Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hitler and the Nazi Youth – Part 1

How do you take the children of a nation and train them to be killers who will gladly die for their country? The following five short videos (in the next 5 days) will show you how Adolph Hitler took the entire youth of Germany – boys and girls from the age of 10 – before and during the Second World War and literally brainwashed them into exactly what he wanted as his human machines. –Ray


Hitler and the Nazi Youth – Part 1

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hitler Could Have Been Easily Stopped Before World War 2 Began!

Our God is not only all-knowing, He is an absolute realist. It is God who declares there is a time for war (Ecclesiastes 3:8). If France or England had stopped Hitler as he was in the midst of conquering all of Czechoslovakia after his promise that Germany wouldn’t, they would  have ended the Second World War from ever starting. But because they didn’t want to get involved, they and all of Europe were nearly destroyed by the horror Germany wreaked on them, and other nations including our gallant military. In inHitler’s own words, he would have returned to Germany “with my tail between my legs.” But France and England had nations full of people who wanted no more war.

The people in France and England then were much like the people in America now. But France and England were nearly annihilated by the devastation the Nazis brought on them by land, sea, and air, because these two countries didn’t agree with God that “there is a time for war.”

ISIL, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and the myriad of other hideous Muslim terrorist organizations are trusting, just like Hitler was, that we will let them grow and one day soon they will conquer America with their Shariah law.

When I posted the movie on Hitler’s rise to power last night, I thought that was all I’d show you until Thursday. But that was a movie and this is a fabulous documentary that will fill in the gaps the movie left out. –Ray


Hitler Could Have Been Easily Stopped Before World War 2 Began!

Tim Conway and Harvey Korman Lost in the Sahara

As the hot sun beats down upon Tim and Harvey, no one can beat their comedy.


Tim Conway and Harvey Korman Lost in the Sahara

Monday, October 27, 2014

Acts 17:16-34 Paul on Mars Hill

Paul is alone in the most religious city of its time – Athens, Greece. It is a city full of idols and eggheads, people who LOVED to argue and philosophize. They were the kind of people who today teach in America’s colleges and universities. They were absolutely sure they were right and every other human was wrong, no matter how terribly their own personal life was falling apart. Paul ascends the place that people use in Athens as a public platform for speaking to the crowd. He sees one of the idols is called “To The Unknown God.” He explains to the people that that must be the one true marker because none of them have ever known the true Creator God. The people listened and some of them asked to hear him speak more. Lesson: You are not going to win everybody to Christ with whom you speak. But speak. Some WILL hear you. – Ray


Acts 17:16-34 Paul on Mars Hill

Hitler and His Rise To Evil

This is a movie and would normally be a Movie of the Week and it will be placed under that category when it is finally archived. But I have a purpose beyond just the movie in posting it now. I’m showing it only because this movie, though dramatized, is faithful to how Adolf Hitler rose to his hideous strength.

Three days from now I will post the story of what happened next – a powerful National Geographic film – “Hitler, his Nazis, and the Second World War 1939–1945.” I’m inviting you to understand what prompted America’s entrance into this war and why it was crucial to go all the way through it in order to maintain the freedom we yet have as Americans. If those who thought like Hitler had achieved their plans this would be a far more dark and evil planet than it even is today. –Ray


Hitler and His Rise To Evil

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hey Hey the Monkees!

Ever grieve when one of your favorite television shows was canceled?  I have. They were a great rock band and tremendous comedians. The Monkees have sold 75 million of their recordings, and outsold both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones COMBINED in 1967.  “hey hey, the Monkees” was one of my favorite television programs between 1966 and 1968. That’s the way I remember them best.

Their humor may remind you of  “Gilligan’s Island” because of the silly innocence of Bob Denver’s role as Gilligan. Though they never sustained the fame of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, or Gilligan’s Island, they did many international tours attracting huge crowds wherever they went. I hope you enjoy them. I still do. – Ray


Hey Hey the Monkees!

The Final Song from Glen Campbell

“The Wichita Lineman” or “By The Time I Get To Phoenix” or “Rhinestone Cowboy” will never be sung as beautifully on Earth again as it was from the man who made it famous – Glen Campbell. Glen is in a long-term facility with severe Alzheimer’s. He knew he had the disease for at least a year before it sidelined him forever on this Earth. So he took his family and went on an international “Goodbye tour” until his thoughts left him entirely.

Few vocalists in history have ever won more awards than Country Hall of Famer Glen Campbell.

Glen is a Christian. That may be hard for some to believe who once were familiar with his press clippings. Just like his close friend, Johnny Cash, Glen lived an extremely lost life for many years with drugs and the corrupt life that is led by far too many musical artists. But a few years ago, Glen not only recommitted his life to Christ, but from then on let Christ be known to as many of his fans as possible. He lived as an ambassador for Christ until 2012 when his mind became completely locked within him.

He wrote the song that you will be watching and hearing him sing on this video to piece together his testimony. Just think: We Christians will meet Glen and Johnny in Heaven and I’m sure you and I will hear them sing there too more beautifully than they ever sounded in this world. Be sure you have a ringside seat to hear them. – Ray


The Final Song from Glen Campbell

38 - The Plan The Thor Conspiracy

“Let’s review our options,” Galt said, “starting with the information purchased from Shoer. We have a great deal of data on the original THOR project. It is almost certain we also have murder, to cover up the disaster.”

38 - The Plan The Thor Conspiracy

Ramblings From Ray October 26, 2014

Ramblings From Ray

October 26, 2014


I’m thinking a lot about C. S. Lewis and his The Chronicles of Narnia because I’ve just finished reading that whole series on video and made it available on So I was thinking how C. S. Lewis might describe in one of those books just how Georgia and I are doing. Let’s see, he would write something like:

The sea had been rough for many weeks and still there was no land in sight. 
The two had fought off dragons, horse flies as a big as horses, and the giant Lafoofoos. The Lafoofoos were the worst because of their sharp teeth and ghastly breath.

First mate Georgia had bravely fought aside her husband, for all the others aboard ship were deep in trances that made them sleep endlessly. When the Captain had fallen under the witch’s spell, Ray who had never even sailed a toy boat in his bathwater now had to take the helm. Had it not been for the great lion Aslan, the sea would have swallowed their ship. But all through their very roughest moments, they could hear Him purr.

With deep apologies to the late C.S., that’s about it.

Now, I’ll just include some selected shorts. Briefs, shorts. You get the picture.


Got a sweet tooth, but everything you are tempted to eat is full of oober calories? Try Nestle New Orange Cream cycles, available at almost any grocery store. They will totally satisfy that tooth of yours and your sweet desires too and each cycle is only 80 calories. Great if you’re not milk intolerant.

If you want to lose weight and have been watching those Nutrisystem ads on TV but know that you can’t afford their diet, Georgia and I recommend going to the grocery store and stocking up on Eastern Cuisine TV dinners. It will do the same for you if you don’t snack on other things in between. Non-snacking is the Nutrisystem plan too.

Ever get a speeding ticket or wish you could talk with a lawyer without paying them an arm and a leg? I’ve been a member of Legal Shield since 2002 and they have not only spared me more than a hundred dollars when I was caught in a speed trap in California. They also got me $1700 when I was hit by a car and flew through the air, landing on pavement without as much as a scratch. It costs us $19 a month. Google Legal Shield. Someone is selling it near you in whatever state you’re in.

Want answers that prove creation science is far superior to the evolutionary theory? A beautiful magazine is available to you with powerful articles and beautiful pictures accompanying them – absolutely free. The Institute For Creation Research sends it through the mail FREE. Just Google and sign up for it.


From my precious forever friend Bradley Fisher on Facebook:



I’ve never figured out why people like to be scared. Hollywood would never make another Chainsaw Massacre or Freddie Krueger movie if millions of people didn’t rush to see them whenever a new one comes out. Haunted houses, bungee jumping, even roller coasters have no place in my life. It’s not that I might not find them thrilling. I just don’t like to throw up!

