Left Behind Book 3 – Nicolae Chapter 4
Rayford heard Carpathia’s people setting up for his broadcast. “Is there any way anyone will be able to tell we are airborne?” Carpathia asked.
“None,” he was assured. Rayford wasn’t so sure, but certainly, unless Carpathia made some colossal error, no one would have a clue precisely where in the air he was.
At the sound of the knock on the cockpit door, Rayford shut off the hidden button and turned expectantly. It was a Carpathia aide. “Do whatever you have to do to shut down all interference and patch us back through to Dallas. We go live on satellite about three minutes, and the potentate should be able to be heard everywhere in the world.”
Buck was on the phone with Loretta when Verna Zee slipped behind the wheel. She slung her oversized bag onto the seat behind her, then had trouble fastening her seatbelt, she was shaking so. Buck shut off the phone. “Verna, are you all right? I just talked with a woman from our church who has a room and private bath for you.”
A mini traffic jam dissipated as Verna and Buck’s coworkers wended their wis itr, then had trouble fastening your seatbelt, she was shaking so. Buck shut off the phone. “Verna, are you all right? I just talked with a woman from our church whoay out of the small parking lot. Headlights provided the only illumination in the area.
“Cameron, why are you doing this for me?”
“Why not? You lent me your phone.”
“But I’ve been so awful to you.”
“And I’ve responded in kind. I’m sorry, Verna. This is the last time in the world we should care so much about getting our own way.”
Left Behind Book 3 – Nicolae Chapter 4
Left Behind Book 3 – Nicolae Chapter 4
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