Thursday, March 31, 2016

Discipleship: Being The Right Leader, Having A Personal Touch

Discipleship.   Being the right leader, having a personal touch. by Reach More Now staff writer Milton Gillie in Australia

Milton Gillie is the Reach More Now staff journalist in Australia. He has been a friend of Ray’s for many many years and was his administrator all during Ray’s nineteen ministry trips to the land down under. Milton’s Christian walk is exciting. He lives what he lips and he walks what he talks. I see two kinds of people who will most want to read this article. First, those Christians who are witnessing and leading people to Christ. Second, those who have stopped going to church altogether because they have felt that they didn’t fit in. Join Ray for this important Milton Gillie teaching

What is discipleship and how do we do it?  What makes it work or fail?

Talk to any Christian and they will probably be familiar with the term “discipleship”.

Of course we all know that Jesus had 12 disciples, but do we really understand how that relates to us today?

If you have been around church for long enough, you will have most likely read some books on it,

heard a sermon or two about it, or even attended classes in your local church called “discipleship classes”.

My own church is at the moment experimenting with a different church program structure to enable a greater level of discipleship within the members of our congregation.

If the term discipleship is not one you are familiar with, the more common term “mentoring” is closest to it in meaning.

Before taking a look at what biblical discipleship is, first a description of what it is not.

Some will remember certain discipleship movements from a few decades ago that went way off the rails and turned into a type of cult where in the name of “discipleship” members had to submit their whole life decisions to their spiritual leadership.

Women had to phone their leader and ask if they could go shopping. If the leader said no, they stayed home.

Husbands had to ask their leader if they could take their own wife out for an evening. If the leader said no, the couple stayed home.

In short, all final decisions, however mundane, were made only by the leaders in the name of Christianity.

Sadly, the leaders were some of the best-known world-class Bible teachers of that day.

This was abuse and wasn’t “Christian” or Christlike at all. Instead of people being set free by the truth, they were being held in bondage by lies.

It had the exact opposite effect on those who came under its influence. Instead of maturing in Christ, the so-called “disciples” were being kept as spiritual infants.

Discerning people had nothing to do with this movement and got out of it as quickly as they woke up to what was being done to them.

Ever since this group disbanded many years ago, many Christians have shunned any form of discipleship or even the mention of the word.

This is unfortunate because based on some peoples extremes they short-circuited what is possibly the most important command of Jesus to His Church.

Another thing that discipleship is not, is a form of cloning.

The goal of discipleship is not to make a “mini me” out of those we disciple, but rather to inspire them to grow into their own gifting and calling and become mature in their faith.  If aspects of our own walk are imparted they need to be by being caught.

The problem that occurs when the goal is to reproduce a replica of the leader is that it never works.

It is also not scriptural.

The goal rather is to mentor, inspire, bring them to maturity in Christ.

I am reminded of the plot of the movie “Multiplicity” starring Michael Keaton.

His character gets cloned, but then the clones clone themselves.

The problem is that each new generation of clones become more defective.

We all need to be discipled into a first hand relationship with Christ.

My own journey in understanding discipleship began with my involvement as a university student with the Australian branch of Campus Crusade for Christ, called Student Life.

The group led by Bill Bright developed a great strategy of meeting in small groups to do Bible study, accompanied by a follow-up session by the leader with each group member one on one that would usually include a cold call witnessing segment – putting quote was can’t into practice.

Following my student days I worked for five years as a staff worker with a Students for Christ, a Pentecostal student ministry that began in the early 1980s.

While we had some doctrinal differences with Campus Crusade for Christ , we used an identical model in terms of discipleship.  We became the most successful ministry in the state of Victoria.

I was later involved with a cell church that ran a very similar structure.

Cell churches and groups are the most successful by far in reaching people and having lasting fruit.

One of the things I learned from Campus Crusade for Christ that has stuck with me ever since is the biblical understanding of the importance of discipleship.

I haven’t heard it taught better than them.

Their main teaching comes from Matthew’s version of the Great Commission in 28:18-20.

In the Greek language there is a concept of different types of verbs.

Within this passage Matthew records first Jesus stating His authority to give the command, then the command itself, followed by His statement of assistance.  The command part of the passage has four verbs in it.

You’ll remember from early schooling that a verb is a doing word.

These four verbs are what we are commanded to do as followers of Christ.

The four verbs in order are 1. Go into all the world, 2. Make disciples, 3. Teaching them and 4. Baptizing them.

When you read the passage in English the four verbs carry the same amount of weight, but not in the original Greek.

Greek has the concept of an imperative verb and a supportive verb.

The imperative verb, or primary verb as some refer to it, carries the main thought or action that the writer is expressing.

The supportive verb(s) carry a thought or action that enhance or assist the carrying out of the main thought or action.

In the passage the imperative verb is “Make disciples”.

In other words, everything that Jesus commands us to do should revolve around making disciples.

We do this by “Going into all the world”, by “Teaching” and by “Baptizing”.

Of course, there are many other scriptures that fill out how we do this.

2 Timothy 2:2 instructs us not only to “Make disciples” but to “Make disciplers”.

In other words train those that you disciple to make disciples of others.

The question is not should we be involved in discipleship, but “What is biblical discipleship”?

Along with many other doctrines and concepts from scripture, our concept of this has been shaped by our cultural.

Many churches only think in terms of having programs and meetings for any form of spiritual activity.

Discipleship is thought of in terms of running a class with the message on some scriptural concept.

And if it’s a small group, maybe some form of interaction between the members of the group.

But is that how Jesus taught His disciples?

I am not saying that all meetings big or small are wrong.  In fact, we are told not to neglect our gathering together.

I myself attend a fabulous church with fantastic large meetings and also small group structures.

Jesus regularly taught large crowds, and in the synagogues as well as going in to people’s homes.

But those He called His disciples were the ones He did life with.

I recently caught up with a good friend of mine, Sarah Ardu, who has been a missionary in Cambodia for 18 years.

Sarah and I had both worked as staff workers with Students for Christ.

We discussed our journey of revelation in Christ that we have been on and found a lot of common ground.

We had both come to understand the pure grace message of the Bible, and how works had been subtly woven into the doctrine that we had been brought up with and that we had taught in the past.

Sarah shared how she had for 15 years been planting churches using traditional methods.

She would have been considered a successful long term missionary.

Then about three years ago she discovered a radical new way of sharing the gospel using Buddha’s four Noble Truths to relate the

message in concepts that they could understand.

The initial response has been a response rate to the gospel hardly seen in cultures that have an understanding of the Christian message let alone those with next to none.

Although it is too early to provide definitive statistics, Sarah estimates that as many as one in five or six will give their lives to Christ on the first hearing of the message, with further decisions from those who don’t respond on the spot if contact can be maintained with them.

Along with a change in the way she shares the gospel, Sarah also changed her emphasis from trying to plant churches to creating a groundswell of discipleship.

Instead of building a church from a program base and then trying to disciple the members, she builds a movement of disciples from which can meet in church fellowship.

In relation to a clip by Francis Chan entitled “how not to make disciples”, which is available on YouTube,

Sarah wrote the following: “I suspect part of the disconnect is that the main model that churches have used to make disciples is to run a class, which is not something that just anyone can do on their own initiative.