I write the above paragraph because I want to bring to some sensibility into the present fear in America over the Ebola virus. A handful of people have it and all but one has recovered or is recovering. If you want to be afraid of something try Chickenpox. It spreads a lot faster and kills whole cities full of people. West Africa is losing its people to Ebola because of their lack of good sanitation and burial rituals.

Forrest Gump was right – “Stupid is as stupid does.” Keeping our borders open to everyone with tuberculosis to Ebola is just plain stupid. Tell me why more than fifty million babies have been aborted to cut down the surplus population and then our borders have brought in thirty million illegal aliens from everywhere because we need to restock our country with humans. What is wrong with this picture?

The midterm elections are upon us. Every registered voter should vote sometime between now and November 4. This is the simplest ballot you could ever mark. Vote Democrat and you give them the power for Obama to lean much farther to the left. Vote Republican and you vote for the power to stop what Obama is doing to “change” America. This is undoubtedly the single most important Congressional election in many years.

Vote Independent or Libertarian and unless one you have the exception to the rule – a candidate who is way ahead of the Republican or Democrat in the polls taken in your state this week – you will have wasted your vote. You may as well stay home and save your energy.

I hope you read my review on the movie “Left Behind” on If not, see the movie now. Non-Christian movie reviewers have written scathing articles about the film because it is vivid, full of great acting, and tells a wonderful story. The movie, unlike the one that was made a few years ago, is not the whole first book of the “Left Behind” series, but centers on the first two chapters. It is a real Christian witness and that’s why they non-Christian critics haven’t wanted you to see it. Do see it and don’t get left behind!

About the rapture, I’m not sure whether we go before all chaos breaks out; after three and a half years go by; or at the end of seven years. In fact, those numbers may not represent actual time. Numbers in the Bible sometimes don’t. I would love to see the rapture at the beginning of the tribulation, but so would the Christians who wished for that in Iraq or Syria.

Larry Jack is in Arizona visiting his dad who has had trouble with his heart. That’s why we haven’t had the television studio up and running yet. Pray for Larry’s dad and for Larry. Larry is the brains technologically and I am the mouth of

Or more accurately, I am God’s ventriloquist dummy. I love being that. is now covering 133 countries and there are only 197 countries in the whole world. In the next month our website is going to GREATLY expand and reach more now. Do you mind if I say Hallelujah!


By Ray Mossholder

Those who fail to pray, and neglect the awesome wisdom of the Lord,

Are like those who jump out with a parachute and forget to pull the cord.

God’s Word forever tested and proven beyond compare

Cancels the Godless plans of man, no matter what they dare.

You might just as well try to put the chicken back inside the egg

Or try to walk a tightrope when you only have one leg

Than to think you can outsmart God and leave Him out of things

Forgetting He’s Master of the universe and the only King of Kings.

Some folks totally full of themselves and living in vanity

Actually think they can burn all Bibles and help humanity.

But burning that Book is burning the map that shows us God’s full plan

And nothing else on earth will work, nothing else ever can.

‘Cause God’s going to do what God’s going to do, count on it, my friend

He’s the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.

He answers the prayers of the humble who seek His face each day

And the wisest thing you can ever do is really learn how to pray.

He’ll talk to you as you talk to Him if you’ll listen for His word

But to stomp and spit and run away is nothing but absurd.

He loved you enough to die for you and has a wonderful plan for your life

He wants to bless the socks off you and keep you from all strife.

He plans to pay all your bills and overflow with extras, too,

So that you can always afford to do every single thing He really wants you to.

He plans long life, good health and joy, for you and all His friends,

And an assurance policy that never runs out, that never ever ends.

So why would you fight God or neglect Him when all He wants to do

Is to be your Lord and Savior, and to hug you when you’re through.


I’d like to know if you got this far in reading what I’ve written and far more important whether you enjoyed it. If you did, please strike that LIKE button in front of you. It will let me know to write more of these once in awhile.

Holy Hugs, Georgia Mae and Ray


Ramblings From Ray October 26, 2014

WATERLOO – Movie of the Week – What a magnificent cast! – Ray

There are certain generals who love war more than you love ice cream. Napoleon was one of those generals. For twenty years, he conquered every opposing force, but then he met his Waterloo. This is his story. – Ray (0)

WATERLOO – Movie of the Week – What a magnificent cast! – Ray

Joseph – Movie of the Week "Outstanding" Ray

Lesson: Never think your life is over until you absolutely draw your last breath. Lesson: Never fear being thrown in prison and being kept there. Your life is simply developing. As a Christian you have God’s favor even there. Lesson: “All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Believe that. Lesson: Above all things, forgive your enemies. God is only using them to bring you to a place where you can fulfill your destiny. – Ray


Joseph – Movie of the Week "Outstanding" Ray

Saturday, October 25, 2014

How To Break Free - Ray

HOW TO BREAK FREE   by Ray Mossholder

Are you realizing that the Christian life is a bed of roses with thorns? We live in a real world with hell happening all around us and sometimes to us. That’s because the god of this world is the devil (2 Corinthians 4:3–4). Only when we are born again by receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (Romans 10:8–11) do we begin an  ongoing relationship with the real God and start walking the eternal road to Heaven even if it takes a long, long time to get there. On this planet that “long, long time” is called life!

The god of this world doesn’t leave when you become a Christian. In fact, he hates you most when you give your life to Christ and afterward. He will do anything to try to make you stumble, to make you sin, to, at least however long, short-circuit God’s great plan for your life here. Here’s the good news: the devil and his demons can’t make you do anything you don’t agree to do. Christ is right there for you to call on and have Him strengthen you and give you the victory over sin, satan, and self.

And remember something vital that the god of this world desperately wants you to forget: Your sins are forgiven as a Christian – past, present and future. So if you get yourself into a mess, He’s already forgiven you for it. Just call on Him to work with you and get you out of the mess. Messes hurt everyone around you and most of all yourself no matter how good they feel at certain moments (Hebrews 11:25). The devil works through illusion and deceives through seduction. His goal is to blow your mind literally.

Never sell your birthright for a pot of porridge (Genesis 25:29-34). Never stop believing in God and His only begotten Son (John 3;16-18) Instead, “Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession (that Jesus Christ is our Lord). For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace (“grace” = Absolutely undeserved favor and kindness) so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:14–16)

Been there.  Done that.  I’m free.  So will you be.  Ray


How To Break Free - Ray

Michael W. Smith on 100 Huntley Street Wow!

Carman once introduced me to Michael W Smith. This is such a real guy, honest as he is handsome, and what a voice! It’s an honor to introduce him to you now. – Ray


Michael W. Smith on 100 Huntley Street Wow!

The Truth About The 2014 Midterm Elections: Special Report by Ray

If Republicans believe that on November 4th there will be a magic broom that is going to sweep Republican candidates into the Senate and overwhelm the former Democrats there, Republicans may be in for a terrible shock. Of course, if the Democrats believe all the candidates had to do was avoid their party’s president after voting time and time again to pass his legislation while defending him in Congress, they may turn out to be nothing but a pack of donkeys.


Hello America. Hello world.

From the headquarters of in Fort Worth, Texas, this is Ray Mossholder and this is the news.


If Republicans believe that on November 4th there will be a magic broom that is going to sweep Republican candidates into the Senate and overwhelm the former Democrats there, Republicans may be in for a terrible shock. Of course, if the Democrats believe all the candidates had to do was avoid their party’s president after voting time and time again to pass his legislation while defending him in Congress, they may turn out to be nothing but a pack of donkeys.

And why are the Democrat candidates for both the House and Senate refusing to be seen with President Obama and still not being called “racists”? Everyone knows Republicans would be called “racist” if they were the ones avoiding him like that.

In fact, the incumbent Democrat candidates at this moment are trying to make America forget how they rolled over for President Obama when he coerced, threatened, and did midnight bribes behind closed doors to get Obamacare passed with 60 votes from them and not one vote in favor from the Republicans.

Who can ever forget Nancy Pelosi’s unbelievable remark, “We’ll have to pass it to find out what’s in it.” We still haven’t found out what’s in it because Obama’s shoe is going to drop and most mouths too after the voting is over and the worst elements of Obamacare are brought out into the open. The Democrat candidates have pleaded with President Obama not to share those parts before the election so that they can be returned to office.

