Tuesday, February 3, 2015

15 The dividing wall is gone


15 The dividing wall is gone

There should never be a dividing wall between Christians. That’s because Christ tore the dividing wall down with His death on the cross and resurrection. True, some Christians are harder to live with than others. And some Christians need to be loved at a distance. But the body of Christ is One body of believers. The fact that there are multitudes of denominations, each teaching their own interpretation of the Bible, is never meant to be an insurmountable barrier between Christians. The one common denominator that must be realized by anyone who considers themselves a Christian is that Jesus Christ is their one and only Savior and that they have asked Jesus Christ to save them. Whoever has done that is your brother or sister and you are meant to recognize and love them as that.

The reason that we can overlook all other unique beliefs by your brothers and sisters in Christ is because Christ completely fulfilled the Old Testament Law and fully purchased eternal life in Heaven for every believer in Him without rules and ordinances that would stop them from entering and staying. Let’s get the proof of what I’m saying right now on Take Time With God. –Ray

15 The dividing wall is gone

15 The dividing wall is gone

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