Jesus modeled a way of making disciples that even illiterate people in Cambodia can do – in a nutshell – get into people’s lives and teach them to obey Jesus as you walk along with them.”

I have several books in my bookshelf on the subject of discipleship that have been used in the various discipleship groups and classes that I have been involved with over the years.

All of them have good teaching from writers who were passionate about seeing believers discipled into mature Christians.

But somehow Sarah’s statement rings true for every one of them.

Well-intentioned as they are, and to give them due honor, using and studying them has produced the most fruitful results in the body of Christ in the Western World. But in our day they have had not carried Christ’s power of generational ongoing growth.

This is, of course, is a general statement as there are some great churches that have succeeded more than most in discipling their members with their own methods.

What then is the key to seeing true biblical discipleship where we really go into each other’s lives and walk together down the pathway to Christian maturity?

I believe there are several keys required for an individual or for a congregation to see an explosion of discipleship in their world.

1. A theology if pure grace.  Most of us who have been in Church for any length of time have been brought up with a doctrine that is a mixture of grace and works.

The problem with this mixed approach is that it is unbiblical and creates a false halo around the leader that leaves no place for failure in the life of the believer.

When the leader who is discipling another person has a theology that says “I have to portray Christian perfection” it creates a mask of fakeness.

Not only does it cause the leader to be a hypocrite; it creates an unattainable destination for the one being discipled.

The leader will resist letting the disciple see the real them because they know they are not living up to what they teach.

The disciple either replicates the actions of the mentor and becomes a fake Christian too, or finds it too hard and drops out of being discipled.

A pure grace theology says my position is not based on my works but on Christ’s finished work on the cross.

Yes, He is working to bring me to perfection, but that is an ongoing outworking of what He has already made me.

I am free to share my faults and failures with those I am close to or working with.

The false doctrine of mixed grace has probably caused more people to leave the church than any other teaching.

2. Develop relationship-based, rather than performance-based, interactions with one another.

We live in a performance-based society in the west.  Our whole economy runs on performance and interactions.

The majority of people exchange a fixed number of hours each week for a pay-check.

We go to a shop and exchange money for goods.  This makes for an effective way to run an economy.

Our church services run with this time based pattern.

The service is scheduled for a set time each week where you come and invest your time in order to receive impartation and inspiration.  And there is a practical reason for running them this way.

But the culture of the New Testament valued relationship far above performance or time-based activities.

Indeed many cultures still run this way.

When I traveled to the Australian outback some years ago, I learned that church services there start when the people finally turn up, if they turn up that week at all.

Until we learn to care more about people and the state of their inner health than care about what they do, we will not successfully disciple them.

The Christian disciplines of praying and reading the Bible can easily be reduced to daily performance instead of a living relationship.

In the church I was involved with that practiced discipleship, we had a scheduled one-on-one time which we called “accountability”.

The idea was that we would encourage each other and keep ourselves accountable to each other for our walk with God.

I am now convinced that the only question we should have asked each other in such a session is “How is your relation with God and with others going?”

3. Understand that people are different and what works for you may not work for them.

There have been thousands of books written by people with a “Do it my way, or emulate my success formula”.

Most discipleship classes and programs have a methodology which they try to get everyone to follow in order to become a “true” disciple.

But the most effective discipleship teaching teaches principles, not rules to follow.

I have heard some people teach that you must establish a morning time with God in order develop your personal walk with God.

That works fine for morning people, but for night people it can have them struggling to wake up, meaning they end up either doing it legalistically or giving up. Many a “Christian grouch” exists because someone got up too early!

Rather a better approach is to find a time that works for each of them.  Understand what motivates each of them as individuals.

There is place for the Christian discipline of establishing good routines and spiritual practices, but unless it can become something each Christian really wants to do, they will always struggle with the unbiblical legalism involved in it.

4. Discipleship isn’t usually helped in large events.

Motivational speakers make a fortune speaking to large crowds, enthusiastically telling them how they can have the same kind of success the speaker has had by following the speaker’s methods, which of course requires you to buy their materials.

Yet statistically very few in the crowd apply the teaching and duplicate the success into their own life.

The church is no different.

Many churches continue to run conferences that are the Christian version of a motivational speaker. Providing those who attend with the speakers spiritual insights, motivation, and encouragement to become better Christians, everyone, of course, needs to buy the speaker’s books and audios to keep their momentum going.

This certainly guarantees the financial success of the speaker.

A couple of years ago I was sitting in a Masters of Wealth seminar with some friends.

All the teachers were excellent world class speakers providing first class information about building wealth.

One of the speakers made a point of stressing that before you invest in anything you should investigate it thoroughly.

But as one of my friends observed at the end of the session, the speaker said (as all of the teachers did) “Buy my materials now on special or you will miss out.”

Before you think I am against helpful conferences or reading books, I am not.

There can be lots of value in the excitement, motivation and learning in large events.

But unless any conference is used to bring you to involvement in real life, it will only bring a superficial non-lasting result.

I am stressing discipleship is not a mass activity, but an individually tailored learning done in small settings with flexible rather than rigid programming.

There may be a larger meeting such as a church service or a or a large class that delivers common teaching, but discipleship that lasts only really happens in small group discussions and one-on-one fellowship.

5. Informal learning is even more important than structured study.

Jesus taught His disciples through the normal course of their lives as they lived together for about three and a half years.

Everything that happened was an opportunity to teach a truth.

In fact the gospel writers wrote more about times of conflict and difficulty than they did about when life was smooth and

everything was rosy.

Jesus taught them when they were arguing among themselves (Luke 22:24-30).

He taught them when they were afraid of a storm (Luke 8:22-25) and when they didn’t have enough resources for the crowd (Luke 9:10-17).

Everything in normal life was teaching.  Not lecturing but impartation.  Truth is better caught than taught.

When Jesus taught them about servanthood He

did so by washing their feet John 13:4-17.

This point is probably the most crucial to the whole process of discipleship.

This is not an article about the best methodology for discipleship. You have to discern what is best for yourself.

There are many books detailing every methodology thought up.

The books I studied years ago all had great teaching and programs in them.

The point I want to emphasize is to get your principles right first.

 In our western world the biggest threats to effective discipleship are first all the activities that get crammed into our time,

and secondly the shift from community to individualism, or thinking “me” instead of “we”.

Spending unstructured time with each other can be seen as non-profitable in our modern fast paced society, where often life is a series of meetings and appointments.

Taking time to chill out might not be seen as a spiritual discipline by some, but they seem to forget Jesus did it often.

In summary we know discipleship is a biblical mandate that obedience to Christ demands we engage in.

But what we need to concentrate on is not so much programs and structures, but doing life with one another in both highs and lows, success and failure.

I don’t think I can improve on Sarah’s definition “go into people’s lives and teach them to obey Jesus as you walk along with them”.

If you want to know more about Sarah’s work you can find it from her web

If you would like to support the work of Sarah, you can do so by going

Discipleship.   Being the right leader, having a personal touch. by Reach More Now staff writer Milton Gillie in Australia

Discipleship: Being The Right Leader, Having A Personal Touch

Is Donald Trump In Danger?

Is Donald Trump In Danger?

This is Ray Mossholder.

