Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Trump, Cruz, Bernie, Hillary, all Win and Lose

Trump, Cruz, Bernie, Hillary, all Win and Lose
Results are finally in from Arizona, Utah and Idaho. It was an interesting night and since Utah voted by computer, the polls closed there just a couple of hours ago. Who won? Who lost? What, why, when, how, and who? Ray has all the answers. Join him now.

This is Ray Mossholder.

It’s official.. Bernie Sanders has won the Idaho Democratic caucus by a humongous amount and is also defeating Hillary Clinton in Utah.

Ted Cruz is overwhelmingly winning in Utah with only 60% of the vote counted, and Donald Trump has won in Arizona.

Hillary Clinton won only in the state of Arizona tonight.

Hillary was riding high last week when she swept five states, but the Vermont Senator tonight took some of the wind out of her sails.

Bernie’s two victories keeps him very much in the Democrat race, especially if he keeps on winning Western states with far less of a black vote.

Who would have ever thought socialism would be that popular in Mormon Utah?

One of the things that is giving Ted Cruz a huge boost in in Utah is his endorsement from Donald Trump’s arch-enemy Mitt Romney.

One of the things that may have cost Trump many votes there was when he quipped that Romney wasn’t a real Mormon. Mitt Romney is a hero in Utah.

Ted Cruz has so far received 69% of the Utah vote. And even John Kasich is beating beat Trump in that state with 16.8% for Kasich and a mere 14% for Trump.

The major issue that gave Donald Trump his victory in Arizona is his strong stance on building the wall to keep illegal aliens out.

It’s significant that Donald Trump’s unkind statement that he made about Senator John McCain not being a war hero appeared to have very little effect in Arizona.

With the endorsements of former governor Jan Brewer and Sheriff Joe Aiello, Donald Trump had a great night in that border state.

The Donald won 47% of the Arizona vote, Ted Cruz 24% and John Kasich 10%.

This means that Donald Trump won almost 2 votes in Arizona to every 1 for Cruz in a state with a very large Latino population.

In winning Arizona, a winner–take–all state, Donald J Trump picked up 58 more delegates. That means he now has 738.

Hillary Clinton won 75 more delegates by receiving 58% of the vote in Arizona to Bernie’s 39%. But Bernie swamped Hillary in the Idaho caucus, winning 78% of the vote compared to Hillary’s 21%.

Get out of there some of the pitch

So, where do they all stand tonight: The magic number for the Republican candidates 1,237. With tonight’s votes counted so far, remembering that Utah’s polls only closed a bit more than an hour ago….

Donald Trump has 738 delegates and needs another 499 votes to win on the first ballot at the Republican convention IF the Republican elites don’t change the rules at the last minute.

Ted Cruz still leads 774 delegates to outright win the Republican nomination. That’s more needed than Donald Trump has won already.

And John Kasich has no way to win the 1,094 delegates that he still needs. There are that many delegates left if he won every state from now on.

Hillary Clinton still has the need for the 1,169 delegates, since the Democrat magic number is 2,383. That, of course, isn’t counting her Super delegates.

And Bernie Sanders still needs 1,482 delegates.

Hillary has 362 Super delegates and Bernie has only 8.

And here’s where, since all of the attention by the media has centered on whether Trump and the large majority of American voters will be denied the nomination because of unfair rule changes….

The Democrats could care less how America votes because Super delegates are Democrat elected officials and other party insiders who are allowed to support which ever candidate they prefer, no matter who America’s voters want.

With no way to argue otherwise, the Democratic Party is profoundly unfair to its voters.

That’s because the Democrat elites believe they know far better than YOU do when it comes to picking the winning donkey.

Superdelegates of the Democrats can vote anyway they want to even on the first ballot.

One thing to watch for is a coming winning streak for Bernie Sanders. IF that happens, the Superdelegates might switch their votes from Hillary to Bernie.

That would lead Hillary Clinton did the exact kind of coronation loss that she had in 2008 when the Superdelegates voted for Barack Obama instead of her.

That’s why none of this will be over until the fat lady sings. And Hillary is working hard to keep the weight off.

And finally… Children are often confused by adults. Imagine their confusion inside a Jersey City, New Jersey, mall brawl.

The Easter Bunny was happy to have a child on his lap while a photo was being snapped.

But suddenly something else snapped and the little girl fell out of the Easter Bunny’s lap.

(If any children are listening right now, please know it wasn’t the real Easter Bunny, but just a man wearing an Easter Bunny suit.)

When the child fell on the floor and began to cry, Juan Jiminez-Guerrero began cursing at the man with the long white ears and then jumped on him.

The Easter bunny fought back.

You can see this whole brouhaha on Twitter.

Kassim Charles, alias the Easter Bunny, threw off the whole top half of his costume and his white bunny gloves and began punching while the little girls dad engaged in fisticuffs with him.

The punching continued even after a security guard tried to separate them.

Can you imagine what the little girl saw from the floor? And the rest of the kids thought were waiting in line to sit on his lap of this raging rabbit?

I mean, how many kids ever see their dad fighting the Easter Bunny? Especially an Easter bunny that can shed its skin.

Police had to break up the two. Both were charged with aggravated assault and disorderly conduct.

At the jailhouse it was discovered that both men also had prior warrants for their arrest.

As I said, children are often confused by adults.

I wonder if this little girl will trust Santa Claus this year, or if any of the other kids will.

Anyway, the mall has a new Easter bunny today.

Trump, Cruz, Bernie, Hillary, all Win and Lose

Trump, Cruz, Bernie, Hillary, all Win and Lose

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