Sunday, May 31, 2015

Death Strike Chapters 5&6 – Race To The Top, Podium Drama

Left Behind – The Kids: Death Strike Chapters 5&6 Race To The Top, Podium Drama

Four Months Later

Judd looked at the test questions, and his heart sank. He knew the answers, but the truth wasn’t what his teacher, Mister Syncrete, wanted. Judd had no problems all year in trigonometry or English. He had a running feud with the biology teachers over evolution, but he could back up his beliefs with scientific data. Religion class threatened his dream of becoming valedictorian.

Judd proudly wore the cross in Mister  Syncrete’s class. The Global Community required religious education for graduation. Judd struggled not to make waves, but at times he couldn’t keep silent.

The class had begun with an overview of the Enigma Babylon One World Faith. Mr. Syncrete praised its leader, Pontifex Maximus Peter, for ushering in what he called a “new era of tolerance and unity” among all major religions. Mr. Syncrete spend hours on Eastern religions and spoke in glowing terms of animistic beliefs – that even objects have souls. Guest lecturers explained everything from worship of ancestors to yoga. But the teacher’s demeanor soured when he covered Judaism. And when Christianity finally came up, his attitude got even worse.

“The Jews believe in one God who let them be annihilated in the Holocaust,” Mr. Syncrete said with a sneer. “And the Christians have three Gods who did the same. It’s an irrational, superstitious belief system.”

According to Mr. Syncrete, the biggest enemies of the new OneWorld faith were the millions who believed Jesus was the only way to God. He scoffed at those who dared disagree. He read word for word the statement of Pontifex Maximus Peter concerning Christians:

To say arbitrarily, Pope Peter wrote,“that the Jewish and Protestant Bible, containing only the Old and New Testaments, is the final authority for faith and practice, represents the height of intolerance and disunity. It flies in the face of all we have accomplished. Those who agree with that false doctrine are hereby considered heretics.”

Left Behind – The Kids: Death Strike Chapters 5&6 Race To The Top, Podium Drama

Death Strike Chapters 5&6 – Race To The Top, Podium Drama

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