Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Are About To Win
Arizona, Utah, and Idaho are voting today. Idaho is strictly for Democrats because the Republicans already have gone through a caucus there. How important is all this anyway? Ray has the answer. Join him now.
This is Ray Mossholder.
I remember the day I was playing hide and go seek with Jimmy and Teddy Llewellyn. I was ten.
We were playing indoors and I have found a great place to hide. At least I thought it was.
Much slimmer than I am today, I was able to scoot under the Llewellyn’s living room couch.
But as I did, I struck a hard object also under that couch.
Wondering what it was, I climbed back out from under the couch, dragging it with me.
It was just what I’d asked for for Christmas – a beautiful white scooter.
There was a label on that scooter and I read it.
“From mom and dad to Ray”.
I quickly scooted it back under the couch.
On Christmas Day, I didn’t want to disappoint my parents.
I let them sit down at the Christmas tree before I came out to join them.
That may have been the day that I became an actor.
I dropped my mouth open and exclaimed “Oh, a scooter!” and continued my performance to both my parents joy.
They were happy. I was happy to get the scooter. But in reality, I already knew I would have it and it kind of spoiled things for me. The element of surprise was gone.
I’ve told that whole story to tell you that the element of surprise is gone in the voting being done today in Utah and Arizona.
Few people will be glued to their TV sets to watch the inevitable. Donald Trump will win Arizona by more than twenty points and Ted Cruz will win Utah by the same amount of points.
Still, unlike my scooter, there is a surprise element yet to be uncovered.
Will Ted Cruz get 50% of the vote in Utah?
If he does, he will win all of the states forty delegates. And he needs them badly.
Beginning today, Ted Cruz has to win 80% of all the remaining states that haven’t voted in order to have enough delegates to win the nomination up right on the first ballot at the Republican convention.
Donald Trump only needs 54% of the remaining states to sew up his nomination UNLESS the Republican elites change the rules at the very last moment.
And that is a possibility.
But for today, in the winning the state of Arizona, he will receive fifty-eight more delegates to add to his vital treasure chest of delegates already pledged to him for the first convention ballot.
And if Cruz had come up with 50% of the vote or more, Trump will get some of the delegates, however few, from Utah.
Part of Donald Trump’s vote loss in Utah will be because of his committing the unpardonable sin.
He said that Mitt Romney wasn’t really a Mormon.
Joke or not, Utah takes Mitt seriously, and Trump’s remark sat very poorly with many Romney admirers.
Isn’t it amazing how little it would take to cause any candidate to lose and for us to end up with a very different president.
Ironically, two huge states that vote very late in the process could be the deciders of Donald Trump’s future – the state of California and the state of New York.
Both have a huge amount of delegates to release and this horserace is far from over.
California is a winner take all state and offers 172 delegates to the highest Republican vote getter.
New York offers 95 delegates and again splits its districts then divvies up the delegates according to the results in each district.
One state is only holding a Democrat caucus since the Republican caucus there occurred on March 8. Idaho.
The Potato State hasn’t had a poll taken on it in over a month. That’s like having none at all.
Either Hillary or Bernie could win there.
I’ll have results in these three for you races when they are all in.
From the Conservative Daily
A lot of people have brought up the fact that they won’t vote for Trump if he’s the eventual nominee. I just want to put something in perspective.
Justice Scalia’s seat is vacant. Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer is 77, and Thomas is 67. Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court retirement or death occurs after 75.
These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years. The next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology.
Think about that… 7-2. If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation. 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are seemed to be lacking in mandate.
Hillary has made it clear she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd Amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision stating that the Court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms. Period.
Everyone saying that they won’t vote for one candidate or the other if they are the GOP nominee, please realize this. If Hillary Clinton wins and gets to make these appointments, you likely will never see another Conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life. Ever. Now, this is scary!
If you are a Conservative, a vote for anyone but the GOP nominee, whomever that will be, is a vote for Hillary Clinton.
And finally….It was in Switzerland that I ate my one and only serving of escargot.
I was told by the waiter before I ordered them that escargot – which comes on your plate looking exactly like garden snails – are actually specially grown for eating.
My friend with me at the table was gulping them down as if they were better than Switzerland’s best wine.
I found they basically tasted like garlic. Though it ate the plateful, I wasn’t really grateful.
I felt the same way about caviar.
I was a drama teacher in Walnut Creek, California, and one of the other teachers on a French restaurant in Berkeley.
He brought the caviar for a special occasion among us teachers.
I watched several of them take a cracker or some bread after putting some caviar on their plates, dipping into it and knew that they were happy as clams (if clams are happy!)
I did the same thing with my plate, dipped bread into it, and gagged.
I’ve never had caviar again nor would I.
But now I’ve found something that rich people say tops both escargot and caviar. Fried cow brains!
This is the new rage in Rome among the elite. But it has spread to the commoners (not cow maneuers, commoners).
Food outlets are now selling it to a demanding crowd.
The elite call it a gastronomical delight. They can’t get enough of it.
And since you cannot buy it on the street from food vendors, fried cow brains are at the top of Italy’s charts.
I am sure that no matter how good the taste, I will never try cow brains.
Why not, you ask. Because “You are what you eat.” And not one Italian has claimed to be any smarter because of eating them.
Let me put it this way: I will never be in the mooooed for cow brains.
This is Ray Mossholder at the Campaign 2016 news desk in Fort Worth, Texas. I’ll be back with a full report on today’s voting sometime tonight.
This is Ray Mossholder.
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Are About To Win
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Are About To Win
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