And let’s face it, the Republicans have little to crow about. For the past two years they have been like donkeys too, balking at all legislation whether it would have helped America or not. If a house divided against itself cannot stand, then if the Republicans don’t take over Congress it may be because they are a divided Republican Party, often arguing openly to the mainstream media’s absolute delight.

And the Republicans have had committee meetings out their ears on Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, the EPA, the Veterans Administration, and more other scandals than any political administration that I can remember. Obama calls them “phony scandals” and says there hasn’t been “a smidgen of corruption” with his administration. “Not a smidgen!”

Still the Republicans in Congress have been full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Hardly anyone loses their job over anything the Republicans have wasted their time “committeeing” to death. Benghazi is a prime example. Videos taken the night of the Muslim murders of our ambassador, two Navy SEALs, and another brave man, are still full of scenes that reveal terrorist after terrorist. Yet only one person has been arrested and that arrest took place a year and a half after the murders took place. No one knows what’s happened to the alleged terrorist who was arrested. I don’t know any other president in my lifetime who could have gotten away with that.

All this is enough to make voters say about the most recent members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, “A pox on both your houses.”

John Zogby from Zogby Analytics is known as the best prognosticator of election results prior to each election. That’s because the daily Zogby poll does an amazing job of forecasting every national election. His accuracy is unparalleled. Here’s what John Zogby is saying today about the coming midterm election:

As of today, the Republicans appear to be leading in enough state races to take control of the next Senate. Needing a net gain of six seats, they have solid leads in West Virginia and Montana; respectable leads in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Alaska. And they are holding on to slim leads in Iowa, Colorado, and South Dakota. They also appear to be holding Kentucky. If they win all of these, they can afford to drop a couple of close ones and still win enough seats. On the other hand, if Democrats win a few close ones and/or pick up seats in Georgia and Kansas (and possibly South Dakota), then Democrats hold the Senate.

When it comes to who voters trust more to tell the truth, voters give the edge to President Barack Obama by a factor of 36% to 17% over the GOP leadership in Congress. At the same time, 39% of the voters say “neither”. Those kinds of numbers are not the stuff of which “sweeps” and “waves” are made. It is one thing to say that President Obama has low numbers but his numbers are approximately three times more popular than the GOP in Congress.

“On the trust issue, women trust the President to tell the truth 38% to 14%, with 37% saying neither.

We asked who should control the Senate? Overall the Democrats lead 40% to 38% over the Republicans – with 21% not sure. Remember this is a poll conducted October 15-16. Gun owners favor the GOP by only 3 points (45% to 42%). Investors favor the GOP by only 4 points (45% to 41%). Independents favor the GOP 32% to 27%, with 41% not sure. But those fearful of losing a job favor the Democrats (49% to 38%), as do Weekly Wal-Mart Shoppers (49% to 37%).

Anything can happen. But as of today, there are no signs of a wave.

We are now ten days away from the midterm elections. According to state registrars across our nation, more than half of the voters who vote in this midterm election will have already voted when others go to the polls to make their marks on November 4th.

Unless something very dramatic happens that I will need to report on, this will be my one report on the gubernatorial race throughout America. The results, without a doubt, will absolutely impact the future of our nation no matter which side wins.



If we could use the money political candidates spend on their campaigns, we could powerfully reduce the National Debt.



Please feel free to leave a comment in the comment box at the end of this newscast.

If you liked this report click the “LIKE” button.

If you want to be notified when the next newscast is published click the “SUBSCRIBE” button on the video.

So until the next newscast this is Ray Mossholder, praying for you my friend. Have a miraculous day!

The Truth About The 2014 Midterm Elections: Special Report by Ray

Friday, October 24, 2014

Acts 17:1-15 The Gospel and Paul Continue To Be Attacked

Paul and Silas leave Philippi after a God–quake that brought the Philippian jailer and his whole household to Christ. They reach Thessalonica and Paul spends two weeks setting the biblical groundwork for the Messiah in a Jewish synagogue. But on the third week he tells then Jesus Christ is the Messiah and some believe and others want to kill him. Once again, Paul and Silas had to leave town.

Acts 17:1-15 The Gospel and Paul Continue To Be Attacked

Both America and Canada Are On High Alert for Jihadists 10/24/14

America and Canada remain on high alert today after two murders of Canadian soldiers by radical Islamists have taken place this week. Government leaders in both countries believe they have enough evidence to declare that individual jihad has begun and there is no effective way at this time to stop it.


Hello America. Hello world.

From the headquarters of in Fort Worth, Texas, this is Ray Mossholder and this is the news.


America and Canada remain on high alert today after two murders of Canadian soldiers by radical Islamists have taken place this week. Government leaders in both countries believe they have enough evidence to declare that individual jihad has begun and there is no effective way at this time to stop it. Most believe all terrorist organizations everywhere will need to be destroyed before safety can fully return. And they admit that will undoubtedly take many years.

Meanwhile, today a man jumped over the White House fence, but attack dogs quickly got him. And a New York City policeman was struck with an ax by a jihadist and a fellow policeman was injured and sent to the hospital. The events of this week involving radical Islamists are far more than coincidence. What America has feared has come upon us.

On Monday, at the War Memorial in the Canadian province of Québec, a reportedly new convert to Muslim terrorism, Martin Rouleau-Couture, rammed his car into two soldiers. One of the soldiers was killed and the other is still on the critical list in the hospital. Couture was then shot to death.

On Wednesday, in the Canadian province of Ottawa, a reportedly new convert to Muslim terrorism, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, entered the doors of the Parliament Building after killing an unarmed soldier who was guarding the tomb of Canada’s unknown soldier. Bibeau and Parliament security guards began a fiery exchange of bullets. Another security guard pushed Parliament members into the chamber and yelled for them to block their door. They did. The Parliament’s Sergeant of Arms, Kevin Vickers, finally shot and killed Bibeau. On Thursday Vickers received a several minute standing ovation from Parliament members when he entered the chamber’s at the start of the day.

The Islamist whose obvious aim was to assassinate Canadian Parliament members was a 32-year-old citizen of Québec. He had had legal troubles in the past but that was before he converted to Islam. He had also been arrested 5 times for drug possession and parole violations. His father had fought on the side of the Libyan rebels in 2011.

Monday’s killer also had a police record and both were on national “high risk traveler” lists and their passports had been seized.

There is strong evidence to indicate that both these new Islamic terrorists were fed from the same website and that they participated in jihadist web forums.

Canada’s former Minister of Public Safety, Stockwell Day, who used to be in charge of all Canadian security – a member of Parliament with the Conservative government, said “It is likely there is a digital trail that suggests they accessed some of the Internet chat rooms and websites. It appears the (Parliament Hill shooter) was using some of the same networks as the killer (from earlier this week), who killed an Army officer… And it was interesting that ISIL apparently, or a source identifying themselves as ISIL, had a photo out of this guy in pretty short order.”

Prime Minister Stephen Harper immediately said addressed all Canada by television and definitely labeled the killer of their soldier and his attack on Parliament as “an ISIL – inspired terrorist.” He continued “This week’s events are a grim reminder that Canada is not immune to the types of terrorist attacks we had seen elsewhere around the world. I pledge to fight against the terrorist organizations who brutalize those in other countries with the hope of bringing their savagery to our shores.”

It was only last week that Canadian Security Intelligence Service director Michel Coulombe told a parliamentary committee that there are 130 Canadian citizens who had gone to either Syria or Iraq to join terrorist groups. Of them, 80 have “returned to Canada for a variety of suspected terrorism–related purposes.” Still Coulombe said “I don’t want people to believe that we have 80 returnees who were hard fighters in Iraq and Syria, because that is not the picture we have at the moment.”

Bob Paulson, head of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, said at the same committee hearing that there are presently 63 active national–security investigations going on that involve 90 terror suspects. But he shrugged and said “It’s nothing for Canadians to be alarmed about.”

It is obvious that both the American and Canadian governments are tiptoeing through a Islamic minefield in their own countries. They would rather bite their tongue then say anything negative about Islam. But if jihad continues in our countries as at best a weekly occurrence, it is highly questionable whether they will be able to keep political correctness above national security.