Love him or hate him, any talk of assassinating Donald Trump is evil.

But stupid is as stupid does.

The headline on the front page of David Hodges’ website reads “The Trump Assassination Danger Zone Begins In September”.

He has even put a bloody picture on his front page of what Donald Trump would look like if he was shot dead.

The good thing is, most people don’t know who Dave Hodges is.

But everyone knows what the New York Times is.

That’s where columnist Ross Douthat wrote perhaps the stupidest newspaper article I’ve ever seen.

Ross was so proud of it that he tweeted afterwards “Good news guys. I figured out how the Trump campaign ends.”

And then he tweeted a link to a 1983 trailer of the 1983 movie The Dead Zone that shows an assassination attempt on a character played by actor Martin Sheen as he’s campaigning.

Thank goodness lots of Twitter followers have brains.

Douthat deleted his tweet the following day and apologized because of the huge backlash from those unfortunate enough to have read it.

For the New York Times to allow an article like that is not only totally irresponsible but incomprehensible.

Here’s a timeline:

December 2015 – Walmart puulls Rick Ross’s CD “Black Market” off its shelves after they discover Ross’s lyrics call for Trump’s assassination.

December 2015 – Social media begins to be flooded with “Assassinate Donald Trump”. It is still happening and Facebook calls it “free speech”.

March 3 – Emadeldin Elsayed, an Egyptian flight-school student goes online and threatens to kill Donald Trump. Headlines carry the story nationwide.

March 28 – (and I’m skipping a lot of other assassination threats and encouragement to kill him that has been made on the Donald) A tombstone was found in New York Central Park with Trump’s name on it.

Yesterday, March 30th, a rap song went viral on YouTube that carried the lyrics that the black group singing had a “chopper” which is an AK-47, in their trunk ready to kill Trump.

The teen in front was holding a shovel that presumably was meant to represent what they would use to bury the Republican frontrunner.

Donald Trump has been surrounded by security guards since last November. But no matter how watchful security guards are, it is tragically true that the president of the United States can be caught off guard and murdered.

And we live in the era of suicide bombers.

A beautiful day in Dallas turned into a nightmare on November 22, 1963, when President John Kennedy, riding in a convertible, was shot and killed, perhaps by more than one gun.

I watched that happen live on television. It was ghastly.

But John Kennedy wasn’t the first president to be assassinated while in office.

Abraham Lincoln, while serving as our sixteenth president, died at Ford’s Theater in Washington DC at the hand of actor John Wilkes Booth.

James Garfield, our twentieth president, was murdered less than four months after he took office. He spent another three months in the hospital before he died of his wounds.

Garfield’s killer was his speechwriter, Charles J Guiteau. Guiteau was subsequently hung two days before the first anniversary of the shooting.

William McKinley, our twenty-fifth president, died at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York, while attending the Pan-American Exposition.

McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist. He actually shot McKinley twice.

The first bullet actually ricocheted off either a button or an award medal on McKinley’s jacket and lodged in his sleeve.

But the second shot went straight into his stomach.

In fact, there have been more than twenty assassination attempts among 44 presidents.

Those presidents include Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.

Add to that the fact that George Washington was bled to death by his doctor; Zachary Taylor died of arsenic poisoning; and Warren G Harding also died of poisoning, perhaps at the hands of his wife.

So now I’m going to ask a no-brainer.

Can any person who is campaigning for president be assassinated?

Of course they can.

On June 5th, 1968, I had a bad case of the flu. So bad that I had to leave for home early from KEAR-fm in San Francisco where I was the news director.

When I got home, in spite of the flu, my wife and I watched Bobby Kennedy give a campaign speech.

I was still weaker and so I headed off for bed.

No sooner had I gotten into bed that my wife said “You’ve got to go back to the radio station. Bobby Kennedy has just been assassinated!”

I couldn’t believe it. I had just watched him speak.

I spent that fluish night updating his assassination every hour.

I’m convinced that had he not been assassinated, Robert Kennedy would have been elected president of the United States.

Until that awful night, Robert Kennedy had won every state that had already voted, including California.

It was directly following his victory speech in California that he was murdered.

With Bobby Kennedy gone, Richard Nixon became president of the United States instead.

On May 15th, 1972, in a campaign rally at the Laurel Shopping Center in Laurel, Maryland, former segregationist and Governor of Alabama, George Wallace was shot five times by a man who thought that would make him famous.

Wallace wasn’t killed but the bullets lodged in his spinal column left him paralyzed and in constant pain for the rest of his life.

That happened during his fourth attempt to be president. George Wallace was the frontrunner in the Democratic race at the time of his shooting.

Many millions of dollars are being spent to kill the campaign success of Donald Trump.

Everyone from Communist billionaire George Soros and Bill Ayers to the Republican Party elites, no matter who American voters want, there is a large gang of ooberr-rich people who wants to stop Trump because they know they can’t ever control him.

I can only urge you not to drink their Kool-Aid.

Let’s take a hard look at the complaints being made about Donald Trump and his campaign.

Donald Trump has a HUGE mouth that is full of insults, verbal attacks, and disgusting slurs. And what he doesn’t say verbally, he tweets.

I’ll give you that for a minute. But only for a minute.

The news media has been saying whatever it has wanted to say nonstop for many years.

So have our movies and are television.

The most-watched YouTube channels on Earth are channels that say whatever they want, no matter how crude, no matter how rude, and no matter how disgusting.

If I remember right, there’s something called the First Amendment that allows that in America.

So along comes Donald Trump. He says what he believes and what millions and millions of Americans believe. It’s refreshing.

And I’ve done a great deal of research before saying this.

If there is an American that is misquoted and lied about more than Donald Trump, I don’t know who he or she would be.

Yes, the things he says are often not politically correct. Hurray! Political correctness stifles learning because of the thought police.

Our universities are teaching its students what is right and what is wrong. And God help the students who try to disagree.

When five-year-olds are sent home from school because they playfully reshape their graham cracker to look like a gun that goes bang bang,

When boys and girls are told they aren’t necessarily boys and girls, they might be girls who are built like boys or boys who are built like girls,

When New York hospitals no longer list whether a child is male or female but instead ask their parents which they want it to be,

Etc. etc. etc.

It isn’t Donald Trump who bothers me, but those who enforce their Brave New World beliefs on everyone.

Remember when Ted Cruz said that Donald Trump was full of “New York values”? He is.

New Yorkers say things like “I’d like to punch him in the mouth!”

If you’re from some other state, you might not understand how that would be acceptable language for a president.

But it’s honest. It’s not spoken by someone who draws lines in the sand and then does nothing about what they swear they’ll do.

Donald Trump won’t need a Teleprompter. He’ll speak for himself.

The ones who complain that he is crude and rude also say that he is cruel and vindictive.

They point out that time he said John McCain is not a hero in his eyes.

But remarks about their Senator sure didn’t seem to bother Arizona. Trump won in that state by a landslide.

If you want someone who can be controlled by the same–old same–old political elites, don’t vote for Donald Trump.

Millions upon millions of voters have been applauding him with their votes in primaries and caucuses.

And if you really want to avoid hearing what’s crude or rude, sell your TV set and never go to another movie.

He is PG-13 at most, not R-rated.

