Can Donald Trump Win The Five States Voting Today?
Donald Trump needs to win all five states today plus the Northern Mariana Islands. If he doesn’t, it will be very hard for him to secure enough delegates to win the presidential nomination at the Republican convention this July in Cleveland. How will Senator Ted Cruz do today? Or Senator Marco Rubio? Or Governor John Kasich? This is one of the most crucial days for all four of these men in this whole campaign. Join Ray for the important details.
This is Ray Mossholder.
One of my favorite stories is about the man in the old West who had 78 arrows in him. When a friend asked him how he was feeling, he said “It only hurts when I laugh!”
Donald Trump must feel that way today. Not that he has 78 arrows in him, but he has so many enemies who want to stop his campaign. They are like those arrows.
The First Amendment has become a forgotten issue among the politically correct. MoveOn.Org, Black Life Matters, illegal immigration activists, the rich Karl Rove-ites who lead the Republican Party, the mass media, even “fair and balanced” Fox News, are willing to do or say anything in order to stop the political candidacy of the Donald.
It has come so far that the Fayetteville, North Carolina, police are now threatening to charge Donald Trump with inciting a riot.
Activists yell and scream in order to try to drown out whatever Trump is saying. Some of the activists get physical. Is he supposed to just talk over them?
The incident in Fayetteville took place when an African-American that was being led out of the Fayetteville rally while the audience was booing him. The men escorting him wore uniforms marked “Sheriff’s Office.” All the time he was being removed from the rally he was extending his middle finger.
While that was happening, and before the activist, Rakeem Jones, had left, 78-year-old John McGraw sucker–punched him.
McGraw was arrested and charged with assault and disorderly conduct.
Rakeem said he, a white woman, a Muslim, and a gay man had gone to the rally as a “social experiment.” He said the woman started shouting as soon as Donald Trump began to speak. “She shouted, but at the same time, they were shouting too. Everyone was shouting.… No one in our group attempted to get physical…. The police jumped on me like I was the one swinging. My eyes still hurt. It’s just shocking. The shock of it all is starting to set in. It’s like this dude really hit me and they let him get away with it. I was basically in police custody and got hit.”
In fairness, Donald Trump has not always been quick to criticize violence that takes place at his rallies. Last year after a fight broke out between activists and police in Birmingham, Alabama, Trump said about one of them “Maybe he should have been roughed up.”
Last month during the week of the caucus in Nevada, Trump said of a protester “I’d like to punch him in the face.”
In Kentucky at a Trump rally, another protester was ushered out. Trump said to his crowd “Get him out. Try not to hurt him. If you do, I’ll defend you in court.”….Aren’t Trump rallies the most fun? We’re having a good time.”
Chicago activist Quo Vadis says “Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not. We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don’t want to let that person in here.”
Chicago is a city of often daily drive-by shootings and mob violence. So what does he mean when he says Donald Trump represents everything Chicago is not?
MoveOn.Org is raising funds for more riots to stop Donald Trump wherever he is holding a rally, for as long as it takes they say until Donald Trump quits in frustration.
Saturday it read “Last night, without consulting the local police, Donald Trump abruptly canceled a rally in Chicago in the face of massive and overwhelmingly peaceful student-led protests.
“We are being flooded with aggressive emails and social media posts from Trump supporters. Some of them are threatening. We refuse to be intimidated by Donald Trump, Fox News, or anyone else.”
The facts are: Donald Trump did talk with the police and the police agreed with him that in order to keep everyone from being hurt, the rally should be canceled.
Imagine the money that was lost by Trump after renting a huge auditorium at the University of Illinois, let alone the disappointment to his more than twenty thousand supporters.
He would have never canceled the Chicago rally if the protesters had been peaceful, and quiet enough so that the huge crowd could hear him while he spoke.
The large amount of the protesters were and are organized professionals. There were far less students than organized thugs.
“Peaceful” protesters don’t bloody policeman’s heads!
All of this brings up the question that goes much further than Donald Trump. What is America to do with the riots that do everything from destroying stores, killing people, and ruining lives, to shutting down scheduled events that people want to attend?
Do we simply allow thugs to have their way and then declare that it wasn’t their fault but the fault of the one who scheduled the event?
Do we allow them to stop political rallies that they disagree with by drowning out the speaker? How is the speaker to respond to that?
The lines of free speech have become blurry. Does the free speech belong to the speaker who has paid to rent the place where his speech will be held and that has been advertised to invite a crowd? Or does it belong to anyone who wants to create havoc and shut down the speaker?