On Tuesday, Jeff Yaworski, a major official from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) declared “There’s nothing more that we can do with the budget that we have except to prioritize internally as effectively as we can and I think were doing that. Our success rate has been quite good. I’d be foolhardy to say we’ve got all the bases covered. We do what we can with the budget that we have.” He said that before Parliament had its own personal jihadist.

Also before the gunfire in the Parliament building, Canada had already raised its terrorism threat level from low to medium because of “general chatter” from terrorists overseas. It was raised to high alert following the attack on Parliament.

The soldier shot and killed prior to the shooter storming Parliament has been identified as Corporal Nathan Cirillo from Hamilton, Ontario, the father of a 6-year-old son.

President Obama has stayed silent and has made no formal statement regarding any of this week’s jihadist murders.




Fear is the only thing that multiplies faster than rabbits.



Please feel free to leave a comment in the comment box at the end of this newscast.

If you liked this report click the “LIKE” button.

If you want to be notified when the next newscast is published click the “SUBSCRIBE” button on the video.

So until the next newscast this is Ray Mossholder, praying for you my friend. Have a miraculous day!

Both America and Canada Are On High Alert for Jihadists 10/24/14

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Are You a Servant of God or A Friend of God? – Bill Johnson

For 34 years of ministry, I was God’s servant. I went all over the world to teach His Word with Holy Spirit results but unfulfilled in my own spirit. In all the wonderful things that happened, I finally found myself exhausted and running on empty. After those 34 years I let my marriage, my life, and my ministry fall apart because of my SERVICE for Christ. For the next four and a half years I thought that I had simply been born just to be a bad example.

Now I’m 77, totally fulfilled daily and overwhelmingly excited about fulfilling my purpose in Christ with this website. It took nearly my  whole lifetime to get me where I am today. But what made the difference between the “old Ray” and the “new Ray”? Bill Johnson rescued me along with Danny Silk and Kris Vallotton at Bethel church in Redding, California. They restored me by teaching me the deep truth of what Bill Johnson shares in this message. I became Christ’s friend and through that He has been able to joyfully show me HOW to serve Him as His friend.

When that change happened every bit of my earlier life came together as Romans 8:28 said it would – “All things work(ed) together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.”  Here is the man who God used to rescue  me from the pit, clean me off with the blood of Christ, and show me God still had a greater purpose for my life. That’s why exists. Listen and trust what Bill Johnson says. This message was for me and it is for you. – Ray


Are You a Servant of God or A Friend of God? – Bill Johnson

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

37 – The Last Message The Thor Conspiracy by Larry Burkett

Bob Wells stopped the recorder to gather his thoughts before continuing. Since the THOR incident in the Pacific, not one word had leaked to the public about the real cause of the disaster. Once the fire went out the public lost interest, and outside of a few scientific journals that it reported on the unusual meteor showers, nothing further was forthcoming.


37 – The Last Message The Thor Conspiracy by Larry Burkett

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Georgia"s Yummy Chicken "n Mushrooms


Larry’s rice cooker has made cooking dinner so much easier for me. Tonight, inspired by a special sale of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, I indulged my love of creamy mushrooms. It was so delicious our plates were cleaned lickety-split!


6 Boneless/Skinless chicken thighs 12 oz. Mushrooms sliced medium

¼ cup Yellow Onion minced ¼ cup Butter

Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Paprika, Rosemary Powder to taste

1 cup Heavy Cream Thyme to taste


Scrape excess fat off chicken thighs. Sprinkle both sides with Salt, Pepper, Paprika, Garlic powder, and Rosemary powder.

Melt Butter in frying pan, add Chicken and cook until done, turning to brown all sides. Remove chicken from pan and keep warm.

While chicken is cooking mince the onion and slice the mushrooms.

Add onion and mushrooms to frying pan which should have enough melted butter remaining after you took out the chicken. If not, add more butter. Sauté over medium het. Stir occasionally, until mushrooms are softer and a little brown. Push mushrooms to the side, add cream to center of pan, and scrape to release any seasonings stuck in pan; sprinkle a teaspoon (or more) of Thyme over top of cream and stir and cook until cream has reduced about one third. Taste to see if it needs more salt and pepper. Stir mushrooms into the cream.

I served the chicken with creamy mushrooms over brown rice plus a side vegetable dish. Tonight’s was my Easy Zucchini. While the mushrooms were cooking I prepared the zucchini, garlic and onion for this side dish.


Quarter zucchini lengthwise then slice into pie shaped pieces. Heat some olive oil in a frying pan then add a clove of chopped garlic, chopped yellow onion and the zucchini. Sprinkle with oregano, salt and pepper. Sauté a few minutes then add some tomato paste and a little water (or wine).


Georgia"s Yummy Chicken "n Mushrooms

Monday, October 20, 2014

Chapter 36 - Find A Scapegoat

In Washington, the political maneuvering was accelerating. “What’s the latest word on the hole in the ozone, doctor?” the vice president asked Dr. Van Pell. “I’m sorry, sir, but that information has been classified most secret, and I can’t discuss it with anyone except the president. The vice president’s flared, but he fought to get control. (0)

Chapter 36 - Find A Scapegoat


King Herod the Great’s Tomb Unearthed

May 6, 1907

JERUSALEM — An ancient staircase used in a royal funeral procession led an Israeli archaeologist to solve a 2,000-year-old mystery, the location of the tomb of the Roman-anointed “King of the Jews,” Herod the Great.

Hebrew University archaeologist Ehud Netzer said on Tuesday he had found the sarcophagus of the king, who ruled Judea from about 37 BC until his death in 4 BC, had been smashed, most likely by Jews who rebelled against Rome from 66 to 72 AD.

Speaking at a news conference a day after the university announced the discovery, Netzer said the monarch’s remains most likely disappeared when the rebels raided the tomb at Herodium, where Herod’s fortress palace once stood, near Jerusalem.

Herod has a special place in biblical history.

He rebuilt the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and the Gospel of Matthew says he ordered the “Massacre of the Innocents”, the killing of male infants in Jesus’s birthplace of Bethlehem out of fear of losing his throne to a new “king of the Jews”.

Netzer had searched for Herod’s tomb at Herodium for about 30 years. Herod, born in around 74 BC, had chosen to be buried at the desert fortress he built around 23 BC and which he used as a summer palace.

The burial site, in what is now the Israeli-occupied West Bank, was found more than a month ago at the end of an ancient staircase leading up to the hilltop, Netzer said.

“The monumental stairs were built specifically for the funeral,” Netzer said.

Ancient Jewish historian Falavius Josephus had written that Herod’s funeral procession began from the city of Jericho and was attended by hundreds of his guards and servants.

Earlier digs had focused on other parts of Herodium, including a “tomb estate”, remnants of two buildings and a large ritual bath, that originally had been chosen as a burial site.

Netzer and his team concluded the tomb they unearthed, estimated to have been about 2.5 meters (8 feet) long, was Herod’s because of its lavish design. One of the limestone remnants possessed a flower-like pattern. No bones were found.

“It was not a sarcophagus that rolled around on the streets, was common or which anyone could afford during the era,” Netzer said. “There are only one or two of its kind.”

A second article on this discovery:

The archaeologist who located King Herod’s tomb at Herodium said Tuesday that the grave had been desecrated, apparently shortly after his death, but called the discovery a “high point.”

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem announced Monday night that it has uncovered the grave and tomb of Herod, who ruled Judea for the Roman empire from circa 37 BCE.

Professor Ehud Netzer of the university’s Institute of Archaeology told reporters Tuesday that the tomb was discovered when a team of researchers found pieces of a limestone sarcophagus believed to belong to the ancient king.

Although there were no bones in the container, he said the sarcophagus’ location and ornate appearance indicated it was Herod’s.

“It’s a sarcophagus we don’t just see anywhere,” Netzer said. “It is something very special.”

Netzer led the team, though he said he was not on the site when the sarcophagus was found.

He said the sarcophagus had been smashed into pieces, most likely by someone seeking revenge on Herod during the great Jewish rebellion of 66-72 CE.