To me, he is a new stranger in town that America has desperately needed – a walking talking can of aroma-therapy.

Am I telling you to vote for Donald Trump?

Am I telling you Donald Trump will make a great president?

The answer is no on both counts.

I don’t know what kind of president he would be.

But I don’t know what kind of a president Ted Cruz would be either.

I DO know John Kasich would be under the control of the good old boys of the Republican Party.

And unless you hate America, neither Hillary Clinton nor Bernie Sanders should get your vote.

Either one of them would bankrupt America. Hillary by robbing us blind and lying to us constantly.

And Bernie like Robin Hood, bankrupting whoever he considers to have too much money so that he can look like Santa Claus to the one percenters.

You would be caught in the middle and under either Hillary, who wants to keep doing what Barack Obama is doing, or smiling grandpa Bernie,

the land that I love will very soon turn into a third class country.

Finally, are you waking up to the fact that it’s the Party bosses and the delegates at the conventions, not you, who will choose the next president of the United States, no matter who you voted for?

That is, unless the person you vote for wins on the very first ballot.

So, as Hillary would say – “Vote for me and vote often!”

Is this the most unusual campaign season America has ever seen? No, it isn’t.

With the candidates involved are among the most unusual.

Not one of the five isn’t without strong enemies as well as strong supporters.

But only Donald Trump has the oober-rich spending many millions of dollars to stop him.

It is always most fun to shoot at a moving target.

All of the candidates to some degree are in danger because they’re running.

And all of America is in danger if the wrong candidate wins.

This is Ray Mossholder from the studio news desk of Reach More Now in Fort Worth, Texas. Stay safe.

Is Donald Trump In Danger?

Is Donald Trump In Danger?

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Ch 7 Meaner Than A Junkyard Dog

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Ch 7 Meaner Than A Junkyard Dog

Alphonso is rushed to the hospital after being beaten up because he is a Mexican.

The meanest kid in class is Pee Wee Fritz. He loves being mean. And he doesn’t want anybody to get close to him. Just his dog.

Willie finds out his mom is marrying Lance. He’s brokenhearted.

Alphonso and Tracey are nearly stopped from appearing at a talent show because of a broken guitar string. But it’s Goober to the rescue!

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Ch 7 Meaner Than A Junkyard Dog




Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Ch 7 Meaner Than A Junkyard Dog

Should Hillary Clinton Be Indicted? – Ray

Should Hillary Clinton Be Indicted?

This is Ray Mossholder.

Hillary Clinton said one year ago today that she had no classified information in any of her emails, and that all her Secretary of State-related emails had already been turned over to the FBI.

A couple of weeks later, David Kendall, Hillary’s attack lawyer, wrote a letter to a Representative you might not have heard of before then – Trey Gowdy – saying that all issues concerning her server were over because it had been wiped clean.

Shortly after that, David Kendall wrote another letter – to a House investigative committee, headed by Trey Gowdy, repeating that there were no more emails from Hillary’s “tenure as Secretary of State on the server for any review, even if such review were appropriate or legally authorized.”

In that letter, Kendall went on to say there was nothing that Hillary did that was worth investigating – in other words, her lawyer was saying that any supposed scandal related Hillary’s emails was much ado about nothing.

Kendall continued by stating what Hillary had done was “not an arrangement that is unprecedented or unique, but was a normal procedure carried out by tens of thousands of agency officials and employees in the ordinary course of their duties.”

Very soon, much of the media began to brand what was happening in the House investigation was nothing but a Republican witch hunt – a totally vicious attempt to throw a Republican pile of dirt on Hillary’s campaign for president.

Of course, Hillary’s lawyer doesn’t lie anymore than Hillary does. But what a difference a year makes!

What David Kendall wrote to the House investigative committee has proven to be totally false.

The problem seems to have started with a BlackBerry – something of her own that she wanted to keep and use so that she could manage the massive amount of email she received every day from everyone from supporters to colleagues to her personal friends.

It was her first day in office as Secretary of State and she told the Diplomatic Security Bureau of her desire.

They said no. They were concerned about hackers in foreign intelligence services that could easily find a way to hack her phone, and once hacked, could listen to all her calls.

But Hillary’s aides, the closest to her being Cheryl Mills and Huma Abrdeen, were and still are BlackBerry addicts. They tried every way they knew to fulfill their boss’s request.

As you’ve probably seen on television, an angry Hillary Clinton is not a pretty sight.

On February 17, 2009, Security Bureau members, technology specialists and national intelligence representatives met with Hillary to discuss how they could at all accommodate her.

Donald Reid, the Bureau’s senior coordinator for security infrastructure explained “The issue here is one of personal comfort for Hillary”.

No conclusion satisfied Hillary that day and the legal ban continued on her BlackBerry. Hillary, nevertheless continued to use it.

The server connected with her BlackBerry was in the basement of her home. It was totally vulnerable.

It was, surprisingly, The New York Times that broke the story about Mrs. Clinton’s email usage a year ago.

Almost immediately, the Associated Press exposed the use of her server.

From that time on, it is been all over the media.

There are several lawsuits from private groups against Hillary for violation of the Freedom of Information Act.

Hillary Clinton’s emails were not private at all.

The moment that was realized, the FBI became involved. In July of 2015, they recovered all but thirty thousand of her emails and then discovered a huge amount of classified material on Hillary’s “homebrew” server.

They recognized immediately that the way she had used her server had no precedent, was absolutely unique and had put many lives in stark danger.

All through the FBI investigation, Hillary Clinton has declared herself innocent of all wrongdoing.

In fact, Hillary points to her years as Secretary of State with pride and declares she has the whole world in her hands.

That just might be true. Considering the many millions of dollars our enemy nations have sent to the Clinton Foundation, she seems very much in touch with the whole world.

The biggest thing voters should think through is if they think those running for president who receive money from lobbyists know that they owe the lobbyists something big in return when they get into office, how much more does Hillary Clinton owe those same enemy countries of ours?

Nevertheless, have you been wondering, like I have, if Hillary Clinton is going to be indicted for her mishandling of emails while she was Secretary of State?

Well, this week I’ve done more than wonder. I’ve spent many hours doing research on everything that has unraveled so far with computergate that you, as a voter choosing the next president of the United States, should be fully made aware of.

The question I intend to answer because of what I’ve found is: “Should Hillary Clinton be indicted?”

Phrased another way “Should Hillary Clinton be elected to the highest leadership role in the world for the next four years as President of the United States?”

It is just possible Barack Obama was looking for a basketball player who would make a good challenge for him on the court. James Comey is 6 foot 8.

President Obama knew James Comey had also given a lot of money to John McCain and Mitt Romney in their separate failed bids to be president.

Part of the reason for that is that Comey is rich. Still another big reason for that is that James Comey is a Republican – a dyed in the wool Republican.

So why would President Obama appoint a dedicated Republican as the director of the FBI if it wasn’t that Barack wanted to improve his basketball skills?

Our president may have wanted him on the basketball court, but didn’t he know that James Comey might take Hillary Clinton to a court of Justice?

It was in 1913 that President Obama appointed James Comey to office. It goes without saying that being the Director of the Federal Bureau of investigation is a highly vital as well as prestigious position.