In hindsight, universities are very poor places to hold, especially conservative, political rallies. Universities are hotbeds for encouraging disruption of anyone with whom students disagree.
Political correctness now means “I am correct, and no one else had better disagree with my bias.”
Donald Trump is one voice saying, however non-elegantly, “This has to stop. And if it doesn’t stop, America is going to be a nation of anarchy.”
Now a conservative grassroots organization is sending out notice inviting everyone in the nation to join them at the Army–Navy–Club in Washington DC this Thursday.
The inviters are blogger and Atlanta radio talkshow host Erik Erickson; Bill Wichterman, a senior legislative advisor for the lobbying firm Covington and Burling in Washington, DC, and the president of a furniture store in Rapid City, South Dakota, Robert K. Fischer.
The invitation reads “If you can never support Donald Trump, then please join us. Please join other conservative leaders to strategize how to defeat Donald Trump for the Republican nomination, and if he is the Republican nominee for president, to offer a true conservative candidate in the general election.”
In other words, this group plans to create a third-party.
Erickson is a contributor to the National Review and recently wrote a blog titled “I Will Not Vote For Donald Trump. Ever.”
Fischer was a strong supporter of Senator Rick Santorum.
Erickson hosts a highly conservative radio talkshow.
So if you are oober–conservative and anti-Trump, you’re just the kind of person they are looking for.
The question many anti-Trump voters are asking is “Why would anyone vote for him?”
One of those answering that question is Dan Golvach of Texas.
Golvach’s twenty-five-year-old son, Spencer, was shot in the head by an illegal alien who simply pulled up next to him while his car was stopped for a red light.
Golvach said “It’s ruined my life. Trust me. Everything is damaged. Nothing has the same meaning anymore. There is no real joy in life. You just go through the motions because you’re not suicidal, and you just do things.…And thank you, United States government. I thought their first mandate was to protect us, but they’re just protecting their donors – and it’s treason.
“Senator Marco Rubio’s history of pushing to open America’s borders is nothing short of treason. Rubio and pro-amnesty politicians should be brought up on charges for what they’ve done…and they should be punished for it.
“The Senator from my home state, Ted Cruz, doesn’t seem really all that interested in protecting us from illegal aliens.
“Governor John Kasich is the most traitorous of the bunch. What he’s proposing will end America. He wants to enact amnesty within his first 100 days in office.
“Kasich is the posterboard puppet for his donors. He couldn’t care less about what negative affect amnesty would have on American workers, what negative effect it would have on American families. There would be no America – he would finish us off. It’s just treason… I can’t stand him.
“And I guarantee you, find other families of dead kids – a father of a dead kid like me – and they’ll agree.
“People like me and Laura Wilkerson (a mother whose eighteen-year-old son was tortured to death by an illegal alien) – we spend all of our holidays at the cemetery.
“I watch my son’s mother….(his voice trails off) I watch her – he was our only child. There’s not going to be any more Christmases , no grandchildren, no wedding, no nothing.
“This was what my country decided was best for me. And I used to tell my boy ‘Hey man, you can make it in this country. We’re a great country, and we have a Constitution. We’re a country of laws. We’ve got a lot of flexibility.’ What do I say to him now?
“And you think I don’t have a right to be mad at people like Marco Rubio? Bush? Obama? Clinton? I can’t stand them. I can’t stand what they’ve done. And I don’t think I’m the only one.
“Donald Trump is not shackled to the oligarchs, the plutocrats and the donors – even though he used to be one. Donald Trump has done more for this cause by speaking out the way he has than anybody.
“Donald Trump is pretty boisterous. I can only tell you that once he started weighing in on this, it gave us – the victims of illegal immigrant crime – hope that we would have never had – there’s no question about that.
“My support for Trump is not because I believe he is any kind of political panacea that can fix all of our problems. What I do know is that at least he’s not shackled to the Koch brothers or Sheldon Adelson, or people that have been forthcoming in their opinions about open borders.
“Cruz and Rubio have to tell the public that they’re against illegal immigration to get elected. But once they get elected – they’re not about to do anything about illegal immigration because they’d be cut off by their donors and they wouldn’t be able to keep the power.
And that is the situation that they are in right now.
“I think were living in a post-constitutional republic. We’re a plutocracy. I feel that it’s become a joke. And it cost my son his life.
“Unless we have a President who will enforce the laws on the books, innocent Americans will continue to be victimized.
“Those laws were designed to protect us, so if you’re going to cherry pick those laws than expect someone you love will be sitting at a red light and get their brains blown out. Or someone you love will get beaten and set on fire like eighteen-year-old Josh Wilkerson was.
