Sunday, August 10, 2014


A free service of Jesus Christ is Lord Ministries

News written and delivered by Ray Mossholder

Sunday August 10, 2014

Hello America. Hello world.

From the headquarters of in Fort Worth, Texas, this is Ray Mossholder and this is the news………

Before I actually begin sharing the news today, I want to begin by thanking you for your comments at the end of my newscasts. Several of you have said that I sound like a man who I will forever admire. I couldn’t have a more profound compliment them to be compared with the one and only Paul Harvey.

The truth is, when I began doing the news as the news director of KEAR–FM in San Francisco in late 1966, I had never heard Paul Harvey and his news style of delivery. But immediately people were writing in to say that I sounded very much like him. In fact, when I later did happen across his remarkable program, I not only became an instant fan, but I recognized that this giant of delivery did sound somewhat like me, only he was far far better at it than I have ever been.

You might say that as I kept listening to his broadcasts, he was my mentor, though we never met. I think it must be because he has been gone from this planet for many years, you’ve forgotten exactly how they sounded hello America hello world and I’ve come along to remind you of him. Thanks again.

Well, the truth is finally out about the Ebola virus and it isn’t pretty. If you’re an American who has thought Ebola was limited to West Africa, it isn’t. I will try to break this to you gently but I want to be thorough so that you know what is really happening.

Ebola is a virus that kills over half of the people infected, and a disease with no known cure. The virus is rapidly spreading in West Africa. Nigeria is the latest to feel it’s wrath, and Saudi Arabia too. Doctors Without Borders says the virus is completely out of control. More than one hundred health workers have now died while treating the disease in others. That’s in spite of the fact that health workers are now using every precaution, including what they wear when treating patients, and still they die.

Right now the Ebola virus is killing half of those who receive it, but knowledgeable doctors regarding this disease say that it could, in days to come, kill 90%. The Worldwide Health Organization has declared a worldwide crisis alert for Ebola virus.

Symptoms come on gradually. Anyone who carries the virus is almost always unaware of it for the first week to three weeks.

For the very first time, the Ebola virus has been brought – on purpose – to the United States and is no longer just a threat to West Africa. As journalist Paul Craig Roberts put it recently, “One cough, one sneeze, or one drop of saliva, and the virus is loose.”

There are other strains of Ebola. But the Ebola virus spreading now is one doctors have never seen before and have known nothing about.

The two Christian health workers who are now in Emory University Hospital in Atlanta after being flown from Liberia, have received an experimental drug called ZMAPP. So far Doctor Kent Brantly and Nancy Whitebol are continuing to show amazing signs of improvement after each of them have had four injections of this drug. But hardly any ZMAPP exists, and it will take several months before more is ready to be used. That is, if the drug companies are now willing to invest their money in creating it.


ZMAPP is made from genetically modified plants

President Obama signed an executive order Thursday that gives the federal government the power to take into custody any Americans that show any symptoms of “diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illnesses that are capable of being transmitted from one person to another, and that are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled.” So, for goodness sakes, don’t get a cold or you might be arrested!


Federal law already permits “the apprehension and examination of any individual reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease.” Achoo!

In spite of media attempts to play down the Ebola virus to keep Americans from fear until now, this virus carries such dangers that 20 quarantine centers across America are set up and prepared to potentially receive Ebola patients. One of these centers is located at the Los Angeles International Airport.


On Friday, New York City conducted the largest emergency drill in its history. The good news there is that the man in the hospital who had the Ebola virus has recovered and old symptoms are gone.

The federal government will begin testing an “experimental Ebola vaccine” on Americans in September.

If you are wondering why we don’t have an Ebola vaccine for a disease that could easily cause a worldwide plague, it’s because the pharmaceutical industry did not want to invest huge sums of money on a disease that “only affected people in Africa.”

Now at this point, I’m going to share with you some facts that already have gotten some conspiracy theorists going wild. You can check these facts out on the website Red Flag.

According to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Sierra Leone since the 1970s, researchers from Tulane University have been active for several years studying Ebola in nearly the exact spot where the very first Ebola virus broke out out this year. One of their stated purposes of this research was to study “The future use of fever–viruses as bio–weapons.”

Also since the 1970s, the Navy Times says the United States military has been interested in studying Ebola “as a potential biological weapon”

Now if you’re beginning to see why conspiracy theorists are sure they’re on to something, our government has asked the researchers from Tulane “to stop Ebola testing during the current Ebola outbreak.” Is it possible that researchers from Tulane somehow let the virus out that has begun killing people in many nations?

Navy officials tell us “Filoviruses like Ebola have been of interest to the Pentagon mainly because Ebola and its fellow viruses have high mortality rates and it’s stable nature in aerosol make it attractive as a potential biological weapon.”