Comey’s assignment was well-deserved. He has been a tremendously successful prosecutor who is famous for bringing down high profile individuals for obstruction of justice and lying to the FBI.

James Comey has been doing that for more than forty years. His current focus of investigation is Hillary Clinton.

On January 22, 2009, one day after she became Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton signed what is called a “Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement”.

That agreement outlined criminal penalties and blocked any future government emails from “any unauthorized disclosure” of classified information.

To make it even clearer, every official email Hillary handled as Secretary of State was to be Top Secret.

Almost any American knows the name “Benghazi.”

On the very significant day of September 11th in 2012, only a few weeks before President Obama was elected for a second four years in office, a highly coordinated terrorist attack was launched against America’s Embassy compound in Benghazi, Libya.

The terrorists that night tortured and murdered our United States Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens. They also killed Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, plus two CIA contractors, Tyrone Woods and Glenn Doherty.

Only a few hours after their murders, Hillary sent a note from her personal, unclassified email server to her daughter Chelsea. It read “two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Qaeda like group.”

On the night of the murders, Hillary Clinton said directly to Libya’s president “Ansar as-Sharia is claiming responsibility.”

Although extremely clear videos of the attackers were shot while the terrorists burned our embassy down, only one man has ever been arrested for the attacks. He is Ahmed Abu Khatallah, al-Queda’s senior leader in Benghazi.

But Hillary, nor anyone else in the Obama administration, then told America what she told Chelsea, that an organized “Al Qaeda-like group” had been responsible for the four men being murdered.

Instead, a spin was put on the whole massacre in order to keep President Obama looking strong, since he and Joe Biden had been constantly boasting during their second campaign that they had Al Queda, and all the other groups like them, on the run. So, the Obama administration were all taught to tell the same lie. Namely, that a bunch of wild Libyans had been angered by a YouTube video that they belived dishonored Mohammed and so they attacked our Embassy compound and killed our four men.

That was what everybody who surrounded the highest office in the land was told to tell America.

And President Obama was reelected.

The private email Hillary sent Chelsea on her personal unclassified email server about the terrorists sat silently on her computer for several years.

Just a very few months into Obama’s second term, James Comey was appointed Director of the FBI.

Republicans were delighted to confirm one of their own to hold that high office.

Comey took to his job like a duck to water.

His track record is amazing. James Comey began his career as the Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division of the US Attorneys office for the Southern District of New York.

In that distinguished role, among other notable victories, he helped prosecute the Mafia kingpins – the Gambino family.

In 2003, Comey led the Department of Justice in convicting Martha Stewart for obstruction of justice and she did prison time.

He told told the New York Times “This criminal case is about lying – lying to the FBI, lying to the Security Exchange Commission and lying to investors. He said “Martha Stewart is being prosecuted not for who she is, but because of what she did.”

As I’m speaking, Hillary Clinton could at any moment be indicted by the FBI for releasing Top Secret classified information which the federal government defines as “information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.”

Any disclosure of Top Secret information is a serious criminal matter that would cause normal Americans to face prosecution and substantial jail time for perpetrating – putting national security in jeopardy, putting many lives in grave danger, and lying to the FBI.

That’s exactly what former four-star General David Petraeus, a distinguished hero in Aghanistan, was charged with when he “leaked” classified information to his mistress and biographer. For that, Petraeus was stripped of his four stars, put on 2 years probation and fined a hundred thousand dollars.

Twenty-two of Hillary’s emails included “operational intelligence” that involves espionage sources and methods. and that lives have been put at risk by Hillary’s mishandling of this information.

More and more classified Top Secret information has been retrieved from Hillary’s bathroom server – information that Hillary denied was on any of her servers at all.

Most countries with any power have spies. America is no exception. Every country with spies in other countries does everything they can to keep those spies from being found out.

But Hillary ignored doing that. Her emails included the true names of undercover Central Intelligence officers.

Worse, if things could be worse than that, Hillary exposed names of people working closely with the CIA, but not part of its paid staff. The danger she put them in can’t be overstated. And every time she did it as our Secretary of State she was in total violation of United States Federal Law.

Jack Kiriakou, a former CIA officer, was recently released from two years in prison for his disclosure of classified information which, in part, exposed the name of an Agency colleague who was working undercover.

If Hillary is indicted, it won’t be for who she is, but because of what she did.

CIA officials have said Hillary’s emails also included the names of foreigners who are on the CIA payroll.

About this, a senior Intelligence Community official said “It’s a death sentence. If we’re lucky, only agents, not our officers, will get killed because of this.”

You know, it makes me scratch my head and wonder, how any person who did that, whether they were running for president or not, could use the fact that they were Secretary of State as proof that they know how to do things overseas or at home.

At the very least from what she’s done, Hillary Clinton has blown the cover of many undercover agents overseas, careers have been threatened, and she has made many American secret agents and foreigners working with them absolute targets for the terrorists.

I’m asking you whether you are Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Independent, is the person who did these things the person you really want in office as the next president of the United States?

It is possible that America is about to see another Watergate kind of showdown.

If the Department of Justice Attorney General Loretta Lynch overrules an FBI recommendation to indict the Democratic frontrunner, a “new Watergate” certainly could erupt that would give Hillary Clinton the strong possibility of doing time.

And knowing what we all know about Hillary’s kind of “What difference does it make?” attitude, she won’t go gently into the night.

Joseph DiJenova, formerly the District of Columbia’s United States Attorney has said “The FBI is going to make a recommendation that people be charged and then Loretta Lynch is going to have to make the decision of a lifetime.…

I believe that the evidence the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless Lynch agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an Attorney General. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable.”

When the Watergate scandal broke on October 20, 1973, Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, Attorney General Elliott Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus resigned in protest, thoroughly disgusted with the lies President Nixon had been telling to keep the break-in secret.

There is absolutely no doubt that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a BlackBerry as her private email account and a home–brew server that she kept in her New York basement so that she could conduct official business while serving as America’s chief diplomat between 2009 and 2013.

Several, not just one, of her closest aides also used Hillary’s private server. Federal laws forbid this, but the laws were completely ignored.

The federal law requires government officials to strictly use government computers and government email accounts when conducting official business.

Hillary knew that and had sworn to agree with it.

Further, federal law demands that all government officials carefully, and in total privacy, preserve all official business.

When the discovery concerning Hillary’s emails came to light, Hillary absolutely denied that she had handled classified information on her computer.

But this immediately proved to be a lie.

In fact, more than a thousand of her emails were soon found to be classified.

That number is significant because as a Secretary of State who previously had had 25 years or more of handling classified emails, she knew what she was doing and that it was fully against the law.

In 2009, Hillary signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement that in part states “Sensitive Compartmented information that involves or derives from intelligence sources or methods that is classified or is involved in a classification determination…”

The truth is that Hillary Clinton and several of her closest aides read information “derived from intelligence sources or methods” nearly every day.

Another statement in the document she signed in 2009 reads “Nothing in this agreement constitutes a waiver by the United States of the right to prosecute me for any statutory violations.”

In short, Hillary Clinton is is far more guilty than Martha Stewart or David Patreus ever was.

Hillary, not Martha, carelessly put many human lives in grave danger because she has always lived beyond the law and didn’t care.