“I talk to the media because it’s the only thing I can think to do to share this. I’m shouting from the rooftops and maybe someone will listen.
“The real question you have to ask yourself is: do you think for a minute that Marco Rubio’s backers and donors will want to compromise their cheap illegal labor force? That answer is no.… If you want to know the truth about a politician, you need to look at his donors.”
Mitt Romney campaigned alongside John Kasich today in Canton and Columbus, Ohio.
Meanwhile, Marco Rubio has been sending out Robo calls telling people to vote for John Kasich in Ohio instead of voting for him.
Rubio, Romney, Kasich, Clinton and Sanders are all calling Donald Trump “a fraud” who will badly hurt America.
Wherever John Kasich speaks he promises to give the illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship within his first 100 days in office.
He has also added to that statement “If I get to be president, I’m going to play a lot of golf”
Meanwhile, Ted Cruz may be in trouble with the Ohio voters.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote a scathing report this weekend about Ted and his wife, Heidi, and their history of support for free trade deals.
The newspaper reported that Ohio has lost 112,500 jobs last year because of the US trade deficit with countries in the Trans–Pacific Partnership agreement.
The Cruz campaign yesterday told WND that Senator Cruz in Congress supported Congress giving President Obama “Trade Promotion Authority,” TPA, generally known as “Fast Track.”
Today five states vote – Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, and North Carolina. They are Industrial states, hurting for jobs but rich with delegates.
Let’s look first at the Republicans and then we will look at the Democrats.
The Florida primary is a winner take all and offers 99 delegates.
The latest Five thirty-eight poll shows Donald Trump winning with 41% of the vote; Marco Rubio taking second with almost 28% of the vote; Ted Cruz third with 19% of the vote; and John Kasich fourth with 10% of the vote
The odds are 96 to 1 that Donald Trump is going to win the Sunshine State. Trump has won every single poll in Florida that has been taken this year.
But keep this in mind. Polls are often inaccurate when taken in Florida.
North Carolina offers the Republican winner a portion of 72 delegates, depending on how each district in the state votes.
Donald Trump’s odds for winning North Carolina are 89 to 1. But that’s the thing about polls. Ted Cruz could still win in North Carolina.
Nothing is certain, but death and taxes!
The latest poll on 538 shows Trump at 43%; Cruz at 33%; Kasich at 13%; and Rubio at 9 1/2%. Each one of them will get a slice of the voting pie. How big a piece will be determined by the actual final count.
Illinois offers a winner–take–all 69 delegates. The odds of Donald Trump winning Illinois are 63 to 1.
The latest 538 poll shows Trump winning 33% of the vote; Ted Cruz 28 1/2%; John Kasich 20%; and Marco Rubio 17%.
Follow me closely as I describe the uniqueness of today’s vote in Illinois.
Not only are the Three Musketeers – Cruz, Rubio and Kasich – all trying to get the anti-Trump vote, but the way they count results in that state are by districts, and how each different district casts their votes. The voters in each district are choosing delegates, as well as voting for a presidential candidate.
A voter receives a ballot that includes the names of all four candidates and the names of the delegates who want to go to the Republican National Convention. So, Illinois voters end up voting four times.
Oh, and the winning candidate in the most districts gets fifteen extra delegates.
Right now it appears that John Kasich is going to trump Trump in Ohio. In fact, Kasich’s odds of winning are 80 to 1 in the state where he is governor.
The latest 538 poll shows John Kasich with 39 1/2% of the vote; Donald Trump 33%; Ted Cruz 20%; and Marco Rubio 6%.
John Kasich says that he will suspend his campaign unless he does win Ohio where he is governor.
Governor Kasich got, ironically, a strong endorsement from a candidate still in the race. Marco Rubio urged Ohioans with Robo calls to vote for John Kasich. That’s how far Rubio is willing to go to stop the Donald.
Here’s what you need to realize. If Donald Trump isn’t first in Ohio, no matter how well he does in all of the states that haven’t voted yet, it will be extremely hard for him to reach the delegate count that he has to have in order to be the nominee on the first ballot at the Republican convention.
And that’s taking into consideration his probability of Trump winning all four other states.
Missouri has had very little polling. And here’s where Ted Cruz could shine. 52 delegates are up for grabs. Most of them are awarded by congressional district.
Cruz has won in Iowa to Missouri’s north and Kansas to Missouri’s west. He also came in a close second in Arkansas, which is to Missouri’s south.
There are fifty-two delegates up for grabs, but not all of them will most likely go to the same candidate.