“The discovery of the grave is the high point in the excavation at the site,” said Netzer.

The professor, who is considered one of the leading experts on King Herod, has conducted archeological digs at Herodium since 1972 in an attempt to locate the grave and tomb.

The discovery solves one of Israel’s greatest archeological mysteries.

The majority of researchers had believed that Herod was in fact buried at Herodium, based on the writings of the ancient Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, but multiple excavations at the site failed to locate the grave.

Netzer’s successful dig focused on a different part of the site than previous excavations, between the upper part of Herodium and the site’s two palaces.

Herodium, a fortified palace built by Herod some 12 kilometers south of Jerusalem, was destroyed by the Romans in 71 CE.

Herod, whose father and grandfather converted to Judaism, was appointed governor of Galilee at the age of 25 and was made “King of the Jews” by the Roman senate in approximately 40 BCE. He remained king for around 34 years.

Herod, also known as Herod the Great, is credited with expanding the Second Temple and building Caesarea, Masada, and many other monumental construction projects. He died in the year 4 BCE in Jericho after a long illness.

Herod decided to construct his tomb at Herodium because the site played a role in two dramatic events in his life. In the year 43 BCE, when Herod was still governor of the Galilee, he was forced to flee Jerusalem along with his family after his enemies the Parthians laid siege to the city.

His mother’s chariot flipped over near Herodium, and Herod became hysterical until he realized she was only lightly wounded. A short while later, the Parthians caught up to Herod and his entourage, although Herod and his men emerged victorious in the ensuing battle.

At Herodium, Herod built one of the largest monarchical complexes in the Roman Empire, which served as a residential palace, a sanctuary, an administrative center and a mausoleum. Herod first built an artificial cone-shaped hill that could be seen from Jerusalem, on which he constructed a fortified palace surrounded by watchtowers that he used solely in wartime.

At the base of the hill, he built an additional palace, which was the size of a small town and known as “Lower Herodium.” The palace included many buildings, fancy gardens, pools, stables, and storage areas.

Herod spared no expense in an attempt to turn the site into a regional gem, bringing water from Solomon’s Pools and special soil to allow his gardens to blossom in the heart of the desert.

Following Herod’s death, his son and heir Archilaus continued to reside and Herodium. After Judea became a Roman province, the site served as a center for Roman prefects.

With the outbreak of the Great Revolt, Herodium was seized by the rebels, but then handed over without resistance to the Romans following the fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE.

Fifty years later, Herodium was also used by the rebels during the Bar Kokhva revolt, but was abandoned thereafter.

In the 5th century CE, the site was settled by Byzantine monks, and then served as a leper colony before being finally abandoned in the 7th century CE.

The first archeological dig at the site, between the years 1956 and 1962, was conducted by a Franciscan monk and revealed most of the currently-known remains. Israel began excavations at the site in 1972, several years after its capture during the Six-Day War.



Eric Whitaker"s Virtual Choir – Fly To Paradise

If you love choirs, this one’s for you. The animation is totally unique. A 5,905 member choir from 101 countries makes it amazing. Etherial, Out of the box, Beautiful. Join me on a flight to Paradise. – Ray (0)

Eric Whitaker"s Virtual Choir – Fly To Paradise

Christian Sentenced To Death For Speaking A Word Against Mohammed -Ray

My first article is a cry for help and a cry for prayer. That’s what got Miriam Ibrahim released from a Sudanese prison a few months ago in a situation that seemed absolutely hopeless.This time the country is Pakistan, a country that receives millions of dollars each year from America.


Hello America. Hello world.

From the headquarters of in Fort Worth, Texas, this is Ray Mossholder and this is the news:

Asia Bibi


My first article is a cry for help and a cry for prayer. That’s what got Miriam Ibrahim released from a Sudanese prison a few months ago in a situation that seemed absolutely hopeless. This time the country is Pakistan, a country that receives millions of dollars each year from America. If President Obama would tell the government of Pakistan that it would lose this money from now on if any harm comes to their prisoner, Asia Bibi, a Christian, her scheduled hanging would almost certainly be forgotten about and she would be released.

What is Asia Bibi’s crime that has caused a death sentence? In 2010, Asia was imprisoned for speaking a derogatory word against the Islamic prophet Mohammed during a heated discussion with some Islamic women over a pot of water.

In 2011, the Governor of Punjab, Salmon Taseer, and minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti, were both murdered because they dared to protest Pakistan’s blasphemy laws and Asia’s trial proceeded without them.

The American Center for Law and Justice says the BBC did a great job in bringing about the release of Meriam Ibrahim. Now they are hoping to do the same for Asia Bibi. The BBC gave these following details of what happened before Asia was arrested:

Asia Bibi’s troubles began in June 2009 in her village of Ittan Wali, a patchwork of lush fields and dusty streets. Hers was the only Christian family living there.

She was picking berries along with a group of Muslim women when an argument developed over sharing the water.

Several days later, this same group of Muslim women declared that Asia had insulted the Prophet Mohammed. At that point, a mob of Islamists went to Asia’s home, she ran out the door and they chased her. When they caught her, they put a noose around her neck so that they could kill her. Instead she rescued but thrown in prison and is the first woman sentenced to hang in Pakistan under its Shariah blasphemy laws. Her case has now come before Pakistan’s Supreme Court, who will render the final decision.

Asia Bibi is the mother of five children. She absolutely denies ever having spoken any insult at all against Mohammed. But for the past two years, she has sat alone in a prison cell while her husband and children have been harassed by the entire town. Several times Muslims have threatened them.

Jay Sekulow, head of the American Center for Law and Justice, said “We’ve been fighting through our international affiliate, the European Centre for Law and Justice and its partner in Pakistan. Jay said “These blasphemy laws in Pakistan are despicable and Shariah law has been a part of this country for many years. We have had a number of these outrageous charges thrown out of court. The violent attack on this Christian wife and mother cannot stand. Like the case of Meriam, who is now free, for whom the world stood together as one voice, they need to do it again to condemn Pakistan’s barbaric violation of Asia Bibi’s human rights. She has done nothing wrong and the trumped up charges are merely because she is a Christian. She must not be executed for her faith in Christ.

The ACLJ will have a petition on the Internet to be signed by you and asking for Asia Bibi to be released. Please do sign it. It will matter. Use the social media to rally the troops into action to save Asia Bibi’s life and to sign the petition too.

No, Mr. President, Islam and Christianity are not at all the same in hardly any way. It’s time for you to pick up your telephone and call Pakistan and stand up for for Asia Bibi. And while you’re at it, phone Mexico’s president too and demand the release of Marine Sergeant hero Andrew Tahmooressie. Do you have the moral fortitude to make those two phone calls as the president of the United States?



It’s been 6 months since Boko Haram kidnapped 300 Nigerian high school girls, most of them Christian, and no one knows in the outside world what has happened individually to each one of them or corporately as a group. They are considered fair game by the radical Muslims. Suddenly hope has risen, but it is a cautious hope. Friday the Nigerian government and Boko Haram made a cease-fire agreement. At the same time, the release of all the missing girls was also negotiated. Everyone in Chibok Province is holding their breath and the Christian parents are praying.

The country of Chad has been negotiating the cease-fire between Nigeria and Boko Haram and the girls are headed for there. The question now is whether Boko Haram can be trusted to keep their word on this. If so, they have promised to return the girls on Tuesday.

And the second question would be what convinced them they should cease their killing? Boko Haram has massacred the people in many Nigerian villages. If they walk free after the peace agreement, does it mean they will then stop their savage brutality? Will any justice be served for what they’ve done? I will keep you up-to-date as this story develops.




The way the Ebola virus has been treated in America would be laughable if it wasn’t a matter of life and death. Behind the scenes, President Obama is reportedly highly frustrated with the response of the Center of Disease and Control, and it’s leader, Tom Frieden. However, before the cameras, our president has continued to say that he is confident of Frieden and the CDC.