You may believe that I have been extremely harsh with this report. But not only do you need to know these things when you are voting, but they can all be proven without a shadow of a doubt.

And remember: Hillary successfully annihilated 30,000 emails the CIA or no one else will ever have access to.

One frustrated and furious Pentagon counterintelligence official said “everybody is mad as hell right now. The worst part is that Moscow and Beijing have that information, but the United States Intelligence Community maybe never will.”

So, will Hillary Clinton be indicted for what she’s done, knowing that she should be?

Well, remember that former President Clinton and Hillary are both very shrewd lawyers, and that Hillary is running for the highest office in the land. Both the Clinton’s have always lived way beyond the law.

As Bill famously said in defense of himself during his unsuccessful impeachment “It depends on what the word is is”.

This is Ray Mossholder at the Special Report news desk in Fort Worth, Texas. I’ll be back with more of Campaign 2016 soon.

Should Hillary Clinton Be Indicted?

Should Hillary Clinton Be Indicted? – Ray

Sunday, March 27, 2016

10 Answers for Skeptics Intro and Ch 1 Inside the Mind of a Skeptic

10 Answers for Skeptics Intro and Ch 1 Inside the Mind of a Skeptic

Dinesh DeSousa has written the introduction to this book. That should tell you enough about its greatness. Whether Dinesh is producing first-class documentaries or writing powerful books, this Indian born gift from God doesn’t put his name on anything that doesn’t wake humans up and learn the truth.

Alex McFarland is an author you may or may not know. Whoever you are, Alex can help you through this book. Do you have any friends who think you are weird because you’ve told them Jesus Christ is your Savior? Or friends who mock the Bible and especially you because you believe in what it says. I am so glad Alex McFarland has written the book that I’m going to share with you now. If you are hurting because someone is calling your Christian faith “just your dumb opinion”, here are the biblical answers to things they laugh at you about. By the way, if you are one of those mockers, I dare you to listen to what Alex and I have to say. Join me now. – Ray

10 Answers for Skeptics Intro and Ch 1 Inside the Mind of a Skeptic

10 Answers for Skeptics Intro and Ch 1 Inside the Mind of a Skeptic

The Case For The Real Jesus by Lee Strobel Challenge 1

The Case For The Real Jesus by Lee Strobel Challenge 1

A highly respected investigative reporter has to earn that respect. Lee Strobel has done that. For 14 years he worked for The Chicago Tribune and other newspapers. He was an atheist whose wife became a Christian. In an effort to help her not get caught up in a cult, he began investigating the biblical claims about Christ. As you’ll see in this book, he did an extremely thorough job. That’s what led him to be a Christian. Let’s see what Lee found – The case for the real Jesus. Ray will share it with you now.

The Case For The Real Jesus by Lee Strobel Challenge 1


The Case For The Real Jesus by Lee Strobel Challenge 1

Bernie Wins Big Tonight While Hillary Could Have Stayed Home!

This is Ray Mossholder.

Bernie Sanders blew Hillary Clinton off three state maps tonight.

Democrat caucuses in Alaska, Hawaii and Washington state voted Bernie all the way.

Just listen to these numbers:

Alaska: Sanders 81.6%/Clinton 18.4% Hawaii: Sanders 70.6%/Clinton 29.2% Washington state Sanders 72.7%/Clinton 27.1%

Bernie’s prediction a week ago was that since Hillary was no longer getting enough Southern black votes, he was going to win the victories in future states.

He is having the time of his life, so far proving his point.

Bernie Sanders picked up 36 more delegates, and in her defeat Hillary Clinton still picked up 11.

Totaling it up – Hillary has 1,243 delegates, plus 469 Superdelegates, for a total of 1,712. Bernie has 975 delegates, plus 29 Superdelegates = 1,004

To put that into perspective – Hillary needs just 671 more delegates to win the nomination. Bernie needs 1,379.

Hillary would have to be out of gas completely to lose now.

But in a humiliating night like this, her car definitely sputtered!

Bernie Wins Big Tonight While Hillary Could Have Stayed Home!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Jesus And Other gods by Ravi Zacharias: Intro and Ch 1 Climbing A Massive Wall

Jesus And Other gods by Ravi Zacharias: Intro and Ch 1 Climbing A Massive Wall

Outside of choosing either of my two sons to sit and listen to as they preach, I would most want to hear Ravi Zacharias. Born in India, he is my very favorite Christian apologist (not one who apologizes, but one who knows the biblical answers in defense of all attacks against the Bible and the claims of Christ.) Whether you believe the Bible or not, please listen as Ray shares Ravi’s teaching. You’ll see why Ray is such a fan of his and why you will soon be too. Ray will begin reading this book right now.


Jesus And Other gods by Ravi Zacharias Intro and Ch 1 Climbing A Massive Wall

Jesus And Other gods by Ravi Zacharias: Intro and Ch 1 Climbing A Massive Wall

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: The Last Week of Jesus on Earth

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: The Last Week of Jesus on Earth by Kenneth Boa and

As I record this live it is late evening on Good Friday. Let’s review together what the Bible says about the last week of Christ’s life, His crucifixion and His resurrection. I have never read it so beautifully written as in this book. Join me right now so that I can share it with you. – Ray

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: The Last Week of Jesus on Earth by Kenneth Boa and John Alan Turner

The 52 Greatest Stories in the Bible: The Last Week of Jesus on Earth

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Resurrection – It Defies Natural Law by Tony Perkins

The Resurrection – It Defies Natural Law by Tony Perkins

It Defies Natural Law

Tony Perkins is the President of the Family Research Council. Google him and subscribe.

In the spring of 1984, I remember reading an interview in the Baton Rouge newspaper with incoming governor, Edwin Edwards. This was several years before I entered the political arena — I was still working in law enforcement, and attending LSU, so I didn’t closely follow the routine political controversy. What grabbed my attention was Edwards’ response to a question asking if he believed Jesus died on the cross, was buried and resurrected.

“No,” Edwards responded. “I think Jesus died, but I don’t believe he came back to life because that’s too much against natural law. I’m not going around preaching this, but he may have swooned, passed out or almost died, and when he was taken down, with superhuman strength, after a period of time he may have revived himself and come back to life.”

To believe as Paul said, that God raised Jesus from the dead (Acts 2:24), is the key to our salvation. Such belief does in fact run counter to the laws of nature — as a result, those who believe it and openly confess it are then open to mockery and ridicule. But religion or politics that compromises essential truth to appease skeptics holds no hope for the present or the future.

The death and the literal resurrection of Jesus are just as essential in our redemption as His virgin birth and sinless nature. While the skeptics and critics may scoff at belief in the resurrection, there can be no victory over the grave for you and me without it. Take a few moments on this Good Friday to read the following piece on the resurrection from Rob Schwartzwalder, FRC’s Senior Vice President for Policy.

He Is Risen

The resurrection of Jesus was the most decisive, glorious, and astonishing event in history. Conceived in a virgin, sinless in nature, human in body, fully God and fully man, Jesus was raised to life, His body not resuscitated but renewed and transformed.

He could appear and, just as suddenly, disappear. He could ascend from earth and pass through walls and yet prepare grilled fish and urge one of His disciples to place his fingers in the wounds in His body. Only God can do all of these things.