There is a good chance of a delegate split in Missouri. Then Trump might surprise.
There will be one caucus going on today. When was the last time you thought about the Northern Mariana Islands? Could you go to a world map and point them out quickly?
Whether you could or couldn’t, the Northern Mariana Islands caucus will give the winning Republican 9 delegates, and especially Donald Trump or Ted Cruz would love them. The caucus will end in winner take all.
Trump is actually expected to win that caucus because of his endorsement by Doctor Ben Carson.
The executive director of this commonwealth’s Republican Party switched from Carson when he suspended his campaign and joined the Trump team.
Trump also has the support of the Northern Mariana Governor Ralph Torres.
In spite of Marco Rubio winning a caucus in the District of Columbia and Ted Cruz winning the primary in Wyoming, if Marco’s votes are as few as expected, there will be no obvious reason for him to continue.
If John Kasich wins Ohio, he then will become the good old boys poster child.
If Donald Trump wins Ohio, and all the other states today, he may be unstoppable for the nomination on the first ballot at the Republican convention.
The Karl Rove-ites don’t like Ted Cruz, and far more evident, they despise and fear Donald Trump. Will this be the year they hold their nose and vote for Trump or is this going to be the year that they blow it?
On the Democrat side, Bernie Sanders continues to amaze. Watch carefully how he and Hillary end up in Ohio.
The question is: Was Bernie’s victory in Michigan a fluke? More about that in a minute.
Remember the 99 delegates the Republican winner will get in Florida? Well, that’s chicken feed compared to the 214 winner–take-all delegates Hillary or Bernie will get.
And Hillary Clinton has a 99 to 1 chance of winning in Florida.
Florida polls show Hillary getting 65% of the vote to Bernie’s 31%.
Illinois doesn’t look much better for Bernie. With 156 delegates that are distributed by districts, Hillary has a 90 to 1 chance to win
The latest poll shows Hillary winning 52% of the vote to Bernie’s 44%. However, Bernie might surprise everybody with Illinois.
Last week a highly respected YouGov poll showed Bernie Sanders winning Illinois by 2%. That’s squeaky close and a long way from 52 to 44.
I’d rather climb a pole than trust one.
Polls give Hillary Clinton a 95 to 1 chance of winning Ohio where 93 delegates are proportioned according to district winners and fifty delegates will be handed to the state winner.
The polls say Hillary will get 55% of the vote to Bernie’s 42%.
Bernie Sanders is that man of big surprises. Ohio sits right next to Michigan where he has already won. Why wouldn’t he win Ohio too?
Also, Ohio is a crossover state, meaning that every voter can choose to vote Democrat or Republican in this primary. So there could be many Republicans who would crossover and vote for Bernie with the hope of stopping Hillary Clinton.
A recent Quinnipiac poll of Ohio showed a 43% approval rating from Democrats for John Kasich. So there could be many Democrats crossing over to vote for Kasich with the hope of stopping Donald Trump.
In North Carolina, a state with a large black vote, Hillary has a 99% chance of beating Bernie.
North Carolina is a state where 70 delegates are districted out and thirty-seven delegates are given directly to the winner.
The latest polls show Hillary getting 61% of the vote and Bernie Sanders 38%.
Hillary Clinton has already won the Northern Mariana Islands caucus this past Saturday.
So, this may be the day that Hillary has been waiting for, winning all four states, or not.
And finally, on a whole different subject, how is this for real women’s liberation?
An Egyptian court has sentenced Taymour el-Sobky to three years in prison with hard labor. Why? On television Taymour dared to say many married women in Egypt aren’t faithful to their husbands.
The Egyptian court ruled that el-Sobky had damaged the honor of married Egyptian women with that statement.
el-Sobky’s Facebook page was called “Diaries of a Suffering Husband”. It was what he wrote there that got him a television interview.
These were his words on Facebook: “30% of Egyptian women are ready for immorality. They just can’t find someone to encourage them.
“These days it is very normal for women to cheat on their husbands….Many women are involved in extramarital affairs while their husbands are abroad.”
He said the Egyptian tradition of arranged marriages greatly adds to the problem of infidelity because women end up with men they don’t know.
Taymour said he felt sorry for these women and wished that he could help them.
It is certain that three years locked away in prison make it much harder for him to do that!
This is Ray Mossholder from the Reach More Now Campaign 2016 news desk. I’ll be back tomorrow night with the results of the third Super Tuesday in a row.
Can Donald Trump Win The Five States Voting Today?
Can Donald Trump Win The Five States Voting Today?
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