said, “I write to remind you of the disastrous effect of illegal immigration on the employment of all Americans, but particularly black Americans.”
He also wrote: “Any grant of legal status will serve as a magnet to (millions more) illegal immigrants and further depress employment opportunities and wages for African Americans…the timing for such a grant of legal status could not be worse.”
There have been reports that the President will grant legal status or some form of amnesty to as many as five million illegals, including the 250,000 youth expected to cross the border by next year, according to the Examiner.
Comment: President Obama is the most paradoxical President in my lifetime. Here is the crux of the paradox: he wants to legalize as many illegals as possible hoping to insure the dominance of the democratic party far into the future. He knows the vast majority of them will vote democrat. However, his amnesty faces overwhelming opposition by the majority of the American people. And if he grants amnesty, that majority will speak loud and clear in the November mid-term elections less than three months away, turn against democrats in vast numbers and Obama will become a lame duck President. Hence the paradox.
Eye Opener: The Real Cost of Illegal Immigration
How much does it cost the American taxpayer to take care of illegals in this country? It’s billions of dollars a year.
Here are some of the basic programs along with the cost for each:
$11 billion to $22 billion a year on welfare for illegals spent by state governments.
$2.2 billion a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC and free school lunches.
$2.5 billion a year is spent on Medicaid.
$12 billion a year on primary and secondary education for children here illegally, many who can’t speak any English.
$17 billion a year on education for the American-born children of illegal parents, known as anchor babies.
$3 million a day spent to incarcerate illegals. About 30 percent of all federal prison inmates are illegals.
$90 billion a year spent for welfare and social services.
Comment: I have verification for all of the above statistics and will be glad to provide them to Report readers upon request.
Each year, illegals send home, primarily to Mexico, about $45 billion from wages earned in the U.S.
The dark side of illegal immigration is that the illegals have committed nearly one million sex crimes in the U.S.
Question: Are WE THE PEOPLE that stupid to allow the President and Congress to get by with this year after year — and we pay the bill?
The U. S. Military: Massive Budget Cuts
With a national debt of $17.5 trillion and expected to reach $20 trillion by the end of the Obama presidency, it’s interesting that the only cutbacks the President supports are aimed at the military.
Most Americans have short memories. President Jimmy Carter gutted the military and it had to be rebuilt by President Ronald Reagan. To a lesser degree, President Bill Clinton reduced the military. It was rebuilt by President George W. Bush.
However, President Obama plans to make devastating cuts that will take us back to pre-World War II military strength.
U. S. News and World Report says the budget cuts will redefine our military. Some 80,000 soldiers will be cut, 10,000 marines and certain navy and air force programs.
“Among the most drastic proposed changes is a massive slash to the total number of active-duty ground troops…” the magazine reported. “The number of Army soldiers would fall from 520,000 to 440,000 — a level that is unseen since the end of World War II…”
Comment: President Ronald Reagan believed in “peace through strength” and it worked very well during his eight years in office. But does the present administration believe in “peace through weakness?”
With China’s 2.2-million-man army (with 800,000 reserves) and Russia with 766 thousand (with two million in reserve), is now the time for the U.S. to emasculate our military?
Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and Evolution
Most honest scientists know that the evolutionary theory is nothing more than a metaphysical research program. They also know it is pure speculation and the evolutionary hypothesis must be accepted by faith.
However, educators in most of our universities teach evolution as proven fact. Hence, any professors who do not follow that spurious mantra are usually fired, demoted, or denied graduate degrees.
Such is the case of Mark Armitage, a lab tech at the California State University at Northridge. He claims university officials fired him because he believes in Intelligent Design and other scientific evidences that point to creation and questions the theory of evolution.
According to a recent lawsuit against the University, Armitage — an evangelical Christian – says he was fired because of his creationist views.
Fox News reported that earlier he was lauded by his colleagues and the scientific community when he discovered the largest triceratops horn ever recovered from the world-famous Hell Creek Formation in Glendive, Montana.
“Upon further examination of the fossils under a high-powered microscope, Armitage made a stunning find — soft tissue inside the triceratops horn with bone cells…that looked alive,” Fox reported.
Scientists who study dinosaurs have generally believed that triceratops existed about 68 million years ago, Fox pointed out. However, Armitage’s findings challenge that belief. “He argued the triceratops must be much younger or else those cells would have ‘decayed into nothingness,’ according to the…lawsuit.”
Comment: Here is further proof that the earth is not as old as some scientists would have us believe. Some time ago a scientist doing research in the Paluxy River bottom south of Fort Worth, Texas, discovered dinosaur footprints and human footprints in the same rock strata. Other scientists acknowledged the footprints, but said there must be some explanation for the dinosaurs existed millions of years before man. So they keep hoping we will believe in the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus — and evolution.
Is Our Democracy in Peril?
In 1887, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about Democracy: “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time the voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.
“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.”
Some Interesting Fact About the Last Presidential Election
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, gives us some interesting insight into the 2013 presidential election.
Number of states won by Obama, 19, Romney 29.
Square miles of land won by Obama, 580,000, Romney 2,427,000.
Population of counties won by Obama, 127 million, Romney 143 million.
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in countries won by Obama, 13.2, Romney 2.1.
“In aggregate, the map of the territory Romney won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country,” the professor said.
“Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare.”
Global Warming Fabricated by NASA, NOAA?
Scientists at two of the world’s best known climate centers — NASA and NOAA — have been caught manipulating temperature data to overstate the extent of “global warming,” according to Vision to America.
“The evidence of their tinkering can clearly be seen at Real Science, where… a series of graphs… show ‘climate change’ before and after the adjustments,” Vision reported. “When the raw data is used, there is little if any evidence of global warming and some evidence of global cooling. However, once the data has been adjusted — i.e. fabricated by (NASA, NOAA) computer models…’global warming’ suddenly looks much more dramatic.”
Comment: This is patently dishonest and the American people deserve a lot better. These leaders in NASA and NOAA are parroting the spurious mantra of the environmentalists, progressives in government and the Obama administration.
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