Why? Why does His resurrection mean so much?

Before the resurrection came the cross. On the cross, Jesus bore the punishment for sin that each of us deserves. He “Who knew no sin became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (Christ)” (II Corinthians 5:21), and the Father poured His rightful anger at all human sin into His Son. Jesus’s physical suffering was unparalleled, but His inner suffering – experiencing the judgment of hell, the separation from the Father, on our behalf – was what purchased our redemption. Only an eternal and infinite being could experience eternal and infinite pain in time and space.

He bore the penalty for our sins so we don’t have to. He is our Savior – but He wouldn’t be our Savior unless He was a risen one.

Jesus’s resurrection proved that once His atoning work on our behalf on the cross was finished, the sinless God-man could not be held in the grave.

His resurrection also showed that Jesus’s claim to be God in human flesh was true. “The Resurrection serves as the … demonstration of the truth of His claims about Himself,” writes theologian R.C. Sproul. It was “an act by which the Father universally vindicates the authenticity of His Son. In this sense, Christ is justified before the whole world by His resurrection.”

Jerry Bridges served with the Navigators ministry for roughly 60 years. He went home to be with his Lord earlier this month at the age of 86. Jerry was not an imposing figure, or an eloquent preacher. He simply knew, deeply, the Risen One, and wrote classic books (The Pursuit of Holiness, “Respectable” Sins) that have helped hundreds of thousands of believers draw closer to the living Christ.

In 2008, Jerry wrote this about the resurrection:

The resurrection of Jesus assures us of our justification. Paul wrote, “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins” (I Cor. 15:17). If Christ were still in the tomb it would mean God’s wrath was not satisfied, and we would still stand guilty before God. But as Paul also wrote in Romans 4:25: “[Jesus] was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.”

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a fact of history. It provides the assurance of eternal life to all who will trust in Christ alone for their forgiveness. And it offers them the confidence of knowing there is a living Savior, Lord, and Friend Who “is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them” (Hebrews 7:25).

If there’s better news than that, no one has ever heard it. And here’s the most joyous thing of all: It’s true!

Happy Resurrection Day to you and your family!

The Resurrection – It Defies Natural Law by Tony Perkins

The Resurrection – It Defies Natural Law by Tony Perkins

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Ch 6 Merry Christmess!

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Ch 6 Merry Christmess!

Where there’s smoke there’s fire. It’s the house next door to the Guiiterrez family burning to the ground. Suddenly, on Christmas Eve, two little kids are left without any Christmas presents. So it’s Goober, Alphonso, Willie and Tracey to the rescue.

Goober’s wallet suddenly reappears and he realizes why it needed to be missing for several days.

But the Christmas spirit vanishes from Willie when he gets the news he never wanted to hear.

Join Ray now to put all this picture together.

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Ch 6 Merry Christmess!

Five Real Friends by Ray Mossholder Ch 6 Merry Christmess!

Are We Living In The End Times? By Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins Chs 3 and 4

Are We Living In The End Times? By Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins Chs 3 and 4
When two men spend their lifetime of Christian ministry studying every aspect of any biblical subject, they have earned your attention. You might or might not agree with them, but in fairness, whatever your doctrine about the end times is, you should pay attention to what they have researched. That’s why Ray continues with the third and fourth chapter of this very important and readable book. Join Ray now and he’ll share it with you.

Are We Living In The End Times? By Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins Chs 3 and 4

Are We Living In The End Times? By Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins Chs 3 and 4

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Trump, Cruz, Bernie, Hillary, all Win and Lose

Trump, Cruz, Bernie, Hillary, all Win and Lose
Results are finally in from Arizona, Utah and Idaho. It was an interesting night and since Utah voted by computer, the polls closed there just a couple of hours ago. Who won? Who lost? What, why, when, how, and who? Ray has all the answers. Join him now.

This is Ray Mossholder.

It’s official.. Bernie Sanders has won the Idaho Democratic caucus by a humongous amount and is also defeating Hillary Clinton in Utah.

Ted Cruz is overwhelmingly winning in Utah with only 60% of the vote counted, and Donald Trump has won in Arizona.

Hillary Clinton won only in the state of Arizona tonight.

Hillary was riding high last week when she swept five states, but the Vermont Senator tonight took some of the wind out of her sails.

Bernie’s two victories keeps him very much in the Democrat race, especially if he keeps on winning Western states with far less of a black vote.

Who would have ever thought socialism would be that popular in Mormon Utah?

One of the things that is giving Ted Cruz a huge boost in in Utah is his endorsement from Donald Trump’s arch-enemy Mitt Romney.

One of the things that may have cost Trump many votes there was when he quipped that Romney wasn’t a real Mormon. Mitt Romney is a hero in Utah.

Ted Cruz has so far received 69% of the Utah vote. And even John Kasich is beating beat Trump in that state with 16.8% for Kasich and a mere 14% for Trump.

The major issue that gave Donald Trump his victory in Arizona is his strong stance on building the wall to keep illegal aliens out.

It’s significant that Donald Trump’s unkind statement that he made about Senator John McCain not being a war hero appeared to have very little effect in Arizona.

With the endorsements of former governor Jan Brewer and Sheriff Joe Aiello, Donald Trump had a great night in that border state.

The Donald won 47% of the Arizona vote, Ted Cruz 24% and John Kasich 10%.

This means that Donald Trump won almost 2 votes in Arizona to every 1 for Cruz in a state with a very large Latino population.

In winning Arizona, a winner–take–all state, Donald J Trump picked up 58 more delegates. That means he now has 738.

Hillary Clinton won 75 more delegates by receiving 58% of the vote in Arizona to Bernie’s 39%. But Bernie swamped Hillary in the Idaho caucus, winning 78% of the vote compared to Hillary’s 21%.

Get out of there some of the pitch

So, where do they all stand tonight: The magic number for the Republican candidates 1,237. With tonight’s votes counted so far, remembering that Utah’s polls only closed a bit more than an hour ago….

Donald Trump has 738 delegates and needs another 499 votes to win on the first ballot at the Republican convention IF the Republican elites don’t change the rules at the last minute.

Ted Cruz still leads 774 delegates to outright win the Republican nomination. That’s more needed than Donald Trump has won already.

And John Kasich has no way to win the 1,094 delegates that he still needs. There are that many delegates left if he won every state from now on.

Hillary Clinton still has the need for the 1,169 delegates, since the Democrat magic number is 2,383. That, of course, isn’t counting her Super delegates.

And Bernie Sanders still needs 1,482 delegates.

Hillary has 362 Super delegates and Bernie has only 8.

And here’s where, since all of the attention by the media has centered on whether Trump and the large majority of American voters will be denied the nomination because of unfair rule changes….

The Democrats could care less how America votes because Super delegates are Democrat elected officials and other party insiders who are allowed to support which ever candidate they prefer, no matter who America’s voters want.

With no way to argue otherwise, the Democratic Party is profoundly unfair to its voters.

That’s because the Democrat elites believe they know far better than YOU do when it comes to picking the winning donkey.

Superdelegates of the Democrats can vote anyway they want to even on the first ballot.

One thing to watch for is a coming winning streak for Bernie Sanders. IF that happens, the Superdelegates might switch their votes from Hillary to Bernie.