Before this, I had thought only evil nations would try to use biological weapons. Syria has supposedly had to allow the United Nations to destroy all of its biological weapons because they were so dangerous. It’s a gruesome question – whether you would rather die in a split second from a nuclear bomb or linger in agony and slowly die of a biological disease while your family was dying of the same disease too? Man’s capacity for evil is not limited to other nations.


The U.S. Center For Disease Control actually owns a patent on a particular strain of Ebola known as “EBOBUN”. That isn’t the same strain of Ebola that has broken out now.

The CDC has raised America’s danger level in the highest degree possible. The CDC has just put up its own webpage called “Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations For Hospitalized Patients With Known or Suspected Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever In United States Hospitals.” And if you heard me say that once and can remember it, you should go on Jeopardy. You can replay this portion on your computer to get that title or just scroll down to it.

Here’s the most interesting point of all: The World Health Organization has launched a one hundred million dollar response plan to fight this Ebola outbreak. And you and I both know they would never do that unless they are extremely worried about the possibility of a worldwide Ebola epidemic like Smallpox that killed over three hundred million people in the 20th century and is returning now to our nation through our borders.


The big bad Wolf told the three little piggies that he was going to “Huff and puff and blow their houses down.”

Hurricane Iselle was predicted to do the same thing on the big Island of Hawaii. It huffed and puffed while it was out at sea, but by the time it reached the Hawaiian shores it had turned into heavy wind and torrential rain they could handle.

Tropical storm Iselle’s eye was half blind by the time it struck about 5 miles from Pahala. At 2:30 a.m. EDT wins came on at 60 miles an hour and a tropical rainstorm with heavy downpour was all that was left. It knocked down some trees and did some damage to some roofs. The worst thing it is still doing is inundating the big Island with 5 to 8 inches of rain, with up to a foot of rain in some places. There is a flash flood warning continuing now. Two polling precincts had to stay closed on this day of primary elections. Roads were clogged in some places that totally stopped traffic from moving. But the aloha-welcoming Island has avoided what could easily have been great destruction. I’ll betcha a lot of Christians were praying.

Hurricane Julio – was headed as if by magnetic pull, dead center on Hilo, Hawaii, for many hours praying. The praying must have continued because Hurricane Julio has now my past not only Hilo, but the rest of all the Hawaiian Islands. Those are miracles my friends.

Hilo did get a 4.5 during the early morning hours yesterday. It rattled the people’s nerves more than items on shelves. No damage was reported. The people were out of bed early, stocking up on groceries and needed items that would last them longer than the hurricane that is now going to bypass them.


 An American, Alan Gross, has been rotting in a Cuban prison cell for five years. His lawyer, Scott Gilbert, says that the 65-year-old prisoner has totally given up. Gilbert told his wife and youngest daughter on their last visit to his cell, “life in a Cuban prison is not a life worth living.” He asked them not to visit him again, and told them “My 65th birthday” (which took place in May) “will be my last one in Havana one way or the other.”

Alan Gross before and after five years of prison in Cuba

Alan Gross, who lived in Maryland before his Cuban nightmare began, is Jewish. He was arrested in Cuba in 2009 for trying to set up Internet access for a small Jewish community in that communist country and sentenced to 15 years. He had come to Cuba to work as a subcontractor for the United States government’s US Agency for International Development, which promotes democracy in Cuba.

Since that time, Gross has undergone what his lawyer describes as “severe emotional deterioration.” His body is falling apart too. His hips are worn out and he has lost most of the vision in his right eye.

Gross was especially affected by the death of his mother in June. She was ninety-two. Until her death, she and her son Alan talked by phone regularly. That encouraged him. Her death brought Gross into deep despair. He asked the Cuban government to be allowed to return to the United States just for her funeral. His request was denied.

Judy Gross, Alan’s wife, told reporters she had never seen her husband so sick and broken. She wrote, “his decision to say goodbye was wrenching.”

Gross is also now refusing to see officials from the US Interest Sections in Havana, which Washington maintains instead of an embassy because the two countries have no formal diplomatic relationships.

Also on Monday, Gross’s lawyer released a letter that 300 rabbis had sent to President Obama, urging him to take action to secure Gross’s freedom to come home. But, as our president has already proven in regards to America’s Marine Sergeant hero Andrew Tahmooressie, who is locked tight in isolation in a Tijuana jail cell, President Obama does not like to make those kinds of phone calls.



President Obama’s poll numbers have fallen to an all-time low. According to the reliable Gallup Poll, many of the people who voted for Obama because of his promise of “Change,” now wish they could change presidents instead of congressional members in 2014. 60% of Americans are unhappy with our Commander-In-Chief and feel that he has America going on the absolutely wrong track. 57% wish that Mitt Romney was president instead of Obama. They complain about his total lack of leadership both domestically – with his forever stall of creating many jobs by installing the Keystone Pipeline and many other drag-your–feet decisions that could strengthen our economy while he spends money as if it were confetti – and his utter lack of foreign policy and failure to have strategies that could save so many lives in places like Syria, Lebanon, Ukraine, and so forth.