There is no doubt that the news media is hyping an Ebola epidemic as if it were all but certain. This is one of the terrible things about the news industry as a whole. They know one truth – bad news sells. Television news stations use the word Ebola over and over again, 24 hours a day, and nothing could please their million-dollar sponsors more.

It is true that the Ebola virus could spread nationwide. It is also true that it is more than likely going to be contained with a very few victims, hopefully only one. Every death from this terrible disease is tragic. But as the Ebola virus threatens to kill more than a million people in West Africa, it does not appear to be doing the same in America. And except for one tragic death of a Liberian man in Dallas, Thomas Eric Duncan, other Ebola cases that are in quarantine now in America are reportedly recovering.

President Obama did add to the tragi-comedy by appointing a political “Ebola Czar” rather than one with any medical knowledge or who could very deeply understand the situation and how to coordinate any more discoveries of the disease. Once again, the president seems to be throwing things at the wall and hoping something will stick.

It is also true that President Obama promised America that it would stay Ebola free. But that’s obviously not the case. The man who died had flown from Liberia to Dallas. And such flights obviously bring the danger of still more Ebola cases. Yet President Obama has so far refused to stop airplanes to and from West Africa. Perhaps he is thinking about the fact that since our borders are wide open, Ebola carriers can enter America whether or not they do it by plane.

Were several major mistakes made at the Dallas hospital and made also by the CDC? Absolutely. Have nurses been exposed to the virus unnecessarily? Absolutely. Have people flown when they shouldn’t because they were showing signs of Ebola? Absolutely. But though this story is not over, there is more positive news than negative about those suffering in America from the disease right now.

Why would West Africa be so besieged by the epidemic and America not be? First, the sanitation problems in West Africa from intimate burial rites to hiding diseased people rather than getting them to the hospital, is rampant. Now, the World Health Organization is owning up to its own botched attempt at stopping the disease. Though the UN’s WHO refuses to explicitly explain the details they have written in a draft document because that would more than embarrass them, they do admit they botched things time and time again because of an incompetent staff, bureaucracy, and a lack of reliable information.

WHO said nearly everyone is to be blamed for the plague that has now killed 4,546 people including more than three hundred doctors, nurses, and health workers, out of 9,191 cases.

In April, Doctors Without Borders were in disagreement with WHO on social media. WHO argued that the Ebola epidemic was contained. WHO now agrees their arguments were only to cover themselves from blame. They do promise that once the Ebola virus epidemic ends they will share all of the hidden information in a report.

Meanwhile, the government of Canada will begin shipping 800 vials of an experimental Ebola vaccine to WHO on Monday.

In Dallas, tonight (Sunday) at midnight, the 21 day quarantine of the four family members of the deceased Tom Duncan will be over. None of them show any symptoms of Ebola. Neither do the other 44 people who were being held in quarantine until now.

As a side note, I’m sure you’ll be glad to know that President Obama returned to his golf game today. He had missed playing for the past three days which was like a starvation diet for him. To make up for it, he stayed on the course for five hours.




America’s stock market has been like a limbo dancer this past week, dropping lower and lower by more than a thousand points. Meanwhile, Europe is financially shaking like Jell-O and their stock markets are dropping heavily too. It’s been a long time since Wall Street used what they call it’s “fear index” but that index is clanging its loud alarm now. According to the fear index, we ain’t seen nothing yet. How far the stock market will drop is anyone’s guess. But many people are losing their life’s savings and several millionaires both here and abroad aren’t millionaires anymore.

JJ Kinahan, the chief strategist for TD Ameritrade, said “We’ve gone from the S&P 500 hitting all-time highs to losing all its gains
in just a month and a half. There has been a sea change in how people are viewing the market.”

The financial roller coaster ride that people take when they invest in the stock market still means the market can take off again and most people would then recover their losses. But right now in both America and Europe, the gloomy prediction is that the stock markets will be down for the count when the final closing bell sounds.





Wedding vows have been spoken in a mass ceremony in Palestine between men in their mid-20’s or above to girls 10 years old or younger.

Muslims know they have Allah’s blessing on these kinds of weddings because Mohammed married a 6-year-old. But being a patient prophet, he waited until she was 9 to consummate their marriage. In an evolution through the centuries, Muslim males believe they have no need to wait so terribly long. But ten-year-old girls are more than ready for the consummation.

Many Muslim officials were at the mass wedding to celebrate with the happy couples. Among them was Hamas leader Mahmud Zahar. At the carefully staged event, Mahmud, speaking to the grooms, said “We are saying to the world and to America that you cannot deny us joy and happiness.”

Local Hamas strongman Ibrahim Salaf said in a toast, “We are presenting this wedding as a gift to our people who stood firm in the face of the siege and the war,” The grooms were dressed in identical black suits and are from the Jabalia refugee camp. Hamas gave each groom a gift of $500.

The little girls were dressed in white gowns and wore garish makeup. They each received a bridal bouquet. It is doubtful they knew what would come after the ceremony.


In other news………


The Denver Police Department is warning parents nationwide to avoid taking their children trick-or-treating at houses where they don’t know who lives inside. That’s because today drugs are so easily hidden in candy or other sweets. They point out that supposed “treats” this Halloween will undoubtedly include homes giving out marijuana-laced goodies and far worse. The newest innovation is mass-produced candy that is sprayed with hashish. There isn’t any way to identify it from normal candy without eating it.





A couple in Couer d’Alene, Idaho who have been married for 47 years – Donald and Evelyn Knapp – own a wedding chapel called The Hitching Post. They’ve been performing marriages there since 1989. But now they are being threatened with fines and jail time because they refuse to marry a gay couple who asked the Knapps to marry them there.

Couer d’Alene has a nondiscrimination law that includes sexual orientation and gender rights. The city plans to use these statutes to force the Knapps to marry a gay couple or impose stiff fines and two cells at the city jail.

Ryan Anderson of The Heritage Foundation wrote about this on their website The Daily Signal: “Protecting religious liberty and the rights of conscience does not infringe on anyone’s sexual freedoms. No one has a right to have the government force a particular minister to marry them. Some citizens may conclude that they cannot in good conscience participate in same-sex ceremonies, from priests and pastors to bakers and florists. They should not be forced to choose between strongly held religious beliefs and their livelihood. It is unclear how the city could claim that forcing the Knapps to perform a same-sex wedding is a compelling government interest being pursued in the least restrictive way. There are numerous other venues where a same-sex couple could get married. Indeed, there is a county clerks office directly across the street from the chapel.”

Anderson also wrote that states must protect these rights so people aren’t coerced to act against their beliefs.

The Alliance Defending Freedom filed a motion on behalf of the Knapps arguing their First and 14th Amendment rights are being violated – pointing out that not only were the Knapps freedom of religion and free speech rights violated, but also the right to due process and equal protection.



President Obama experienced today (Sunday) what every public speaker most fears: the Democrats at a campaign rally in Upper Marlboro Maryland, walked out as he spoke. Reuters, in fact, said they “streamed out.” They also say the president “repeated over and over again “You’ve GOT TO vote.” The Telegraph “half the crowd walked out.”

The rally was on behalf of Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown who is running for governor of Maryland. The crowd’s reaction probably won’t matter much. Brown has an eleven point lead in the polls over his Republican opponent.

The president has mainly steered clear of campaigns mostly because the Democrat candidates don’t want to be seen with him. He has gathered many millions of dollars for the campaigners at dozens of fundraisers in spite of their desire not to stand next to him while they are running.

Tonight (Sunday) President Obama spoke at a second campaign rally – this one for Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois, who is running for reelection. There has been no response yet from the reporters on how the crowd reacted to Mr. Obama this evening.

Today’s Gallup poll results show our president at an all-time low with 40% approving of his actions and 55% disapproving. With that, he is fully aware that the midterm election is 16 days from now.





Finally, Mayor Annise Parker of Houston has backed completely down from her demand for the city’s pastor’s sermons and conversations on the gay rights movement. The mayor and City Attorney David Feldman said in a joint statement that the requests were made by an outside group. However, they did not say what group. They claimed they were unaware that the pastors had been subpoenaed. Feldman said “It’s unfortunate that the subpoena effort has been construed as some effort to infringe upon religious beliefs.”




Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.