That would lead Hillary Clinton did the exact kind of coronation loss that she had in 2008 when the Superdelegates voted for Barack Obama instead of her.

That’s why none of this will be over until the fat lady sings. And Hillary is working hard to keep the weight off.

And finally… Children are often confused by adults. Imagine their confusion inside a Jersey City, New Jersey, mall brawl.

The Easter Bunny was happy to have a child on his lap while a photo was being snapped.

But suddenly something else snapped and the little girl fell out of the Easter Bunny’s lap.

(If any children are listening right now, please know it wasn’t the real Easter Bunny, but just a man wearing an Easter Bunny suit.)

When the child fell on the floor and began to cry, Juan Jiminez-Guerrero began cursing at the man with the long white ears and then jumped on him.

The Easter bunny fought back.

You can see this whole brouhaha on Twitter.

Kassim Charles, alias the Easter Bunny, threw off the whole top half of his costume and his white bunny gloves and began punching while the little girls dad engaged in fisticuffs with him.

The punching continued even after a security guard tried to separate them.

Can you imagine what the little girl saw from the floor? And the rest of the kids thought were waiting in line to sit on his lap of this raging rabbit?

I mean, how many kids ever see their dad fighting the Easter Bunny? Especially an Easter bunny that can shed its skin.

Police had to break up the two. Both were charged with aggravated assault and disorderly conduct.

At the jailhouse it was discovered that both men also had prior warrants for their arrest.

As I said, children are often confused by adults.

I wonder if this little girl will trust Santa Claus this year, or if any of the other kids will.

Anyway, the mall has a new Easter bunny today.

Trump, Cruz, Bernie, Hillary, all Win and Lose

Trump, Cruz, Bernie, Hillary, all Win and Lose

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Are About To Win

 Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Are About To Win

Arizona, Utah, and Idaho are voting today. Idaho is strictly for Democrats because the Republicans already have gone through a caucus there. How important is all this anyway? Ray has the answer. Join him now.

This is Ray Mossholder.

I remember the day I was playing hide and go seek with Jimmy and Teddy Llewellyn. I was ten.

We were playing indoors and I have found a great place to hide. At least I thought it was.

Much slimmer than I am today, I was able to scoot under the Llewellyn’s living room couch.

But as I did, I struck a hard object also under that couch.

Wondering what it was, I climbed back out from under the couch, dragging it with me.

It was just what I’d asked for for Christmas – a beautiful white scooter.

There was a label on that scooter and I read it.

“From mom and dad to Ray”.

I quickly scooted it back under the couch.

On Christmas Day, I didn’t want to disappoint my parents.

I let them sit down at the Christmas tree before I came out to join them.

That may have been the day that I became an actor.

I dropped my mouth open and exclaimed “Oh, a scooter!” and continued my performance to both my parents joy.

They were happy. I was happy to get the scooter. But in reality, I already knew I would have it and it kind of spoiled things for me. The element of surprise was gone.

I’ve told that whole story to tell you that the element of surprise is gone in the voting being done today in Utah and Arizona.

Few people will be glued to their TV sets to watch the inevitable. Donald Trump will win Arizona by more than twenty points and Ted Cruz will win Utah by the same amount of points.

Still, unlike my scooter, there is a surprise element yet to be uncovered.

Will Ted Cruz get 50% of the vote in Utah?

If he does, he will win all of the states forty delegates. And he needs them badly.

Beginning today, Ted Cruz has to win 80% of all the remaining states that haven’t voted in order to have enough delegates to win the nomination up right on the first ballot at the Republican convention.

Donald Trump only needs 54% of the remaining states to sew up his nomination UNLESS the Republican elites change the rules at the very last moment.

And that is a possibility.

But for today, in the winning the state of Arizona, he will receive fifty-eight more delegates to add to his vital treasure chest of delegates already pledged to him for the first convention ballot.

And if Cruz had come up with 50% of the vote or more, Trump will get some of the delegates, however few, from Utah.

Part of Donald Trump’s vote loss in Utah will be because of his committing the unpardonable sin.

He said that Mitt Romney wasn’t really a Mormon.

Joke or not, Utah takes Mitt seriously, and Trump’s remark sat very poorly with many Romney admirers.

Isn’t it amazing how little it would take to cause any candidate to lose and for us to end up with a very different president.

Ironically, two huge states that vote very late in the process could be the deciders of Donald Trump’s future – the state of California and the state of New York.

Both have a huge amount of delegates to release and this horserace is far from over.

California is a winner take all state and offers 172 delegates to the highest Republican vote getter.

New York offers 95 delegates and again splits its districts then divvies up the delegates according to the results in each district.

One state is only holding a Democrat caucus since the Republican caucus there occurred on March 8. Idaho.

The Potato State hasn’t had a poll taken on it in over a month. That’s like having none at all.

Either Hillary or Bernie could win there.

I’ll have results in these three for you races when they are all in.

From the Conservative Daily

A lot of people have brought up the fact that they won’t vote for Trump if he’s the eventual nominee. I just want to put something in perspective.

Justice Scalia’s seat is vacant. Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer is 77, and Thomas is 67. Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court retirement or death occurs after 75.

These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years. The next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology.

Think about that… 7-2. If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation. 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are seemed to be lacking in mandate.

Hillary has made it clear she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd Amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision stating that the Court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms. Period.

Everyone saying that they won’t vote for one candidate or the other if they are the GOP nominee, please realize this. If Hillary Clinton wins and gets to make these appointments, you likely will never see another Conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life. Ever. Now, this is scary!

If you are a Conservative, a vote for anyone but the GOP nominee, whomever that will be, is a vote for Hillary Clinton.

And finally….It was in Switzerland that I ate my one and only serving of escargot.

I was told by the waiter before I ordered them that escargot – which comes on your plate looking exactly like garden snails – are actually specially grown for eating.

My friend with me at the table was gulping them down as if they were better than Switzerland’s best wine.

I found they basically tasted like garlic. Though it ate the plateful, I wasn’t really grateful.

I felt the same way about caviar.

I was a drama teacher in Walnut Creek, California, and one of the other teachers on a French restaurant in Berkeley.

He brought the caviar for a special occasion among us teachers.

I watched several of them take a cracker or some bread after putting some caviar on their plates, dipping into it and knew that they were happy as clams (if clams are happy!)

I did the same thing with my plate, dipped bread into it, and gagged.

I’ve never had caviar again nor would I.

But now I’ve found something that rich people say tops both escargot and caviar. Fried cow brains!

This is the new rage in Rome among the elite. But it has spread to the commoners (not cow maneuers, commoners).

Food outlets are now selling it to a demanding crowd.

The elite call it a gastronomical delight. They can’t get enough of it.

And since you cannot buy it on the street from food vendors, fried cow brains are at the top of Italy’s charts.

I am sure that no matter how good the taste, I will never try cow brains.

Why not, you ask. Because “You are what you eat.” And not one Italian has claimed to be any smarter because of eating them.

Let me put it this way: I will never be in the mooooed for cow brains.

This is Ray Mossholder at the Campaign 2016 news desk in Fort Worth, Texas. I’ll be back with a full report on today’s voting sometime tonight.
This is Ray Mossholder.

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Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Are About To Win