But President Obama might argue back “America said it wanted change. And I’m changing lots of things. If I did things like the other presidents did then it really wouldn’t be change, would it? It was George W. Bush, not me, who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. I got us out of Iraq. Bush was like Lyndon Johnson who ended up grieving over a war he couldn’t get out of. It was me who got us out of Iraq. ”

Of course, that argument would hold no water now with his order to have at least our Air Force fighting once again in Iraq. In all the years of his presidency since 2011 and all the months of 2014, President Obama continued to say America would never go back to Iraq. Of course, President Obama is also the one who told us: “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Period.”

No recent president has been involved in so many scandals with his administration that because of excuses rather than dealing with the problems, taints him too.

The hardest thing for America or an American president is when that president is no longer trusted. Fewer and fewer people any longer trust anything that Barack Obama says.


Forty years ago today, Richard Nixon resigned from being president of the United States. He was locked in one scandal he couldn’t overcome.


On June 17, 1972, five men under President Nixon’s directions, broke into the Watergate office complex in Washington DC, entered a large sum of money along with several other things. When the break-in began to be investigated by congressional order, Nixon denied knowing anything whatsoever about it. He continued that lie for many months. On top of that backspace, President Nixon began bugging the offices of political opponents and involved the FBI, the CIA, and the Internal Revenue Service to help cover up for him.

But all of this kept unraveling from the time the five burglars were quickly arrested. They still had money on them that they had taken from the Watergate office and easily traced. However, the smoking gun was 3700 hours of recorded tapes of every phone call in or out been involved the president. Had he destroyed those, he probably would’ve never been nailed. But it was a case of “Be sure your sins will find you out.” It was Nixon’s vanity that kept them from destroying the tapes which revealed him to all along have known and directed the Watergate break-in.

Only two presidents in history have ever been a candidate for president 5 times – President Nixon and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Roosevelt was a five-time winner. Nixon won twice and came oh so close to defeating John Kennedy for a third win.

In November 1972, Nixon won the presidency in a landslide – winning 49 states, 60.7 percent of the popular vote, and 97% of the electoral college vote. How could a man so loved by America so quickly fall to such a place that he felt he had no choice but to resign?

I can point to achievement after achievement that Richard Nixon made while in office. But the truth is, with all his success and favor from the people of our country, Richard Nixon had a giant– sized ego. He also had the hawkish tendencies of the Bush father and son, the foul language of Lyndon Johnson, the dishonesty of Bill Clinton, and the arrogance of Barack Obama. But what sunk this man were recorded tapes that he had made that carried both heavy cursing and proved he had known about the Watergate Hotel robbery of Democratic campaign plans. Nixon’s character was absolutely destroyed in the hearts of Americans after those tapes were played. The keeping of those tapes had been totally foolhardy and they cost him his presidency.

Many still ask if Nixon should have resigned in light of the far more serious scandal of having President Bill Clinton boldface lying to America to cover up his adultery or the boldface lying to America by President Obama about Obamacare.

Forty years ago today, after his wife and daughters wept and pleaded with him to face impeachment because they knew in their hearts he could beat the rap, Nixon wrote and delivered to our nation one of the finest and classiest speeches any of our presidents have given.

Nixon began by talking about the disintegration of those who had been his greatest supporters, and with them gone he saw no reason to keep fighting his impeachment. Then he said “The interests of the Nation must always come before any personal considerations.” His final words stunned whoever was listening, many weren’t, as he said to the nation that had voted him into office with a landslide:

“I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed his abhorrent to every instinct in my body. But as president, I must put the interests of America first. America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress, particularly at this time with problems we face at home and abroad.

To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the President and the Congress in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home.

Therefore, I shall resign the Presidency at noon tomorrow. Vice President Ford will be sworn in as President at that hour in this office.”

Many thought he wouldn’t resign. But the facts are, if he had stayed on, he would his investigation by Kennedy supporters who were even at that minute microscopically examining even his back taxes. Nixon knew that even if he had thrown away a new toothbrush at the age of ten, it would be used against him. Like a mouse in a rat trap, he had been caught guilty of Watergate and now every bit of his dirty laundry would be hung out for the world could see.

Doctor Billy Graham considered Richard Nixon a close friend and believes Nixon was terribly mistreated for what he did.

But out of all that came Richard Nixon’s top Special Counsel and Liaison Spokesman, a man named Chuck Colson, who received Christ in prison and came out to be one of the greatest Christian evangelists and role models of the twentieth century.



Humans remember a Christian’s sins. Christ doesn’t.


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