Remember that I want to read your comments. How do you feel about anything I’ve shared? Let me know at the end of this newscast.

And if you liked these newscasts, I like it if you’d click that LIKE button in front of you.

Also, if you’d like to be informed when each of my newscasts are posted, click SUBSCRIBE.

And so until next time, this is Ray Mossholder. Have a miraculous day!


Christian Sentenced To Death For Speaking A Word Against Mohammed -Ray

Saturday, October 18, 2014

35 – Tell Them We"re Alive

Things were beginning to heat up. “What do you mean, Dr. Lawrence won’t come” roared Flom. “Didn’t you tell him it was urgent?” “Yes, sir,” the reporter replied as he tried to shrink away from the verbal last he knew was coming. He had dreaded returning to face the editor without Dr. Lawrence.

35 – Tell Them We"re Alive

Twitters National Day of Prayer - October 29, 2014 Bill Keith

God’s promise is clear: “If the people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from Heaven and will heal their land.” There has never been a time in history when America needs prayer more than now. Join with us in the National Day Of Prayer Wednesday October 29. And use every form of social media and cell phone to invite your friends to join in with us in prayer too. – Ray


Twitters National Day of Prayer - October 29, 2014 Bill Keith

God Only Knows by the Beach Boys, sung by a Who"s Who of greats

color photo God Only Knows stars

names with numbers God Only Knows

1. Dave Grohl / 2. Alison Balsom / 3. Lorde / 4. Pharrell Williams / 5. Zane Lowe / 6. Sam Smith / 7. Paloma Faith / 8. Eliza Carthy / 9. Nicola Benedetti / 10. Chris Martin / 11. Jaz Dhami / 12. Martin James Bartlett / 13. Danielle de Niese / 14. Stevie Wonder / 15. Florence Welch / 16. Lauren Laverne / 17. Brian Wilson / 18. Jake Bugg / 19. Katie Derham / 20. Gareth Malone / 21. Kylie Minogue / 22. Chrissie Hynde / 23. One Direction / 24. Emeli Sandé / 25. Elton John / 26. Baaba Maal / 27. Ethan Johns / 28. Jools Holland / 29. Jamie Cullum / 30. Brian May / 31. Tees Valley Youth Choir / 32. BBC Concert Orchestra



God Only Knows by the Beach Boys, sung by a Who"s Who of greats

Twitter National Day of Fasting and Prayer – October 29, 2014 Bill Keith

Twitter National Day of Fasting and Prayer

October 29, 2014

About the Day of Prayer

     Two years ago — before the national mid-term elections — our nation was facing so many issues that I felt it was time to call people to prayer for this land. I sent out word to my followers on TWITTER and asked them to join me. Many of them RETWEETED my call to prayer and a total of 85,000 learned about the special day.

     However, this year the prayer warriors who have joined me have RETWEETED the call to more than 900,000. Of course that does not mean that all of them will fast and pray on October 29, unless we encourage and inspire them to do so.

     Hence, I’m asking each person to tell all your followers about this blog and ask them to join us for the day of prayer.

Inspirational Quotes on Prayer

     “God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.” ~~ John Wesley

     “We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the Heavenly world, and can bring its power down to earth.” ~~ Andrew Murray

     “Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still.” ~~ E. M. Bounds

     “The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, ‘O God, forgive me’ or ‘help me."” ~~ Billy Graham

     “Each time, before you intercede, be quiet first, and worship God in His glory. Think of what he can do, and how He delights to hear the prayers of his redeemed people. Think of your place and privilege in Christ, and expect great things!” ~~ Andrew Murray

A Word from Reverend Tony Evans

     America is in trouble. From sea to shining sea… The United States is quickly becoming the divided states. Disunity and conflict abound. Family breakdown, the immigration crisis, the threat of terrorism, an abiding racial divide and political dysfunction all point to a deeper problem.

     Things are unraveling at warp speed. Like never before. We must pray for our nation and our leaders. ~~Tony Evans, Decision Magazine

Prayer List

     Please pray for our nation and for the upcoming election on November 4 that people will vote their conscience and nothing else.

     Pray for those who are running for the Senate and House of Representatives.

Pray they will hold fast the sanctity of life and of marriage.

Pray they will realize the consequences of socialized healthcare that has wrecked our healthcare system in this land.

Pray that they will oppose the tyranny of taxation.

Pray that they will promote racial tolerance rather than racial division.

Pray that they will be dedicated to the Constitution and oppose executive and judicial actions by fiat that are not approved by Congress.

Pray that they will close our southern border and protect our land and oppose blanket amnesty for millions of illegals in this land.

Pray that they will understand the dangers of a $17 trillion deficit.

And many others.

     This is just a partial list and I welcome other prayer requests from our readers.


Remember our Battle Cry: II Chronicles 7:14

Bill and Vivian Keith

About Bill

Bill Keith

An award-winning journalist, I served as an investigative reporter, city editor and editor of three newspapers in Louisiana and Texas. Was also a war correspondent in Vietnam and had assignments in Tokyo, the Philippines and West Berlin. Earned the bachelor of arts degree in writing /journalism from Wheaton College in Illinois, the master of divinity from the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, and received a graduate diploma from the Tokyo School of the Japanese Language. Louisiana state senator representing the people of Shreveport; and senior editor of Huntington House Books, Inc. I have written 23 books — both fiction and non-fiction. My latest book is The Incredible Journey of a Mafia Soldier, a true story, published by Stonegate Publishing Company. To learn more about my books, go to My wife, Vivian Marie and I live in East Texas and we have six children.

View my complete profile

Blog Archive


Twitter National Day of Fasting and Prayer – October 29, 2014 Bill Keith

35 – Tell Them We"re Alive!

Things were beginning to heat up. “What do you mean, Dr. Lawrence won’t come,” roared Flom. “Didn’t you tell him it was urgent?” “Yes, sir,” the reporter replied as he tried to shrink away from the verbal blast he knew was coming. He had dreaded returning to face the editor without Doctor Lawrence.

35 – Tell Them We’re Alive!  The Thor Conspiracy (0)

35 – Tell Them We"re Alive!

Do You Believe What Our President Says Anymore? The Bill Keith Report And Commentary

“Less than two weeks ago, the government told us that the Ebola virus couldn’t spread here. Also, the Internal Revenue Service isn’t targeting (reporters), the Islamic State is JV (junior varsity), Iraq is secure, the National Security Agency isn’t eavesdropping (on Americans), Benghazi was about a video, the economy is getting better and your can keep your health plan.

Friday, October 17, 2014

This is Ray Mossholder with

The Bill Keith Report

News And Commentary

Greetings to our readers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 133 foreign countries.

Your comments are welcome!

If you believe the information in this edition of The Report is worthwhile, please tell your friends about it.


Be sure to scroll down to see the text and pictures

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott warns Houston Mayor Annise Parker: “Quit bullying Christians.”

Ebola Travel Bans Enacted by Nearly 30 Countries, but not the U.S.


“Why Are We The Last on Ebola Travel Ban?” ~~ Dr. Ben Carson, retired pediatric-neurosurgeon at Johns-Hopkins

Logic is dead. Excellence is punished. Mediocrity is rewarded. And dependency is to be revered. This is present-day America.

When people rob banks, they go to prison. When they rob the taxpayer, they get re-elected.

Politics is the second oldest profession in the world and it’s a lot like the first.~~ Ronald Reagan

The Crisis of Confidence

     “Less than two weeks ago, the government told us that the Ebola virus couldn’t spread here. Also, the Internal Revenue Service isn’t targeting (reporters), the Islamic State is JV (junior varsity), Iraq is secure, the National Security Agency isn’t eavesdropping (on Americans), Benghazi was about a video, the economy is getting better and your can keep your health plan.

“The crisis of confidence in government has now reached epidemic levels, just in time for the government to bungle a possible actual (Ebola) epidemic.”~~ Monica Crowley, Editorial Page Editor, the Washington Times

The Ebola Fiasco: CDC’s Frieden’s Meltdown

The Ebola fiasco is can be traced right back to Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.

     When we listen to his convoluted reasoning, we wonder what planet he has been living on.

     Here’s what he said about stopping citizens of West Africa from coming into our land:

     “If we isolate these countries, what’s not going to happen is the disease staying there. It’s going to spread more, all over Africa and we’ll be at higher risk.”

    Bill O’Reilly asked this question on the O’Reilly Factor, “Does that make any sense to anybody? It’s just ridiculous.”

     Ebola travel bans have been ordered by 30 countries and two airlines, Air France and British Airways have suspended flights from the Ebola-ravished countries.

     Comment: President Obama assured the American people Ebola would not come to this country. And he said if it did, the CDC would know how to control it. Neither was true.

     Americans are dying because the CDC did not know how to contain the virus once it reached our shores. And I’m not sure they ever will.

     The CDC has an annual budget of $6.6 billion.

     Hence, we must stop all flights from West Africa to the U.S. and stop them immediately. Recent polls show the American people — by a large majority — favor the travel restrictions.

Houston Mayor Annise Parker (right) and her wife

Houston Outrage! The Rise and Fall of Democracy

     Lesbian Mayor Annise Parker ordered at least five Houston, Texas-area pastors to turn over their sermons to find out what they have said about the hotly contested transgender rights ordinance, homosexuals, gender identity and about Parker. Failure to comply could find the preachers in contempt of court and they could face jail time.

     She called their sermons “fair game” and her city attorney presented subpoenas to the local pastors also to turn over speeches, papers and communications with the members of their congregations.

     The subpoenas are a terrible violation of these preachers’ First Amendment protections.

     “The subpoenas are just the latest twist in an ongoing saga over Houston’s new non-discrimination ordinance,” Fox News reported. “The law, among other things, would allow men to use the ladies room and vice versa.”

     However, according to the Houston Chronicle, opponents of the ordinance initiated a petition drive and received 50,000 signatures which was more than the 17,269 necessary to call for an election and let the people decide the issue in a referendum.

     “However, things got nasty when the city attorney threw out the 50,000 signatures over alleged irregularities, Fox reported.

     So, the opponents — led by a number of courageous Houston-area preachers — filed a lawsuit which now is in court. Mayor Parker responded by issuing the subpoenas.

     “The city’s subpoena of sermons and other pastor communications is both needless and unprecedented,” Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Christina Holcomb said in a statement. “The city council and its attorneys are engaging in an inquisition designed to stifle any critique of its actions.”

     Meanwhile, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott sent a letter to the mayor and her staff and told them to stop “bullying” Christians. He said their request for the pastors’ sermons and other documents is a serious violation of their First Amendment rights.

     Reports have surfaced that Mayor Parker may rescind the subpoena orders. Story developing.

It’s Your Money

     Government investigators are looking into why the U. S. Air Force only received $32,000 in scrap for 16 airplanes that cost $486 million, according to the Wall Street Journal.

     The Italian-built C-27A cargo planes were purchased for the Afghan Air Force but were grounded because of lack of adequate maintenance and spare parts, theJournal said. “Including maintenance costs, the Air Force’s total tab was $596 million before officials decided to park the planes and ultimately sell them for scrap at six cents a pound.”

     Comment: Question: why did the Air Force purchase planes from Italy when they could have been built in the U.S. and provide extra jobs?

     Another question: why did Air Force planners not factor in maintenance personnel and spare parts?


Obama Executive Order: Recruit Illegals for Military

     In case Report readers have not heard, back in September the Department of Defense outlined President Obama’s plan to pass an executive order to allow illegal aliens to join our military, MinuteMen News reports. The plan is to go into effect next January.

     “Mr. Obama has fired 90,000 (American) soldiers and officers, some while serving in Afghanistan, while he is at the same time planning to hire illegals who broke the law to get here… MinuteMen pointed out.

     “The army is at pre-1940 levels, the Marine Corps is at about 1917 levels, the Navy is at WWI levels and the Air Force is as low as it’s ever  been, yet we are firing 90,000 soldiers but we can afford to hire illegals,” Minutemen pointed out.

     Comment: Only Congress has the right to change the immigration law to allow the military to hire the illegals.

     Also, it is a felony to arm illegals. So when all of these illegals are given weapons, they will be breaking two laws — for being in this country and bearing firearms.

Attorney General Holder Gives Gay Marriage Team Top Award

     During the Annual Attorney General’s Awards Ceremony this week, Eric Holder gave the top award to the gay marriage implementation team.

     The AG’s Award for Exceptional Service — the department’s highest award for employee performance — was given to the 29 people “responsible for outstanding achievement…” Minutemen News reports.

     Although Congress overwhelmingly passed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and it was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, President Obama instructed Holder not to defend the law. Two years later the Supreme Court struck it down.

     “Among many others, this year’s award recipients include those who have helped lead the fight to extend equal protection, and equal rights, to our lesbian, bisexual and transgender brothers and sisters — from enforcing civil rights laws to securing a historic victory before the Supreme Court, the impact of which continues to radiate through courts and communities across the country,” Holder said at the ceremony.

     Comment: When five justices of the U. S. Supreme Court voted against DOMA, they openly and willingly redefined marriage that had been the Judeo-Christian standard for more than 4,000 years. Five black-robed justices — not chosen by the people —  snubbed their noses at the people of California who on two occasions voted overwhelmingly to defend traditional marriage and almost every state in the union where the voters upheld marriage laws. Now 29 states recognize same-sex marriages. And, one by one, federal judges are striking down marriage laws in the remaining states.

Franklin Graham: When Judges Overrule Will of People

     Rev. Franklin Graham, son of far-famed evangelist Billy Graham, said it’s a sad day in America when federal judges overrule the express will of the American people.

     “This is a democracy, and the people spoke, and we’re seeing that activist judges across the country are overturning the will of the people,” he told WCNC in Charlotte, North Carolina. “We saw that in California. We’re now seeing it here in North Carolina…”


After the Election  — Whoa! Say What?

     There is so much shame in politics but the politicians no longer try to hide their deceptive agendas.

     For instance, remember Bowe Bergdahl? The members of his platoon all said he deserted to the Taliban. Now the army has concluded its investigation. But it won’t announce their finding until AFTER THE ELECTION. Of course they are talking about the mid-term election on Nov. 4.


Obama vows by executive fiat to grant some form of amnesty to millions of illegal foreigners in this land, hence bypassing Congress and in violation of encoded law. But guess what? He plans to do it AFTER THE ELECTION.


A White House aide was involved in the prostitution scandal in Colombia where numbers of Secret Service agents and military personnel were caught with prostitutes. However, the White House will not announce its findings on the WH personnel until AFTER THE ELECTION.


Next year’s Obamacare premiums are expected to increase substantially but the Obama administration is keeping the increased cost in premiums a secret until AFTER THE ELECTION.


Finally, former CIA Director Leon Panetta said last week that on the night of the Benghazi attack, he told the President it was terrorists. Yet the President, Susan Rice, and Hillary Clinton for days told the American people the attack was due to an anti-Mohammed video. We can now expect a further report on the incident AFTER THE ELECTION.

Comment: The people in Washington must think WE THE PEOPLE are a bunch of suckers. Why are they hiding the truth from us until AFTER THE ELECTION? It’s quite simple. All of the above reflect on the leadership and the trustworthiness of President Obama and, hence, the democrats who are running for Congress.

     For instance, Obama treated Bergdahl like royalty and even gave up five terrorists for his release. Then, it was found that, more than likely, Bergdahl was a traitor. Embarrassment to the White House — and democrats.

     What about Benghazi? The President was in the midst of a reelection and had told the American people he had won the war against terrorism. So he had to concoct a story about Benghazi and the video.

     Then there is Obamacare and premiums are expected to rise exponentially next year. But the White House doesn’t want WE THE PEOPLE to know because it will hurt the democrats who passed Obamacare into law.

     Why is the President waiting to grant amnesty to millions of illegals? Because the vast majority of the American people oppose it and it would hurt democrats.

     Hence, we will wait until AFTER THE ELECTION for Obama’s shoe to drop on you.!


Do You Believe What Our President Says Anymore? The Bill Keith Report And Commentary